"An accident happened, and things went wrong."

After the other party connected, Hu Lijing said in a low voice, with a kind of restlessness appearing between her brows.

Who would have thought that such an accident would happen to a matter that was thought to be a surefire success.

If there is no such accident, she can stay out of it completely, but now it's good, she is forced to contact with the one in secret.

"I already know that this has nothing to do with you, you don't have to blame yourself."

A cold voice came from the phone.

"What should we do now?"

"You have to go to the hospital and tell the three of Feng Yuze to keep this matter secret, otherwise, they should know the consequences."

The man behind the scenes said in a deep voice.

"Okay, I see, let's go."

After Hu Lijing hung up the phone, she turned around, picked up her bag, and hurried out.


Zhenghe County Hospital.

The three of Feng Yuze are here for an injury check. They want to go to the hospital in Handong City. After all, the medical environment and level there are higher than those in Zhenghe County, but the problem is that they can't go, and they can't go.

There are people watching outside, how can we go?

"Damn Zhao Shanhe, he must have done this. If it weren't for him, who would have such great energy?" Li Mengxing, grinning and moaning in pain, opened his mouth and insulted.

Liang Kaishan, who had a bruised nose and swollen face, also had a gloomy face and a hoarse voice.

"Now is not the time to settle accounts with Zhao Shanhe, let's think about what to do? Do you think we can escape this time? If not, this will be a big problem for us. In jail."

"Prisoner? Not at all!"

Li Mengxing frowned.

"They say we are fraudsters, do they have evidence? Can it be concluded based on what Jiang Shanping said? Just kidding, there is a contract between us and them. If there is a contract, they don't want to throw it at us Dirty water."

"Okay, you don't have to worry about this matter, or I will arrange it and find a lawyer to come and file a lawsuit with them."


Feng Yuze shook his head, and said with a solemn expression: "I'm afraid this time the matter is not simple. It would be terrible to try to do it like we did before. We still have to be cautious."

"Careful? How cautious are you talking about? You can't say that you confess that person!" Liang Kaishan said angrily.

Feng Yuze remained silent.

After seeing his appearance, Liang Kaishan widened his eyes, and said in disbelief: "I said, Old Feng, you don't really think so, do you? If so, you will be too boring."

"Boring? What's interesting? Do you really want to go to jail?"


Liang Kaishan was at a loss for words.

When the three of them were making noise, there was a commotion outside, and if you listened carefully, you could hear bursts of angry roars.

When they heard who was yelling, the faces of Feng Yuze and the three couldn't help changing suddenly.

"I want to go in and meet Feng Yuze. The money he borrowed from our bank must be returned."

"Li Mengxing stole 100 million yuan from me, and the money must be given to me."

"Liang Kaishan lied to me that it was a loan. I didn't believe it. I want him to pay back the money."


All came to collect debts.

It's a pity that the three of Feng Yuze are currently the key surveillance targets, so the police guarding outside will not let them in casually.

If it wasn't for this reason that this group of people rushed in, the three of Feng Yuze would definitely have been beaten with black noses and swollen faces.

And just this made the three tremble with fear.

"Dong dong."

Just when they were about to be overwhelmed, the door of the ward suddenly knocked from outside, and before they could speak, a figure appeared in front of them.

"Boss Hu."

After seeing who it was, the three of Feng Yuze shouted in surprise.

At this time, Hu Lijing actually came to see them?

This is too incredible!Could it be that this is the so-called a friend in need?

"President Feng, why are you here?" Feng Yuze asked.

"My time is limited, so I'll make a long story short. I have only one purpose here to see you, and that is to ask you to keep your mouths shut. To put it simply, there are certain things that must never be said. Do you understand that?" Hu Lijing said bluntly Said.

Feng Yuze was startled, and then felt a little sour.

Just know that.

I naively thought that Hu Lijing came here to speak for us, who would have thought it was a warning!It's a threat!It's intimidation!

After Li Mengxing and Liang Kaishan looked at each other, their expressions also became a bit cold.

