"Master, have you heard about this?" Zhang Xiao asked in surprise, feeling strange that Mo Wenxin knew about Tang Zhenhao. After all, not much is known about this matter so far, and most of them are Is the top management of the group.

"How could I not know? You don't know how big a commotion this incident has caused. You must know that in today's society, there are no absolute secrets. Many people's self-righteous actions are nothing more than self-deception." Mo Wenxin sighed He took a breath, and said helplessly.

"Will this incident have a bad impact on Hongyuan Group?" Zhang Xiao had to consider the possible impact of Tang Zhenhao's incident on Hongyuan Group at this moment.

"It's not good or bad, mostly it's just the benevolent see the benevolent and the wise see the wisdom. I tell you these things not to say that you are wrong, but to pay attention to the influence. Sometimes the power of public opinion is very terrifying." Mo Wenxin said to Zhang Xiao warned.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but nodded. He was very aware of the influence of human words. Three people became tigers, and one word made money. This undoubtedly showed the influence of human words.

No matter in ancient times or in the present, the influence of public opinion on people is everywhere, ranging from state affairs to personal and private affairs, public opinion will affect the outcome of things to a certain extent.

"I understand. I will try my best to guide the public opinion to develop in a direction that is beneficial to Hongyuan Group." Zhang Xiao said with a serious expression. After all, he was too careless. He did not expect that the impact of this matter would be so great. .

"It's good that you understand, but although the power of public opinion is strong, it still depends on what you do. As long as you can have a clear conscience and stick to your heart, it's fine." Mo Wenxin didn't say much, after all Everyone understands all these principles, but very few can really do it.

Zhang Xiao also laughed immediately, knowing that this was a suggestion from the master to herself, she thanked with a smile: "Thank you, master, I will think twice before acting."

Mo Wenxin didn't say much, after sending Zhang Xiao to the end of the corridor, he didn't go any further, stopped and said to Zhang Xiao: "Since ancient times, those who have attained the Tao have given more help. The so-called Tao is actually Our way of doing things, you have to work harder on this."

"Okay, master, you can go back." Feeling the chill of the night, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said to Mo Wenxin.

Mo Wenxin didn't go back directly, but watched Zhang Xiao leave the courtyard, then tightened his coat and walked towards the house.

And after Zhang Xiao got in the car, on the way back, he began to think about the last thing the master said about himself.

Tang Zhenhao's matter is actually not a big deal, after all, it's just a company's anti-corruption campaign. This happens in many companies, and it's not a rare thing.

But everything is afraid of interpretation, and as the currently famous Hongyuan Group in China, such a scandal can not help but be interpreted by people. Various versions are flying all over the sky, which has already caused some damage to Hongyuan Group .

"Old Guo, you can discuss with Yuan Min tomorrow and guide the public opinion on Tang Zhenhao's matter. You can't let the public opinion influence our Hongyuan Group." Zhang Xiao said to Guo Feng after a little thought.

"I understand. I will discuss it with Yuan Min." Guo Feng actually knew the importance of this matter.

Sometimes, many things, either the east wind overwhelms the west wind or the west wind overwhelms the east wind, and the same is true for public opinion. Only by quickly guiding the chaotic public opinion can the bias of public opinion be beneficial to Hongyuan Group.

After returning to the courtyard, Zhang Xiao went back to the room directly. At this time, Shen Biyu was playing with a piece of porcelain, which was also Zhang Xiao's own collection. It was a relatively special piece of porcelain, which was extremely rare because it was produced before the Song Dynasty. It is of great research significance.

As Shen Biyu is a student of the Department of Archeology, Zhang Xiao will naturally prepare some utensils for you to study.

"Brother Xiao, why is it so late today?" Shen Biyu put the pieces of porcelain in the bedside table and asked.

"I went to a banquet organized by my master, and I came back late." Zhang Xiao said while taking off his coat.

"Well, do you want to take a bath?" Shen Biyu just asked casually, without going into details, but said with a smile.

For Shen Biyu's puns, Zhang Xiao has long been used to it, and said with a smile: "Wash it, you are full of alcohol."

