"I can't take this money."

Chen Xiaoxu smiled, his smile was as bright as a cherry blossom.

"What Feng Xiangyan and I talked about was a reward of [-] yuan. Don't say that there is no contract with Su Youfeng. Even if there is, this money is too much. I only take what is due to me, and I will not ask for a penny that is not mine. .”

"Take it."

After hearing these words, Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly, and said indifferently: "This money is Su Youfeng's mental damage fee for you, and you can take it with peace of mind. As for Feng Xiangyan's remuneration, didn't we just talk about it, 20, He can't take out a single coin. If he doesn't take it, it's not as simple as 20."

"Shanhe, are you sure you want to do this? Actually, I don't need the money." Chen Xiaoxu said with some worry.

"Are you afraid of affecting me?" Zhao Shanhe asked with narrowed eyes.


Chen Xiaoxu didn't deny it, and said very frankly: "You and I can't control this kind of thing. After all, we are not Feng Xiangyan's father, so we can't force him to give me money. But if it is because of this, I will mix you up." And come in, if it affects your image and reputation, I would rather not have this money."

"Image and reputation?"

Zhao Shanhe laughed, and said nonchalantly: "Sister Xiaoxu, what kind of image can I have, if there is one, there is only one image, an image that Feng Xiangyan will definitely cry when he sees it."

"What image?" Chen Xiaoxu asked.

"Boss Terminator!"

Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"Boss terminator?"

Chen Xiaoxu was a little stunned.

But don't tell me, this image is really suitable for Zhao Shanhe. He has never stopped ending from the moment he started.Anyone who confronts him will basically fail.For example, Huang Lianshan, the director of the canning factory at the beginning, Luo Qianan, the later owner of Honest Food, and then Ji Mingjian, the director of Hongxing Machinery Factory, and so on.

Everyone is the boss, and they were all beheaded by Zhao Shanhe.

"Tell me, what's in it."

Chen Xiaoxu leaned over with interest.

"I said Sister Xiaoxu, why are you so gossip? Let's talk about it when I have time. As for now, you should put away the money first, and then go buy a dress. Tonight Since we are going to smash the scene, we must have a sense of ceremony." Zhao Shanhe accidentally caught a glimpse of the big spring on Chen Xiaoxu's chest, and turned his head in embarrassment.

"Okay, then I will accept the money, but let's agree first, if I really get the money from Feng Xiangyan, I will only take one hundred thousand, and the rest will be yours! Don't give it to me anymore!" Chen Xiaoxu Said decisively.

"talk later!"


Night falls.

The business hall of a four-star hotel in Zhongzhou.

This is the venue Feng Xiangyan chose for the dinner. Tonight is just like what Su Youfeng said before, it is a party to celebrate Feng Xiangyan opening another branch.

One must know that with Feng Xiangyan's status in the business circle of Zhongzhou City, there are really many people who give him face, and they all come to the dinner party.

In fact, they all came here to get to know more people.

Otherwise, with Feng Xiangyan's status, it's really impossible to invite them.

"President Feng, congratulations, you have opened another branch, and the future is boundless."

"From now on, the building materials market in Zhongzhou City will have to follow Mr. Feng's face."

"That's right, Mr. Feng, in the future, we must lead everyone to make a fortune together!"


"Hehe, let's move around more in the future, let's cooperate and win-win."

Holding his wine glass, Feng Xiangyan kept walking among the circles, toasting and chatting gags.He is the protagonist tonight, and everyone must revolve around him.

"Hey, look, isn't that the big star Chen Xiaoxu?"

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted at the door.

Everyone looked over.


Two people walked in at the door of the banquet hall, a man and a woman. The woman was Chen Xiaoxu in a simple dress. Although the dress was simple, it did not reduce the brilliance of Chen Xiaoxu at all. On the contrary, it made her more radiant.

She was willing to follow a man like this.

This man was wearing a black suit and looked imposing, but it could be seen that he was not very old.

"Isn't that Zhao Shanhe, director of Hetu Manufacturing? Why did they come together?"

"That's right. Didn't you say that Chen Xiaoxu is Mr. Feng's dance partner tonight?"

"What exactly is going on?"


In this kind of whispering, Feng Xiangyan's complexion suddenly darkened, and the look in his eyes became very sinister.Before the banquet, he had let people out, saying that Chen Xiaoxu would appear tonight and be his dance partner.

