Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 1032 Is this really going to happen?

"Ha ha!"

In this slightly weird quiet atmosphere, Zhao Shanhe suddenly smiled.

He smiled so casually and indifferently, listening to his laughter and looking at his smile, even if you don't understand anything, you can feel his anger at this moment.

He seems to have lost faith in this place.

You opened your mouth and shut up and said that Huang'an County has a first-class business environment. I believed it. In the end, the law enforcement team of the Industry and Commerce Bureau came without moving their buttocks.

They know the law and break the law.

They want to cause trouble.

Okay, you said that you can handle it well and satisfy me, and you also said that this is just an example, and that such a thing will never happen again in Huang'an County.

So what do you say now?

Still the ass didn't move.

Even the previous voice was still echoing in the conference room.

But the result?

The result is that the people from your county health bureau came over aggressively again.

Will this be the end?Impossible, if there are fire brigades who come to check the fire department later, and safety supervision bureaus also come to check the safety supervision, can I just deal with these every day?

"Xiangyang, let them all come up, aren't they looking for the person in charge? I'm right here, waiting for them!" Zhao Shanhe looked out the window and said in a cold tone.


Li Xiangyang walked over directly, opened the window, and shouted at the people downstairs: "Don't you want to find the person in charge? Come, we are in the conference room on the second floor."

"Hehe, you are quite courageous, you dare to yell at us like this."

"Go, go upstairs and have a look."

"You guys hurry up and take out the seals, go over there and paste them! Remember, all workshops must be pasted up, and all construction sites must be stopped immediately to prevent them from continuing to work!"

This unscrupulous laughter echoed in the meeting room like this, and everyone could hear it clearly.

Bai Jianyuan's face was terribly gloomy.

He wanted to remain calm and show the majesty that a deputy mayor should have, but he found that he couldn't do it.

"Qian Junheng, is this your law enforcement team in Huang'an County?" Bai Jianyuan looked over indifferently.

Touching this indifferent cold light, Qian Junheng was so frightened that a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back, and hurriedly explained: "Deputy Mayor Bai, this is not the case, I can explain this matter, I..."

"Explain? How do you explain? What do you explain? Can you say that these things are all fake? Can you say that they didn't come here to provoke and find trouble? No investigation was done, no one was seen, and they just posted a seal when they came up. Well, your Huang'an County Health Bureau is so powerful!"

Bai Jianyuan was furious.


Qian Junheng was speechless.

Say what?No matter how much you say, it's useless. The facts are right in front of you. The more you talk, the more it is a sophistry.

"Director Zhao, please give me some time, I can handle this matter properly, I..."

Qian Junheng could only look at Zhao Shanhe.

After hearing this, Zhao Shanhe shook his head slowly, and said slowly: "Qian County, I'm not questioning you, but you just said that you can handle it well, and now it's like this, is this what I want to hear? What I want to hear is that it's dealt with, and what I want to see is that it doesn't happen again."

"Actually, I would like to ask you now, the Bureau of Industry and Commerce is followed by the Bureau of Health. Is this over? If not, which unit will emerge after the Bureau of Health?"

"This Huang Fenghua has so much energy!"

Huang Fenghua!

Hearing the name from Zhao Shanhe's mouth, Qian Junheng's teeth itch with hatred. He was really cheated by Huang Fenghua.

Just when he was about to explain, footsteps sounded outside the door, and a few people who were still showing off downstairs just now rushed into the conference room.Before the person arrived, the voice came first.

"Wang Chao, Ma Ruiping, where are you? Didn't you say you are here? Hurry up and get this done, so we can go and rub it twice."

Rub twice?

Qian Junheng was completely speechless.

This is the end.

Bai Jianyuan's eyes were narrowed into a line, and he stared at the few people who walked in with cold eyes, and his eyes fell on the guy in the lead, sneering again and again.

"Old Wang, old horse, you..."

The leading man started yelling as soon as he walked in, but when he saw Qian Junheng and Bai Jianyuan, his words stopped abruptly, and his face flushed red as if he was suddenly strangled by the neck.

"Deputy Mayor Bai!"

"Qian County!"

"Why are you here?"

"Who are you?" Bai Jianyuan asked with a piercing tone.


The man quickly said: "Vice Mayor Bai, I'm Liao Qingfeng from our Huang'an County Health Bureau, I..."

