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Qin Wuyan made an exception and showed the files of the Zeus case to the members of the x organization.

I want to use this to prevent the "predator" from continuing to the solar system.

Unexpectedly, the Zeus case file sent in the past only got two "hehe" responses from the other party.

The files were returned intact.

Qin Wuyan suppressed the anger in his heart and asked, "What do you mean?"

The Predator replied.

"It's only natural to pay back the debt. Don't ask if Zeus is really dead. Even if he is really dead, someone needs to repay the debt!"

After a moment.

"And we got news that the original owner of Zeus, the king of planet AI - Ace is also in the solar system."

"If Zeus is really dead, it's not too much for us to go to Ace to settle the score!"

The words on the other side gave Qin Wuyan a headache, and he didn't know how to deal with him.

He thought for a while and said: "This is a matter between you. According to the law of the universe, the solar system belongs to the category of lower civilizations, and you are not allowed to enter!"

Now that the conversation has reached this point, Qin Wuyan can only use the most basic regulations to restrain the other party.

Hearing the words on the other side, he burst out laughing.

"How many people are following this kind of regulations? Tens of thousands of people are recruited from low-level civilizations into high-level civilizations every year."

"Leaving aside, your cosmic court will also select personnel from low-level civilized star systems. You don't know this."

"Don't you feel blush when you take this regulation as an example? I think you know that the AI ​​stars are in the solar system and deliberately obstructed us from collecting the bill!"

Qin Wuyan was relatively calm, but Wang Qingbao couldn't bear it anymore, even if what he said was true.

He cursed.

"Your virtue, do you need us to say more! The most wanted list in the universe, the guy on the list, went to the planet to collect debts. If this is the case, tell us like a three-year-old child!"

"Hahahahaha~" The opposite party suddenly laughed loudly.

"You guys finally spoke your mind! Hehe~~ Things are getting more interesting~ It seems that my guess is right. There really is something amazing in the solar system that can make the cosmic law enforcement team go up like this! Heart~ oh oh oh~ Is it a planet called Earth~~ I don’t need to look for it anymore~~~”

Wang Qingbao secretly thought it was bad, he was excited and exposed the earth.

Although there are only a few planets in the solar system, but blurting it out by myself, doesn't it further prove that the planet Earth really has something extraordinary?

Qin Wuyan didn't care about Wang Qingbao's mistake.

Because he knew that no matter what, today's fierce battle was inevitable.

If the opponent fails to achieve his goal, he will not let it go.

Simply, no more talking.

"Zoe, if you want to plunder the solar system, first step on the spaceship of the space law enforcement team!"

After Qin Wuyan finished speaking, without hesitation, he immediately entered the fighting state.

The defensive cover outside the "Libra" spacecraft opened instantly.

It's just that the blue light emitted by such a defensive cover is not as dazzling as the light from a power source of the "Predator".

Because the Predator was a serious battleship conversion, the Libra was a law enforcement ship.

The difference between the two is like an aircraft carrier and a cruiser.

The moment the "Libra" lighted up its defensive cover, the "Predator" on the opposite side opened its defensive cover almost at the same time!

"I thought it wasn't just your law enforcement team. Didn't the cosmic courts like to make a fuss in the past, surrounded and intercepted!"

"I've been talking nonsense with you for so long, but you really are the only law enforcement team!"

"Just because you want to stop us?! Whether Zeus is dead or not, I, Zoe, will eat the resources of the solar system!"


The illuminated defensive cover on the "Predator" emitted a dazzling blue light!

Good guy!

How much bio-energy reserves do you have to spend like this!After the two defensive covers lit up one after the other!

Qin Wuyan's "Libra" was the first to attack!

The main gun of the spaceship, an energy cannon shot directly at the "Predator"!

The distance between the two is close at hand.

The "Predator" had no time to dodge the sudden attack of the "Libra", or it had no intention of dodging at all.

The energy cannon directly hit the flight deck of the "Predator", the outer defensive cover.

The explosion at close range shook the buildings on the deck of the "Predator", and the surface materials fell one after another.

Before the "Predator" could react, the second energy cannon from the "Libra" followed closely behind.

The second energy cannon hit the same position on the defensive cover, causing a stronger shock.

Near the impact of the energy cannon, small structures like "barnacles" fell from the Marauder.

The two energy cannons hit one by surprise, causing a certain degree of damage.

Where did the "Predator" receive such treatment? In the past, the law enforcement team of a single spaceship, when they encountered themselves, would not quietly follow them, and would dare to take the initiative to attack.

What's more, this time I have already lit up the defensive cover.

How dare you!

Zoe went berserk in the control room of the Marauder.

Although the two energy cannons didn't cause huge damage, it was tantamount to slapping him in the face!

"Destroy them for me!" he snarled the order.

Unexpectedly, before the "Predator" showed its weapon, the "Libra" ran away after firing two energy cannons!

"Want to run! Chase me!" Zoe ordered.

All eight engines of the "Predator" were started, and they flew rapidly in the direction from which the "Libra" was escaping.


Inside the "Libra".

For the second energy cannon fired just now, the three of Zhang Hao ran away without looking at the impact effect.

But it is conceivable that it will not cause much harm.

"Captain, the Predator is coming!" Wang Qingbao shouted.

Zhang Hao looked back and saw that the "Predator" was approaching rapidly, and the eight bio-energy engines emitted bright blue light.

Now that the war has started, Qin Wuyan has calmed down at this time.

Demonstrated the qualities of a good law enforcement officer.

"Enter Pluto! Execute according to the established plan!" He ordered in an orderly manner.

"Zhang Hao is ready to detonate the bomb at any time!"

Zhang Hao nodded, his consciousness was released, and he established a link with the 9 explosive balls that had been placed at the designated positions.

Libra plunged headlong into Pluto's thick atmosphere.

Pluto's atmosphere is like a blue fog in the middle because of the presence of methane.

The moment the "Libra" plunged in, it disappeared.

On the Predator, Zoe watched as the Libra plunged into Pluto's atmosphere.

"Call me!" Zooey ordered.

The "Predator" is fully fired!

One shot of the energy cannon directly blasted into the blue fog of Pluto as if it didn't cost money!

The blue light emitted by the explosion of the energy cannon was like a signal flare in the dark night, illuminating the surroundings.

It also showed the location of "Libra".

At this time, the "Libra" is like a white seagull passing by on a dark summer night, on the sea surface of lightning and thunder.

Every time the lightning strikes, the seagull, like an uninterrupted drop of black ink, splashes on the background of the sky.

"See where you are running!" Zooey said to herself with a smile.

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