Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 66 Another Record Break

"Li Kai, you are his coach, what are his usual grades?" A leader of Lu Province asked with a serious expression, apparently he did not quite believe in Zhang Xiao's grades.

"Zhang Xiao's previous record was 8 meters, but this time the score of 99 meters has not broken his previous record." How can Li Kai not know what this leader means, but Li Kai can only pretend not to know, shaking his head and smiling bitterly said.

"Okay! That's really great. We'll see his final results in the semi-finals. If he can break through the current record, he can apply for a special subsidy from the state." The leaders of Lu Province obviously understood the impact of the previous words on Yu Province. These coaches and athletes are a kind of injury, and they have to make some compensation at this moment.

"Thank you very much." Li Kai's expression returned to normal at this time, and he replied with a smile.

Zhang Xiao didn't know about these things. After changing his clothes in the locker room, he walked towards the restaurant beside him. He didn't really need to rest now, but in order to perform at a higher level in the 1500-meter race in the afternoon, he also In order to avoid those leaders' cross-examination, Zhang Xiao had to let others see that he needed to rest.

Just when Zhang Xiao had lunch and was about to go back to the rest room, the broadcast in the sports center rang: "Comrade Zhang Xiao, a long jump athlete from Henan Province, scored 8 meters in the long jump qualifiers, breaking the world long jump competition of 98 meters." world record, he made history."

"Comrade Zhang Xiao, a long jump athlete from Henan Province, scored 8 meters in the long jump qualifiers, breaking the world record of 98 meters in the world long jump competition. He made history."

The radio broadcast the news three times in a row, and suddenly the entire sports center was boiling.

"Who is Zhang Xiao? That's amazing, breaking the world record."

"I haven't heard of it, it should be a newcomer, but this is too powerful!"


Zhang Xiao also heard the voice on the radio, and couldn't help but smile. He needs an identity, an identity that makes powerful people dare not bully him at will. Only in this way can he protect himself from harm.

When Zhang Xiao came to the waiting room of Yu Province, many athletes from the provincial team surrounded him. Huang Yi said with a smile: "Zhang Xiao, you are now famous all over the country, breaking the world record, which represents the supreme honor."

"That's right, no matter how high your performance in training was, it doesn't count, but in competitions like this, your results are all counted as your preliminary results. It can be said that from today onwards, you are famous, awesome."

"Oh, there's no comparison between people. I've been training for nine years, so it's better for you to jump casually." An athlete who also practiced long jump said a little unwillingly.

All kinds of emotions spread in the lounge. Some people are envious, some are jealous, and some are resentful. This is the variety of life.

Zhang Xiao glanced at all the athletes surrounding him and said with a smile: "People are divided into talents, talent determines the upper limit, and hard work determines the lower limit of a person. All our efforts are just a process of continuously improving our lower limit, so Don’t underestimate yourself, as long as you work hard, no matter what your results are, you don’t need to regret it, let alone be discouraged.”

"Perhaps you say that I rely on talent. There is nothing wrong with this statement, but you only see my results and think that I only rely on talent. This is not right, because my daily training time is actually no more How short you are, you just don’t know or don’t want to believe it.”

"Zhang Xiao, you don't need to say so much. Our academic performance may not be as good as yours, but it doesn't mean that we are all fools. You go to class every day, and you don't have time to train. You are just a person who relies on talent to make a living." A high jump athlete shouted to Zhang Xiao angrily.

Zhang Xiao shook his head and didn't say anything more, Wen Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second.

In this arena where heroes are judged by performance, there is no need for kindness and pity, the jungle preys on the strong, winners and losers, etc. are fully displayed here.

People will only remember who No. 1 won the gold medal, and he will receive honor and money, while the rest of the people just become background boards to set off the greatness of No. 1.

Zhang Xiao knows the cruelty of being an athlete. Athletes eat their youth food. Not to mention those athletes who have been training for many years and have not won the last medal. After they retire, many people live at the bottom of society, even ordinary people. Not as good.

Even the world champion who has won the gold medal is injured after retiring. Many people's bodies have collapsed when they retire. Sell ​​the medals that you have worked hard for all your life to make ends meet.

Zhang Xiao's feelings for athletes are complicated. He admires them but feels sad for them. Being an athlete may be full of glory in the early stage, but he is fighting with his own body. In order to improve a little bit of performance, he has to squeeze himself Their bodies have reached the limits of human beings, and the injuries accumulated during training are always with them. After retiring, they lose their protection, and these injuries will accompany them for a lifetime.

