Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 1039 This little girl is interesting

The most suitable partner.

Zhao Shanhe shook his head and said unhurriedly: "Not yet."

It's not hiding something, it's really not finalized.

Hearing what Zhao Shanhe said, Gu Qianzhou didn't continue to ask. After the three of them talked about things again, Gu Qianzhou said goodbye and left.After sending him back, Liu Benhui shrugged helplessly.

"It's not easy for Lao Gu. He will try to win this order, not for his own self-interest, but for the workers in the tractor factory to have a better life."

"I can understand."

Zhao Shanhe is very open to this matter.

It's normal for businessmen to want orders, but it's abnormal for those who don't want them.Not to mention Gu Qianzhou, if I were in his position, I'm afraid I would be more eager than him.

"It's best if you can understand. Let me tell you, although I'm also from Qingshan City, when it comes to personal connections, I'm far behind Gu Qianzhou. After all, he is from a state-owned enterprise. He's had a job under his hands."

"That's why he found me as a lobbyist, and I agreed."

"It's not for anything else, just for Meng Dairy to gain a firm foothold in Qingshan City, and I will do the same. Of course, what you said just now is very upright, and it can bet on Lao Gu's mouth, and he has nothing to say Say."

Liu Benhui's explanation let Zhao Shanhe know what he was thinking at once.

It turned out that it was also for the development of Mongolian milk industry.

"Teacher, I know this very well. Even if this project fails, when the scale of the tractor factory expands, I still have more products to cooperate with them." Zhao Shanhe nodded and smiled.

"That's good, let me tell you about the sales of Yougu Dojo." Liu Benhui followed the conversation.


"Yougu Daochang has already occupied the entire northern instant noodle market. Next, our sales target will focus on the south. We have also done research on the southern instant noodle market before that. What is certain is that as long as we enter, It is definitely able to open up the market in the shortest time..."

It has to be said that Liu Benhui is a professional manager who was delayed by teaching.

Under his management, Yougu Dojo is developing in a blowout manner.

Although it is said to be a latecomer, it has firmly occupied the position of the number one sales king in the Shanqiu food system.

"Where's Master Kang?"

After listening to Liu Benhui's report, Zhao Shanhe nodded in satisfaction, and raised his hand to ask, because he knew that an instant noodle company like Master Kang would never give up.

As long as they are given a chance, they will rush forward like jackals, trying to tear a few pieces of flesh from Yougu Dojo, so they must be guarded against.

"Master Kang's side is fine. At present, they are guarding the sales market in Jinmen, and then seeking other cities. I heard that they are planning to launch a large-scale publicity event, and the form has not yet been determined."

Liu Benhui also regarded Master Kang as his biggest opponent and was on guard.

"promotional activity?"

Zhao Shanhe narrowed his eyes and said with a sneer, "No matter what they do, keep an eye on them."


Just when the two were talking and laughing happily, Zhao Shanhe's big brother suddenly rang, and his face sank after answering.

"What did you say?"

"Brother-in-law, can you lend me some money?" Li Qiucheng's timid voice came from the other side.

"How much?"

"50 million!"

Li Qiucheng hesitated and said a number.

The moment he heard this number, Zhao Shanhe couldn't help but frown slightly. He can take out 50 yuan, but this is not like Li Qiucheng's style of doing things.

Why does he suddenly need so much money?

"Qiu Cheng, what happened?"

"No, it's just that I'm in trouble here and need a sum of money to solve it. Brother-in-law, can you help me this time?" Li Qiucheng begged.

"Qiu Cheng, it's not that I don't want to lend it to you, but you have to explain it clearly to me. In this way, where are you now, I'll see you." Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

"I'm at Qiufeng Hotel in Xianhua City."

"Xianhua City?"

Zhao Shanhe was a little surprised and asked: "Why did you go to Xianhua City? Aren't you supposed to be in Zhenghe County now, following Lao Gao to develop a blender? How did you get to Xianhua City so well? Is there something going on there? "


Li Qiucheng hesitated for a while, but he still didn't hide it from Zhao Shanhe. He also knew that this kind of thing could be hidden from anyone, but Zhao Shanhe couldn't. After all, he wanted to borrow money from here.

