Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 1012 Everything I Say Is Wrong

"What? Are you telling the truth?"

Yang Kaifeng stood up abruptly, and stared in disbelief at Jiang Pingtao, the China Merchants Bureau, standing in front of him.

"Of course it's true. This matter has been spread to everyone, not to mention, right now, the families of the workers from Qunshanqiu Food and Zhao Xiaobai Winery are going to Mr. Feng's construction site to ask for an explanation."

"Yangxian, you have to think of a way quickly, or things will go wrong when they really pass by." Jiang Pingtao leaned forward, holding the table in front of him with both hands, and said anxiously.

"Notify Zhao Shanhe of this matter immediately and let him handle it."

Yang Kaifeng stood up, walked back and forth in the office a few steps, turned his head and said.

"Let Zhao Shanhe handle it?"

Jiang Pingtao froze for a moment.

What does this have to do with Zhao Shanhe?

They are all workers' families, can he manage them?

Besides, even if there is a relationship, you have forced them to this point, do you think they will still obey your orders?

This is a bit too good to think about, right?

"Yes, let Zhao Shanhe deal with it. They are all his people. If he doesn't go, who will he go to?"

Yang Kaifeng waved his hand distractedly, pointed to the phone on the table and said, "Call the office of the director of Shanqiu Foods right here and ask them to send someone to deal with this matter."

"Okay, I'll fight!"

What else can Jiang Pingtao say? He is the director of the China Merchants Bureau. In front of the leader in charge, he will naturally do what he says, so how dare he disobey his orders?

He quickly dialed Li Qiuya's phone number, and when the phone was connected there, he reported his family name, and then told Shanqiu Food to send someone to solve the matter quickly.

However, Li Qiuya was unmoved.

Facing Jiang Pingtao's anxiety, Li Qiuya acted very calmly, and said calmly, "Director Jiang, did you find the wrong person? Are we in charge of this matter?"

"Director Li, I'm not joking with you. This is a very important matter. You must immediately notify Zhao Shanhe to send someone to deal with it." Jiang Pingtao said with a straight face.

"Sorry, no time!"

Li Qiuya hung up the phone as soon as she spoke, without giving Jiang Pingtao any face.


Hearing the blind voice coming from his ear, Jiang Pingtao's face turned livid, but he could only swallow the sullen breath helplessly. What else could he do?

Who is Li Qiuya?That's Zhao Shanhe's daughter-in-law. As far as Zhao Shanhe's status is concerned, can he, a small director of the China Merchants Bureau, compete with it?What's more, people still take advantage of it.


Yang Kaifeng also heard the conversation between the two, and asked with a gloomy expression.

"Yes, I declined." Jiang Pingtao nodded awkwardly.

"It seems that this Shanqiu food is really a little bloated. They are so bloated that they forget what they are doing. They don't know who they should listen to. Hmph, I wrote down this account for them."

Yang Kaifeng snorted coldly.

Just when he was about to continue to give Jiang Pingtao instructions, someone knocked on the door, and a person came in and said respectfully that Du Jingming asked him to go over to hold an emergency meeting.

"You continue to find a way to solve this matter, and I will come as I go."

Yang Kaifeng turned around and walked out of the office, coming to Du Jingming.

Du Xian just called out, but Du Jingming greeted him with some icy cold eyes.

"Comrade Kaifeng, have you heard the recent rumors in our county? What are you going to do about this matter?"

"Don't forget how you promised the county party committee and the county government at the beginning. You said that you would never cause trouble, and you would definitely take care of the emotions of Shanqiu Food and Zhao Xiaobai Winery. Is this the promise you made? That's how you take care of Is it?"


Just as Yang Kaifeng opened his mouth to defend himself, he was interrupted by Du Jingming raising his hand.

"Okay, you don't need to explain, you know? Someone outside has already gone to Feng Yuze's construction site. I don't care what you think. The top priority now is to deal with this matter quickly, and there must be no riots."


Yang Kaifeng also sensed that Du Jingming didn't want to listen to his explanation, so I won't explain it and go to work.He really couldn't shirk this matter to anyone, because he was responsible.

He turned and walked out of the office.

Just when his figure was about to disappear, Du Jingming's steady voice came from behind.

"Comrade Kaifeng, tomorrow is the day Feng Yuze and his family break ground, right?"


