Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 1018 This Move Is Absolutely Wonderful


What rebuttal?

This group of people who suddenly appeared, is what they said false?

No, it is true, it can be said to be absolutely true.

Some of the reporters present had tracked and reported on their situation, so they immediately stood up and testified.

Now there is no doubt, it is true.

Faced with such a sudden change, Yang Kaifeng's face was instantly gloomy and terrifying.

He knew that all his previous calculations were in vain. Now it is not about whether he can attract investment, but whether he should take responsibility.

The leader of Tangtang County was actually fooled by a group of scammers. This negligence and dereliction of duty is a trivial matter, and it will definitely harm the future without any benefit.

"How to do it?"

Yang Kaifeng fell into a dilemma.

Jiang Pingtao looked at Feng Yuze and the three of them even more angrily, cursing in his heart, you three are simply bastards, how dare you scam our Zhenghe county head.

Fortunately, this has been exposed now. Otherwise, if I was really invested by you and successfully defrauded by you, where would I put my old face?What face is there to see the government and the people of the county?

The more Jiang Pingtao thought about it, the more indignant he became.

At the corner of the crowd.

Cai Qian and Guo Kaiduan were standing here, looking at the situation in front of them, they couldn't help showing a sarcastic smile on their faces.

For them, such a scene couldn't have been happier.

"Hmph, you still want to use this method to disgust our Shanqiu Food, you want to force Zhao Xiaobai Winery to close down, and you even want to force us to move. Now, what do you guys do now?" Guo Kaiduan said with a sneer.

"Their old background has been exposed, and it must be a dead end, but Lao Guo, don't you think our factory manager is really good?" Cai Qian said with emotion.


After Guo Kaiduan glanced at Xia Wan's back, he nodded and said, "If I were to do this kind of thing, I might be able to do it, but I definitely won't be as easy as the factory manager."

"Look, our factory manager didn't even come, and we won a decisive victory thousands of miles away. Tsk tsk, how can such a person be compared with these three scammers?"

"Thousands of miles away?"

Cai Qian stretched out his fingers and gestured, jokingly said, "Isn't there a mile?"

Guo Kaiduan: "..."

"Ha ha!"

Cai Qian smiled heartily.

They can laugh, but some people are sad to death.

They really didn't expect that they would be forced into such a desperate situation. They thought that if they couldn't solve this matter quickly, it would be difficult for them to get out of it, regardless of their investment.

The three of Feng Yuze looked at each other, and quickly said to Yang Kaifeng: "Deputy County Magistrate Yang, I suggest that all these nonsense and troublemakers be kicked out immediately."

"Shut them away?"

When Yang Kaifeng looked at Feng Yuze again, a disappointed expression appeared on his face.

How dare you say such a thing?How dare you say that?Don't you know what kind of bad influence such words can have?

Not to mention that they are all entrepreneurs, even ordinary people cannot drive them away.

"That's right, they're kicked out of the venue. They're clearly here to make trouble, and they're here to make trouble. We don't know them, and they're just slander." Feng Yuze said with a blushing face.

"That's right, deputy magistrate Yang, this is clearly a personal slander and slander against us, we want to sue them!" Li Mengxing said angrily.

"Deputy County Chief Yang, if you still want us to invest in your Zhenghe County, you'd better settle this matter quickly." Liang Kaishan said fiercely, holding back the anger in his heart.

Threatening me?

Yang Kaifeng was already a little hesitant, but now that he was threatened like this, how could he tolerate it?He broke out on the spot, and he said with a stern face: "Mr. Feng, Mr. Liang, Mr. Li, since there is an emergency here, I suggest that this matter should be temporarily stopped, and we will talk about it when the investigation is clear."


Feng Yuze's face changed slightly, and Zhang Huang said in a panic: "Deputy County Magistrate Yang, this matter must not be stopped. If it is said to stop, what will happen to my investment?"

"You have to know, just to solve the troubles of the old brick factory, I threw a lot of money into it. It's not just me, Mr. Li and Mr. Liang are also like this. You Zhenghe County can't cross the river and demolish the bridge?"

"Crossing the river and demolishing the bridge?"

