
Hearing Zhao Shanhe's words, Feng Yuze suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

Liang Kaishan and Li Mengxing also showed a look of disdain.

"Zhao Shanhe, do you really think that Zhenghe County was run by you? You can do whatever you want? Let me tell you, it is a certainty that we come here to invest. If you don't believe it, then we Just wait and see."

Amidst the loud laughter, Feng Yuze's expression was extremely cold.

"Okay, since you don't want the face, don't blame us for being rude."

Feng Yuze got up and left after speaking.

Li Mengxing and Liang Kaishan also snorted coldly, followed and walked out.

Seeing their backs disappearing from the office like this, Li Qiuya walked over with a gloomy expression.

"Shanhe, they seem to be relying on something. Do you think this will really happen as they said? If they really build a factory next to our factory, it will definitely not work."

"Building a factory next to it?"

Zhao Shanhe sneered and said, "Listen to them, they really want to do this, but the question is can it be successful?"

"Is there any open space next to Zhao Xiaobai's winery? No, what is next to us? It's a road. They can't claim to occupy the road, can they? The only place they can make up their minds is the east, but there is cultivated land .”

"Are you saying that they can take up cultivated land casually?"

"Of course not!"

Li Qiuya shook her head and spoke firmly, but just after she finished speaking, she hesitated and said: "The east and west are not acceptable, but what about the north? It's a garbage dump, if they want to, they can use it. "

"Junk yard?"

The corner of Zhao Shanhe's mouth suddenly raised a playful smile.

"Don't worry, you said it was a garbage dump. If that's the case, would they want it? Actually, I really hope they can take that garbage dump."

"Why?" Li Qiuya asked with a puzzled expression.

"Don't you think our Zhao Xiaobai winery should also expand?" Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.


After Li Qiuya was slightly taken aback, she looked over in surprise.

"You don't want to play Feng Yuze's idea, do you? You want them to gnaw off that hard bone, and then we take it from them? If this is the case, it is definitely a good thing for us .”


Zhao Shanhe raised his hand and pointed to the outside: "Yang Kaifeng gave Feng Yuze and the others three territories at the welcome meeting, which is actually what I want."

"Those three lands have always been in my plan. It's just that I haven't freed up my hands to do this. Who would have thought that Yang Kaifeng could not wait to give them to them."

"You have to know that these three lands are all problematic."

Zhao Shanhe continued unhurriedly: "The garbage site to the north of Zhao Xiaobai Distillery needs to be cleaned up, the cleaning cost alone is not low, and if you want to build a factory after cleaning up, you have to connect water and electricity, right? If you don’t have these infrastructures, what kind of factory do you build?”

"The old brick factory is the one that can be missed next to Shanqiu Foods. Seriously, didn't you mention to me several times that you wanted to take down the old brick factory? But I rejected them all because of the old brick factory. There are too many twists and turns involved, if we win, there will be many unnecessary incidents."

"It's good now. Doesn't he, Feng Yuze, want to build a chemical plant? Then let him move the old brick factory. Whether it can be done is one thing. Even if it is really done, do you think it will be of no benefit to us? There are benefits."

"The last one is the open space next to Hetu Manufacturing in Liang Kaishan's prime minister. It is a factory left by a military enterprise. Even if he is gone now, do you think anyone can take it casually? The county is willing to come out. If you want to do this, let them do it."

"It's still the same sentence, don't worry, when they are all done, then it's my turn."

"What exactly do you want to do?" Li Qiuya asked curiously.

"I'm going to do this..."

Hearing what Zhao Shanhe said, Li Qiuya showed a surprised expression on her face, and then said with emotion: "The three of Feng Yuze think that with Yang Kaifeng's backing, they can crush you to death, but they never dreamed that, You will do this. Although you will be wronged if you do this, they will definitely regret it in the end. "


Zhao Shanhe waved his hand and said disapprovingly: "It's just a false name. I've been on the road, and I've been doubted less often? If I feel wronged when I'm suspected, then I should have been wronged many times. .”