Shen Biyu smiled and said nothing, watched Zhang Xiao go to the bathroom, changed into a set of underwear, and waited for Zhang Xiao to come out.

After a night of nothing, Zhang Xiao came to the company refreshed the next morning, only to find that many people were whispering.

This made Zhang Xiao murmur in his heart, Zhang Xiao couldn't figure out what happened to this abnormal phenomenon.

But when Zhang Xiao came to the office, Hou Shuyan handed a newspaper to Zhang Xiao, and said to Zhang Xiao: "Boss, please read this report, what should we do with it?"

Zhang Xiao took it over and took a look, only to see that it was a city newspaper, which is not very famous now, but Zhang Xiao knew that it was a newspaper giant in later generations, with a unique flavor in news publishing.

However, when Zhang Xiao saw the targeted report using Hongyuan Group as a template, his mood suddenly turned bad.

The article does not talk about the contribution of Hongyuan Group, but only talks about Hongyuan’s anti-corruption campaign this time, labeling it as the internal struggle of Hongyuan Group’s corporate factions, and vigorously advocating in the article that Tang Zhenhao is the leader. The merits of corrupt elements, and all the corrupt things they have done are summed up in one word.

Zhang Xiao only read it once, and felt the full taste of conspiracy, especially the photo of Tang Zhenhao's wife and two people walking out of Hongyuan Group in tears was published in the newspaper, which was full of malice. Zhang Xiao's expression suddenly became serious up.

If this is just a spontaneous report by a reporter from this Metropolitan Daily, it is nothing, and it will not have much impact on Hongyuan Group. I believe that with the strength of Hongyuan Group, after negotiating with them, there will be a better result. the result of.

But if someone is planning behind this, once the matter ferments, it will have a huge impact on Hongyuan Group, which Zhang Xiao doesn't want to see.

After all, although the current Hongyuan Group has extraordinary strength, it has not been established for a short time and its background is insufficient, so it cannot withstand too much trouble.

What's more, the current Hongyuan Group is in the most critical stage of development, and no bad influence can be tolerated. Once it affects the development of Hongyuan Group, it will have a profound impact on Zhang Xiao's overall layout.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao said to Hou Shuyan, "Notify President Ye and several vice presidents to hold a meeting in the small conference room in an hour."

Hou Shuyan also became serious immediately. Hongyuan Group seldom holds such emergency meetings, and most of them solve problems at weekly regular meetings.But now Zhang Xiao is obviously preparing to hold an emergency meeting, which makes Hou Shuyan's heart tighten, knowing that something big is going to happen.

Hou Shuyan hurried back to her office and called all the senior management of the group, including Ye Shijiang, for a meeting.

And when Zhang Xiao saw this metropolis newspaper, this metropolis newspaper with a large circulation had already been seen by many people, and under the first page was the report about Hongyuan Group.

Although it was not a headline on the front page, it was a very important article that immediately attracted people's attention.

"It turns out that this is Hongyuan Group. I thought Hongyuan Group was a pure land. It turned out to be full of dramas of power struggles. It's really disappointing."

"Eliminate dissidents and suppress meritorious ministers. The Hongyuan Group will not go far."

"This is to eliminate dissidents in the name of fighting corruption and promoting integrity. It really deserves to be famous."

 …m. cascoo.

At this time, on the most popular forums, there were a lot of discussions about Hongyuan Group, and many people who considered themselves senior intellectuals began to analyze the Tang Zhenhao incident of Hongyuan Group .

And these are all things that Zhang Xiao did not expect. He did not expect that Hongyuan Group would become a hot topic on the Internet, and it would be negative news.

It wasn't until the meeting was about to start that Zhang Xiao received a call from Lei Jun that he realized that the matter about Tang Zhenhao had been posted on the forum, and more than ten moderators began to analyze Tang Zhenhao, and Hongyuan, where Tang Zhenhao was located, The group's information was continuously released to the Internet bit by bit.

Looking at the contents of the forum, Zhang Xiao felt restless for a while.

Although Hongyuan Group is the main body of this incident, Hongyuan Group has indeed caught fire again, but the notoriety it bears is really hard for Zhang Xiao to accept.

