On the morning of November 12th, Provincial Experimental Middle School started the mid-term exam. Due to the cooling weather during this period, all students took the exam indoors. Many classrooms that were not in use were arranged for students to take the exam.

Zhang Xiao sat in the classroom, flipped through the Chinese test paper, and found that the questions were not difficult, but some poems in it only appeared in extracurricular books, not in textbooks and review materials. If it wasn't for his photographic memory, In addition, if he happened to read those extracurricular books, he would not be able to answer all of them.

Zhang Xiao began to concentrate on answering the questions. For himself, every exam is a test and sort out of the knowledge he has learned. He needs such an opportunity to test and consolidate his knowledge system, even if these questions are not in his eyes. It's not difficult, but this is the latest topic after all, and in a sense represents the direction of future college entrance examination questions.

Time flies, the two-and-a-half-day exam is over in a blink of an eye, the mid-term exam is over, and many students are starting to pack their bags and prepare to go home. This time, the school is on holiday for three and a half days. All bedding needs to be picked up at home.

Zhang Xiao, who was supposed to go home, did not have such an opportunity. He needed to go to Quancheng in Lu Province to participate in the competition in the Beihua Division, so as to qualify for the National Games and Championships, because he is still a rookie with no results .

As soon as the exam was over, Zhang Xiao carried a schoolbag full of mathematics learning materials and got into the car that Li Kai came to pick him up. He had to go to the provincial sports center to meet the participating players before going to Quancheng to participate in the competition in the Beihua competition area. Contest.

After having lunch in the canteen of the Provincial Sports Center, Zhang Xiao took out some sportswear from the dormitory and stuffed them into the suitcase, and then got on the bus to Quancheng with the team members. To his surprise, Guo Yaxin actually Also on this bus.

Guo Yaxin was wearing a tight-fitting sportswear, which set off her figure extremely well. She looked at Zhang Xiao with a smile and said, "No surprise, no surprise?"

Zhang Xiao said helplessly: "Miss Guo, I'm going to participate in the competition, what about you, what are you going to do?"

Guo Yaxin chuckled lightly and said, "Go and cheer for you, and bring you tea and water by the way, how about it, thank me quickly."

Zhang Xiao pretended to be frightened and said, "You don't want to take the opportunity to poison me to death, you're so scared."

"It's disgusting, shameless." Guo Yaxin blushed pretty, because she remembered a novel that was going viral in school, and turned her head away, ignoring Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao smiled, and didn't continue talking, but took out a math simulation test paper from his schoolbag, started with a special clip for the test, and started to do it seriously, he really didn't want to waste a little time, As for the reason why Guo Yaxin came here, he is very clear, but at this moment he is not ready to fall in love.

Guo Yaxin watched Zhang Xiao fall into study again, and felt a little annoyed in her heart. Am I not as attractive as the math test paper?Or Zhang Xiao is an idiot.

But Zhang Xiao's serious study is really good-looking, and Guo Yaxin couldn't help but become obsessed with it.

Not far in front of the bus, a black car sped forward quickly. Guo Tianfeng and Tian Zhigang sat in the back row, and secretary Xue Peilong sat in the co-pilot.

"Old Guo, you can rest assured that Yaxin will go to Quancheng with the team members. You must know that this is a journey of hundreds of kilometers, and you can only arrive at night." Tian Zhigang said with a smile, but he didn't speak properly.

"Old Tian, ​​what are you laughing at? Your family is also a girl. You will know when she gets older and has a boy she likes. In her heart, a boyfriend is much more attractive than us bad old men." Guo Tianfeng was a little confused. Said angrily.

Tian Zhigang licked his dry lips, shook his head and said with a wry smile: "My daughter is now in the third grade of junior high school, and her academic performance is muddled, but she is not as good as your Yaxin. Alas, she did fight every day. Quite a lot, I am so worried.”

Guo Tianfeng also smiled wryly and said: "Girls are extroverted, there's nothing I can do about it, but Zhang Xiao is not bad, he's not the kind of guy who picks up the bowl to eat and puts down the bowl to scold his mother."

"Zhang Xiao is good, but such an excellent man always has women around him, can Yaxin catch him?" Tian Zhigang still did not forget to sprinkle salt on Guo Tianfeng's wound at this time.

"Old Tian, ​​you are really not a thing, my heart is about to break, and you keep poking my wound." Guo Tianfeng cursed angrily.

Tian Zhigang chuckled, and didn't care about Guo Tianfeng's swear words. Instead, he squinted his eyes and looked at the scenery passing by outside the window, and said in his mouth, "Too many people have been involved in this doping case. I don't know how many people are involved in this case." Falling off the horse!"

