Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 1005 How dare you cut first and play later?

In the center of the front, there were indeed a few men chatting and laughing happily.

The radiant man surrounded by him was Yang Kaifeng, the deputy magistrate.

Holding a red wine glass next to him, the one in casual clothes should be Feng Yuze.

It seems that this Feng Yuze is also a person with personality, but it is interesting to wear casual clothes on such a formal occasion.

"You two, from what you say, it seems that you have a lot of opinions on this Zhao Shanhe, don't you? You probably haven't met before, right? How could there be such strong hostility?"

Zhao Shanhe looked back and asked unhurriedly.

"Yes, we haven't met, but so what? Haven't you heard that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers?" Li Mengxing raised his head slightly, and said with a bit of pride.

"One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers?"

Zhao Shanhe couldn't help raising his brows: What and what is this?

Zhenghe County is such a big place, how can there be two tigers?

Besides, even if it is a tiger, you still have three heads, and if I add mine, this is enough for four.

With so many tigers entrenched in Zhenghe County, don't you feel crowded?

"How much do you want to invest in building the factory?"

Zhao Shanhe didn't ask this topic again, but changed the subject and asked.

Don't you guys really want to show off?Then I'll see how many catties there are.


Hearing this question, Li Mengxing immediately said complacently: "Tell you, we are planning to invest tens of millions."

"My paper mill, Lao Liang's printing and dyeing factory, and Lao Feng's chemical factory, the investment in these factories will not be small, and they will definitely need to employ people at that time. I think you are very clever, follow us in the future. "

Tens of millions of investment?

The corner of Zhao Shanhe's mouth twitched, I just listen to what you say.

Just like you, can you get tens of millions of investment?

Also, I really don't like you guys. If you want to invest here, I'm the first one not to agree.

The good Zhenghe County must not be destroyed by these three polluting enterprises.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Liang, you are here, I have been looking for you for a long time. Let's go, let's meet with Leader Yang, he has something to tell you."

At this moment, a soft voice suddenly sounded behind the two of them, and with a gust of fragrant wind blowing over, a charming woman in a dress with a beautiful appearance and big waves appeared.

"Hello, Mr. Hu!"

Li Mengxing and Liang Kaishan, who were still arrogant and domineering just now, immediately greeted this woman with smiles, their postures were very correct, and there was a kind of humility between their brows.

President Hu?

Zhao Shanhe also saw Mr. Hu.

"is her!"

At the first sight, Zhao Shanhe couldn't help but close his eyes.

Hu Lijing!

The boss of Fenghua Daily Chemicals in Handong City!

It is said that she is a woman with a lot of means, a strong background, and a watertight way of doing things.

This time, the three of Li Mengxing were able to invest in Zhenghe County. According to Du Jingming, it was Hu Lijingcao who made the bridge.

I said why I didn't see her just now, so she was waiting here.

"Hey, isn't this Director Zhao? I didn't see it just now, Director Zhao, how are you?"

After Hu Lijing stood in the front, her eyes flicked past Li Mengxing and the two of them. Just when she was about to turn away, her eyes lit up when she saw Zhao Shanhe, and she spoke in surprise.

"Hello, Mr. Hu!" Zhao Shanhe greeted formulaically.

"Director Zhao?"

Li Mengxing and Liang Kaishan were stunned for a moment, they looked at Hu Lijing, and asked in surprise: "Mr. Hu, who is this Director Zhao you are talking about?"

"It's Zhao Shanhe, the director of Hetu Manufacturing and Shanqiu Foods. Don't you always want to know him? Why don't you know him when he stands in front of you." Hu Lijing said with a light smile.

"What, you are Zhao Shanhe?"

The two were stunned for a moment, but after the stunned, an embarrassing expression appeared on their faces.

It's true that they are thick-skinned, but thinking about their boasting just now in front of the Lord, they still feel a little embarrassed.

"Yes, I am Zhao Shanhe."

Zhao Shanhe nodded, and said calmly: "Mr. Li, Mr. Liang, I can see that you are very courageous in doing things. If this is the case, I will wait for you to grow stronger and surpass me as soon as possible."

"President Hu, excuse me."

"it is good!"

Under Hu Lijing's gaze, Zhao Shanhe turned around and walked towards a circle not far away, and soon chatted with the people there.

