Zhang Xiao looked at Shen Biyu with complicated emotions. The more humble Shen Biyu showed, the more Zhang Xiao felt pity. For Shen Biyu's small request, Zhang Xiao immediately nodded and agreed: "Then what do you like?" What kind of villa?"

"I just want to buy a small house. The villa is too difficult to take care of." Shen Biyu rejected Zhang Xiao's offer and said.

"Is there a swimming pool in the small house? Don't you want to swim with me?" Zhang Xiao has no feelings for the small house at all. In his opinion, only a big villa is in line with his status, not to mention Shen Biyu's active dedication. It's not as good as a villa, but he still asked in an inducing tone.

Shen Biyu couldn't help being a little moved, but the villa was really difficult to clean up, and she lacked a sense of security, and didn't like big houses, so she couldn't help but said depressedly: "I also like big houses, but I'm afraid of living alone."

Zhang Xiao was slightly taken aback, remembering what had happened to Shen Biyu, couldn't help feeling more affection for Shen Biyu, put her arms around her shoulder and said, "Don't be afraid, I will accompany you in the future, and I can also arrange female bodyguards to protect you. "

Shen Biyu's eyes lit up immediately, she didn't expect Zhang Xiao to feel pity for her so much, this was something she didn't expect, in her opinion, Zhang Xiao regarded her as a dispensable temporary girlfriend at most, after all, she was the one who posted up.

Shen Biyu was moved too much in her heart, she hugged Zhang Xiao's arm tightly, and nodded obediently.

That night, after returning to the courtyard, Shen Biyu used her youthful skills to please Zhang Xiao, and Zhang Xiao also made Shen Biyu feel the tide of the peak.

The next morning, after Zhang Xiao sent Shen Biyu to school, she returned to the company and started a new day's work.

At present, Hongyuan Group has a lot of projects under construction. Apart from the fact that Minmin Supermarket is constructing member boutique supermarkets, Zhang Xiao does not need to worry about it. Whether it is a mobile phone project or an electronic industry base project, Zhang Xiao needs to understand it. It made Zhang Xiao's already much work even more.

But Zhang Xiao is also very clear that some things must be controlled. These key projects cost a lot of money, and a little carelessness may cause a substantial increase in expenses, which may make the already tight finances even more difficult.

However, there is also good news. The members of Huang Minhui's team have completed their resignations one after another and are about to join Hongyuan Group. This is undoubtedly good news for Zhang Xiao.

However, Zhang Xiao also needs to consider the arrangement of these talents. After all, if they all join the International Business Department, it will be a waste of talents. Of course, Zhang Xiao also needs to seek their opinions.

The day passed quickly, and when leaving the company in the afternoon, Zhang Xiao received a call from Du Debiao unexpectedly.

After Yang Lei went to Hongyuan Real Estate, Du Debiao soon returned to Mo Wenxin's side. This was also Mo Wenxin's request. After all, he was old and needed Du Debiao to help him with some specific affairs.

"Senior Brother Du, why do you have time to call me today?" Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Xiaoxiao, Master asked me to call you. Come to Master's place for dinner tonight." Du Debiao said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll be there in a while." Zhang Xiao didn't have anything to do after work today, so he agreed immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao said to Guo Feng, "Go to my master's house."

"Okay." After Guo Feng agreed, he immediately went to Mo Wenxin's courtyard.

But on the way to Mo Wenxin's house, Zhang Xiao was a little confused about what the master called her to eat, it couldn't be as simple as eating a meal.

But after thinking for a long time, Zhang Xiao didn't come up with a reason.

It wasn't until Zhang Xiao came to the courtyard of his master Mo Wenxin that he felt that things were unusual, because Zhang Xiao saw a large group of people inside as soon as he entered the door.

Not only Mo Boqi came, but also Mo Boyuan and Mo Boxing, besides that, his senior sister Mo You also came.

In addition to the children of master Mo Wenxin, Zhang Xiao's senior brothers also came, which made Zhang Xiao a little puzzled. After all, today is not an important festival, and the birthdays of master and mistress have long passed.