"Brother-in-law, do you know that I've been in love recently?"


"My partner is from Xianhua City. She is with me now. The troubles I encountered are related to her, so I need a sum of money to help her solve the troubles."

Li Qiucheng explained the matter in a few sentences.


It's fine if he doesn't talk about it, but when he talks about it, Zhao Shanhe's mood gets even worse.

Let's just say that it is impossible for Li Qiucheng to do such an outrageous thing, and he dares to have something to do with this object.But what kind of object is it that can make Li Qiucheng so fascinated that he opened his mouth to borrow 50 yuan.

"The Qiufeng Hotel in Xianhua City, right? Okay, you are waiting for me there, I heard that you are not allowed to go anywhere, so I will rush over there. What do we have to do, let's talk about it later." Zhao Shanhe said anxiously .

"Okay, then I'll wait here."

When Li Qiucheng said this, he suddenly paused, and then said awkwardly: "Brother-in-law, can you not tell our parents about this first, I am afraid they will be anxious when they find out. It is best not to tell my sister, I am afraid She scolded me when she found out."

"What are you thinking? When something like this happens, I have to tell your sister even if I don't tell my parents. Don't worry about it, just wait there!" Zhao Shanhe said noncommittally.

"Well, brother-in-law, then I'll wait for you!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe raised his head and said to Liu Benhui: "Teacher, I have something to deal with here, so let's end our conversation here. You finally come back, just rest for two days before returning to You Valley Dojo."

"I heard your call, is it about your brother-in-law Li Qiucheng?" Liu Benhui asked with a smile.


Zhao Shanhe responded directly.

"I don't know what's wrong with him. He just told me about his partner, and now he needs to borrow 50 yuan to help him solve his troubles. Teacher, you said that he said this suddenly, can I borrow money?" Give it to him? I'm always going to see what's going on."

"Yes, you are quite right, you must know what happened."

Liu Benhui stood up and said comfortingly: "But you don't have to worry too much. I know Qiucheng. I heard you said him before. He doesn't seem like a reckless and impulsive person. Since he said to borrow money, there should be a reason for it. Yes. When you get there, talk about it properly."

"I see!"

"Then I'll go back to Qingshan City first."

"I will send you."

After sending Liu Benhui away, Zhao Shanhe called Li Qiuya.Li Qiuya over there was originally in a meeting, but when she heard that it was Zhao Shanhe calling, she immediately adjourned the meeting.

But after hearing what Zhao Shanhe said, her expression changed on the spot.

"50! Is this brat crazy? What needs 50 to solve?"

"I don't know the specifics. I'm thinking of going to Xianhua City now." Zhao Shanhe said.

"I also need to go!"

Without even thinking about it, Li Qiuya said straightforwardly: "I'd like to see what kind of person is able to confuse this stinky boy, Li Qiucheng, so obsessively. He just opened his mouth and took out 50 yuan to help solve the problem. He doesn't Could it be that he was cheated by others? This brat must be obsessed with sex!"

Zhao Shanhe: "..."

"This matter is not as exaggerated as you think. It's not that you don't know Qiu Cheng's personality. He is not the kind of person who does things impulsively. Let's talk about this matter. It will be clear when you see him. If you go If you don't, I won't go to pick you up, let's go separately and meet in Xianhua City together."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements to rush over and meet at Qiufeng Hotel."

"it is good!"

After Zhao Shanhe hung up the phone, he called Cai Shishi up, and after a few instructions, he took Chen Ju away.The matter of the Meng Dairy Industry has been arranged anyway, and it can operate normally with or without him.

The same goes for Li Qiuya.


Qiufeng Hotel in Xianhua City.

In a standard room, Li Qiucheng slowly put down the teacup in his hand, looked at a woman sitting opposite with a frowning face, and said with a warm smile: "Xia Mo, you heard it too, my brother-in-law is coming, wait until he comes After that, the kind of things your family encountered will not be a big deal, with him, everything can be solved."

"Are you sure?"

The woman called Xia Mo, whose full name is Song Xia Mo, is a Xiaojiabiyu-shaped woman, wearing a long white dress, like a blooming lily.

