Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 1026 Immediately, immediately, get out of here!

"Lecturer Qi Shijie, can you repair it?"

Cao Wei, who stood up, said loudly without any politeness.

It was such a simple sentence that shocked Qi Shijie immediately, and then he felt a sense of humiliation rushing towards him, and his eyes were full of anger when he stared at Cao Wei.

"What did you say? Do you think I understand maintenance? Did you make a mistake? Do you know who I am? I am a gold medal lecturer of Tianhe Education, and my major is machine maintenance."

"I'm here this time to give you a lecture on this. You're fine. Not only did you disrespect me, but you also asked such unbelievable questions. Are you okay?"

"I know I'm not sick, but I don't know if you are sick."

Facing such a reprimand, Cao Wei didn't show any sign of anger at all, the corners of his mouth raised slightly and he replied.


"What am I?"

Cao Wei didn't give Qi Shijie a chance to continue speaking, his eyes turned cold and his tone suddenly became cold.He was still gentle and refined before, but he has transformed into a soldier on the battlefield.

"I really wonder, how can someone like you get into Tianhe Education?"

"That's right, Hetu Manufacturing invited you Tianhe Education to give lectures, but we spent money. Then please come and give lectures."

"But what about you?"

"From your first day to now, for a total of three days, every time you give a lecture, it's like we owe you money. You have a dark face, you pick your nose and eyes, and it's our fault for opening and closing your mouth. We It is true that we have admitted our mistakes, but do we have them?"


"I dare to say responsibly that none of us is at fault, it is you who are at fault. You did not adjust your mentality properly, and you used your bad things to affect the mood of the lecture. This is your fault, said To be more serious, you are clearly unprofessional."

Cao Wei's words were as sharp as a knife.

The knife stabbed into Qi Shijie's heart.

After being stabbed so hard, Qi Shijie's whole face was already gloomy like the bottom of a pot. He stared at Cao Wei closely, his dead fish eyes bursting out with undisguised anger.

"You say I'm unprofessional?" Qi Shijie gritted his teeth.

"Hmph, it's more than lack of professionalism."

Cao Wei had already spoken to this point, so he didn't prepare to leave any room for it. He looked at Qi Shijie with contempt in his eyes, and said with a bit of sarcasm: "You don't have professional skills yet!"

"To put it simply, your maintenance skills are a mess! You can't do it yourself, so what can you teach us about maintenance?"

"You better leave early!"

"You can't! You can't! You can't!"

Qi Shijie's mind kept echoing such words, and every word sounded in his ears like a curse, and his gloomy face was even more resentful at this moment.

"What are you, you dare to humiliate me like this!"

Qi Shijie roared angrily.

"To shut up!"

"Damn it, you dare to swear at my master again."

"Tired of life?"

"How can such a person deserve to teach us, hurry up and drive away!"

Almost at the same time as Qi Shijie roared, Cao Wei hadn't spoken yet, and the people around him stood up in a clatter. They looked at Qi Shijie with anger in their eyes, and each of them rolled up their sleeves and geared up. They were about to walk onto the stage while speaking. beat him.

The small auditorium was suddenly in a panic.

"What? Do you want to start a fight? All right, I've heard that the people made by Hetu are arrogant and domineering. I still don't believe it. When I saw it today, it really is. Come on, I'm here, I want to see See how you hit me?"

Qi Shijie was provocative frantically like a fighting cock.


Cao Wei didn't expect Qi Shijie to have such a face. After waving his hands to stop the workers around him, he looked over with a look of disappointment, shook his head and said, "You really disgrace Tianhe Education. It’s all lecturers like you, and it’s really not far from bankruptcy.”

"Old man, tell me another bad word about our Tianhe Education, believe it or not, I will abolish you?" Qi Shijie stood on the edge of the front desk, staring fiercely at Cao Wei.

"I do not believe."

Just when Cao Weigang was about to speak, a cold voice suddenly sounded from the door. In this quiet atmosphere, this voice could be heard very clearly.


All eyes are on the past.

After they saw who spoke like this, they all became excited, but before they stood up to greet them, Qi Shijie over there looked up desperately and shouted with a ferocious expression.