"Eldest brother, there are enough people here today, why did the master call me over?" Zhang Xiao and Mo Boqi are the most familiar ones, so naturally they will ask Mo Boqi for news as soon as they enter the door.

"You'll know in a while, let my dad talk about it then." Moboqi said hesitantly.

Obviously Mo Boqi knew something, but he didn't say anything, so Zhang Xiao stopped asking, but said hello to the other seniors.

Since Zhang Xiao is the youngest of all the people here, and Zhang Xiao is different now, in just three years, Zhang Xiao's achievements have surpassed everyone present, even Mo Wenxin has to lament Zhang Xiao's achievements .

However, Zhang Xiao was still the same as before, and he didn't put on airs at all because of the increase in wealth, because he knew that in front of his relatives and friends, maintaining his usual appearance was the most important thing.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Zhang Xiao pulled Du Debiao aside, and asked in a low voice, "Senior Brother Du, why did Master call everyone over?"

Du Debiao, as a person who has been with Mo Wenxin, naturally knows the reason why Mo Wenxin did this, and replied in a low voice: "Xiaoxiao, the master is planning to retire to the second line, so he summoned everyone and discussed how to take over. It is a question of the direction of the company that has come down."

Zhang Xiao was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect his master Mo Wenxin to retire so soon. You must know that Mo Wenxin is only 68 years old, full of energy, and far from the time to retire to the second line.

"Why, master, I think he is very energetic." Zhang Xiao asked in surprise, is master sick?

Zhang Xiao couldn't help thinking this way, but from Mo Wenxin's complexion, nothing unusual could be seen, which made Zhang Xiao even more puzzled.

"I don't know the specific reason, anyway, that's what the master told me." Du Debiao shook his head, and he couldn't figure out the reason.

Just when Zhang Xiao was puzzled, Xing Yulan walked out the door of the living room and said to everyone: "Dinner is ready, come in."

In the living room, two large round tables have been set up, and each table can seat twelve people. Although there are many people, it is enough to sit.

Mo Wenxin sat at the head of the round table on the left, and Xing Yulan sat next to him.

Mo Boqi sat down one by one, Zhang Xiao originally planned to sit at another table with Du Debiao, but was stopped by Mo Wenxin.

"Xiaoxiao, come here and sit with your elder brother. I also need you to help me make up my mind about today's matter." Mo Wenxin said with a smile.

But the others were not surprised. After all, they were no strangers to Zhang Xiao, a junior. On the contrary, they were very familiar with him. Many of them were familiar with Zhang Xiao's affairs.

Zhang Xiao didn't hesitate either, and sat down next to Mo Boqi.

After everyone sat down, Mo Wenxin said with a smile: "I called you here today, mainly because I have some things to explain to you, maybe some of you already know, yes, I am going to retire, so For some things today, our masters and apprentices will take out our property and air it out, so as to save everyone from being dissatisfied with the affairs they have assigned in the future."

When Mo Wenxin said this, no one was surprised, only Zhang Xiao asked: "Master, what happened, you are going to retire so soon?"

"When a person is old, he naturally wants to take care of his life. Wealth is something that is not brought to life, so I will take advantage of the fact that my body is still healthy, and share it with everyone, so as to save everyone from having to pay for money in a hundred years. This kind of thing is so troublesome, it is useless for others to see it as a joke." Mo Wenxin said with a smile, but he explained the reason very clearly.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help admiring his master Mo Wenxin even more. A hundred years later, after a hundred years, the future generations would make a fuss about the legacy. The industry is clearly allocated to everyone, so that they will not make trouble when they get it.

"Let's eat first, let's talk about things after eating, or the food will be cold in a while." Xing Yulan interrupted at this time.

Mo Wenxin nodded with a smile and said, "Let's eat first, everyone think about this matter first."

Mo Wenxin's words made everyone relax temporarily. Even so, everyone ate this meal absent-mindedly. After all, the next distribution involved their interests.

Zhang Xiao didn't care about it, after all, Zhang Xiao didn't care about Mo Wenxin's property, and didn't want to get anything from it. He had the same idea as Zhang Xiao and Du Debiao, but everyone else had their own ideas.

