Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 84 The Supreme Red Jade

Zhang Xiao is drawing a line on the second piece of wool at the moment, and this line is five centimeters off to one side along the central axis, because it is calculated from the crack on the outside of the wool.

After the painting was finished, the cutting master went directly to the cutting machine, and the piercing sound sounded again.

In less than 3 minutes, the cutting machine stopped working. Zhang Xiao hurriedly stepped forward to see that there was no trace of green. The knife was obviously broken, but Zhang Xiao didn't care, but took a look at the cracked place and it was gone. , couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, moved three centimeters inward, and cut down with a single knife.

But just after cutting halfway, Zhang Xiao stopped, looked at the incision that had revealed a tinge of red light, quickly cleaned it with water, and then moved it off the cutting machine.

Mo Wenxin, who had been watching the excitement from the sidelines, had bright eyes, walked to Zhang Xiao's side in a few steps, looked at the red section, and said in disbelief, "This is a red jade, it's rare."

Yang Tianhe also came over, took a look at it, then smiled and said to Zhang Xiao: "Boy, you are so lucky, this one stone is enough for you to eat for a lifetime."

"Senior, you were joking, it's just a stone, no matter how valuable it is, it's not enough." Although Zhang Xiao was excited in his heart, his face was very calm.

"Boqi, rub it along the side to make a surface and see what the quality is." Mo Wenxin said to Mo Boqi.

"Okay." Moboqi didn't hesitate, and walked towards the cutting machine with the piece of wool in his arms.

Zhang Xiao heaved a sigh of relief. He knew that he was not good at cutting stones, but Mo Boqi was an expert among them, so he was relieved to leave it to him, but he still had to learn what should be learned.

Following Moboqi's skillful stone-dissolving action, pieces of broken stones fell to the ground one after another, and the jade in this piece of wool gradually revealed its true appearance. After peeling off the outer skin completely, it was polished again After more than half an hour, a piece of blood-red jade, slightly smaller than a football, appeared in front of everyone.

Mo Boqi wiped the sweat off his face, and cleaned the jadeite with water, and then reluctantly handed over the jadeite to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao looked at this blood-red emerald, felt the abundant vitality in it, resisted taking a deep breath, and suppressed the urge to absorb it.

Mo Wenxin looked at this piece of jade with some excitement, his eyes were full of enthusiasm, the top-quality red jadeite is something that is hard to come by, let alone such a large piece, it is simply crazy.

And the people around are whispering, after all, such a big top grade red jadeite is simply an existence against the sky, but now it appears here, everyone can't help but swallow a mouthful of spit.

"Master Xin, what's the matter, you and your family can't eat this top grade red jadeite, do you want us to eat it together?" Yang Tianhe said to Mo Wenxin.

After listening to Yang Tianhe's words, Mo Wenxin's expression changed slightly. Such a big top-quality red jadeite can definitely be sold for a sky-high price in his hands, but can he really eat it by himself? I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve it. , then Zhang Xiao's interests will inevitably be damaged, which is also the reason for his hesitation.

"Brother, I am the general manager of Chow Sang Sang Jewelry Group Guangzhou. I am willing to bid 3000 million yuan for this top-quality red jadeite in your hand. I hope you can part with it." A young man in his twenties, wearing a suit, walked in. , said with a smile.

Mo Wenxin and Yang Tianhe looked at the young man who squeezed in, and couldn't help but their expressions changed. Yang Tianhe said, "Mr. Zhou is really rich, but isn't it too much for you to pay 3000 million yuan?" Hong Fei is serious!"

Mo Wenxin didn't speak, but at present he can only join hands with Yang Tianhe, otherwise, not only may he not get this top-quality red jadeite, but he may also have a gap with Zhang Xiao.

"I'm offering 6000 million, and I want this top grade red jadeite!" At this moment, a young man in a tracksuit walked in and doubled the price.

When Mo Wenxin saw that he was a difficult person again, he couldn't help but exchanged a glance with Yang Tianhe, and knew that until now, the possibility of them getting this top-grade red jadeite into their hands became more and more slim.

"Zhang Xiao, what do you say, sell or keep?" Mo Wenxin whispered to Zhang Xiao.

"Master, don't you want it?" Zhang Xiao asked a little puzzled.

"No need, the value of this top-grade red jadeite is too high, and I'm not specialized in jewelry business, the value of what I keep is not high, and it may cause trouble." Mo Wenxin shook his head and said.

"Then sell it, you can't eat it if you keep it!" Zhang Xiao said directly.

After shaking his head at Yang Tianhe, Mo Wenxin said to everyone: "Everyone, the top-grade red jadeite is extremely rare, let alone such a large piece, which is even rarer in the world, so we will auction it at [-] o'clock tonight. The location is the conference center on the third floor of the Swan Hotel!"

