Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 1030 The way to get along with others

"The matter is that the factory manager will come over tomorrow, and there may be some people who will come over as guests. You are in charge of publicity, so you must record it well, maybe it will be useful in the future."

Li Xiangyang's words made Han Chunni excited.

"The factory manager will bring people to visit tomorrow? All right, I know, I will definitely record it."

"Just be ready."

"I'm going to get ready."

After Han Chunni left with a face full of excitement, Li Xiangyang looked at Xiao Mingyu and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Xiao, you have also seen that Huang Fenghua should have coveted you. So if you don't go out during this time, you can Don't go out, even if you really want to go out, tell me, I will arrange someone to follow you."

"You must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others."

"I don't want any accidents for you."

"Director Li, are you worried about me?" Xiao Mingyu asked with her big watery eyes blinking.


Li Xiangyang was speechless for a while.


Xiao Mingyu gave a trembling smile, turned around and walked outside, and said as he walked: "I know what to do, don't worry, people like Huang Fenghua don't dare to do anything to me, if he really dares to do it, I will Let him regret it forever!"


Seeing the back of Xiao Mingyu leaving gracefully, Li Xiangyang could only give a wry smile, picked up the documents on the table and began to study.These are the personnel files just brought over, and he has to sort them out.


Meng Dairy outside.

Sitting in the Santana sedan, looking at the once familiar door in front of him, but now it has become extremely strange, Huang Fenghua's eyes rolled with an angry and fierce light.

In the past, he would come and go whenever he wanted, and every time he came, he would return with a rewarding experience.

But now?

Not to mention returning home with a full load, even the gate is not easy to enter.


He tapped the steering wheel hard, and a cold sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Li Xiangyang, you Meng Dairy Industry asked for this, so don't blame me for being rude."

As he said that, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a few numbers. After the order was finished, the depression in his chest was vented a lot, and he smiled.

"My surname is Li, just wait for me, and soon you will know what will happen to you if you offend me."



Several people were sitting in a commercial vehicle bound for Huang'an County.

There is Gu Qianzhou, the director of the Qingshan Tractor Factory that Zhao Shanhe is familiar with, but even he is not the protagonist here. The real protagonist is a middle-aged man sitting in the middle.

He was wearing a suit and leather shoes, and his hair was neatly styled.

There was a faint smile on a square-shaped face.

He is Bai Jianyuan, the deputy mayor of Qingshan City.

Today, I will go to Huang'an County by car to investigate and investigate the Mongolian milk industry.Of course he was not invited by Zhao Shanhe, it was Gu Qianzhou who set up a bridge in the middle.After all, no matter what, Zhao Shanhe was still very unfamiliar with Qingshan City, so how could he know Bai Jianyuan.

But Gu Qianzhou was different.

Strictly speaking, Bai Jianyuan worked with Gu Qianzhou for a period of time before, but after stepping into his official career, he made it to his current position step by step.

So they are familiar.

"I didn't expect that Zhao Shanhe from Shanqiu Foods would come to our Huang'an County to invest and build a factory, and would buy a bankrupt company like Tianyuan Milk Factory. What do you think he thinks? He really wants to produce liquid milk there Is he not considering doing something else? For example, relocating Yougu Dojo." Bai Jianyuan asked looking at the passing scenery outside the window.

"I don't know that."

Gu Qianzhou shook his head, said with a gentle smile, "This is all a matter of specific business, I don't know. But I know that Zhao Shanhe is not simple."

"He has Shanqiu food in his left hand, and Hetu manufacturing in his right hand. One goes for food products, and the other goes for hardware products. You say it's good for a person to be able to play with one, but what about him? Not only can he play with two, but he can do both. Played brilliantly."

"So I think since he targeted the dairy factory this time, he should be sure."

"you're right!"

Bai Jianyuan nodded, and said deeply: "Market economy is a university question, and it cannot be mastered by just saying a few words. Since he, Zhao Shanhe, has come to this day, it shows that he has confidence. Let him do it."

"Yes, just let him play, as long as he invests in our Qingshan City." Gu Qianzhou echoed with a smile.

"It makes sense!"

Bai Jianyuan smiled heartily.

