The Provincial Experimental Middle School still attaches great importance to the autumn sports meeting, because after the autumn sports meeting, there will be a middle school student sports meeting in the province, and students who can get a place in it may participate in national competitions, and even if they have outstanding results, they can Was sent to university.

So as soon as the self-study class started that night, the head teacher Guo Zhihao announced in the class: "The school's autumn sports meeting will be held on October 10th. Please participate actively. If you want to sign up, please contact Luo Yonghai, the sports committee member. Sign up here."

"Another thing to tell everyone is that students who can achieve good results in the school sports meeting can participate in the province's middle school sports meeting. Outstanding results will be recommended to universities. I hope that students with good sports scores will not miss this opportunity."

As soon as this remark came out, the students in the class immediately cheered. After all, for these students, music and art classes are gone after high school, and physical education is their favorite subject. Students with unlimited youthful vitality Always use your strength to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Although the Provincial Experimental Middle School is a key high school with learning as the sole orientation, its sports level is not low. Usually, the sports specialty class is used to defend the school's honor, but this year's situation is a bit special. Yang Yang is not only the champion of middle school students in the province in the 400 meters, but also the top scorer in the county's high school entrance examination in his cultural class.

Luo Yonghai, who came to the province for an experiment, did not go to the sports special class, but came to the special class that mainly focused on culture, which made the class teacher Guo Zhihao think more about the autumn sports meeting.

However, Guo Zhihao announced the results of the monthly exam before everyone cheered, and everyone fell silent.


He continued to lead with the No.1 grade in the whole grade, which was a full 2 points higher than the grade No.886 Ji Chaoyang's 44 grade. Such a grade shocked all the students.

"Damn it, how can we survive this?" Sun Peng couldn't help roaring.

"Zhang Xiao, you are too strong. Being at the same table with you makes my life worse than death." Guo Yaxin said coquettishly, making all the boys look at Zhang Xiao with fire in their eyes.

As the beauty in the class who was second only to Shen Biyu in appearance, Guo Yaxin was naturally the favorite of all the boys. Although they were usually reserved, they couldn't bear it now.

Guo Zhihao didn't care about the exclamation and noise in the class, and let them vent their thoughts, which was also a way of decompression.

Sitting in the fourth row, Li Yaning scored 864 points in this exam, ranking fifth in the class and ranking 24th in the grade. But at this moment, his eyes looking at Zhang Xiao were also full of despair.

Zhang Xiao is like a high mountain, standing in front of him, as if blocking his way, making him unable to see the direction.

If many students thought that they could surpass Zhang Xiao as long as they worked hard, then from today onwards, Zhang Xiao would no longer be comparable to them, and they could only curse perverts in their hearts.

The head teacher, Guo Zhihao, was extremely satisfied with Zhang Xiao, and was extremely happy in his heart. From now on, he no longer had to worry about being criticized by the school leaders for his grades in the class. Zhang Xiao was enough to wipe out all the negative news in the class.

The test papers for each subject were quickly handed out. Zhang Xiao looked at the test papers and found that all the deductions were for subjective questions, that is to say, all of Zhang Xiao's objective questions were correct without a single mistake.

Zhang Xiao wasn't too excited at this time. He had a rough assessment and forecast for this result. Although the score was a little higher than his estimate, it was within expectation.

And he believes that as time goes by, his grades will pull his classmates farther and farther away, but these so-called test grades in school can no longer satisfy his desire. He is determined to build his own career in the society, Get more achievements.

Zhang Xiao has already studied half of the second year of high school, and he will be able to finish all the second year of high school in one month. After finishing all the courses of the year, what should I do by then?

It would be a waste of time to stay in school to study high school courses, but if you want to go out and start your own business, you must get the consent of the school leaders and teachers, not only that, but also your father at home.

Zhang Xiao shook his head, and put these messy thoughts to the back of his mind. He has enough time to think about how to do it in the future. As for now, he should hurry up and study. If he finishes his high school courses one day earlier, he can start earning money one day sooner. Plan, because he knows that time waits for no one.

The evening self-study ended soon, Zhang Xiao packed up his books, and was about to go back to the dormitory, but was stopped by Luo Yonghai who came from behind.

"Zhang Xiao, let's go back together." Luo Yonghai said to Zhang Xiao.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Xiao asked a little puzzled.

"It's like this. I saw that your physical fitness is quite good in the first few physical education classes. I want you to sign up for two sports. What do you think?" Luo Yonghai said without hesitation.

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head and said, "Forget it, I'm not interested in sports."

