Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 1003 1 Internal Cause, 1 External Cause

"What, is something wrong?"

Zhao Shanhe looked over.

Gao Changhang frowned, and a bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.


What Cai Shishi said immediately made Gao Changhang's face change slightly, but he quickly recovered, with a mocking arc drawn at the corner of his mouth, and he said mockingly: "Huang Fangjun is really a cunning fox!"

It turned out that what Cai Shishi said was: "Huang Fangjun is asking to see you outside."

You said it so nicely before, you said you have to have dignity, you have to have backbone, you have to have face, but didn't you come here in the end?

I dare you to pretend like that on purpose in front of me.

Huang Fangjun, what an old fox.

It's a good thing I didn't listen to you, or I would have been tricked by you this time.

"Huang Fangjun?"

After Zhao Shanhe glanced at Gao Changhang, he said thoughtfully: "Director Gao, then our business is settled like this. After you go back, hurry up and bring the machine over to me."

"Okay, I'll go back and make arrangements." Gao Changhang said.

"Then I'll send it to you."

"You're welcome."

As the office door opened, the moment Gao Changhang was sent out, Huang Fangjun who was standing outside saw the two of them.While he was slightly surprised, he subconsciously saw the contract in Huang Fangjun's hand, and his pupils shrank instinctively.

Well, you Gao Changhang, you pretended to be deep in the tea room, but now you are doing well, you sold us all when you turned your head.Fortunately, I was on guard against you and kept a hand, otherwise if I didn't come today, I would be killed by you.

"Director Gao."

"Director Huang."

After the two greeted each other face to face, neither of them said much, so they passed by.

"Director Zhao."

"Director Huang, come in and talk."

Zhao Shanhe didn't say that he did things too badly, and he came to the door with a smile on his face, so he could still beat him out with a stick?What's more, in his own territory, if he dared not even see Huang Fangjun, it would be inappropriate to spread the word.

"it is good!"

The cup of tea belonging to Gao Changhang on the table was still there, Cai Shishi brought over a new cup and put it away.After Zhao Shanhe also sat down, Huang Fangjun said straight to the point: "Director Zhao, since Gao Changhang has come to find me, then I won't hide it, and just say something, I'm here for the road roller machine. "

"So you mean you agreed to my conditions?" Zhao Shanhe asked slowly.


Huang Fangjun smiled heartily.

"Actually, even if you don't say so, Director Zhao, I will agree. After all, we are all companies in Handong City, and we should help each other. And because of my momentary confusion, it almost caused immeasurable consequences. It's all because of me." It's my fault. I didn't say that I took the conditions you offered as conditions, it was purely my apology."

"Since it is an apology, it must be sincere."

"So I think [-] is a bit high for one set, or let's make [-] for one. This is also my apology, what do you think?"

Four hundred and one?Purely as an apology?

The moment Huang Fangjun said this, Zhao Shanhe raised his eyelids slightly, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.That's interesting, Huang Fangjun, I didn't expect you to have such courage.

Five hundred ones is equivalent to losing money, but you dare to offer a price of four hundred ones. This should be vomiting blood, right?

But if you want me to forgive you in this way, that's unthinkable.You think I can't see that you are doing this purely to pave the way for yourself, and you want me to continue to cooperate with you in the future.It's a pity, Huang Fangjun, this is not the first time we have dealt with each other, if you do this, it will only be a waste of time.

"Four hundred units? Director Huang, you are too polite."

"Should be."

"If you really should, why don't you think about it, how about three hundred per set?"

What Zhao Shanhe said lightly made Huang Fangjun, who was still smiling happily just now, stunned. He looked over with a surprised face, but he was already scolded in his heart.

Three hundred and one?Zhao Shanhe, why don't you go grab the money?My four hundred ones are enough to give you face, but you actually lowered the price for me.Do you know that if I agree to your conditions, I will pay for it to death.

Are you making it clear that you want to bully me?

But he didn't dare to say these words, he could only smile awkwardly, and said embarrassingly: "Director Zhao is joking, if it's [-] units, I can't go back."

"If it's so embarrassing, then Factory Manager Huang, or let's forget about it." Zhao Shanhe slowly sat up straight, picked up the teacup in front of him, and drank leisurely.