Yang Kaifeng turned around slowly, and said calmly: "Feng Yuze, Liang Kaishan and Li Mengxing really want to invest in construction in our county. During the one-week preparation period, they have already brought in a lot of equipment. As long as they break ground tomorrow, all Equipment will also start to be assembled.”

"What they want is to wait until the factory is almost built, and strive to start production as soon as possible to see benefits."

"I see."

Du Jingming sat down and picked up the file to look through.

Yang Kaifeng turned around and strode away.

Now he has to hurry to Feng Yuze's factory to make sure there is no trouble. If something happened, it would definitely give Du Jingming an excuse.

He didn't want to introduce these three companies in the first place, and he would definitely take the opportunity to make a big fuss, so he would be passive.

"Du Jingming, Zhao Shanhe, don't you two want me to introduce these three companies? Let me tell you, I decided to do so. I will use my real achievements to shut you up!"


The old brick factory next to Shanqiu Food.

This is the factory site of the Yangliu Chemical Factory. The previous wall is still there, but the buildings inside have been demolished, and excavators are being assembled and on standby.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Feng Yuze smoked a cigarette and said triumphantly, "Did you see that? From now on, this place belongs to me, Yangliu Chemical, and I will build a chemical plant here in the future to produce many chemical products. "

"Old Feng, if this is the case, the Shanqiu Food next to you will be unlucky, they might really move away." Liang Kaishan reached out for a cigarette with a smile, and lit it.

"What I want is for them to move away!"

Feng Yuze glanced at the direction of Shanqiu Food with ambition in his chest, and said arrogantly: "Lao Liang, Lao Li, the mission of the three of us to come to Zhenghe County is to bring down Zhao Shanhe."

"As long as we can do this, it doesn't matter if the factory can't be built. Now, our plan has taken the most important step, and the rest can't be left behind. We must beat that guy Zhao Shanhe with one effort."

"I am very sure of that."

Li Mengxing smiled happily, took two puffs of the cigarette in his hand, and said loudly: "Zhao Shanhe wants to play with us, that is to hit a stone with an egg, and he doesn't even look at who is standing behind us."

"Of course, he shouldn't even want to know. The day he knows, that is, when all his factories are closed down and he is in poverty."

"Don't talk so much, tomorrow is the day when the three of us officially break ground, and there must be no problems." Feng Yuze said.

"Don't worry, it won't!"

While the three of them were talking and laughing, suddenly someone ran over and said anxiously: "Mr. Feng, there are many people outside, and they are yelling for you to go out."

"Who is it?" Feng Yuze frowned rather displeased.

"According to what they said, it seems that there are people from the old brick factory, as well as the family members of the workers from Shanqiu Food and Zhao Xiaobai Winery. They all come here in a swarm. I don't know what they want to do."

"People from the old brick factory? The family members of Zhao Shanhe's workers?"

After Feng Yuze heard this, he sneered and said, "What are they making trouble with me, and I don't owe them anything."

"Want to see me? I'm not going to see them. They're just a bunch of thugs. What right do you have to see me? Listen, tell the Zhenghe County Investment Promotion Bureau immediately, and tell Yang Kaifeng that this kind of thing happened. They have to figure it out.”

"I've already called. Director Jiang from the China Merchants Bureau is outside. He said that Deputy Yang is coming soon."

"Jiang Pingtao came fast enough, that's all right, since he's here, I'll leave this matter to them. Lao Liang, Lao Li, let's go, let's go over there for a while, and see how things will go." What a fuss."

Feng Yuze pointed to a big tree not far away.

"it is good!"


Mountain autumn food.

As a factory next to the old brick factory, many workers in Shanqiu Foods are talking about it at this moment.

They had already seen this scene, but no one ran out to follow suit.

Because they know that there are factory rules, and they must abide by them. If anyone dares to incite trouble at this time, they can be fired on the spot just because of the factory rules.

But not coming out doesn't mean they are not excited.

"Did you see that? My second uncle passed by just now. He used to work in the old brick factory. This time he must have gone to ask for an explanation."

"It's not just your second uncle? My mother has also passed, so nothing will happen to her."

"It's a good idea to build a chemical plant here. You say it's a big deal. If it is really built, what should we do? Also, why hasn't there been a statement in our factory? Is it like this? Are you being bullied by them? They are all riding on our necks!"