"Where are you an idiot? How dare you meddle in my affairs!"

"To shut up!"

"Are you courting death?"

"Beat him up!"

This time was different from just now. The moment they heard Qi Shijie's words, the workers sitting in the front grabbed the hats they were wearing and threw them over, some even threw their notebooks at them, hitting them just right. Qi Shijie's forehead.


Qi Shijie screamed in pain and backed away again and again.

"Teacher Qi, are you okay?"

"What are you doing?"

"Hurry up and stop, if you don't stop, we will call the police!"

Standing here are not only the people made by Hetu, but also the staff of Tianhe Education who followed Qi Shijie. They were originally watching the excitement, but when they saw that the situation was getting out of control, they hurried forward to block Qi Shijie.

They glared at the workers made by Hetu.

"Call the police? All right, let me call the police and see if the police come over, are they on your side or on our side. If it's against you, even our factory manager dares to insult you!"

Factory manager?

After hearing this suddenly, Qi Shijie was slightly stunned.

The people from Tianhe Education were also stunned on the spot.

Factory director?Zhao Shanhe, the director of Hetu Manufacturing?So, this young man who is gradually approaching is Zhao Shanhe?Is he the man who snatched the Red Star Equipment Factory from the Lexing Group?Is it Zhao Shanhe who is called the Boss Reaper by the business world?

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

Even Qi Shijie, who was still very arrogant just now, dare not make another mistake now.

"Factory Manager!"

Facing the greetings from a group of workers, Zhao Shanhe waved his hand with a smile, and quickly stood at the front, approaching Cao Wei.

"Master Cao is good."

Zhao Shanhe smiled gently and stretched out his right hand.

Cao Wei quickly grabbed it.

"Hi, manager."

"Master Cao, I already know what happened just now. It's not your fault. You don't need to have any psychological burden." Zhao Shanhe patted Cao Wei's arm to comfort him.

A warm current flowed through Cao Wei's heart immediately.

In fact, Cao Wei was also a little anxious just now, he stood up with a burst of bravery to confront Qi Shijie hard.But then he also thought about it, was he impulsive in doing this?

You must know that Tianhe Education has always been invited by the factory for training. Instead of listening to the lectures, I even made such provocative actions.If this matter is really said to be caught by the factory as a model, it will make me unable to bear it.

But now it seems that I don't have to worry about it.

Zhao Shanhe didn't intend to blame himself.

"Director Zhao, I am also at fault for this matter. I should report the problem to my superiors. I should not act impulsively. I should apologize to you." Cao Wei said with a guilty expression.

"You are the factory director of Hetu Manufacturing, right? You came just in time, and you heard it. He admitted that it was his fault. It was his fault. He dared to sabotage our training course and attack me personally. , I now ask you to punish him severely."

"I want his apology, I want him to make compensation to me."

"And your group of workers, have you seen it? They are a bunch of lunatics, they dare to do something to me. I really suspect that this is a factory here? This is clearly a den of bandits. They are all bandits, all of them Hooligans are all gangsters, I want you to deal with them quickly, or I will call the police to solve this matter!"

Qi Shijie standing on the front desk, when he heard Cao Wei's words, seemed to have caught the handle, stuck his head out from behind several people, pointed at Cao Wei and berated him in pain.

Cao Wei's face suddenly changed.

All the workers looked angry.

"Shut up for me!"

Zhao Shanhe raised his hand and pointed at Qi Shijie, with a sullen expression on his face, he stopped.


Qi Shijie never thought that Zhao Shanhe would do this, so he froze on the spot.

"Are you scolding me?"

"Calling you? Yes, I'm just scolding you. What did you say about Master Cao just now? What kind of person do you think he is? How dare you accuse you? Well, I want to ask now, what kind of person are you?" Dare to make such a big talk in our Hetu?"

Zhao Shanhe stared straight at the past like a torch.


Qi Shijie was intimidated by Zhao Shanhe's aura, his lips were trembling but he dared not speak.

"Listen to me, Master Cao is the eighth-level fitter manufactured by our Hetu. Do you know what the eighth-level fitter represents? It means that even if you add up your entire heaven and education lecturers, it is not as valuable as him alone !"

"Besides, is what he said wrong?"