Huang Fangjun has the heart to kill.

Zhao Shanhe, you are definitely humiliating me naked, otherwise you wouldn't do it.I can tell that you have no sincerity in wanting to cooperate with us at all.

You still hate me!

I really wanted to get up, slap my ass and walk away.But as soon as this idea came up, Huang Fangjun killed it violently. He knew he couldn't do do you goDidn't you see that Gao Changhang left with a contract?If he walks away, what do you want the people in Handong City to think of him?In the same situation, Gao Changhang can sign the contract, but you can't?

You can't be incompetent.

Those who are incompetent are not qualified to continue to serve as directors of tractor factories.

Thinking of the benefits brought to him by the position of factory manager, Huang Fangjun took a deep breath, suppressed the roar in his heart, looked at Zhao Shanhe and suddenly laughed and said: "Director Zhao, since you have said so, there is nothing to say , let’s have three hundred ones!”

"you sure?"


"Then let's sign the contract!"

Zhao Shanhe didn't continue to tease, and soon signed a contract with Huang Fangjun. After picking up the contract, no matter how mixed his feelings were, Huang Fangjun still smiled and said, "Director Zhao, I hope we can continue to cooperate in the future."

"Hope it!"

"Then I'll take my leave."

"it is good!"

Then the two walked towards the door, and when the door opened, an unexpected scene happened again.Huang Fangjun saw Chen Guodong standing at the door. He probably didn't expect Huang Fangjun to appear from here with the contract in his hand, so the moment he saw it, Chen Guodong's face was also full of astonishment.

"Director Huang, why are you here?" Chen Guodong asked in surprise.

"Why can't I be here? It's you, Factory Manager Chen, why are you here?" After all, Huang Fangjun had the background of Gao Changhang before, so he was able to be calm.


Chen Guodong lowered his head in embarrassment, and said with a smirk, "I suddenly thought of something, so I came to meet Director Zhao and have a chat with him. If you want to leave, please leave."

"it is good!"

Huang Fangjun took a deep look at Chen Guodong, and started to leave.

Watching Huang Fangjun's back disappear from the corner, Zhao Shanhe looked at Chen Guodong with a calm expression.

"Director Chen, what do you need from me?"

"It's something, Director Zhao, is it convenient for us to go in and talk about it?" Chen Guodong quickly calmed down, stopped thinking about Huang Fangjun, and said with a smile.

"Okay, please come in!"

After saying that, Zhao Shanhe turned around and let Chen Guodong in.

Zhao Shanhe wanted to leave, after all, that's what he did when he went to see Chen Guodong.But in the end, Zhao Shanhe still didn't do that. After all, he was in his own territory, and he was the winner now, so he had to have at least a gesture.What's more, if you drive away like this, how can it be more refreshing to witness Chen Guodong's bowing his head?

"Director Chen, I'm curious. Before we talk about things, can you tell me what your three tractor factories think? Did you agree to come here together today? Why are there only a few minutes before and after, just signing the contract?" You all came within the time of the contract?" Zhao Shanhe asked slowly, raising Erlang's legs.


Chen Guodong was slightly taken aback.

My family, Huang Fangjun's family, is it possible that Gao Changhang is also here?Okay, when the two of you were in the tea room just now, one acted filled with righteous indignation, and the other deliberately pretended to be deep. If anyone wanted to turn around, you did just that.

Do you guys do things like this?

That is to say, I am smart, and I also came to Hetu Manufacturing.Otherwise, wouldn't it be the case that you two old men will be entrapped this time.

"Director Zhao, this matter is actually not as complicated as you think. It's just that before we came here, the three of us passed through Qi." Chen Guodong replied with reservations.

"I'll just say it."

Zhao Shanhe tapped the document on the desktop with his fingers, and asked calmly: "Director Chen, I still have a question to ask."

"You said."

"It's your road roller machine. As far as I know, even if you sell scrap iron, the price is higher than what I offered. But why do you insist on selling it to me at a low price? And the three of you are well-deserved Well, a well-known state-owned enterprise shouldn’t need a small company like me to take care of it, right? You don’t need to take my emotions into account either.”

Zhao Shanhe looked over with hot eyes.

"Then I wonder, why do you insist on cooperating with me like this?"


