Guo Tianfeng just looked at Zhang Xiao's report card, and immediately understood that Zhang Xiao's score has definitely reached the level of a national athlete. This is still at the level that he has not participated in professional training. can be better.

And at that time, Zhang Xiao can save the team to participate in the competition. If he can win the gold medal in the competition, his life will naturally be different.

Guo Tianfeng nodded, and said, "Student Zhang Xiao's grades are very good, and he has reached the level of a national athlete. If he conducts professional training for a period of time, his grades will be greatly improved."

"Yes, we also think so, but Zhang Xiao's academic performance is also very good, so what our school means is that he will continue to attend classes at school, and the training time is best arranged on weekends and other extracurricular time." Li Jianhong At this time, he was very courageous, and directly stated Zhang Xiao's meaning as everyone's meaning, which was regarded as speaking for Zhang Xiao.

Guo Tianfeng smiled slightly and said, "I've heard of him, he was the number one student in the provincial high school entrance examination this year, but what made me know more about him was that he was my daughter Yaxin's deskmate, and I heard that he missed the monthly examination by 20 points. Full marks, is that so."

Li Jianhong looked at Guo Zhihao, and Guo Zhihao quickly said: "Yes, Director Guo, Zhang Xiao's academic performance is very good."

Guo Zhihao waved to a middle-aged man in his 40s in the team, handed him the report card in his hand, and said, "Director Tian, ​​this Zhang Xiao's situation is a bit special. Not only is he excellent in studies, but also in sports. That’s right, take him to the provincial sports center for a comprehensive test in the next two days to see how he is doing, and also see if it’s just extracurricular training, whether it will have a big impact on his growth.”

"Okay, Director Guo, I will make the evaluation report and give it to you." Director Tian has no objection.

"Zhang Xiao, right? Come with me first." Director Tian said to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao also had no good solution at this time, so he could only follow Tian's guidance and walk outside.

Guo Yaxin followed Zhang Xiao quietly, turning a blind eye to her father Guo Tianfeng's gaze.

"Zhang Xiao, wait a minute." Guo Yaxin yelled at Zhang Xiao until the stairs.

"Guo Yaxin, what's the matter?" Zhang Xiao didn't know what Guo Yaxin wanted to do, but she still stopped.

"I called my father, don't worry, you can ask for anything, even if you don't want to be an athlete, it doesn't matter, I will let my father help you." Guo Yaxin bit her lip and said firmly .

"Why help me?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking, a little puzzled.

"I like you, I hope you will be well." Guo Yaxin's pretty face was slightly red, but her tone was calm.

Zhang Xiao was slightly taken aback, shook her head and said, "I'm not as good as you think, and I'm not necessarily the one you like."

Guo Yaxin nodded and said, "I know you don't accept someone so easily, but I won't give up."

Zhang Xiao shook her head helplessly and said, "We are still too young to know where the future will go."

Guo Yaxin breathed a sigh of relief, since Zhang Xiao didn't explicitly refuse, it meant she still had a chance.

Zhang Xiao walked downstairs, but his heart was not at peace, but he knew that he was not qualified to like anyone now, and Hu Wenjing had already made him feel very guilty.

Downstairs, Director Zhang Xiao and Tian sat in the back row, and the driver took advantage of the situation and headed for the Provincial Sports Center.

"Zhang Xiao, how old are you this year?" Director Tian looked at the records on the report card and said in a solemn tone.

"Just turned 16 and two months old." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Zhang Xiao, you are the most talented young man I have ever seen. The most important thing is that you are only 16 years old and have not received any training." Director Tian looked at Zhang Xiao and said seriously, " If you train with all your heart, I can guarantee that you will create an era of your own."

Zhang Xiao did not avoid Director Tian's gaze, but said seriously: "Director Tian, ​​I never thought that being a professional athlete was the best way out for me. After studying for most of the time, if there is no accident, the provincial college entrance examination champion will also be in my pocket, and I have no reason to devote all my time to the single training of sports."

"And I never believe that there will be absolutes in sports games. Strength and luck are indispensable. I may have strength through training, but I never bet, I will not bet that luck will be on my side, so I will at most The extracurricular time is used for training, and this must be based on the fact that my academic performance does not decline."

Director Tian was shocked by Zhang Xiao's words. The top scorer in the provincial high school entrance examination and the top scorer in the college entrance examination are in his pocket. He doesn't know whether he is arrogant or has such strength, but he knows that this young man has his own ideas and is not someone It could make him change his mind.

Director Tian is in great pain. It is hard to meet such a rough jade. If he cannot be cultivated into a talent, it will be the greatest regret in life. Therefore, he will not give up and must convince this young man.