"Hearing what you said, I'm really looking forward to the three of them investing here. But Shanhe, I think you should talk to Du County about this in advance," Li Qiuya said.

"It's not necessary."

Zhao Shanhe shook his head, and said calmly: "If it is said that Feng Yuze and the other three don't come to invest, then it will be treated as if I didn't say anything about it."

"If they insist on coming to invest, it means that Du County can't handle it. Since he can't handle it, we don't need to say anything."

"Let's do this."

"Okay! I'll listen to you, so I'll do it now." Li Qiuya nodded and said.

"Qiuya, you look very excited." Zhao Shanhe glanced at his wife and smiled.

"Needless to say, they all want to destroy our foundation, why should I miss this opportunity to slap them in the face?" Li Qiuya pouted.

"You, you!"

"I go first!"

After finishing speaking, Li Qiuya walked out of the office in a hurry.

For the next two days, Zhao Shanhe did not return to Hetu Manufacturing, but continued to stay at Shanqiu Foodstuffs. While handling official business, he also arranged for Xiao Mingyu to lead a team to Xianhua City.

He believed that with Li Xiangyang sitting there, and Xiao Mingyu's investigation in the past, the dairy factory would definitely be fine.

My Mengniu, I look forward to your early rise.


Of course, Feng Yuze and the others were not idle when they were working on Zhao Shanhe's side.

To be exact, Yang Kaifeng was not idle. He brought up the issue of attracting investment at the work meeting of the county government, and confronted Du Jingming face-to-face.

Everyone was in an uproar.

But no one came forward to criticize, because they all wanted to see what Du Jingming was going to do.

Obviously, this time Du Jingming did not give Yang Kaifeng a chance to continue to attack, but vetoed it without hesitation.

"I will absolutely not agree to any polluting companies investing in Zhenghe County!"

This is Du Jingming's clear attitude.

It doesn't matter if things really want to progress like this, but there is an accident.

This incident actually spread to the city. After listening to Yang Kaifeng's work report in the city, he immediately threw this issue to Du Jingming, and clearly instructed that on the issue of attracting investment, it must not be treated differently.

Pollution or non-pollution is one thing, but whether or not to attract investment is another.

The environmental management of pollution is that you cannot say that a company is rejected because of pollution. It is wrong and one-sided to do so.So in this kind of instruction, Du Jingming can only express his obedience.

But he obeyed, but he made it clear that the three companies must install environmental protection equipment that meets national standards, otherwise, he will fight to the end.

The matter was thus brought to a final resolution.

"So Feng Yuze and the others are going to invest in our county now, right?" Zhao Shanhe held the big brother, listening to Du Jingming's words, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.


Du Jingming said with a somewhat bleak tone: "Shanhe, I wanted to object to this, but in the end I couldn't do it. But don't worry, although they said they could come to invest in our county, I don't know where to build the factory." Will agree."

"Don't object, I don't have any objection to the location of their factory."

Who would have thought that Zhao Shanhe would say this.

Du Jingming was stunned immediately, and he asked a little puzzled: "Shanhe, are you okay? The three of them are going to build a factory next to your factory, aren't you afraid of being affected?"

"Du County, let me ask, are the three of them sure to build factories in garbage dumps, old brick factories and abandoned military enterprises?" Zhao Shanhe asked calmly.

"Yes, that's what it is."

"In that case, let them do it, and it's best to let them do it as soon as possible. As for us, don't hinder us. After all, attracting investment is a big deal, don't you think so?" Zhao Shanhe said calmly.


Du Jingming just wanted to continue asking, but his eyes narrowed slightly.Although he didn't know why Zhao Shanhe said that, but he intuitively told himself that Zhao Shanhe must have his own wishful thinking.

That being the case, what I have to do is to cooperate.

He didn't want to ask the bottom line, because some things are easy to operate if you don't know them. If you want to know, it may not be good for you.