"You are a lecturer of Tianhe Education, and you are playing the role of a teacher. What is a teacher like? They are preaching and teaching, but have you done it? Are you worthy of being a teacher?"

"What I see of you is just to make a show of your might in our river map!"

"What I see of you is just humiliating and trampling on our Hetu!"

"This kind of you is not the lecturer we want for Hetu Manufacturing, and this kind of you, don't even think about saying that you can leave safely after talking nonsense here. Let me tell you, I will settle this matter with you Tianhe Education of!"

Zhao Shanhe clasped his hands behind his back, glanced at the front desk, and asked indifferently: "Is the person in charge of Tianhe Education here? Stand up and let me see, who is it?"

There was silence at the front desk.

"What? Doesn't your Tianhe Education have anyone in charge?" Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows in displeasure.

"Hello, Director Zhao, I am the leading teacher of Tianhe Education, and my name is Dong Dawei."

In this chilling atmosphere, a middle-aged man came out from the backstage. He shrank his neck, his eyes flickered, and stood in front of Zhao Shanhe with an embarrassed expression.

"Dong Dawei? Isn't Qi Shichang the boss of your Tianhe Education? How did you, Dong Dawei, come forward? What about him? Let him come out to see me." Zhao Shanhe glanced at him and said indifferently.

"Our President Qi didn't come for something, and I am responsible for everything here."

Dong Dawei controlled the panic in his heart, and said with a smile: "Director Zhao, there was a misunderstanding about what happened just now. In fact, this matter is not as serious as you think. Don't worry, I will handle it well and guarantee to satisfy you of."


Zhao Shanhe looked at Dong Dawei with great interest, and had no intention of discussing with him at all, so he said calmly: "I don't think there is a misunderstanding about this matter, I think there is no continuation between our Hetu Manufacturing and your Tianhe Education. Cooperation is necessary."

"You listen to me."

"Take your people and get out of here immediately! After today, I will never cooperate with Tianhe Education again in the training work created by Hetu!"

Dong Dawei's face was horrified.

How can this be?Just vent your anger. If you say something like this, what will we do with Tianhe Education?You are my big clients and our benefactors. If you kick us away like this, who will use us in the future?

Dong Dawei felt very nervous when he thought of these.

"Director Zhao, there is a misunderstanding about this matter, don't get excited!"

He quickly ran down from the front desk, stood in front of Zhao Shanhe, and wanted to explain in a panic.But Zhao Shanhe didn't want to listen to him at all, so he waved his hand and interrupted.

"I said, please leave Tianhe Education immediately. If you don't leave, don't blame me for asking you to leave."


Meeting Zhao Shanhe's cold eyes, Dong Dawei also knew that now is not the best time to talk about things, so he bowed and said: "Director Zhao, I'm sorry, this matter is our fault, I will deal with it when I go back. It is taken seriously.”


After speaking, Dong Dawei looked at the front desk, and shouted with a bit of annoyance: "What are you still doing in a daze? Let's go!"

After speaking, he was the first to leave.

The rest quickly followed.

Even Qi Shijie didn't blow up his hair at this moment, and followed him out of the small auditorium step by step.

"Clap clap."

And just as the people from Tianhe Education walked out, the workers of Hetu Manufacturing applauded. They looked at Qi Shijie with joy in their eyes, as excited as cutting off a cancerous tumor.

"Factory Manager!"

Just at this time, Yang E also came over after receiving the news, followed by Guo Kaiduan from the Publicity Department. The two of them had just heard about this place, but they didn't expect to be bumped into by Zhao Shanhe.

"It's just in time for you to come, and I will talk to you about it later."

Zhao Shanhe turned to look at Cao Wei.

"Master Cao, take our people back to work, this so-called training is over."

"Factory Manager!"

Just when Zhao Shanhe was about to leave, Cao Wei took a step, blocked him, and said slowly with Zhao Shanhe's puzzled expression: "I want to have a word with you."

"Now?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Yes, it's now, I won't delay you for too long." Cao Wei said anxiously.

"Master Cao, look at what you said, it's all right."

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"Then let's go out and talk." Cao Wei pointed outside.

"Okay." Zhao Shanhe nodded.

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