"You, you, I don't care about what you want to say at all. I ask now, and you answer. If you dare to hide half a sentence, dare to lie, wait for the organization to deal with it!"

Bai Jianyuan didn't give Liao Qingfeng any time to react, and asked decisively, "What do you do in Meng Dairy?"

"We are here to check the health and safety situation." Liao Qingfeng replied subconsciously.

"Health and safety? Do you need to check here? Didn't you issue the health and health license here?" Bai Jianyuan pointed to the certificate hanging on the wall and asked coldly.


Liao Qingfeng was speechless for a moment.

"Can't you answer it? Let me ask you again, did you come here at the instigation of a man named Huang Fenghua? Did he ask you to come here?" Bai Jianyuan pressed on every step of the way.


Liao Qingfeng instinctively looked at Wang Chao.

But Wang Chao didn't answer, and stood there watching his nose, nose, nose, and heart.

"What do you think he is doing? I'm asking you, so just answer honestly." Bai Jianyuan asked harshly.


Liao Qingfeng trembled in fright, he didn't dare to continue to cover up, and he trembled all of a sudden.

Bai Jianyuan even called out Huang Fenghua's name, which doesn't mean he already knew it.Now that I know everything, I can't make mistakes of principle.

Just say what you have to say.

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

I can't say that because you are Huang Fenghua, I will ruin my bright future.

"It really is!"

Bai Jianyuan turned his head and asked Qian Junheng: "Who did you say Huang Fenghua was here? Who backed him up? Say it now!"

"It's Liang Ritang, the deputy magistrate of our Huang'an County, Liang Ritang is his brother-in-law, and Huang Fenghua is Liang Ritang's brother-in-law." Qian Junheng said quickly without hesitation.

"Liang Ritang?"

Bai Jianyuan was stunned on the spot, and then became furious.

He knew Liang Ritang, and even Liang Ritang was able to come to Huang'an County because he helped recommend him.But he never dreamed that Liang Ritang, who was upright and dignified, would have such a brother-in-law.

And it's this little brother-in-law who is so domineering in Huang'an County and commits all kinds of evil.

Molesting good women.

Domineering want to buy shares.

Who does Huang Fenghua think he is?He is just an idle bastard, how dare he be so rampant?How dare you, Liang Ritang, say you don't know about this?If it weren't for your words, would he be able to do this?How dare he do this?

How can these so-called law enforcement agencies give him face?


After Bai Jianyuan let out a foul breath, he said to Zhao Shanhe, "Director Zhao, can we take a moment to talk?"

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe took Bai Jianyuan to his office, and as for the rest of the people, they all stayed in the meeting room.Until this time, Wen Pingyuan, director of the China Merchants Bureau, who had kept silent, but whose face had already been gloomy and terrifying, looked at Qian Junheng.

"Old Qian, talk outside."

"it is good!"

Qian Junheng walked out with heavy steps, and the two arrived at the entrance of the corridor, and there was no one around.

"Old Wen, you have to help me this time no matter what!" Qian Junheng said with a sad face.

"help you?"

Wen Pingyuan looked over speechlessly, shook his head and sighed and said, "I'm talking about old money, tell me what your Huang'an County is doing. That Huang Fenghua, it's okay to be arrogant and domineering at ordinary times, how dare he provoke Zhao? Where are the mountains and rivers?"

"Don't you know Zhao Shanhe's current status in Huang'an County and Qingshan City? You actually encouraged so many units to come to investigate, why? Do you appear to be awesome?"

"Don't you know that this kind of thing is what Deputy Mayor Bai hates the most? And this kind of thing is still involved in the plan of attracting investment. Let me tell you, you'd better be mentally prepared. If Mr. Zhao Shanhe doesn't remember If you take it lightly, there may be room for discussion on this matter. But if he has to withdraw his capital and move away..."

Wen Pingyuan paused at this point.

"I know, I know everything, don't worry, I will deal with Huang Fenghua well, I will deal with it now!" Qian Junheng said hastily.

"That's right, deal with it quickly, don't wait for Vice Mayor Bai to be passive."

"it is good!"

As Qian Junheng spoke, he walked to the side, picked up his elder brother's stool and dialed a number, and when the connection was made, he said sharply: "Listen, immediately control Huang Fenghua and put him on his body." Everything you have committed will be checked out, and nothing will be left behind!"


in the conference room.

