Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 455 Use everything to the extreme

After the annual meeting was over, Zhang Xiao watched all the employee representatives leave before leaving with the group's top management.

On the way back to the courtyard, Yuan Min hesitated to speak several times, which made Zhang Xiao a little surprised, and couldn't help but say: "Mice, just say what you want, is there any outsider here?"

Yuan Min said helplessly: "Boss, I think it's better for you to stay in the capital for the New Year this year. The capital is at the foot of the emperor, no one dares to act rashly, but after returning to Xinglin County, Henan Province, it is inevitable that some people will take risks." Well, the Wang family has been severely offended by us now, if they do something out of the ordinary, it will be very detrimental to you and the Hongyuan Group."

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but fell into deep thought. He knew very well that what Yuan Min said might not happen, but if he didn't go home for the Spring Festival, his parents would definitely be worried.

However, compared to the Wang family, Zhang Xiao is very aware of her shortcomings. Don't look at the current Hongyuan Group, which is full of flowers, but the shallow background is not enough to withstand any failure.

But the Wang family is different. The thousand-year-old family has accumulated too much heritage, and a few failures and losses are not enough to shake the foundation of the Wang family.

This is why the Wang family can still take Hongyuan Group into their pocket as their primary goal after experiencing large-scale reports. They have such confidence and strength.

Although Zhang Xiao knew that the actions of the Wang family against Hongyuan Group were futile, he was also deeply worried. After all, he didn't know what the Wang family would do next.

Compared with other ways to bring down Hongyuan Group, getting Zhang Xiao injured or killed is the most convenient and cheapest thing, so Yuan Min's proposal is very reasonable.

And Zhang Xiao knows very well that there are many ways to bring down a company, and the Wang family has already tried in some ways.

Bank loans are the biggest risk for heavily indebted enterprise groups. After all, many enterprise groups in later generations eventually fell into bankruptcy due to debt crises.

Hongyuan Group's previous debts reached 60 billion. Of course, there are loans for the purchase of chip factory production lines, but there are also loans for subsidiary expansion. Whether to pass this level is a problem.

And if it wasn't for He Hong's promise to give Zhang Xiao a total of 200 billion funds, Zhang Xiao would not be as relaxed as he is now.

After all, even if Yuandian Capital’s funds are withdrawn, it will be difficult to meet the needs of the upcoming projects.

Moreover, the People's Supermarket is currently experiencing a crisis of trust. Although Li Mingxuan is already actively responding, Zhang Xiao is very clear that accidents may happen at any time, especially if the media publicity does not stand on the side of the People's Supermarket, it will easily cause a business crisis for the People's Supermarket. .

All these things all show that the strength of the Wang family is indeed extraordinary. Staying in the capital for the New Year at this time can put an end to the Wang family's extraterrestrial tricks and ensure their own safety. Handle all emergencies during the Spring Festival.

"I will seriously consider it, and I will make a decision tomorrow." Zhang Xiao said helplessly.

Yuan Min nodded, and said with a laugh: "Boss, I did this for your own good. After all, the Wang family's background is too deep, and we don't even know how many tricks the Wang family has during these thousand years."

Why didn't Zhang Xiao know that Yuan Min was gloating, so he couldn't help but sneered and said, "Mouse, I found that you are really talented, you always show your own gloating so obviously."

"It's a good time for you to grow up so big and not be beaten to death."

Yuan Min laughed and said, "I can't help it. A born satirist and a pioneer of death are always so different."

Yuan Min's act of not being ashamed but proud made Zhang Xiao really speechless, but he was relieved to think that Yuan Min was indeed different.

Yuan Min spends every bit of his salary and bonus every month. From this point, we can see Yuan Min's personality.

Obviously at the age of marriage, he behaves like a hippie, only talking about business and not relationship, and only Yuan Min can do it.

Sometimes Zhang Xiao couldn't help but wonder what kind of family cultivated such a wonderful person as Yuan Min.

After returning to the courtyard, Yuan Min drove away, while Zhang Xiao and Guo Feng headed into the courtyard.

The snow-cleared path was still slippery. Zhang Xiao couldn't help but shook his head looking at the snowflakes flying all over the sky. This year's snow came so unexpectedly, it seemed that the snow in the whole winter had accumulated at this stage.