"Recently, I was worrying about how to open up the situation of attracting investment. I didn't expect that Zhao Shanhe would provide me with an opportunity. Very good, just so I can make a fuss about this matter, so that other investors can see our Qingshan City sincerity."

"Vice Bai, when it comes to this, I have something to say."

"You said."

"That is, since Zhao Shanhe came to invest in us, then Huang'an County should treat him well. Don't put on an appearance that I am the biggest king of heaven. I know Zhao Shanhe a little bit. If Huang'an County really thinks If this can eat him to death, he will slap his ass and leave in a fit of anger!"

Gu Qianzhou's ugly words in front of him can be regarded as a reminder.Well, that's where the relationship between him and Bai Jianyuan lies, otherwise he wouldn't say anything about it if it were someone else.

"You're right, quite right."

Bai Jianyuan patted his thigh and looked sideways.

"Old Wen, keep an eye on this matter, tell the people in Huang'an County, let them cooperate with the work of the Meng Dairy Industry, don't just think about going to other people's houses to play the autumn wind when you are idle. Tell them, if I know , who dares to go to the Mongolian milk industry to eat Nakayao, I want them to walk around without eating!"

"Yes, I'll tell them."

It was a middle-aged man who spoke, his name was Wen Pingyuan, and he was the director of the Qingshan City Merchants Bureau.This time I came to Huang'an County with Bai Jianyuan, and I also wanted to meet Zhao Shanhe.

Anyway, this matter has something to do with the China Merchants Bureau.

"In fact, I just met Liang Ritang, the deputy magistrate of Huang'an County, two days ago. He is in charge of attracting investment. He came to the city for a meeting. He told me that he would take good care of the Meng Milk Factory and promised that the whole county would Give the green light to the Mongolian milk factory to ensure that the Mongolian milk factory can start production as soon as possible and generate income."

Wen Pingyuan said with a smile.

"That's good! I know Liang Ritang. He is a leading cadre with his own opinions. Since he said so, then this matter should not go away." Bai Jianyuan nodded slightly.

"Director Gu, you said that Zhao Shanhe is already at the Meng Milk Factory, right?"

"Yes, he's waiting for us over there." Gu Qianzhou said.

"Then drive faster."


The gate of Meng Dairy Industry.

Zhao Shanhe was indeed standing here, followed by Li Xiangyang and the other high-level officials.They were all very surprised and pleasantly surprised when they learned that Bai Jianyuan, the deputy mayor, would come to investigate.

Surprisingly, Bai Jianyuan did not expect to come.

Surprisingly, if Bai Jianyuan came, it would be equivalent to supporting the Meng Milk Factory.With him here, no unnecessary troubles can be avoided.

For example, that annoying Huang Fenghua, he should be afraid, right?

"Factory Manager, although we say we have started to rectify here, there are still some vacancies. I'm afraid that Deputy Mayor Bai will be unhappy if he comes to see it?" Li Xiangyang asked in a low voice.

"how come?"

Zhao Shanhe did not think too much, and said casually and peacefully: "It is a fact that we just took over the Tianyuan Milk Factory. It has not been a month since we took over, and we are rectifying it every day. This is also a fact. Since it is a fact, we are not afraid of being caught by anyone." See. Just in time, I also want to show Vice Mayor Bai what we look like now, so that when we are actually completed and put into production, he can also have a comparison."

"That makes sense." Li Xiangyang smiled lightly.

"Xiangyang, I just came here, and I haven't heard from you about your work situation in the past two days. Just now, you still have some time to tell me, so I know what's going on."

"it is good!"

Li Xiangyang began to speak in front of Zhao Shanhe.

The situation of the entire Meng Dairy Industry has long been imprinted in his mind, so there is no one in the middle, and it is easy to come by.

Installation and commissioning of equipment, scheduling and allocation of personnel, recruitment work, cow procurement, logistics arrangements, etc., all these trivial matters are all explained in an orderly manner.

Zhao Shanhe listened quietly.

After 15 minutes, Han Chunni suddenly pointed to the intersection ahead and said, "Here we come!"

Li Xiangyang stopped reporting.

Zhao Shanhe also looked over.


Two cars came back and forth, and when they stopped, Bai Jianyuan and the others got out of the car.As the recommender, Gu Qianzhou naturally had to come forward, and he introduced with a smile.