The beauty on her body is natural, unstained from the mud, and it will make your heart beat just by looking at it.

If not, it would be impossible to say that Li Qiucheng fell in love at first sight.

However, such a woman is frowning at this moment, depressed.

"of course."

A confident expression appeared on Li Qiucheng's face, and he said proudly: "You haven't met my brother-in-law. If you have met him, you will know that I am right. If you know what he has done, You don’t need me to tell you, you will believe him yourself.”

"Is it that exaggerated? What you said sounds unreliable at all."

As Song Xiamo spoke, her mood became more and more depressed.

"You are also clear about our family's affairs. The trouble we encountered is not small. If we can't solve it, our family will be finished. You also know that my parents didn't like you at first. They thought I and you is inappropriate."

"If this happens again, they will definitely..."

Song Xiamo paused.

"Surely what?"

Li Qiucheng's heartstrings tightened.

"You don't want to say that you will definitely be married to the Tian family, do you?"

"Yes, you are right. You also know about Tian Jiaxiang. He has always been very attentive to me and wanted to marry me. And the Tian family is indeed very rich. In order to solve this problem, my parents are really will."

Song Xiamo's eyes became moist as she spoke.

"So? If so, what would you do?"

Li Qiucheng walked over and stood in front of Song Xiamo with a solemn expression.


Song Xiamo raised her head with tears in her eyes.

"I definitely won't marry Tian Jiaxiang! As for a person like him, I feel disgusting just by looking at him! But I don't want to make my parents sad, Qiu Cheng, what do you think I should do? If you are me, you What will happen?"

"woo woo woo woo!"

Song Xiamo couldn't control the emotions she had been holding back all this time, she collapsed on the spot, and burst into tears.She immediately hugged Li Qiucheng's waist, and tears wet his clothes.

"Don't worry Xia Mo, what you are worried about will not happen. Your parents' troubles, I will definitely solve them if I say so. And you are my girlfriend, I will never allow you to marry Tian Jiaxiang! You If you want to marry in this life, you can only marry me!"

Li Qiucheng put his arms around Song Xiamo's head, stroking it gently, and his soft words revealed an indomitable firmness.


Song Xiamo just cried.

Time soon came to three o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya came to the Red Maple Hotel almost indiscriminately. They are not too unfamiliar with Xianhua City, after all, Xia Wujia is from Xianhua City.After the two of them met, Li Qiuya came over immediately, grabbed Zhao Shanhe's shoulder, and spoke anxiously.

"what is the problem?"

"How would I know!"

Zhao Shanhe shrugged speechlessly, patted her on the head, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Qiu Cheng's tone doesn't sound like there's anything wrong. As long as it's something that money can solve, it's nothing."

"Come in quickly."

"it is good!"

After the two entered, Chen Ju stood guard outside.

A few minutes later, the two knocked on the door of the standard room.

"Brother-in-law! Sister, why are you here?"

When the door opened, Li Qiucheng's expression was a little stunned. He knew that Zhao Shanhe would come, but he didn't expect Li Qiuya to follow. She should be in Shanqiu Food, right?


Li Qiuya was about to scold her head and face, but just as she said the words, she saw Song Xiamo timidly standing beside Li Qiucheng, looking over with nervous and flustered eyes.

Wearing a white dress, she looked nervous like a lost deer.

"Sister, brother-in-law."

Seeing such a woman suddenly appearing in front of her eyes, and also calling her sister like Li Qiucheng, Li Qiuya swallowed the words on her lips.She glared at Li Qiucheng fiercely, walked over and held Song Xiamo's hand, felt the coldness from her fingers, and said softly, "You are Xia Mo, right?"

"Yes, I am Song Xiamo."

Song Xiamo nodded, and said obediently, "I'm Qiucheng's girlfriend."

"Sister, brother-in-law, this incident is all because of me. If you blame me, blame me. Don't mention Qiu Cheng. He also wanted to help me with good intentions, so he opened his mouth to borrow money. But Don't worry, I will definitely pay back the money."

Speaking of which, Song Xiamo took out a piece of paper from the table.

After hearing what she said, Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya couldn't help but look at each other.

This little girl is a bit interesting.

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