But what about this scene now?

Chen Xiaoxu is clearly snuggling in Zhao Shanhe's arms, where is Feng Xiangyan's partner!

Feng Xiangyan was so angry that he didn't even hear Zhao Shanhe's identity mentioned. He just felt that at this moment, Zhao Shanhe was the most hated and hated man in the world. He really wanted to kick Zhao Shanhe away. .

"Hello, Director Zhao, I'm Sun Liren from Ruihua Automobile Co., Ltd."

"Hello, Director Zhao, do you still remember me? We met at the previous reception."

"Director Zhao, why did you come here? Did you also attend the celebration dinner?"

After a short period of silence, several people came forward soon, and they talked and laughed at Zhao Shanhe without hesitation, and some even brought two glasses of wine directly.

Give Zhao Shanhe a cup.

A cup for Chen Xiaoxu.

The picture that should be full of enemies as imagined did not appear.

"Chen Xiaoxu, are you here to be my dance partner?"

In this harmonious atmosphere, Feng Xiangyan stepped forward with a smirk on the corner of his mouth, stood in front of the two of them, and looked over with a smile on his face.

"Dancing partner? You're overthinking, I'm here with Shanhe." Chen Xiaoxu said lightly.

"Mountains and rivers?"

Feng Xiangyan squinted at the past, and said with disdain on his face: "It's very kind, it's a big deal. Chen Xiaoxu, didn't you say you don't have a boyfriend? What is this?"

"I do not have a boyfriend, and he is not my boyfriend."


Feng Xiangyan looked over with playful eyes, especially when he saw Chen Xiaoxu holding Zhao Shanhe's arm, he said viciously: "If not, then who are you?"

"He's my boss!"

Chen Xiaoxu smiled frankly.

"I'm already an artist under Director Zhao's banner, can't I?"


After hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Feng Xiangyan was also sluggish on the spot.

What's the meaning?boss?

Chen Xiaoxu actually has a backer?

"She's right. I'm her boss. We're not here to attend any banquet tonight. We're here to collect debts. You, you, Feng Xiangyan, should you settle the performance fee owed to Xiaoxu?"

It was only at this time that Zhao Shanhe opened his mouth to speak slowly, and when he opened his mouth, he became a blockbuster.

"The performance fee owed?"

"What do you mean? Feng Xiangyan still owes money?"

"I remember, Chen Xiaoxu was performing. He wouldn't say that he didn't pay others for the performance, would he? It would be a bit dishonest to do so."

Almost at the same time Zhao Shanhe's voice fell to the ground, there was a burst of whispering at the scene.

Everyone looked at Feng Xiangyan with a look of disdain.

Hearing such discussions and seeing the disdain in everyone's eyes, Feng Xiangyan's face darkened abruptly, and when he looked at Zhao Shanhe again, he became as vicious as a poisonous snake.

"Boy, you have to be careful what you say, don't dare to spray out anything."

"What? Did I say it wrong?"

Zhao Shanhe looked over unmoved, shrugged casually and said: "If you have no money, don't invite people to perform. Since you invite a performance, you should pay them as they should. This is a matter of course. You always You can't say that you want to deny the repudiation, right? Feng Xiangyan, you are a man after all, can you stop being so naive?"

"Who are you talking about? You dare to humiliate me at my banquet! Let me tell you, this matter is not over, and I will settle the score with you!" Feng Xiangyan roared angrily.

"Is this considered exasperation?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head in disappointment, then looked at Chen Xiaoxu and said, "Did you see that? Even if you are accepting commercial performances in the future, you have to keep your eyes open. Don't agree to anyone like him. You see, this is not a repudiation." ?"

"I didn't expect him to do this either." Chen Xiaoxu said aggrievedly.

"It's okay, I'll ask you for a debt."

Zhao Shanhe slowly turned sideways, looked at Feng Xiangyan under the stares of everyone, and said calmly: "Before coming to your banquet, we just came out of Iron Stone Records, and we are in debt for this performance, Su Youfeng He made compensation, and he gave us 20 yuan for mental damage. He also said personally that the performance labor fee you negotiated is [-] yuan."

"So Feng Xiangyan, pay the bill now!"

"The labor fee of 20 yuan can't be less, you have to give it to me!"

"What? How much? 20? Are you okay?"

Feng Xiangyan froze for a moment, and then shouted in surprise.