In this circle, there is Wang Luya, the director of Xiaolugou Embroidery Factory.

"I said what did you two say to Zhao Shanhe just now?" Hu Lijing looked over curiously.


After Li Mengxing coughed, he said with an angry face: "Mr. Hu, this Zhao Shanhe is really interesting. He knows that we are talking about him, but deliberately pretends to be stupid to watch our jokes. Such a person has a problem with his temperament."

"Who says it's not." Liang Kaishan was also quite annoyed.

"You guys, don't worry about this, let's go, Leader Yang is looking for you. Remember, when you see Leader Yang, say what you should say, and don't say what you shouldn't." Hu Lijing reminded.

"Don't worry, we know how to measure."

Three people walked forward.

Looking at the backs of the three people, Wang Luya raised the corners of her lips, and said disapprovingly: "I heard what you said just now, these two people are really sticks, they don't know anything, they just want to trouble you. "

"I was wondering, where did they get the confidence, who gave them the courage to dare to do this."

Today's Wang Luya is leaning against the big tree Zhao Shanhe to enjoy the shade.

In the past, Zhao Xiaobaijiu cooperated with the embroidery factory and purchased embroidery as a gift.But now Xiangpiaopiao milk tea, blue bird tempered glass, and even products made by Hetu are given with embroidery as gifts.

In other words, today's Xiaolugou Embroidery Factory is supported by Zhao Shanhe.

"Mouths grow on them, let them go."

Zhao Shanhe shrugged indifferently.

"Director Wang, I actually want to talk to you."

"What are you talking about?"

"It's just that Zhao Xiaobai Winery wants to make a commemorative version of liquor recently. I want to discuss with you, see if you can come up with a batch of corresponding embroidery products."

The two chatted like this.

Time passed slowly.

About ten minutes later, there was a loud noise at the door, and all the people who were chatting subconsciously stopped and looked over, even Yang Kaifeng was no exception, and he walked forward.

Because Du Jingming is here.

"Du County, you are welcome to come and guide the work."

The first sentence Yang Kaifeng said after meeting made Du Jingming feel cold, but he didn't show it on his face.

At first glance, this sounds reasonable, but is it really the case?

no.After all, this welcome party was held in Zhenghe County, and Du Jingming was the rightful organizer.

Yang Kaifeng can only be regarded as a deputy.

But now the tone of his speech and the words he uttered, it seems that this is his home field, he is the landlord, Du Jingming is just a guest, and he is only here to guide the work.

The meaning is different.

Of course Du Jingming has a city mansion, so don't try to force him to leave.

Even facing Yang Kaifeng's subtle admonition, he didn't even tremble his eyelids.

"This is the investor welcome meeting held by our Zhenghe County Investment Promotion Bureau. How can I not come to see it? Besides, we said at the meeting before that I will definitely come. Comrade Kaifeng, your memory seems like It's a bit bad, and you have forgotten such an important thing, aren't you too happy?"

"Ha ha!"

Yang Kaifeng smiled awkwardly, and said loudly, "Yes, I'm just too excited."

"Duxian, let me introduce the three of them to you."

Speaking of which, Yang Kaifeng hid the embarrassment in his heart by laughing, and let the three of Feng Yuze out, pointing to them and introducing them respectively: "This is Li Mengxing, the boss of Tianxing Paper Factory, and this is the manager of Dihuo Printing and Dyeing Factory. Boss Liang Kaishan, Mr. Liang, this is Mr. Feng Yuze, the owner of Yangliu Chemical Factory, and this welcome meeting is held for them."

"Three, this is Du Jingming Du County of our Zhenghe County Government."

"Hi County Du."

The three of Feng Yuze greeted each other.


Du Jingming said happily: "Welcome the three bosses to come to our Zhenghe County for investment inspection. I have heard about your factories a long time ago, and they are all very promising and large-scale. In this way, since today is the welcome meeting, Then let's have a good chat, and hope that we can have the opportunity to work together."

"it is good!"

The welcome party officially started with the arrival of Du Jingming.

People from the China Merchants Bureau are in charge of hosting.

Du Jingming and Yang Kaifeng spoke respectively.

It's just that during this speech, Zhao Shanhe's heart was filled with a tired mood, because he suddenly felt that the so-called investors were here for him, and the so-called welcome meeting was to declare war on him.