"Director Zhao, this is the deputy mayor of Qingshan City, Bai Jianyuan."

"Vice Bai, this is Zhao Shanhe, the person in charge of Meng Dairy."

"Hello, Vice City Bai."

"Hello, Director Zhao!"

Bai Jianyuan and Zhao Shanhe shook hands formally, and Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "I have long been looking forward to Bai Fushi to come to our Meng Dairy Industry to conduct research and guide the work, and finally I am looking forward to it. Bai Fushi, please come inside. "


Bai Jianyuan and the others walked into the dairy factory under the leadership of Zhao Shanhe. During this period, Zhao Shanhe also got to know several people from Wen Pingyuan.After all, they all came with Bai Jianyuan, so there is no harm in getting to know each other.

Wen Pingyuan also greeted Zhao Shanhe with a smile.

This is an investor with great potential, you can't miss it when you come across it.Although he is now investing in Huang'an County, do you dare to say that he will not fall in love with Qingshan City?Even if he doesn't match, what about the rest of the people he knows?

This is the way to get along with people.

"This is the dormitory area that we are going to tear down and rebuild. You can see that the previous ones are not only one-story houses, but most of them are simple houses. Such houses definitely cannot be used as dormitories..."

"Over there is the production line we are preparing to build. We are going to remove all the previous production lines and replace them with brand new production equipment that is in line with international standards..."

"Baifu City, this is the place I want to introduce, the ranch! This natural ranch is my favorite place, and it is because of this that I want to invest in the dairy industry..."

The Mongolian milk industry under construction is actually not that big, and many places are under construction, so it didn't take too long for Zhao Shanhe to introduce. After the introduction of several important places, they returned to the meeting room.

And Bai Jianyuan held positive opinions on the construction of Mongolian milk industry.

Although it is said that several places are still under construction, it is because of this construction that he is full of confidence in Zhao Shanhe.After all, Zhao Shanhe really wanted to invest here, otherwise he would build something.

"Director Zhao, first of all, on behalf of Qingshan City, I welcome you to invest in the construction. I believe that with your investment, the economic structure of Huang'an County can be changed."

"Secondly, let me put my words here. Our Qingshan City will do our best to help solve all your investment matters here. The business environment you need is here, and it can be guaranteed. You don't have to worry about it. For these messy things, you just need to set up the production line and put it into production as soon as possible.”

"Of course I believe in Vice City Bai, and I also believe that under the leadership of Vice City Bai, Huang'an County will definitely cooperate with me in harmony." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Of course."

Bai Jianyuan raised his finger to the side as he spoke.

"You also know him. This is Qian Junheng, the magistrate of Huang'an County. With him, you can contact him for any problems you encounter in the future and ask him to help you solve them."


Qian Junheng said in a friendly tone: "Director Zhao, don't worry, as long as it is in our Huang'an County, I can handle it well."

"And I will assure you in front of Baifu City that the law and order in Huang'an County is very good, and the business environment is also top-notch. You don't have to worry about these, and you can do a good job with peace of mind."

"That's really great, thank you to the two leaders for their great support."

Zhao Shanhe naturally said politely.

However, just when he was about to speak, who would have thought that there would be a burst of lively noise from downstairs outside.He frowned slightly, looked sideways, and asked displeasedly, "What's going on?"

Li Xiangyang quickly got up and walked to the window to watch.

"I don't know, but judging by their clothes, they seem to be from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau."

"From the Bureau of Industry and Commerce?"

The corners of Zhao Shanhe's mouth twitched, and he said sullenly, "Deputy Factory Director Li, what's going on? Is it because we didn't do something well? If so, we must talk to the comrades in the Industry and Commerce Bureau, and there must be no Something illegal happened, you know?"


Li Xiangyang immediately put on an innocent expression, shrugged and said loudly: "All our procedures are legal, and our Mongolian Dairy Industry has already completed the procedures with the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, I don't know how they came here. "

"How about I go and have a look?"

"Go quickly!"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand.

After Li Xiangyang confessed his guilt to Bai Jianyuan and the others, he turned around and hurried outside.

At the same time, Bai Jianyuan's face turned gloomy and cold.

Qian Junheng's face was also dark and ugly.

This invisible slap really hurts!

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