It can be seen from the many comments on the Internet that Hongyuan Group is gradually being exposed, and its notoriety has also begun to spread, which is unexpected by Zhang Xiao.

When Zhang Xiao walked into the meeting room, his face sank like water, and after showing the contents of the newspaper and the Internet to everyone on the big screen, Zhang Xiao said to everyone: "I believe that everyone can see the content of the matter." I have heard that this time the matter fermented very quickly, we did not give us any time to prepare, how do you think we should deal with it?"

Everyone couldn't help looking at each other at this moment, after all, this was the first time they had encountered such a thing, and there was no way to deal with it.

"Boss, the first thing we need to do is to communicate with the Metropolitan Daily, so that they can restore the truth as soon as possible, so as to curb the source of public opinion."

"Second, we made an announcement within the group to report the incident of Tang Zhenhao and others in detail, so that the employees can know the facts, so as to reduce the panic among the employees about this incident."

"Third, we need to ask the propaganda department to clarify the matter on the Internet as soon as possible, and when necessary, they can issue a statement to disclose the facts of the matter."

After thinking about it, Ye Shijiang was the first to speak and said that he was no stranger to such things. After all, such things happened endlessly abroad, and he still had some experience.

After hearing Ye Shijiang's words, the others couldn't help nodding their heads. Although they hadn't experienced it, they also understood that what Ye Shijiang said hit the point of this incident.

Seeing that no one else had any more suggestions, Zhang Xiao said, "Mr. Ye, you are in charge of the group's internal announcements, and you must let all the employees of the group know the reason why Tang Zhenhao and others were handed over to the judicial authority in the shortest possible time. to stabilize the hearts of the employees of the group.”

"Boss, don't worry, I will do a good job." Ye Shijiang immediately agreed. The difficulty of this matter does not lie in the content of the announcement, but in how to convince all employees that this is the truth.

"Then you go now, you can ask the staff of the General Office to help, and you should also notify the staff of all the subsidiary offices to help. You have to understand that this is an invisible public opinion war. Whether you can win or not depends on your execution strength." " Zhang Xiao said with a serious expression.

After Ye Shijiang stood up, he immediately walked quickly towards the meeting room, taking out his mobile phone and making calls as he walked.

Instead of paying attention to Ye Shijiang's specific actions, Zhang Xiao said to Academician Ni: "Academician Ni, there are already many versions of the Tang Zhenhao incident on the Internet. I hope you can organize people to form a public opinion trend on the Internet. Suppress the public opinion and release the truth of the matter to the majority of netizens."

Academician Ni also knew at this moment that the seriousness of the matter had exceeded his imagination, and he quickly agreed: "I will immediately come up with a plan and strive to complete the task in the shortest possible time."

"Pay attention to the rhythm, don't rush into it. In this regard, you can contact Lei Jun of Jinshan Software. He has a deep research on the forum." Zhang Xiao finally asked.

Academician Ni agreed and left the conference room quickly.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao said to everyone sitting here: "From this incident, we can see that someone is manipulating it secretly, otherwise it is impossible to explain the speed of the fermentation of the matter, so I hope that everyone will work together in the next work." We must cheer up and let all actions be based on the system, so as not to be targeted by others."

"In addition, everyone should publicize the departments and subsidiaries they are responsible for after they go back, so as to prevent people from taking advantage of the troubled waters and taking the opportunity to disturb people's hearts."

"Boss, I understand." Everyone agreed with one voice, and they had no objection to Zhang Xiao's arrangement. Facing the sudden crisis, no one dared to take it lightly.

After the meeting, Zhang Xiao arranged for Tian Xiaodan to communicate with Metropolis Daily to understand the truth of the matter, and at the same time ordered Yuan Min to investigate the instigator behind the scenes as soon as possible. After all, this is extremely important for Hongyuan Group's future response.

After arranging all this, Zhang Xiao began to think about the impact of the Tang Zhenhao incident on Hongyuan Group, and at the same time Zhang Xiao had to admire the foresight of his master Mo Wenxin.

After all, last night, Mo Wenxin expressed his opinion on this matter, but the development of this matter now made Zhang Xiao understand the so-called fear of words.

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