"Don't worry, in our class, besides me, only Guo Yaxin signed up for the 500-meter race, and the school requires each class to sign up for at least ten events. There is a big gap. If you can't complete the task in time, you must not let the head teacher assign it." Luo Yonghai continued to persuade.

Zhang Xiao didn't expect that all the students in the class were not interested in this sports meeting. Zhang Xiao understood the thoughts of these students after thinking about it for a while. If they don't take the physical education college entrance examination, they naturally don't have much interest. necessary.

Even Zhang Xiao himself didn't plan to participate, let alone other students, Zhang Xiao said firmly, "I'm going to participate, I'm really not interested."

When Luo Yonghai saw Zhang Xiao leaving, he shook his head in depression. The autumn sports meeting was one of the few opportunities for him to perform as a sports committee member. Naturally, he wanted to impress the teacher. Who knew that the students in the class didn't regard him as a teacher at all? They are all thinking about how to improve in the next midterm exam.

After all, the midterm exam is a major exam, and students will be reclassified, which makes everyone not want to be distracted at this time.

At the class meeting the next day, the class teacher Guo Zhihao was furious: "The autumn sports meeting is an important event of the school, so you should actively participate in it. The result is good. Except for Guo Yaxin, a girl who signed up for the 500-meter sports event, only Luo Yonghai gave it to me." I signed up for two sprints!"

"What about your sense of collective honor, what about your youthful enthusiasm? Are you willing to be a nerd who doesn't work hard?"

"Now the country advocates the all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical education, art and labor. I hope you can sign up yourself, and don't let me forcefully assign you!"

But Guo Zhihao's rage was doomed to be futile, and many students were not interested in it, so no matter what Guo Zhihao said, no one signed up, and they all kept silent and studied silently.

In the end, Guo Zhihao had to make a forced assignment: "Zhang Xiao, you have the best grades, and you can't relax in sports. You choose two for me!"

Zhang Xiao didn't expect Guo Zhihao to use himself as a breakthrough, but he also knew that he couldn't escape, so he stood up without hesitation and said, "I'll sign up for the 500 meters and the long jump."

"Okay, Luo Yonghai, write it down for me." Guo Zhihao was immediately excited. He was afraid that Zhang Xiao would embarrass him, but many of his rhetoric was useless.

"Shen Biyu, choose one!" Guo Zhihao assigned again.

Shen Biyu's face turned bitter, and it took a long time before she said, "I'm signing up for the 400-meter sprint."

So this class meeting became Guo Zhihao's rigid assignment meeting, and the school required each class to sign up for the autumn sports meeting.

As soon as school was over, everyone shouted and shouted.

"Zhang Xiao, you have been assigned two items, can you hold on?" Liu Lu, as the class monitor, was also assigned one item, and he chose the high jump, which can be fished.

"I can't help it, Lao Guo has spoken, can't he still resist?" Zhang Xiao didn't care about it. He just participated, and he didn't have to get a ranking.

"That's true, but this time Guo Yaxin signed up for 500 meters, and the scene is absolutely beautiful." Liu Lu suddenly said with a lecherous smile.

When Zhang Xiao thought about Guo Yaxin's impressive figure, he immediately knew what Liu Lu was thinking, slapped him and said, "Be careful if Guo Yaxin finds out and sues you."

Liu Lu shrank his head immediately, looked around and said with a smile: "It's okay, she's not here."

Zhang Xiao looked at Guo Yaxin behind Liu Lu, sighed, and continued to eat.

"Little Heitan, I misread you, you pervert!" Guo Yaxin slapped Liu Lu on the shoulder, said a little embarrassedly, and ran away.

Liu Lu was dumbfounded immediately, and looked at Zhang Xiao full of resentment.

The following days were uneventful, but Hu Wenjing kept a distance from Zhang Xiao at school, rarely letting Zhang Xiao go to her office, and not giving him a chance to be alone.

Zhang Xiao felt a little helpless about this, but she also knew that getting along like this was good for both of them.

Zhang Xiao suppressed his inner emotions and devoted himself to his studies, which made the students in the class feel helpless.

Zhang Xiao's academic achievement was much higher than them, and he worked harder than them. The pressure on them was too great. They had to work harder than Zhang Xiao, so that they would not be left far behind by Zhang Xiao. As time passed, they found that Zhang Xiao's learning efficiency was much higher than theirs, and they all felt desperate.

Time passed, the days passed day by day, and Zhang Xiao gradually adapted to this ordinary life in the boring study.

There is no need to worry about other chores every day, as long as you can study with peace of mind. As for the noise among the students, Zhang Xiao unconsciously regarded it as a bystander.

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