Entertainment: Pick up a star to be a wife

Chapter 97 Medal of Blood and Tears

Early the next morning.

In the solemn music, the guests entered the venue one after another!

Most of the people who came today were soldiers and their families!

The shiny military uniform is shining in the rising sun!

There are smiles on their resolute faces.

Even if they just enter the arena, they still maintain discipline and stand up with their unyielding backbones!

"This is what a real man should look like!"

Standing beside Xu Chang'an, Li Mingqiang couldn't help feeling emotional when he saw this scene!

"Why didn't I join the army?"

He even wondered if he could join the army again now!

The music continues.

There are already a lot of people coming in, and people are still coming in.

Those who came later had more and more medals on their chests!

The military rank is getting higher and higher!

"Damn it, Chang'an, look quickly! That man looks so familiar, I've seen him on TV, he looks awesome!

It's here! "

Li Mingqiang exclaimed again!

The few people there are not young, and some are still limping, but everyone is full of energy!

The first part of the event was not Xu Changan's performance!

It's about awarding honors and awards!

In a solemn voice.

Zhang Shuangqiao, Li Youlong... won the third class!

Xue Yougui, Zhao Pingchang...won second-class merit!

Lin Qingping won the... first class merit!

At the award ceremony, at the beginning, everyone was excited.

But in the end, she became more and more weeping.

When everyone looked at the person who came to the stage to accept the award, with a cane, a wheelchair, and sunglasses, everyone understood.

These meritorious deeds are not established casually.

It is built with the body, even life.

In times of peace, there are also heroes who maintain the peace of the world without your noticing.

Maybe you don't see it, but they are all around you.

They don't want you to see them either, because they were probably in danger when they saw them back then.

There are also some special military exploits, some people have special missions on their shoulders and cannot appear.

Even the photos are coded.

What everyone expects is that the photos can be coded all the time.

They exist like this, when the photos are not coded, they have already gone to heaven.

And some people can no longer appear.

For the last collective achievement, no one accepted the award.

Their entire squad died in the fight against the desperadoes, killing 17 vicious drug lords and rescuing 48 hostages.

The scene is very heavy.

At this moment, no one opened their mouths, and together, they were silently mourning for them.

Regardless of whether it is an old man or a young man, they couldn't help but have red eyes at this moment.

The more emotional Li Ruoxue broke down in tears.

Li Mingqiang couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

These people are real heroes.

They should be the idols of young people.

"This scene, in fact, should be seen by more people!"

Xu Changan said with some seriousness.

"It is for everyone's good to report good news and not bad news.

A lot of things, said, will cause panic among the people,

Not to mention, everyone knows that it is best for the common people to live and work in peace and contentment! "

Lin Jianguo didn't know when he appeared behind, his red eyes obviously cried.

A man bleeds but not tears.

But, sometimes, tears are a way of showing respect.

"My son is gone, but I am proud of him, proud of him, he was born ordinary, but died gloriously!

In my life, I never gave birth to him for nothing, and he didn't embarrass me! "

An old mother leaned on crutches tremblingly, with tears in her eyes, but she did not stay. She stood up vigorously and accepted her son's medal. She was proud of her child.

"I'm eight years old, and I haven't seen my dad a few times. Every time he came back, he was in a hurry and didn't say a few words to me. He promised to buy me a small cake, but he never bought it for me.

Mom said, Dad, he is a hero! "

A child is holding his father's medal and waving it there, while his mother is crying. He may not know what the medal he picked up represents.

But everyone knows that his father is a real hero.

The activities are promoted one by one!

The awards and honors are over, no one can remain indifferent!

Whether it's them, those who are still sitting below, or those who are training in the barracks, they are all indomitable existences in Qinzhou!

For the past, we remember!

For the future, we wander!

Next, is a summary of Qinzhou's development this year!

Then, there is a deployment situation for future work.

At the end of the day is the performance, let everyone relax!

The program at the beginning was the traditional Qinzhou military song.

In this loud and clear singing, everyone is solemn and solemn!

How much life and blood and sweat have been spent maintaining this song!

After that, slowly, more entertaining songs began to appear!

In Ye Lingqiu's father's words, "This is a festival, everyone should be happy!

Isn't what we pursue is to make everyone happy?

In the future, be happy too! "

A simple sentence, but contains all the blessings!

In the future, be happy too!

Only after performing one after another, the heaviness gradually faded, and everyone had more smiles on their faces!

"Brother, can you do it?" Backstage, someone I just met asked Xu Changan.

Because Xu Chang'an's show is quite special, he will play at the end!

As the finale, it is also the end!

He's going to sing five songs in a row!

This is a challenge!

Singing five songs at once would make you thirsty even in KTV, let alone Xu Changan in such a serious occasion!

He can't make the slightest mistake!

Originally, it said, let him sing less!

However, Xu Changan felt that when he came, he had to do the best he could!

He wanted to sing these songs to those soldiers!

After the final negotiation, Xu Changan will be the last one!

Can sing five songs, of course the best!

If you can't hold on, then sing a few fewer songs, and no one else will find out!

It's a secret, a backstage secret!

"Don't worry, there's no problem!"

Xu Changan took a mouthful of water, and swallowed it slowly, very slowly!

He wants to keep his throat moist, but not too much water!

After the show was performed one by one, the atmosphere on the scene was very good!

The kids dance along!

The family members suppressed their grief and watched it together!

For military poetry recitation, let everyone know the literary and artistic atmosphere in military life!

The sketches of military life let everyone feel the friendship in the war and some jokes between them!

One song after another tells the dreams and expectations of the soldiers, telling their thoughts!

And now, it's Xu Changan's turn to play!

"come on!"

"Brother! Come on!"

"Husband! Come on!"

"Yeah!" Xu Changan nodded, after finishing his makeup, he started to walk towards the stage!

In the audience, a group of people waved excitedly when they saw Xu Changan!

"What's going on? Do you know this person?"

"Hey, last time he came to our camp to record songs!

She sang it to us, it was very nice, and it was very interesting! "

The group of soldiers said excitedly!

They are the group of people that Xu Changan met when he recorded a song last time!

"What are you singing? Tell me? Is it that good? It's just a group of actors, I see how excited you are!"

"Hey, when you listen, you'll know!

I don't chase stars, but Xu Changan's songs, I love to listen to them, and you will definitely love to listen to them too. The songs he sings are not the empty songs of those people!

His songs touched my heart like they were telling my story!

Forget it, listen to yourself!

Anyway you won't be disappointed! "

With that said, Xu Changan came to the center of the stage!

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