"It makes sense. I also suggest that our factory come forward and put forward opinions to the county to oppose this matter."

"Calm down for a while, do you think there is nothing to do in the factory? The factory pays more attention to this matter and is more anxious than you, so let's just stay calm and wait for the news."


In this angry atmosphere, all the senior executives of Shanqiu Foods stood in the office, looked at Li Qiuya standing in front of the window, and spoke emotionally.

There is only one core point of view: the conspiracy of the Yangliu Chemical Factory must not be allowed to succeed.

"Manager Li, should we speak to Director Zhao about this matter?"

"Need not!"

Li Qiuya turned her back to everyone, and said calmly: "The factory manager has his own arrangements for this matter. What you have to do is to ensure that our workers don't get emotional, don't be incited, and don't make trouble. As long as you can do it This will be resolved soon.”


"of course."

Li Qiuya turned around, said with a smile like a spring breeze: "Even if you don't believe me, don't you believe in Zhao Shanhe?"

"You know, he is the best at counter-killing Jedi. He cares more about the life and death of Shanqiu Food than any of you, don't you think so?"

This makes sense.

If Zhao Shanhe wasn't worried about Shanqiu Food, who else would?

"Okay, then let's wait and see the excitement."

"Feng Yuze, don't worry, the show has just begun, and tomorrow will be the main event, let's wait and see." Li Qiuya looked out the window, thinking to herself.


Indeed, Feng Yuze's side is now more lively.Although Jiang Pingtao was there, he really couldn't control this kind of situation.Because he faced these questions, there was no way to answer them.

How do you answer

Everything you say is wrong.

"Director Jiang, since you are here, let's ask, why do you have to build such a chemical plant next to Shanqiu Foods? Isn't this a clear way to force Shanqiu Foods to leave? If Shanqiu Foods moves away If so, what good is it for our county? Can you tell us the reason for this?"


"Director Jiang, I'm a worker in the old brick factory. I just want to know why our brick factory was sold in such a muddle-headed way? It's okay to sell it, but the question is why no one came to ask for our opinion. Did we Aren’t they workers in the brick factory? Don’t we say we can’t be the masters of the house? And who will be responsible for our compensation?”

"This one……"

"Director Jiang, I want to know, if this chemical plant is really built and affects the soil, water resources and air of our county, who will bear the consequences? Is it you or someone else? Don't give it to us. Talk about those things that are useless, say that there is no problem with environmental protection equipment, don’t tease us, how could it be all right? This is a chemical plant!”


Jiang Pingtao felt like crying.

He found that the questions raised by these people were very sharp and to the point, and no one was messing around here.And the more this happened, the more he felt broken and desperate.He was eager for Yang Kaifeng's arrival more than ever, because he couldn't give answers to these questions, but Yang Kaifeng could.


At this moment, Jiang Pingtao's searching eyes suddenly lit up, then he raised his hand and pointed not far away, and said loudly: "Our Vice County Yang is here, if you have any problems, ask him to solve it."

Deputy county magistrate Yang is here!

After shouting these words, everyone turned around and looked over, and they saw Yang Kaifeng as expected, and without the slightest hesitation, they surrounded Yang Kaifeng with a clatter.

same emotion.

The same problem.

Yang Kaifeng was also dazed.

He had no choice but to come here, but before he came, he thought that Jiang Pingtao had already taken care of the matter, and he just had to go through the motions when he came here.

Now it seems that this is not the case at all, Jiang Pingtao is really helpless.

But the problem is that I have nothing to do with myself!

He couldn't give the answers to these questions!

But being forced to go to Liangshan, he could only try his best to appease the emotions of the people present, and shouted at the top of his voice: "Don't worry too much, I can answer all the questions you asked."

"First, the issue of the brick factory is decided by the county. Some of you may not have received the news, but I can assure you that everyone will receive a good buyout contract. Your length of service and retirement Gold can be guaranteed, so you don't want to make trouble here anymore."

After these words fell to the ground, the workers in the brick factory really stopped.

They came here for their own interests, and now that their interests are guaranteed, there is nothing else to say.

After Yang Kaifeng noticed the emotional change in the crowd, he was overjoyed, and then he started talking again.

It's just that what I said this time didn't work as well as the first time.

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