When Yang Kaifeng heard this, he was furious. Just as he was about to distinguish, Du Jingming, who had been sitting over there without saying a word, stood up expressionlessly.

"Mr. Feng, what you said is a bit wrong. What do you mean by crossing the river and demolishing bridges? Our Zhenghe County will never do this. If you say that, you are slandering the image of our Zhenghe County. You must carefully weigh the consequences."


Feng Yuze was at a loss for words.

He only said that out of excitement just now, but now that Du Jingming admonished him, he regretted it a long time ago.That's right, what Du Jingming said was right, how could he say that, this was a declaration of war on the entire Zhenghe County.What capital do I have to dare to be so unscrupulous?Not to mention myself, any businessman wouldn't dare to do this.

"You guys are really troublesome enough."

Du Jingming stared at the past with cold eyes, and his eyes shot out cold lights like swords, "Deputy County Magistrate Yang, are you sure you can still solve this matter? If you can, please handle it well. If you can't, I will Let's solve it."


Yang Kaifeng gritted his teeth and said harshly, "I can!"

"Then deal with it, I want to see how you deal with it." Du Jingming said indifferently.


Yang Kaifeng took a deep breath, looked at the three of Feng Yuze, and what he said was no longer hesitant as before, but unparalleled firmness and persistence.

"In view of this sudden situation, in my capacity as the leader of investment promotion in Zhenghe County, I am announcing that the construction of the Yangliu Chemical Plant will stop here, and we will wait until the investigation is clear when it will resume."

"At the same time, the construction of Dihuo Printing and Dyeing Factory and Tianxing Paper Factory has also stopped."

"Everything will be discussed after the investigation is clear."

"Let's all spread out now!"

When the voice fell to the ground, Yang Kaifeng didn't stay any longer, walked off the rostrum without looking back, and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

Jiang Pingtao naturally followed suit.

Seeing him like this, the corners of Du Jingming's mouth twitched slightly, but he didn't say anything.It's just that when he was about to leave, Feng Yuze stepped forward to stop him.

"Du County, is this the case?"

"if not?"

Du Jingming raised his arm and pointed at Jiang Shanping and the others, and said calmly: "Mr. Feng, Mr. Li, and Mr. Liang, you can see clearly that the disaster you caused has not been resolved. How do you proceed now? And since you are now If you are suspected of being a scammer, then you should not leave Zhenghe County until this matter is investigated clearly."

"Du County, are you trying to restrict our personal freedom?" Feng Yuze's expression changed.


Du Jingming said with a clear attitude: "But I think my restrictions are understandable to everyone. If you can't understand, please cooperate."

After saying this, Du Jingming also stepped off the rostrum.

"What shall we do now?"

After scanning the past, Liang Kaishan lowered his voice and asked, he was really at a loss.Because he had never encountered such a thing before, it was too outrageous.The leaders of Zhenghe County just patted their buttocks and left, leaving them here to dry.

"The 36 plan is the best plan."

Feng Yuze glanced over and noticed that people like Jiang Shanping were about to move, turned around and walked down without saying a word, for fear that if he walked a little late, he would be surrounded.

Liang Kaishan and Li Mengxing followed closely.

But they thought too well, and they didn't think that since Jiang Shanping and the others had come, how could they let them leave so easily.

If the three of Feng Yuze don't give an explanation today, they won't let it go.

"Feng Yuze, where are you going?"

Jiang Shanping rushed forward in a few strides, stopped the three of Feng Yuze and said sternly: "We finally found you, you must give us an explanation."

"What can I say to you? Hurry up and get out of the way."

Feng Yuze waved his hand distractedly, raised his hand and pushed Jiang Shanping down.It's okay if it's not pushing and shoving, the anger in Jiang Shanping's heart burst out when he pushed and pushed.

"It's fine if you don't pay back the money you owe me. If you dare to do something now, do you really think I dare not touch you?"

"Come on, beat them!"

"If the money is not returned, I admit it, but I have to pay this tone."

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Shanping and his group started to move their hands, and countless fists rained down on Feng Yuze and the three of them, beating them to pieces and crying out.

The reporters snapped and snapped pictures like sharks smelling blood.