"We are in the center of this kind of thing, but it is much safer, but it depends on the results of this competition. If the results are good, everything will be fine, and if the results are not good, someone will take responsibility." Guo Tianfeng's expression was also a little cold, after all This is related to his future.

"Look at your son-in-law's performance. As long as he has good grades, our province will definitely rank higher, so it will look better." Tian Zhigang began to be serious again.

"Get out, you're talking nonsense and I'll leave you on the side of the road, you can find a way to get to Quancheng!" Guo Tianfeng said angrily.

"Don't, I'm afraid of you." Tian Zhigang hastily conceded defeat, Guo Tianfeng would definitely do this kind of thing.

As time passed, Zhang Xiao, who had done a set of papers, was a little tired. She put the finished papers in her schoolbag, rubbed her sore eyes, stretched her body again, and said to Guo Yaxin with a smile, "Guo Yaxin , you are not tired, don't you still want to see the scenery along the way?"

"I'm not tired. I'm not like some people who still do the questions after the exam for two and a half days. They are not afraid of drowning in the sea of ​​questions. But don't mention it, the scenery along the way is really good!" Guo Yaxin looked at the exam with great interest. The scenery outside the window, said with a smile.

"I'm a little tired. I want to sleep for a while. If I don't wake up when I arrive in Quancheng, remember to wake me up." Zhang Xiao yawned, looking at most of the team members who were sleeping with their eyes closed, endured I couldn't help feeling more sleepy, and my eyelids were fighting.

"Okay, Miss Ben will accommodate you, and I can lend you my shoulder." Guo Yaxin patted her shoulder and said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao followed Guo Yaxin's smooth collarbone all the way, and the vague whiteness made him feel like he couldn't stop the car, so he quickly shook his head and said, "Thank you, but there's no need, I'll just lean on the back of the chair."

Guo Yaxin glanced at him angrily, snorted coldly, and turned her head to look out the window, but her little hand still quietly pulled up the zipper she had opened on purpose, and couldn't help cursing at Zhang Xiao in her heart.

Zhang Xiao was really tired. She leaned against the back of the chair and fell asleep in a short while. In her sleep, Zhang Xiao seemed to see Guo Yaxin stretching out her hands to him, telling him to come quickly. on her shoulders.

I don't know how long it has passed, Zhang Xiao's whole body was shaking, and he woke up suddenly, only to find that he was actually in Guo Yaxin's arms, which made him very embarrassed, he quickly got out of her arms, and sat upright. body.

Turning her head to look, Zhang Xiao found that Guo Yaxin was also looking at him, and couldn't help but blush.

"Zhang Xiao, you are a coward, a bastard with a heart and no guts!" Guo Yaxin cursed in a low voice, gnashing her teeth, and grabbed Zhang Xiao's arm with her right hand and pinched it fiercely.

Zhang Xiao rubbed his arms helplessly and smiled wryly, but he also knew that this was his own problem, maybe it was the reason for his rebirth, he couldn't fully trust many people, which made him different from ordinary young people , is too thoughtful, although he looks more mature, but as a 16-year-old boy, he is not youthful, he is not young and frivolous, and some only have to weigh the pros and cons and calculate the gains and losses. Weird feeling.

Zhang Xiao also feels that he has been very tired since he was reborn. Maybe it's time to change himself. After all, it is often difficult for him to get along with his peers, which makes him seem a little out of gregarious. Maybe it's not too long now. People can't see anything, but as time goes by, people who are interested will always notice his abnormality.

Zhang Xiao naturally decided to change, so he no longer hesitated, he wanted to live more like a teenager, rather than a depressed middle-aged man.

Zhang Xiao stretched out her hand to hold Guo Yaxin's little hand, and whispered in her ear: "Yaxin, you are actually very nice, and I like you very much, but I have always been afraid that I would hurt you, so I dare not accept your treatment of me. I know it's not fair to you, but I've changed my mind now, I think we should get along slowly, open up to each other, if we really fit each other, everything will fall into place, what do you think? "

After hearing Zhang Xiao's words, Guo Yaxin's ears turned red, she couldn't help but smile, and said shyly, "So you agreed to be my boyfriend? You can't lie to me, right?"

"Since I agreed, I won't lie to you, but we are still young, it's better for us to get along slowly." Zhang Xiao nodded firmly. He made the first change since his rebirth. Integrating himself into the life of this age group, after all, it is impossible for him to live alone. As for such a change, whether the result is good or bad, he himself does not know.

Guo Yaxin smiled happily and said, "I thought you wouldn't accept it. Don't worry, I won't keep pestering you in the future."

Zhang Xiao nodded, looking at the completely darkened sky outside the window, feeling inexplicably relaxed.

Not long after, the bus finally stopped, and after seven hours of bumpy rides, they finally arrived in Quancheng.

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