"Zhang Xiao, do you know what a track and field champion means to our country?" Director Tian's tone became a little excited, "It means that you will be number one in the country, you will bring the country supreme glory, and you yourself You will gain your own glory and status!"

Zhang Xiao shook his head, and calmly said to Director Tian: "Director Tian, ​​my life can be brilliant without gambling. , is enough to obtain the honor you mentioned."

Director Tian hated iron for being weak, and said with a cold snort, "Even if you are talented, you can't win the championship just by training casually. The road to championship is not so easy."

Zhang Xiao also knows that what Director Tian said is not wrong, but it is aimed at ordinary people. For him who has the chain of life, at the moment when he understands the meaning of the chain of life, he will not lose to anyone in physical confrontation. people.

Zhang Xiao didn't speak any more at the moment. He was going to prove himself with super results. Now that the strength of his body had been exposed, he didn't mind giving himself some chips to make his results even more dazzling.

When he came to the provincial sports center, Zhang Xiao found out that Tian Zhigang was the team leader of the provincial track and field team, responsible for the training of all track and field athletes.

Tian Zhigang beckoned, and after several track and field team coaches and a dozen staff members came over, he introduced: "This is Zhang Xiao, a student from the Provincial Experimental Middle School, and this is his competition at their school's sports meeting this morning." The results have aroused great repercussions, and even Director Guo of our bureau knows about it."

"According to Director Guo's instructions, conduct a comprehensive assessment of Zhang Xiao, and then form an assessment report and a training report. I hope everyone will pay attention to it."

When several coaches saw Zhang Xiao's game results, they thought there was something wrong with the result: "Tian Zhi, this is not to fool us, is it? This result is not something ordinary people can achieve."

Tian Zhigang said with a blank face: "There should be no fakes, but the next evaluation must be kept strictly confidential, do you hear me clearly?"

"Clear, understand." Several coaches nodded immediately and agreed.

"Then go down and prepare. The assessment will officially start at two o'clock in the afternoon." Tian Zhigang said to several coaches and staff.

After these people left, Tian Zhigang took Zhang Xiao to the cafeteria. After all, it was already 11:30 at this time, and he could rest for two hours after eating, which would also allow Zhang Xiao to recover his strength.

The food in the training center was very good, and Zhang Xiao was not polite, he ordered a large plate of food and used it quickly.

Tian Zhigang was also observing Zhang Xiao's appetite. Athletes generally eat more than ordinary people, and Zhang Xiao is no exception. A large plate of food is eaten quickly.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao was arranged to rest in a room.

The room looks like a single dormitory, only the bed is bigger, and the environment is very nice.

Zhang Xiao took the opportunity to take a shower before lying on the bed and going to sleep.

At 01:30 in the afternoon, a staff member woke Zhang Xiao up and gave him a set of training clothes, including running shoes.

This surprised Zhang Xiao very much. It seemed that he had enjoyed the athletes' benefits in advance.

When Zhang Xiao changed his clothes and came to the training ground with the staff, Tian Zhigang was already waiting with his coaches and staff. Not only that, there were also many athletes around. It seems that Zhang Xiao's arrival has indeed aroused the excitement of many people. Notice.

"Zhang Xiao, let's test the long jump first, and then test other track and field events." Tian Zhigang said, and led Zhang Xiao to the long jump field.

Zhang Xiao didn't refuse either. After all, his grades still made people suspicious, and he didn't choose to believe just because of the school's transcript.

When he came to the long jump field, Zhang Xiao first warmed up, but there were not many movements to do, he just moved his body.

Irregular movements made everyone whisper, and it looked like a novice who had not been trained.

Then Zhang Xiao came to the starting point, and suddenly accelerated and ran forward at an extremely fast speed. Then, as soon as he stepped on the springboard, he flew into the air, drew a perfect parabola, and then landed heavily in the bunker.

Everyone present suddenly exclaimed, and then they all looked in shock at Zhang Xiao who had already arrived outside the bunker.

"What are you doing in a daze, measure quickly." Tian Zhigang shouted to the staff.

At this time, several staff members acted quickly, and two long jump coaches also rushed up.

8 meters 56.

As soon as the measurement results came out, everyone was shocked. Zhang Xiao's result had already broken the national record. Although there was still a gap between the world record of 8 meters, everyone was even more shocked when they thought that Zhang Xiao had not been trained. .

Tian Zhigang recorded the results on the report card, and said with a smile on his face: "Zhang Xiao, do it again?"

Zhang Xiao didn't refuse either, and returned to the starting point.

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