Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 200 I don't want to be a vase, I want to be a good wife

"Qiu Ya, do you have anything to ask me?"

Zhao Shanhe asked with a smile.


Li Qiuya bit her lip, raised her head and said, "Shanhe, I really want to tell you something, but I'm afraid it's inappropriate, so I don't know whether I should say it or not."

"Qiuya, we are husband and wife, we can't say anything. Your business is my business. If you have anything to say, just talk about it. Don't keep it in your heart."

Zhao Shanhe lifted the hair hanging from Li Qiuya's ears, and said tenderly.

"Well, then I'll say it." Li Qiuya's cheeks flushed slightly.

"Speak!" Zhao Shanhe nodded.

"What I want to say is that if you go to see that Liang county magistrate tonight, no accident, he should want you to invest in Nanjue County. If you really talk about this, I think you can Promise."

Li Qiuya hesitated and said.

"Qiuya, why did you suddenly think of this?" Zhao Shanhe asked curiously.

"It's very simple. I think with the development speed of our Shanqiu Food and Hetu Manufacturing, the current factory building is definitely not enough. We must expand the scale."

"If it is said that Nanjue County is willing to provide preferential policies, building a factory there is not a construction. Besides, this is your home, and you can be regarded as supporting the development of your hometown. It is good to say that you are famous."

Li Qiuya blinked her eyes and said.

"I didn't expect you to think of this. Don't worry, I will follow what you said."

Zhao Shanhe stroked Li Qiuya's hair, and said with emotion: "My Qiuya has grown up and has a different vision."

"Fuck you, you make me sound like a child. Let me tell you, after I go back this time, I still want to enroll in an adult college and learn more culture, what do you think?" Li Qiuya said with a smile.

"Support, unconditional support. Qiuya, I'm really surprised and very happy that you can think like this."

"You must know that our business will only grow bigger and bigger in the future, and you have to grow up to be able to handle it." Zhao Shanhe nodded and said.

"Ok, I know!"

That's what Li Qiuya thought in her heart.

She doesn't want to be a vase, because the vase is just a decoration and will be eliminated one day. If she wants to be a vase, she must be Zhao Shanhe's good wife.

"By the way, Shanhe, what are you going to do with that uncle and aunt?"

After talking about this, Li Qiuya asked.

"You, don't worry about it. Let's go. I'll take you around the back mountain. It doesn't snow. If it snows, we can still catch hares." Zhao Shanhe waved his hand.

"Really, are there any hares here?" Li Qiuya was full of curiosity.

"Then you think, let's go."

Sijichun Hotel in the county seat of Nanjue County.

In the box sat Dong Qizhi, the director of Qizhi Manufacturing, who was talking with a man with a smile on his face. This man was wearing a black Chinese tunic suit and a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

He is Liang Xuefeng, the deputy magistrate of Nanjue County.

"Old Dong, it's up to you whether you can persuade Zhao Shanhe to come to our Nanjue County to invest in construction this time."

"I'm telling you, as long as this Zhao Shanhe can come, it is definitely an opportunity for us in Nanjue County." Liang Xuefeng said while stroking the teacup in front of him.

"Yes, I know that Zhao Shanhe is very powerful, but county magistrate Liang, isn't what you said a little exaggerated?" Dong Qizhi raised his eyebrows slightly.


Liang Xuefeng waved his hands and said seriously, "You don't know what happened at the Canton Fair in Shencheng. This Zhao Shanhe is simply amazing, even the provincial leaders are amazed."

"That is to say, he is from Nanjue County, so we can get some credit. Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to come to him to talk about attracting investment. You don't know how many people are eyeing him."

"This is also the Chinese New Year. When the Chinese New Year is over, you will see that many leaders will definitely come to your door. Among other things, we in Handong City will be the first to look for him."

"County Liang, what kind of magical method is this god you are talking about? Could it be that Zhao Shanhe has won a few orders? If that is the case, you shouldn't be so excited, right?"

Dong Qizhi asked in surprise.

"How many orders?"

There was a mysterious smile on the corner of Liang Xuefeng's mouth, "Old Dong, come and guess, how many orders do you think someone like Zhao Shanhe can win at the Shenzhen Canton Fair?"

"If you want me to say it, it must be 100 million!" Dong Qizhi thought for a while and raised a finger.

"100 million?" Liang Xuefeng shook his head.

"That's right, 100 million is not a small amount. My factory can't make so much money all year round, so let's make it a little less, 50? It can't be any less. If it's less, you won't be Zhao Shanhe." Dong Qizhi continued.

"You, I still don't understand Zhao Shanhe, let me tell you, this number!" Liang Xuefeng said, drawing a six and a one.


Dong Qizhi suddenly realized: "That's really not a small amount, and he can make a lot of money. No wonder he can afford a car."

"What 160 million!"

Liang Xuefeng pouted speechlessly, and said with emotion: "Shanqiu Foods has won an order of 600 million! Hetu Manufacturing has won an order of 1000 million! The two add up to 600 million!"

"I said one is 1000 million one, six is ​​600 million six, what 160 million, what do you think?"

After hearing this, Dong Qizhi was stunned on the spot.

His heart beat faster and his lips trembled as he said, "Sixteen million! My God, how much does that cost?"

"Who said it wasn't that? That's why I said that if Zhao Shanhe can be brought to our Nanjue County to invest in construction, it will definitely drive the economy of our county."

"I have to thank you for talking about this matter. I was thinking about how to contact him, but I didn't expect you to find an opportunity. It's the same sentence, old Dong, since you and Zhao Shanhe are business partners, you have to help Say good things about our county." Liang Xuefeng followed suit.

"Yes, yes, magistrate, I will, I will definitely." Dong Qizhi was a little lost.

600 million!

Is this still something humans can do?

Then his own factory, wouldn't it also have to develop accordingly!

While the two were talking, Zhao Shanhe came to the outside of the box, knocked on the door and opened it to come in.

"Boss Zhao is here!"

"County Liang, we meet again."

Seeing Liang Xuefeng standing up to greet him, Zhao Shanhe stretched out his right hand with a smile.

The two simply shook hands, and Liang Xuefeng called Zhao Shanhe to sit down.

"Yes, this is the first time we've met since we parted ways at the Canton Fair in Shenzhen. Mr. Zhao, on behalf of the people in my hometown, I welcome you home for the New Year. I hope your career will prosper and you will make a lot of money."

Liang Xuefeng's words were on his lips, and he would come when he opened his mouth.

"Thank you, County Magistrate Liang, for your concern, and I wish you all your wishes come true in the New Year, and you will be promoted every step of the way."

Zhao Shanhe was familiar with such scenes, and quickly chatted with Liang Xuefeng, and the two of them went straight to the topic without saying anything, talking about attracting investment, but chatting about the customs and customs of Nanjue County.

After drinking for three rounds, when the atmosphere was thick, Dong Qizhi suddenly raised his glass and said something to Zhao Shanhe.

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