The crowd who came to visit also gloated and watched the good show.

"Let's go."

Guo started squinting, shook his head and walked outside.

Cai Qian raised the corners of his lips with a sneer.

"Do not commit suicide."

There was rioting throughout the groundbreaking ceremony.

Mountain autumn food.

When Cai Qian came back and told what happened just now, the three of Zhao Shanhe showed a comfortable smile.None of them sympathized with the three of Feng Yuze, who made these three guys all fraudsters.

"If you ask me, I really should beat them up. It's obvious that they did something wrong, but looking at them, they refuse to admit it. Who would not be angry?" Cai Qian sneered when he thought of the scene just now.

"They won't be beaten to death, right?" Li Qiuya asked.

"will not!"

Guo began to shake his head, and said calmly: "Before we came back, the police had already gone to maintain order. If there is no accident, the three of Feng Yuze will be taken away by the police for questioning. Of course, we may go to the hospital for an examination first. Class. But anyway, his ocean current chemical plant is not going to continue to be built."

"Director, this move of yours is wonderful." Cai Qian said in admiration.

"My move?"

After Zhao Shanhe heard this, he tapped the document in front of him with his fingers, and said in a leisurely manner: "Cai Qian, this matter has nothing to do with me at all. You said that Feng Yuze didn't even send me an invitation letter. , I didn't even go to the scene, can this matter have something to do with me? No, it has nothing to do with a penny!"

"Yes, it doesn't matter a penny." Cai Qian said quickly.

"Ha ha!"

Several people burst into laughter.

"Director, what are we going to do now? Should we just sit on the sidelines, or take advantage of the victory?" Cai Qian asked after laughing.

"What do you think?" Zhao Shanhe looked over.

"If you want me to say it, you should pursue the victory, because no matter what we say about this matter, the outside world will definitely think that we did it. In fact, it doesn't matter whether we did it or not, because this matter is after all hurting our interests. Before you We have publicly opposed the three of Feng Yuze again. So now that this matter exists, we must make good use of it, fight back, and make a clear statement so that everyone knows that our attitude has always been the same and is resolute. !"

Cai Qian straightened his back and sat on the chair with a calm expression.

"Since that's the case, you are in charge of crisis public relations, so you can do it." Zhao Shanhe said lightly.


Cai Qian stood up and walked out.

"I'm going to help Chief Cai."


Guo Kaiduan followed suit.

When there were only three people left here, Li Xiangyang said with a worried expression: "We can resolve the crisis brought about by Feng Yuze and the three of us by doing this, but we will offend Yang Kaifeng to death. After all, this matter is his responsibility." What is responsible is his political achievements, and even for this matter, he even used the power of the city to facilitate this matter."

"Now that this matter is ruined by us, do you think he can let it go?"

"We must guard against his revenge."

"Xiang Yang is right, you have to be careful." Li Qiuya echoed.

"Yang Kaifeng will definitely have opinions on us, but this is not important. Because even if there is no such thing as Feng Yuze, he will not be very kind to us. You just need to know this, and I will talk about the rest Just deal with it." Zhao Shanhe didn't mean to explain in detail, after all, it involved Du Jingming.


The two nodded in unison.

"Now that the matter here has been dealt with, I will leave today and return to the Meng Dairy Factory. After that, I will get the job done as soon as possible. Only in this way can the Meng Milk Factory be able to operate at any time."

"But if this is the case, we have to prepare a sum of money first. After all, everyone has to support their families, and no one wants to work for nothing."

Li Xiangyang put down the teacup in his hand, stood up, put on his hat and said.

"You can report this matter, and I will approve it."

"it is good."

After Li Xiangyang finished speaking, he got up and left the office.

"And me?"

After Li Qiuya watched Li Xiangyang's back disappear from her eyes, she pointed to her nose and asked, "I can't say that I will also go to the Meng Milk Factory, right? What do you think I should do?"

"Your words"

Zhao Shanhe pondered slightly, and when he opened his mouth to tell his plan, who would have thought that the office door knocked from outside, Cai Shishi came in, and said something to the two with strange expressions.

It was these words that made Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya stunned for a moment. After they looked at each other, they both showed a look of surprise.

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