"I clearly agreed that it was 20, but how did it turn into [-] in your mouth? Aren't you a scammer? Chen Xiaoxu, where did you find this person? Are you trying to rob me? "

"So you admit to being in debt?" Zhao Shanhe sneered with his hands behind his back, his face cold.


Feng Xiangyan froze for a moment.

He didn't expect to be trapped by Zhao Shanhe if he didn't pay attention.

Yes, this is an admission.But the problem is, as a greedy person, let alone a hundred thousand, he would not be willing to pay even ten thousand.Just asked Chen Xiaoxu to stand on the stage and sing a song, and after saying a few words, he had to spend [-] yuan in labor fees. There is no such easy money in this world.

What good thing do you think of, Chen Xiaoxu?

"Boy, who do you think you are? You're talking nonsense here, don't I dare to touch you? Someone, kick him out!" Feng Xiangyan kept rolling his eyes, and finally shouted fiercely.

He wants to cheat.


The security guards who heard the order immediately came over and wanted to chase them away, but they didn't expect that they were stopped by Zhao Shanhe's cold stare as soon as they approached.

"I see who of you dares to move!"

The security guards looked embarrassed, and they didn't dare to step forward.

"Feng Xiangyan, in front of everyone today, you just give me an answer honestly, are you going to take the money or not?" Zhao Shanhe said coldly.

"No!" Feng Xiangyan gritted his teeth and said.

"Don't take it, right? Okay, I know what you mean."

Zhao Shanhe scanned the audience and said calmly, "Everyone, I would like to invite you to be witnesses today. It is this Feng Xiangyan who owes labor fees to our artists and is unwilling to pay them."

"Since this is the case, then I will say it in front of the big guys, we don't want this money, even if you Feng Xiangyan kneels and begs me to accept it, I will not accept it!"

"But listen to me, from now on, I will declare war on you!"

"Aren't you in the building materials business? Okay, let me see if you can bear my declaration of war? If you can, it's your ability. If you can't, you will be to blame."

"Declaration of war?"

There was an uproar.

The eyes of everyone looking at Zhao Shanhe and Feng Xiangyan began to change, and they all began to secretly analyze in their hearts, what should they do next?

Do you want to stand with Feng Xiangyan, or do you want to fight with Zhao Shanhe.

"Declaration of war?"

Feng Xiangyan was also dazed.

He never dreamed that at the dinner party where he opened a new store, he would be declared war by pointing his nose like this.

The most important thing is that this person also said before that he had captured Su Youfeng, and forced the other party to pay [-] yuan for mental damage.So the question is, who is this person?How could he make Su Youfeng admit cowardly like that?

Confused in his heart, he looked at Zhao Shanhe and asked cautiously, "Who are you?"

"I am who I am."

Zhao Shanhe looked over with a bit of sarcasm, and said lightly.

"He is Zhao Shanhe, the director of Hetu Manufacturing."

In this stalemate atmosphere, someone finally gave Feng Xiangyan a step down and came forward to introduce him in a low voice.The moment Feng Xiangyan heard of this identity, he was stunned on the spot.

"Who? Zhao Shanhe made by Hetu? Isn't he? He is the Zhao Shanhe who commands the wind and rain in the business circle of Eastern Province?"

Feng Xiangyan's face turned pale.

He has some status and background, and he has some background, but it also depends on who he is compared with.

Who is Zhao Shanhe?Although he is the owner of a county-level enterprise, the problem is that his county-level enterprise is very large.

That's the master who was able to fight against Goldman Capital, and even won the game. Can such a person be able to compete with himself?

Damn Su Youfeng.

You should know Zhao Shanhe's identity, why didn't you say something in advance?If you had told me earlier, would I have been able to provoke you as unscrupulously as I did just now?

It's good now, I've said that, I've been put on the fire to roast, what do you want me to do?

Give in?

Where do I put my old face?

But if he said he would not give in, would he really be able to face Zhao Shanhe's declaration of war?

Chen Xiaoxu, you are too, you have such a person as your boss, you should tell me earlier.If you say so, let alone 30, even if it is [-], I will definitely give it what is due.

Feng Xiangyan fell into a dilemma.

"Let's go!"

Zhao Shanhe took a deep look at Feng Xiangyan, turned his head and was about to leave.

"Wait, you can't go!"

Feng Xiangyan got up immediately and said.

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