However, Zhang Xiao did not express these thoughts in his heart, not to mention that it would damage morale, and it would also make many people lose the courage to fight, which was even more cruel to them.

Because many of these athletes have started sports training since childhood, they don’t know much about other things in their lives, and sports performance is not only the goal they strive for, but also the direction of their efforts. If they lose their goals and direction, they will be even more difficult. Unbearable.

Zhang Xiao lay on a temporary bed in the lounge, closed his eyes, and did not look at the expressions and eyes of those provincial team athletes, he was afraid that he would accidentally say what was in his heart.

However, Zhang Xiao also knows that no matter when, sports is an activity that the whole people participates in. Talented people can naturally stand out, and those who are not talented can only improve their lower limit even if they work hard.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, after Zhang Xiao passed the urine test, she came to the starting point of the 1500-meter race and moved her body, waiting for the start of the 1500-meter qualifier.

On the sidelines of the arena, a lot of reporters came at this time, with long guns and short cannons, all set up properly, which was much more grand than the long jump competition in the morning where there was only one camera.

Li Kai was carrying Zhang Xiao's water cup, towel and other supplies, waiting for Zhang Xiao's call at any time.

Zhang Xiao is in the first group of the qualifiers, on the fourth runway, but at this time the 1500-meter competition field is being cleaned up, the electronic timer is also being adjusted, and the running aids are also being installed.

"Zhang Xiao, are you nervous?" Li Kai said to Zhang Xiao with a smile.

"Why are you nervous? What's there to be nervous about? I can let them do a half-circle!" Zhang Xiaoang said with feigned disdain,

"Ah bah, you're really immodest, but reading your name upside down fits your character!" Li Kai slapped Zhang Xiao angrily.

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then couldn't help laughing and said, "Yeah, why didn't I find out."

Li Kai sneered, he was too lazy to talk to Zhang Xiao.

At this moment, the referee began to call the athletes of the first group to enter the arena, and judged their identities according to the number plates.

Not long after, a voice sounded: "Everyone take your place."


"Bang!" The starting gun sounded.

Zhang Xiao rushed out first.

After training, Zhang Xiao is now more sensitive to gunshots. The moment he heard the gunshots, he flew out with the force of the running gear, and ran forward quickly like a bolt of lightning.

Zhang Xiao ran quickly according to his own rhythm, and the players following him were immediately thrown out of rhythm. They didn't know why Zhang Xiao was running so fast in the first place, but they had to grit their teeth and persevere. After all, if they were dumped by Zhang Xiao Drive too far and the blow to their confidence can be devastating.

They didn't know that Zhang Xiao's speed was beyond their ability to catch up. When their rhythm was disrupted by Zhang Xiao, the whole game became even more ugly.

When Zhang Xiao ran the first lap, No.2 had already been pulled away by 30 meters, and the teams behind were pulled into a long chain.

Soon, the second and third laps passed, and the gap between the people behind and Zhang Xiao became wider and wider.

When Zhang Xiao saw that there were still more than 100 meters away from the finish line, Zhang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and sprinted at a high speed. The whole person reached the finish line as quickly as the wind.

Relying on her inertia, Zhang Xiao ran forward for more than ten meters before bending down and panting heavily.

At this time, the timer on the field showed Zhang Xiao's results.

3: 26.58.

"Wow!" Many audiences who were paying attention to Zhang Xiao suddenly burst into applause.




A tidy shout resounded through the entire sports center and spread towards the surroundings.

Zhang Xiao raised his head and looked at the thunderous applause all around. The cheers and shouts resounded through the sky, and he couldn't help but feel like crying.

Until now, Zhang Xiao understood the reason why those athletes persisted in training even though they were scarred. It was because they carried the hope of the motherland and the people on their backs, and they were also moving forward with heavy burdens. And the hope of the people, they dedicate their youth and life, they are very clear about the consequences, but they will not give up, because behind them is the motherland and the people.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help looking at the audience in the stands, feeling a little guilty in his heart, couldn't help but bowed deeply to the people in the stands, thinking secretly: "Even if it's for you, I will definitely not let you down !"

Zhang Xiao's upright body seems to be straighter at this moment, because he can't bend down, he bears his share of responsibility, once his waist is bent down, it's not so easy to straighten up easy.

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