"Mr. Hu, what do you mean by that? Are you telling us what to do? We are already in this situation, shouldn't you find a way to help? Why are you threatening us?" Li Mengxing asked harshly.

"We never accept any threats!"

Liang Kaishan grabbed the cigarette case in front of him and squeezed it tightly into a ball.


After seeing the expressions of the three people, Hu Lijing smiled inadvertently, and said calmly, "I'm not threatening, and you shouldn't think so."

"I'm talking about the facts, and I want to tell you that what to do now is the most sensible. Let me tell you this, as long as you take this matter down, then I guarantee that you will all be safe."

"But if you talk nonsense, please bear the consequences."


"Do you think that even if he is really confessed, this matter will be resolved? No, you have already caused such a big commotion in Zhenghe County, it is impossible to stay out of it. We are not afraid, afraid What matters is you, so if you are smart enough, you should know how to choose this matter."


Feng Yuze's lips trembled and his tone hesitated.

"Feng Yuze, you should know that you did all of these things yourself, and have nothing to do with that person. If you dare to grab and bite recklessly, be careful not to be hit by a car when you go out."

Hu Lijing's white and delicate face showed a calm expression, but what he said was so eerie that it made people shudder.

But these words were like a basin of cold water poured down, and the anger in Feng Yuze's heart was extinguished on the spot. After he woke up, he looked at Hu Lijing and said tepidly: "Mr. We will keep the secret. But we have a condition, that is, we must leave Zhenghe County within today."

"If you can do it, we will keep it secret."

"If you can't do it, don't blame us for talking nonsense."

"Leave today? Impossible."

Hu Lijing waved her hand resolutely, and said calmly: "You are already being detained as fraudsters. Even if you want to help you operate, it is impossible to say that it can be done so quickly. Let's do it, tomorrow I will find a way You get it out. Then you leave Zhenghe County as soon as possible, the farther you go, the better."

"Okay, tomorrow will be tomorrow." Feng Yuze said.

"Then you'd better make some noise during this time, to make Zhenghe County a headache." Hu Lijing said with deep eyes.

"We will."

"Then say goodbye."

Hu Lijing, who had limited time, did not say to continue to stay, but got up and walked out of the ward.When there were only three people left, Liang Kaishan said with a sad face, "Do you think what Hu Lijing said is reliable?"


Feng Yuze snorted twice, and said disapprovingly: "It would be best if she said it can be done, but if it can't be done, then don't blame us for not keeping our promises and trying to save ourselves."

"it is good!"


The day passed quietly.

But this day had a far-reaching impact on Zhenghe County. Everyone knew what happened at the Yangliu Chemical Plant, and when they found out, they were both angry and deeply moved.

In any case, Shanqiu Food was saved.

As long as Shanqiu Food, Hetu Manufacturing and Zhao Xiaobai Winery remain in Zhenghe County, it will be a great blessing for them.With such a good thing, the rest is easy to talk about.

But after that day, Feng Yuze and the others didn't get the answer they wanted.

No one came to the rescue.

That's not counting, what awaits them is the disaster of prison.Thinking of this, Feng Yuze felt so angry that even Li Mengxing and Liang Kaishan showed annoyed expressions.

None of them objected to Feng Yuze's decision.

Because if it wasn't for that person's bewitching, they are still free and easy outside, how could they say that they came to Zhenghe County, tossed about such a thing, and then they were targeted by Zhao Shanhe, and now they are even more likely to face prison.

"Tell me, what should we do now?" Feng Yuze was smoking a cigarette with an irritable expression.

"Say it, we will listen to you." Li Mengxing said in a deep voice.

"If you want me to say it, just as I said before, let's confess that person in exchange for freedom." Feng Yuze stubbed out his cigarette, his eyes gleaming with resentment.

"I'm just afraid, even if we confess, we won't be free." Liang Kaishan shook his head and said.

"It's nothing more than losing money, just losing money. If you believe me, we will take out the money. You must know that money is a bastard, and we will make money after spending it. But if they lose their freedom and lose their lives, then they are completely finished. Do you think so?" Feng Yuze said decisively.