"Boss, Mouse is such a person. Sometimes he has to think carefully about what he says. After all, his information is the most complete. Maybe he won't get any rumors." Guo Feng said to Zhang Xiao as he walked.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but nodded, Yuan Min's ability is unquestionable, Zhang Xiao benefited a lot from it, but if Yuan Min's personality goes out alone, people will inevitably be targeted, that's why Zhang Xiao is curious about Yuan Min's survival reason.

"The mouse's mouth is so stinky, how did it live so big?" Zhang Xiao asked Guo Feng curiously.

"Don't look at the careless mouse, he just talks a lot in front of acquaintances, he always keeps silent in front of strangers, and three rollers can't make a fart." Guo Feng said a little speechlessly, but he also said Yuan Min Untold secrets.

Zhang Xiao suddenly burst out laughing, this is a typical example of Wo Liheng, this is really a talent.

Zhang Xiao went back to the living room, while Guo Feng went back to his own residence.

Shen Biyu went to bed early today, and seeing Zhang Xiao coming in full of alcohol, she couldn't help but said distressedly: "You don't need to drink so many bars at the annual meeting, I'll make you sober tea."

After finishing speaking, Shen Biyu went to make tea for Zhang Xiao in her pajamas. Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "Xiaoyu, you are becoming more and more virtuous, like a housekeeper."

Shen Biyu's movements of making tea froze. As a woman, who would not want to spend the rest of her life with a man she likes, but Shen Biyu knew that she couldn't hold back a man like Zhang Xiao, and she never I don't have this luxury.

She just wanted to be by Zhang Xiao's side, and watching this man grow up was a kind of happiness.

Zhang Xiao was unintentional, and went to the bathroom after chatting and laughing, which gave Shen Biyu time to sort out her emotions.

That night, Shen Biyu still suffered from insomnia, looking at the sleeping Zhang Xiao, Shen Biyu's mood drifted away.

Early the next morning, while having breakfast, Shen Biyu said to Zhang Xiao, "School is already on holiday, and I'm going home for the New Year. When are you going back?"

"I may not be able to go back this year. Many things have happened in the group, so I have to stay and deal with them. When you leave, I will send you back. I am really worried about you going back alone in the freezing cold." Zhang Xiao did not hide anything from Shen Biyu, after all he had made up his mind to stay in the capital for the New Year.

Shen Biyu paused for a moment, then returned to normal, and said with a smile: "Drink less alcohol during the Spring Festival, even if you are in good health, don't be greedy."

"Understood." Zhang Xiao said perfunctorily. He knew that if he stayed in the capital during the Spring Festival, he would definitely visit some leaders, attend some parties, and drinking would be unavoidable.

Shen Biyu also knew that it was inevitable for Zhang Xiao to drink, so she didn't say much.

After breakfast, Zhang Xiao left by car, and Shen Biyu packed up her things, got into the car and driver that Zhang Xiao had prepared for her, and headed towards Yu Province.

After Zhang Xiao came to the company, he organized a temporary high-level meeting. After all, since he was going to spend the New Year in the capital, the group's high-level executives would naturally not have to be on duty.

"In view of the current situation of the group, after consideration, I plan to spend the Spring Festival in the capital this year. You don't have to worry about the duty schedule. It's time to go home and have a happy Spring Festival." Zhang Xiao said after the meeting started Said.

"Boss, didn't you say you were going home for the New Year last night? Did something unexpected happen?" Li Mingxuan asked. After all, the biggest crisis of the Hongyuan Group now comes from the People's Supermarket. sensitive.

"There is no news at the moment, but something will inevitably happen during the Spring Festival. I stayed here just in case. You can all rest and keep your mobile phone unblocked." Zhang Xiao said directly.

"I don't need it. There are too many things going on in the People's Supermarket during this time, so I'd better be on duty." Li Mingxuan shook his head and said, although he could rest, but thinking that Zhang Xiao didn't even take a break, as the person in charge of the People's Supermarket, he Responsibility, even rest is not at ease.

"Okay, then except for Mr. Li, everyone else can go home for the Spring Festival." Zhang Xiao made a final decision directly, so that everyone would not feel uncomfortable because he was celebrating the New Year in the capital.