Not only him, but everyone else sensed that something was wrong.

After glancing at Zhao Shanhe, they all listened attentively to Yang Kaifeng's speech, analyzed the meaning of Yang Kaifeng's words, and guessed what the deputy county magistrate wanted to do.

Du Jingming's face also darkened.

Because the words Yang Kaifeng said had never been said at the meeting before, and he hadn't even communicated with himself.

When Yang Kaifeng said this, the impact it had had was enormous.

Do you still have the rules? How dare you cut first and play later?

Do you know that what you said will have a huge impact on Zhao Shanhe's factory.

So what did Yang Kaifeng say?

He said so.

After a long paragraph of praises, Yang Kaifeng changed the subject and said cleanly: "Mr. Feng, Mr. Li, and Mr. Liang, the three investors are very appreciative of the investment environment in our Zhenghe County. They are also very satisfied with the investment promotion policy. They even chose the place to invest and build factories in order to show their sincerity.”

"You said, are they full of sincerity?"

"Let's put it this way, Mr. Feng's chemical plant was chosen to be in our old garbage dump on Yanshan Street. Mr. Li's paper mill was in the old brick factory in our county. Mr. Liang's printing and dyeing factory decided to be in the earliest Fengfan factory. It was built next to the cannery, isn’t there an open space there? Just use it to build a printing and dyeing factory.”

As soon as these words were finished, the audience was in an uproar.

"Isn't Zhao Xiaobai Winery next to the garbage dump?"

"Isn't the old brick factory next to Shanqiu Food?"

"Isn't Fengfan Cannery the current Hetu Manufacturing?"

"Whether this is intentional or unintentional, all three factories chose to build next to Zhaoshanhe's factory. If you say they are all non-polluting enterprises, it's easy to say, but are they? No, if it means polluting , Does anyone dare to eat the food of Shanqiu Food? Does anyone dare to drink Zhao Xiaobai sorghum wine? Can the people who make Hetu still have a way to go to work?"

"Look at Zhao Shanhe's complexion is not right."

Amidst these whispers, although Zhao Shanhe said he was still sitting as still as a mountain, the expression on his face was already ugly, and he looked at Yang Kaifeng with undisguised sullenness.

"Du County, do you know what Deputy Yang said?" Zhao Shanhe turned his head and asked.

"I am not sure."

Du Jingming shook his head, and said with cold eyes: "I don't know anything about what he said. But don't worry, I won't agree to him."

"Don't talk about building these polluting enterprises near your factory, whether we can let them enter our county is another matter. Shanhe, don't worry, I know this very well."

With Du Jingming's words, Zhao Shanhe's angry heart calmed down a little, but he still said in a very angry tone: "Du County, you asked me to come today to help take a look at these three investors. Then I can express my attitude now, I will not agree with any of them to enter our Zhenghe County."

"But now it seems that my attitude is not that important. Our deputy Yang is determined to introduce these enterprises."

"If this is really the case, I will leave it here. This is definitely not the blessing of our Zhenghe County."

"I know."

Du Jingming nodded, his eyes gradually became firm.

"Mr. Hu, Zhao Shanhe over there seems to be a little angry. Do you think he doesn't want us to come and invest? If so, will he do something bad? I heard that he has a very close relationship with Du County. If he is said to incite hostility in Du County, this matter may not be able to go on." Li Mengxing glanced at Zhao Shanhe and said in a low voice.

"Bad things? Why did he want to do bad things? Our factory is not built inside his factory, so is it illegal to be next to each other?" Liang Kaishan said nonchalantly.

"Don't worry, there won't be any problems with this matter." Feng Yuze said proudly.

Listening to the conversation of these three people, Hu Lijing smiled lightly, and said in a soft tone: "What are you thinking, you are investors, and in the current social environment, will anyone reject you?"

"So this matter, just put your heart in your stomach, everyone will be fine, just wait for the good news."

With Hu Lijing's words, Li Mengxing and the three were completely relieved.After all, compared with Hu Lijing, they are just foreigners, but Hu Lijing is a real local, her words are very useful.

The most important thing is that Hu Lijing's identity background is so strong that they won't doubt it at all.

Zhao Shanhe is very strong, but can he be stronger than Hu Lijing?

At this moment, Yang Kaifeng continued to speak.

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