Liang Kaishan and Li Mengxing looked at each other, they could only nod helplessly.

"Just do as you say."

No matter how unwilling you are, you have to endure it now.

"I want to see Zhao Shanhe, I have something to say to him."

Feng Yuze walked to the door and conveyed his attitude outward.

Zhao Shanhe soon found out about this. When he found out, he was talking to Du Jingming about the future development direction of Shanqiu Foods, so he was a little surprised why Feng Yuze met him.

Even if he wanted to meet, he should have met with the government and county officials.

Why me?

"Since Feng Yuze wants to see you, you should go and see them." Du Jingming smiled indifferently.

"Then I'll see you."

15 minute later.

Zhao Shanhe came to the ward of the hospital, looked at the three Feng Yuze sitting on the hospital bed, and said indifferently: "Three, if you have anything to say, just say it, I am short on time, but I don't have so much time to accompany you Spending it here."

"Zhao Shanhe, don't be so anxious. Since we want to meet you, we want to negotiate with you." Feng Yuze said frankly as the eldest of the three.


Zhao Shanhe crossed his legs and said calmly: "I don't think there is anything to negotiate between us, Feng Yuze, if you think so, then I'm leaving."

Said Zhao Shanhe got up and was about to leave.

"Director Zhao, wait a minute."

Feng Yuze hurriedly stood up to stop him, and then said with a wry smile: "Director Zhao, it's because we didn't understand the situation clearly, so you don't want to be as knowledgeable as we are. I'll tell you our conditions now. If you can see, we can move on." talk."

"Okay, say it!"

Zhao Shanhe nodded and sat down again.

"We will tell you why we came to Zhenghe County to invest, and who wants to target you. As a condition, we hope that we can get away from Zhenghe County safely. I don't think my request is too much? You can agree, right? " Feng Yuze asked.

"Get away safely?"

Zhao Shanhe said casually: "Feng Yuze, if you want to use this kind of thing as an exchange, I can tell you that you are wrong."

"I won't do this, and I'm not afraid to tell you that your so-called secret is actually the same thing with me. Do you really think that I haven't done anything these days?"

"What do you mean?"

Li Mengxing stood up abruptly, staring at him with straight eyes.

"Zhao Shanhe, are you scaring us?"


Zhao Shanhe shook his head and said calmly: "I really don't mean to scare you, I'm just telling the truth."

"Don't you just think that the secrets you have are very important, well, let me take a guess, the person who ordered you to come to Zhenghe County to trouble me should be Sears from Goldman Capital, right?"

"How do you know?" Feng Yuze was taken aback.

"You actually know about this?" Li Mengxing panicked.

"Are you really guessing?"

Liang Kaishan's face was pale.

This secret is the hole card in their hearts, but now this hole card has turned into a blank sheet of paper, how can you not surprise them?

not afraid?

So if Zhao Shanhe wanted to kill them, he would not have any worries.

Just thinking about this made the three of them shudder.

"It's really him!"

Seeing the expressions of the three of Feng Yuze, Zhao Shanhe couldn't help lowering Erlang's raised legs slowly, with a surprised expression on his face.

"You do not know?"

After the three of Feng Yuze looked at each other, they looked at Zhao Shanhe and asked with resentful eyes: "Are you really bluffing us?"

"It's not considered a bluff. In fact, I have already prepared for this matter. You don't think about it. If there is no basis for it, why don't I guess that others will guess Shiels? It's because he and I have a grudge. .”

After Zhao Shanhe got the answer he wanted, everything suddenly became clear.

I'll just say it!

How did Feng Yuze's three fraudulent investors come to Zhenghe County for no reason?

How could they insist on building a factory next to my factory?There is nothing tricky in it, how can it be possible if no one instigates it?Now that the case has been solved, the black hand behind the scenes is Sears!

He was the one who planned it all.

Not to mention, his scheme is really cruel enough.


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