Those who stayed were trembling, and they were Wang Chao and Liao Qingfeng.

Those who were secretly happy were talking about Li Xiangyang and Han Chunni.

Anyway, when something like this happened, the trouble Huang Fenghua caused should be completely resolved.As long as this matter is resolved, the Mongolian milk industry will be able to develop in great strides.

"Director Li, do you think the manager will really divest and leave?" Han Chunni asked softly.

"That depends on how the conversation goes."

After Li Xiangyang glanced at Wen Pingyuan and the others, he added: "You also know the temper of our factory manager. There is nothing in this world that he dare not do, let alone this matter involves Mr. Xiao. If the conditions given by Huang'an County If it is not superior enough, and the solution is not satisfactory enough for him, he will really leave."


Han Chunni nodded.


"Huang Fenghua is really a villain. If it weren't for him, we two brothers would have ended up in this situation. What do you think will happen next? Will Qian County spare us?" Wang Chao panicked. Terrible.

"I don't know that."

Liao Qingfeng also shrugged helplessly.

"If I had known this would happen, I would never have agreed to Huang Fenghua. This bastard is just unlucky, and now he is implicating us! Thinking about it makes me feel aggrieved and panicked!"

"Who said it wasn't."

Wang Chao said dejectedly, "Let's just wait for the verdict!"

"just wait!"


In fact, everyone knows what the final direction of today's matter will be. The key lies in the conversation between Zhao Shanhe and Bai Jianyuan.They had a good talk and everything was fine.If the talk is not good, everything will stop.

Even Gu Qianzhou was a little uneasy.

He didn't know what Zhao Shanhe was thinking, would he really withdraw his capital?Naturally, he didn't want to withdraw the capital. After all, it was good for Gu Qianzhou that Zhao Shanhe stayed in Huang'an County.

"Huang Fenghua, you really cheated the entire Huang'an County by yourself. If your brother-in-law finds out about this, you, just wait to be punished!"


in the office.

This room was temporarily used as the factory manager's office, and the interior decoration and layout were almost unchanged, the same as when Yu Siku was there.On the wall behind the two sofas are two maps.

One is from Qingshan City, and the other is from Eastern Province.

Yu Siku said that although he is only a small milk factory in Huang'an County, he also has the ambition to look at the whole province, hoping that Tianyuan Milk can go further.

And now in front of the map, Bai Jianyuan is staring into Zhao Shanhe's eyes, and he said seriously: "Director Zhao, I know you are very angry now, and I also feel that the whole thing is ridiculous, but this matter, since it has happened , It is impossible to avoid it. What we have to do is to face it positively.”

"So I'm here to make a statement."

"Huang Fenghua will definitely be dealt with in accordance with the law. For the mistakes he committed, the court can judge him as he pleases. Of course, no matter how the sentence is pronounced, I can assure you that he will never trouble the Meng Dairy Industry again in the future."

"If he comes again, I will handle this matter myself."

"Can you see it?"

"Vice Mayor Bai, you should know why I'm angry. To be honest, we have invested outside. For example, Yougu Daochang is not in our Handong City. It was also when Yougu Daochang built the factory. There are difficulties, but we can overcome those difficulties, after all, they can be solved and faced.”

"But this difficulty in your Qingshan City is something I don't want to face."

"A bastard with nothing to do, bullying others like this. Do you think that Deputy Liang County really knows nothing about this? If he doesn't know, it's dereliction of duty. If he knows but still condones, it's a crime."

"Deputy Mayor Bai, do I have the confidence to invest in such a place where crimes can easily be committed?"

Zhao Shanhe looked dignified.

"My money didn't come from the wind, it was all earned by me. So if Huang'an County has always been like this, I would rather withdraw my capital and leave."

"Cannot withdraw capital!"

Bai Jianyuan immediately shook his hands, and said emotionally: "Director Zhao, let me tell you this. Deputy Liang is a principled leading cadre. He really doesn't know about this matter."

"Of course, you are right. Whether you know it or not, it really happened after all, so we have to deal with it."

Speaking of this, Bai Jianyuan pondered for a while.

"Why don't you see it like this?"

Then Bai Jianyuan said a way, and when he heard this way, Zhao Shanhe narrowed his eyes slightly.

Do you really want to do this?

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