After solving the matter of being on duty during the Spring Festival, Zhang Xiao began to arrange the next tasks. Although there are still a few days before the Spring Festival, many things still need to be finalized. After all, during the Spring Festival, almost all subsidiaries will be in normal production or business , but the business hours are reduced.

Whether it is the safety or welfare of employees, Zhang Xiao has emphasized and arranged to ensure that all employees can feel the care of the group for them, which is also the result of Zhang Xiao's empathy.

After arranging everything properly, Zhang Xiao returned to her office and waited for Yuan Min's arrival.

Yuan Min still got some news about the Wang family and was on his way back. Since he couldn't explain clearly on the phone, it was obvious that the matter was serious.

Zhang Xiao didn't wait long, and Yuan Min walked in with some snowflakes on her body, and more snowflakes had already turned into snow water.

Zhang Xiao threw him a new towel and said, "Wipe off the snow on your body, be careful not to catch a cold."

Yuan Min wiped off the snow and snowflakes on his body and said, "I got inside information from the Wang family. This time, the Wang family has made up their minds to invest in Hongyuan Group in order to complete the transformation of the family business. According to the report from the Wang family's insider, , Wang Qingfeng and Wang Xiangyu have decided to take drastic measures against you, including but not limited to a car accident." www.cascoo.

Zhang Xiao squinted his eyes, he didn't expect that the Wang family father and son would be so vile, and they would do everything they could. This made Zhang Xiao afraid and angry at the same time. After all, such methods were beyond Zhang Xiao's expectations.

This time Zhang Xiao was really angry. Since the other party wanted to put him to death, he would not be polite.

"The Wang family is located in a coal mine in Jin Province. There have been several safety accidents. Some people's bodies are still buried under the mine. Try to get in touch with the person in charge of the coal mine and ask him to put all the charges on Wang Qingfeng and Wang Xiangyu. This involves the role of the father and son of the Wang family." Zhang Xiao said after pondering for a while.

"I understand how to do it, but it's still unclear whether it can achieve the goal. After all, the Wang family's background is too deep. It is still very difficult to convince the person in charge of the coal mine." Yuan Min couldn't help but sighed.

Zhang Xiao's eyes widened suddenly, and his cold and stern tone was like ice scum: "Since the Wang family won't give me a way out, then we shouldn't be too polite and throw out all the things about the Wang family's violation of law and discipline. Regardless of whether there is evidence or not."

Yuan Min also knew the reason for Zhang Xiao's anger, he agreed without hesitation, and said with a sneer: "Boss, I'll do it in a while, and I will definitely give the Wang family a big surprise."

"Injuring ten fingers is worse than cutting off one. I think Wang Xiangyu must have violated the law and discipline over the years, and we must take care of him." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but express his true inner thoughts. In his opinion, The reason why the Wang family dealt with Hongyuan Group must be Wang Xiangyu's instigation behind it, otherwise, with the strength of Hongyuan Group, it is really not something that can be dealt with by any force.

"I understand that I will focus on the situation of Wang Xiangyu from the Wang family." Yuan Min said without hesitation.

While Zhang Xiao and Yuan Min were discussing how to deal with the Wang family, in Wang Qingfeng's study, Wang Qingfeng was listening to the joint investigation report on Hongyuan Group.

"The current Hongyuan Group has not found any problems. Whether it is taxation or industry and commerce, Hongyuan Group's operations are within the scope permitted by laws and regulations." On the other end of the phone, it was the Lianhua investigation. Huo Wenqing, the leader of the group.

"Thank you, Huo, but I think that no matter what kind of company it is, there will inevitably be illegal things. I hope you will pay more for your troubles, and you will be rewarded afterwards." Wang Qingfeng said with a smile, but he However, his heart kept sinking, and he was able to withstand the investigation of the joint investigation team, which showed that Hongyuan Group was either hiding deeply, or it was really operating legally.

"I'll do my best. This matter is getting more and more involved. I hope you will accept it as soon as you see it, so as not to cause more trouble." Huo Wenqing persuaded Wang Qingfeng earnestly, because he The current work has made it a little difficult for him to do. Although he only did some tipping work, he always feels uneasy.

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