Chen Guodong showed a troubled expression.

"Why, Director Chen, if you say this is difficult, you can refuse to answer." Zhao Shanhe said slowly and leisurely.

"No embarrassment."

Chen Guodong raised his head, gritted his teeth, and said decisively: "Director Zhao, there are actually two reasons why we did this, one internal and one external."

"I would like to hear the details." Zhao Shanhe said.

"The words of the internal cause are our selfish distractions."

"You are right. The road roller machine can be sold as scrap iron, and we can also operate this matter. Although there will be rumors of one kind or another, as long as it works, it will be fine. But the problem is true If we did, the consequences would be unimaginable.”

"Can't be reused! Narrow-sighted! No pattern!"

Chen Guodong's tone gradually became stronger.

"If any label falls on us, then our future will be completely ruined. So even if it is sold to you cheaply, it is better than putting such a label on it."

Zhao Shanhe nodded, he also thought of this.

"What about the external cause?"

"External factors are orders from the city."

There was a helpless arc on the corner of Chen Guodong's mouth, and he said mockingly: "Zhongzhou City where I am, Handong City where Huang Fangjun is, and Xianhua City where Gao Changhang is, have issued orders to us to solve this matter quickly. We If there is no way, they will arrange someone to come and deal with it.”

"So we have to do it."

Zhao Shanhe instantly understood.

It turned out to be the case.

Let me just say, there must be something tricky in it.Otherwise, even if these three people are in a hurry, there is no need to say that they are in such a hurry to sell it at such a low price.

"Director Zhao, I admit that I did something wrong before. I shouldn't be cooperating with Goldman Capital obsessively, and I shouldn't use the steamroller machine as a bargaining chip to neglect you."

"But I have already paid the price, so I am here to sincerely say sorry to you. I can assure you that this kind of thing will never happen again in the future."

Chen Guodong bowed his head to Zhao Shanhe respectfully.

Can bend and stretch!

Zhao Shanhe didn't expect Chen Guodong to be such a character, no wonder he has been in charge of Zhongzhou Tractor Factory for these years.Looking at Chen Guodong's appearance, he no longer has the intention of beating the dog in the water.

"Okay, Director Chen, since you have said everything to this point, then I promise you. The contract between us can be signed, and I can buy your road roller machine, and even give them five hundred. I can give you [-] sets, what do you think?" Zhao Shanhe raised his hand and gestured.

"Six hundred and one?"

Chen Guodong raised his head, a little surprised.

"Yes, it is [-] units. If you have no problem, let's sign the contract." Zhao Shanhe stood up after speaking, took the contract from Cai Shishi and handed it over.

"If you see that there is no problem, sign it."

Six hundred and one?

Chen Guodong was in a trance for a while, but soon he woke up, and when he looked at Zhao Shanhe again, he was horrified in his heart.He didn't expect Zhao Shanhe to think of these things in such a short period of time, but he couldn't accept the price anyway.

Yes, with one hundred more, his loss will be reduced.

But the problem is that he is not stupid, he can tell at a glance how hot the 100 yuan is.If he said he took it, how would he face Huang Fangjun and Gao Changhang in the future?They are all [-], and I am [-]. If you say that there is nothing tricky between you and Zhao Shanhe, who will believe it?

This is definitely a conspiracy.

It's a distance meter!

Because of such 100 yuan, two enemies will be established. Chen Guodong is not stupid, he doesn't want to do this.

"Director Zhao, why don't we still use [-] units? I think I should express my apology and be responsible for the previous arrogance. So, let's sign the contract as originally said!"

Chen Guodong looked calm.

Cai Shishi stood beside him a little dazed.

She couldn't understand what was going on in the situation in front of her. How could one of the good ones want to increase the price, while the other insisted on maintaining the original price.

If Zhao Shanhe did this, she could figure out something, but what about Chen Guodong?Why do you keep opposing it? Why are you doing this?Don't you want to stop losses in time?

Could it be that there is something else in it?

Amidst Cai Shishi's puzzlement and Chen Guodong's initiative to maintain the original price humbly, Zhao Shanhe smiled and spoke unhurriedly.

If you say it, the temperature in the office will drop suddenly.

Cai Shishi's eyes are slightly cold.

Chen Guodong's face changed in shock.

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