When the surrounding jade merchants heard the news, they all dispersed and went to raise funds.

However, Mr. Zhou and the young people who came in later stayed because they saw that there were still two pieces of wool that had not been solved, and maybe better ones would come out.

Mo Wenxin beckoned to Mo Boqi, and asked him and Du Debiao to leave first with the top grade red jadeite.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao also realized the seriousness of the matter, because the things he solved were really astonishing, and he felt pressured by the high value. Things worth 5000 yuan were so amazing, and the No. 5 woolen material contained [-] yuan Yuan Neng, what amazing things will be produced?

But at this moment, under the watchful eyes of everyone, can he leave without Jie Shi?

Zhang Xiao said to Mo Wenxin: "Can you just leave without explaining the stone?"

"Riding a tiger is hard, so I have to solve it all, otherwise I'm afraid there will be trouble. But I said how did you find the wool, the first one is fine, the second one is the top-grade red jadeite, and there are two more, how can you still use it?" Did you come up with something of the highest quality?" Mo Wenxin said in a low voice.

"I just looked for it according to the book. I just wanted to try my hand at first. Who knew it would end up like this." Zhang Xiao said a little depressed.

This time Zhang Xiao walked directly next to the No. 5 woolen material, and at the moment of touching, the life chain directly absorbed the energy contained in this piece of wool. More than [-] yuan energy was absorbed by the life chain in an instant, and Zhang Xiao directly A random line was drawn on the top of this piece of wool.

Several workers present used a forklift to move it under the huge cutting machine, and cut it directly along the drawn line.

After cutting it open, there was nothing but a vast expanse of whiteness. This made many people sigh in disappointment. After all, they all hoped that better jadeite would be extracted.

Zhang Xiao also frowned, and casually drew another line behind the incision, with a distance of ten centimeters from the incision, and cut it again, but there was still nothing.

"It's broken." Many of the onlookers said gloatingly.

However, Zhang Xiao moved back ten centimeters and drew a line for something.

Half an hour passed, and all the sides of the huge wool material that had been cut four times were completely white, without a trace of emerald, just like pebbles, the whiteness was extremely dazzling.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao doubted whether the jadeite would disappear after absorbing the energy, which made him a little uneasy. If it was true, then he would really destroy many precious things for the energy.

This 1.8-meter-high piece of wool is still [-] centimeters from the incision to the bottom of the wool. The first cut cuts [-] centimeters, and the next five cuts cut off nearly [-] centimeters.

"Let's just cut it in the middle." Mo Wenxin also lost patience with this big man at the moment, and wiped the sweat off his face and said.

Zhang Xiao flushed the incision with water, and was suddenly overjoyed, because he could vaguely see the existence of green, although he didn't see it very clearly, but he did see it.

Zhang Xiao picked up the bright flashlight and started to move from the middle to the outside bit by bit. He didn't stop until he was only a dozen centimeters away from the edge.

"What did you see?" Mo Wenxin asked with a flashlight for a long time but couldn't see anything.

Zhang Xiao drew a line along the plausible texture just now, and then said to the stone cutter beside him, "Start grinding layer by layer along this line, and I will give you an extra 500 yuan after grinding in an hour!"

The stonecutter was immediately full of energy. Anyway, he was working on a machine, and he was just operating it. As for the wear and tear of the blade, it had nothing to do with him.

The master stonecutter began to polish according to the line drawn by Zhang Xiao, holding the operating handle firmly with both hands, and constantly accelerated the speed of cutting the knife.

Zhang Xiao then pulled Mo Wenxin away from the cutting machine, and then said: "Master, there is a large piece of jadeite in this stone, which is of high quality. Although the value may not be as good as the top grade red jadeite, it is something that the elder brother urgently needs now." of."

"Can you see?" Mo Wenxin doubted his eyesight, after all he couldn't see anything.

"I can vaguely see some, with a rough pattern." Zhang Xiao said excitedly.

Mo Wenxin looked at Zhang Xiao, not sure whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. After all, what Zhang Xiao did today was not like a normal person. How could a normal person produce jade one after another, and none of them was broken. Knowing that Zhang Xiao had just learned jade appreciation, he thought Zhang Xiao was an old monster.

"Master, who is that young man in sportswear?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking, feeling a little familiar with the young man in sportswear.

"The young master from the capital city is very obsessed with jadeite. He is never stingy when buying jadeite. As long as he likes it, he will try his best to get it. It is a difficult role." Mo Wenxin obviously has no temper for this kind of young man. There is still some fear in the room.

"That won't affect the auction of the top grade red jadeite?" Zhang Xiao is a little worried about this, after all, if someone overpowers others, the price will never be high.

"The base price is 3000 million, no matter what you say, you won't lose money, and you may even make a fortune!" Zhang Xiao suddenly understood that Jiang is still hot.

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