In front of the shaved ice stand.

"Hey, I said who asked you to set up a stall here?" Sun Tianliang shook his head after walking over, and asked eccentrically.

"Who are you?"

After hearing this, Zhao Shanhe put down the mold in his hand, raised his head and glanced at the other party, raised his eyebrows slightly.

"You don't need to know who I am, just know that someone wants to see you. Come on, follow me to the barbecue stall over there."

Sun Tianliang pointed to the front and said.

"Barbecue stand?"

Zhao Shanhe followed Sun Tianliang's fingers and saw Bi Yuntao sitting there in uniform.

It turned out that he didn't know who Sun Tianliang was, but he knew Bi Yuntao. After all, he was the manager of the Malu Street Night Market.

"You mean that Bi Yuntao wants to see me?" Zhao Shanhe said casually.

"Boy, you can call Brother Bi's name. Hurry up, go there! Otherwise, be careful and confiscate your broken tricycle." Sun Tianliang shouted pretendingly.

"Okay, let's go."

It happened that no one would be there, so Zhao Shanhe put down the guy, got up and walked towards the barbecue booth. After coming over, he looked at Bi Yuntao who was sitting like a big horse with a golden knife, and smiled lightly.

"Brother Bi, I heard you were looking for me?"

"Yes, I'm looking for you!"

Bi Yuntao pointed to the bench in front of him with a smile, "Sit down and talk."

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe sat down naturally.

"Zhao Shanhe, right? Your shaved ice stand is quite popular. I never thought that a small piece of shaved ice could turn out to be the best business in our night market. It's amazing." Bi Yuntao praised by clapping his hands.

"Brother Bi was joking, what do I call it, a small business, just to earn money to support the family." Zhao Shanhe said lightly.

"Is it just to support the family?"

Bi Yuntao shook his head and said, "You don't call it a breadwinner, and don't say that you are a small business. If you say that, other people are nothing."

"Not to mention anything else, you have been working in this night market for a week, right? This week, let's say you have to earn thirty to fifty dollars a day! You need more than 300 yuan a week. More than 300, which is equivalent to half a year's wages for others .”

"One week is equal to half a year, tsk tsk, your business is very good!"

"Zhao Shanhe, as the saying goes, the most taboo thing in doing things for others is eating alone, don't you think so?"

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Shanhe pursed his lips and smiled, noncommittal.

Seeing Zhao Shanhe like this, Bi Yuntao's expression suddenly turned cold.

"Zhao Shanhe, I am the manager of the Malu Street Night Market. As long as there are stalls here, I will take care of them. Why don't I remember that you registered with me?"

"If you say no, you can't continue to set up a stall here."

"Brother Bi, although I said I didn't do it with you, but I did it with the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. Not only did I do it, but I also did it for half a year."

"In other words, from now on, that position will be used by me for half a year. If you don't believe it, this is the proof."

Zhao Shanhe took out the lease certificate while talking.


After seeing the seal of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, Bi Yuntao was dumbfounded.

How can it be?

Zhao Shanhe actually rented that piece of land a long time ago?

How can you deal with him openly?

Seeing Bi Yuntao's deflated expression, Zhao Shanhe couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

He is a little lucky now, glad that he completed the certificate in time, otherwise, today would be troublesome.

And he will do this in advance because he has the foresight to know that it is best to go through formal channels for such things, and don't think about engaging in guerrilla warfare, anyway, it won't cost much.

After all, he has seen a lot, those small merchants and peddlers in the later generations are chased away by the urban management all day long.

"Good boy, you are quite smart!"

After Bi Yuntao returned the certificate, he looked at Zhao Shanhe and said with a cold expression, "Don't think that you can rest easy with such a document."

"Let me tell you, I still have the final say on this street, and the county magistrate is not as good as the current one. You should understand, right? There are only two roads in front of you now."

"First, you pay me fifty every month."

"Second, pack your bedroll and get the hell out of here!"

"Brother Bi is right, you either have to pay the management fee, or get the hell out of here." Sun Tianliang shouted brazenly.

Zhao Shanhe glanced over coldly, and said bluntly: "Management fee? What kind of management fee do you consider? I have handed over the money that should be paid by me to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. If you want it, Go to the Trade and Industry Bureau to ask for it!"

"I don't deserve the money I paid, I won't take a cent!"

"Bi Yuntao, do you know what you're doing? It's abusing power, taking bribes, and oppressing the people. If I report it, you'll never get out of prison for the rest of your life. You'll be out of prison!"


When Bi Yuntao saw Zhao Shanhe's appearance, he was so angry that he blew his beard and stared at him on the spot, but there was really nothing he could do.


Don't be funny, he didn't dare.

Don't say that it is under the watchful eyes of everyone, even if it is a sap thing, he dare not do it rashly.

Why?Because the crackdown in the past two years is still spreading, as long as he dares to do this, he will definitely be arrested as a typical example.

He didn't want to go to jail, let alone get shot.

He also knew that it was for this reason that Zhao Shanhe dared to fight back so confidently.

"Boy, why are you making it clear that you want to confront us, Brother Bi? Do you know what will happen if you do this?" Sun Tianliang threatened viciously.


Zhao Shanhe glanced at the past dismissively.

Is it true that I am a rookie who is just fledgling?Is it because you can scare me with a few words?You still threaten me, can you threaten me?

"I have paid the rental fee, and the land is mine, as long as I know it. As for the end you said, I'm too lazy to care about it."

"However, I would like to advise you, don't think of retaliating against me by taking crooked ways, otherwise the laws of the country are strict and you will not be allowed to provoke. Two, if you are all right, I will go back. There are still guests waiting over there."

After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, he got up and left.

"Damn things!"

Watching Zhao Shanhe leave like this, Sun Tianliang spat hard on the ground, and said indignantly: "Brother Bi, do you think this Zhao Shanhe is tired of living, and dare to talk to you like this? Do you want me to talk to you?" Find two brothers and teach him a lesson!"


Bi Yuntao shook his head, his eyes flickering uncertainly.

"Listen to me, don't think about doing it every now and then, it's not like you don't know about crackdowns."

Fight hard!

Hearing these two words suddenly, Sun Tianliang shrank his neck in fright. He was afraid of severe punishment.

"Then what shall we do?"

"How to do?"

Bi Yuntao looked at the tricycle opposite, gritted his teeth and said, "copy!"

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