The most important reason why Du Debiao didn't have any ideas was that his qualifications were too shallow and he had never participated in the specific operation of Mo Wenxin's industry.

After the dinner, the nanny quickly cleaned up the living room, made tea and left.

Mo Wenxin took a sip of tea and said: "My business is mainly in the two companies of real estate and Xinglinzhai. I believe everyone knows about it. Let me talk about the real estate company first."

"The current performance of real estate companies is neither good nor bad. At present, apart from the real estate projects that have been settled, there are 50.00 projects under construction, mainly located in Beijing and Shanghai. However, I only account for 20% of the real estate companies. Six shares, after evaluation by professional institutions, are worth about [-] billion yuan, and this is also the main industry I plan to allocate to Bo Qi and the other four this time."

As soon as Mo Wenxin said this, everyone was not too surprised. As Mo Wenxin's apprentices, none of them had ever participated in the operation of a real estate company, so naturally they couldn't talk about making any contributions. Mo Wenxin distributed it to his children , no one is surprised.

Only Mo Boqi, Mo Boyuan, Mo Boxing and Mo You knew that it was Mo Wenxin who was going to divide the property for him.

But among them, Mo Boyuan, as a government official, naturally cannot accept the shares of the company. Mo Boxing and Mo You also have their own businesses, and they don't have much interest in the shares of real estate companies, so they can only accept the shares of real estate companies. That leaves Mobochi.

But Moboqi also had his own jewelry company to manage, and he was not very familiar with the real estate company's business, so he didn't speak for a while.

"The four of you are my children. I plan to divide the shares into four and distribute them equally to you. Tell me what you think about it." Mo Wenxin said to the four of Mo Boqi Said.

"Dad, as a government official, it is definitely inappropriate for me to take shares. I think the shares that the company wants to distribute to me should be given to my elder brother. I only need the money corresponding to the shares." Mo Boyuan said first, and he expressed his attitude.

Following Mo Boyuan's opening, Mo Boxing and Mo You also expressed the same opinion. For them, taking money is more practical than taking shares. After all, the real estate company needs to pay attention to the company when they have the shares in their hands. However, they don't know how to manage the business. Once the company's management is not good, it is very likely that they will not get a penny. It is safest to get the money in their hands.

Mo Wenxin was not surprised by this. He turned his head to look at Mo Boqi. He still hoped that Mo Boqi could take over the real estate company. Although he only holds 50.00% of the company's shares, it belongs to the holding company after all. Other companies Shareholders only receive dividends and do not participate in the company's operations.

After thinking for a long time, Mo Boqi said: "Dad, I know that the real estate company has poured a lot of effort into you, but I really don't know anything about the management of real estate companies. If I take over the real estate company, it may cause disastrous results." A necessary loss, which I don't want to see."

Mo Boqi is very clear about how deep the real estate market is. Without certain relationships and abilities, if you want to get involved in it, it is easy to lose everything in the end, and now that his jewelry company is in the expansion stage, he doesn't have much energy to run a real estate company.

Mo Wenxin couldn't help sighing. He actually knew that Mo Boqi was passable in jewelry management, but he had never participated in the management of a real estate company. This is bound to easily cause turmoil in real estate companies and cause unnecessary troubles.

However, Mo Wenxin also knows his own situation. As he gets older, his energy has been weakened, and now that money is tightened, it is a huge challenge for the real estate company. He does not know whether the real estate company can support it. through this special period.

Thinking of this, Mo Wenxin couldn't help looking at Zhang Xiao, because he knew that it might be best to leave the real estate company to Zhang Xiao, so he said to Zhang Xiao: "Xiaoxiao, if I sell the shares of the real estate company to You, are you willing to accept it?"

Zhang Xiao didn't expect Mo Wenxin to say this, and couldn't help but be a little taken aback, because he knew very well that the real estate industry is currently in the early stage of the explosion. Although the real estate industry is facing great pressure due to tight money, it is still Also a great opportunity.

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