"Okay, you are right, attracting investment is a good thing, so I will encourage it." Du Jingming said.

"That's right, Deputy Yang is in charge of attracting investment anyway, so you can leave it to him."

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Du Jingming smiled thoughtfully.

"Zhao Shanhe, are you going to cheat people again? But this time I support you! It's just that I support you, and some people want to beat and beat. Otherwise, they don't even know what the county government of Zhenghe County is. Who's in charge."

Thinking of this, Du Jingming asked Secretary Gu Changbei to call over the director of the China Merchants Bureau.

He wants to lecture.


In the elegant room of a teahouse in Zhenghe County.

Sitting by the window, Hu Lijing glanced at the three Feng Yuze in front of her, with a sinister arc drawn at the corner of her mouth, with a slender lady's cigarette between her fingers, she smoked and said.

"Feng Yuze, I helped you accomplish what the three of you wanted to do, but what you promised me before must be fulfilled. Otherwise, if I can make you work, I can let you go."

"Mr. Hu, look at what you said, what we promised you will definitely be done. In this way, if you say that you don't believe us, then we will pay the bill in batches."

Feng Yuze chuckled.

"What is batch payment?" Hu Lijing asked.

"That is, we can come to Zhenghe County to invest now. If you help us settle the bank, we will pay you. If you say you can help us manage the site, we will continue to pay, so that when things are done, We will give it to you again. Look, in this case, everyone is happy, right?" Feng Yuze said with a smile.


After hearing this, Hu Lijing's laughing branches trembled wildly, a burst of waves rippling from her chest, and the provocative eyes of Liang Kaishan and Li Mengxing stared straight at it.

"Feng Yuze, you've got your wishful thinking. Let me tell you, don't think about it as soon as possible. I won't continue to help you."

"We made it very clear at the beginning that I helped you to invest in Zhenghe County, and you have to pay me. Now that my business is done, you must also settle the balance for me."

Hu Lijing stood up after speaking.

"You guys know my account number, I want to see the final payment before sunset tonight, otherwise, hehe..."

Hu Lijing sneered and walked out of the elegant room.

When there were only three people left here, Li Mengxing said with unsatisfied enthusiasm: "He is really a vixen who has brought disaster to the country and the people. If I could meet her once, I would be willing to die now."

"Get out of here, are you promising? You're about to die, is your life so worthless?" Feng Yuze reprimanded with a sharp stare.

"Hey." Li Mengxing rubbed his head and smiled coyly.

"Old Feng, what do you think about this matter? Do you really want to call her the final payment? If we call her, we will no longer be able to control her." Liang Kaishan said hesitantly.


Feng Yuze shook his head and said calmly: "Since I promised her, we must do it. Otherwise, with Hu Lijing's network background in Handong City, it will really ruin our business. Don't forget, we are I came with a mission. As long as I can complete that mission, are you afraid that I won’t have any money?"

"That's right, let's do it like this."

"I really want to see Zhao Shanhe's expression now, I believe it will be wonderful." Liang Kaishan said with a smile.

"Yeah, I really want to see it too." Li Mengxing laughed loudly.

Feng Yuze also showed a smile.

Zhao Shanhe, don't worry, just wait for us, because you are our mission target!

Hu Lijing, who came out of the teahouse, took a deep look at the teahouse behind her and said to herself, "Feng Yuze, I'll wait to see if you can defeat Zhao Shanhe."



No matter how upside down the commotion outside is, Zhao Shanhe has returned to the village now.

Although it is said that the orchard has been handed over to He Saihua, it involves the career future of the old man after all, and Zhao Shanhe dare not take it lightly.

And when he came back, he heard a piece of news.

It is said that Zhao Yonghao has been pushed out to run for the election of the village director.

Thinking that now is not the time for the election, Zhao Shanhe asked curiously, but Zhao Pinghu said bluntly that it is impossible for him to say that he has been the village director all the time, right?

Since he was going to resign, Zhao Yonghao of course had to stand up ahead of time.

So now comes the problem.

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