Zhang Xiao considered his words, and finally said after a long time: "Lao Li, what is the market share of Minmin Supermarket in the retail market?"

Li Mingxuan shook his head and said, "I haven't made detailed statistics. After all, the retail market is too big, and there are many unknown regional supermarkets popping up one after another. It is impossible to count them, so there is no market share."

Zhang Xiao also had to nod his head, admitting that Li Mingxuan was right, but he still asked, "How many stores are there in the whole country at present? It doesn't count the chain of community supermarkets we have just launched."

"The number of large and medium-sized supermarkets has reached 460. It is currently the chain supermarket with the most stores in the country. At present, it has become the number one in the country by virtue of its store advantages." Li Mingxuan said very proudly. After all, so many stores are developed by him. He has been to all the store locations. Although he only did the final location confirmation, it is still a heavy job. www.cascoo.

"Old Li, you've worked hard." Zhang Xiao patted Li Mingxuan on the shoulder and said seriously.

Zhang Xiao is very aware of Li Mingxuan's efforts. People's supermarkets are distributed all over the country. Even the most remote cities have people's supermarkets, and each of them has been profitable so far. Among them, Li Mingxuan is in order to manage each store well. , the hardships that need to be paid are unimaginable.

After listening to Zhang Xiao's words, Li Mingxuan's eyes were slightly red, and tears almost fell down. In order to gain Zhang Xiao's trust, he didn't know how he survived the past three years. Many times he wanted to give up, but seeing him The Minmin Supermarket, which has been in operation, is like his own child, and he has to spend more time caring for it.

What made Li Mingxuan most gratified was that his efforts were not in vain. People's Supermarket achieved great success, and he also gained Zhang Xiao's utmost trust. Hearing Zhang Xiao's words at this moment, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

Zhang Xiao can naturally see Li Mingxuan's excitement, but he still continues to express his inner thoughts: "I think we should start building brands, find manufacturers with the best quality products, and jointly create unique product brands with them , thus maintaining our unique position as a boutique supermarket.”

Li Mingxuan suppressed his inner excitement, thinking about Zhang Xiao's words, he couldn't help being surprised, and he didn't expect to jointly shape the product brand with his partners. After all, this is a grand system, and he wants to help these manufacturers shape the brand. Branding is not an easy task, but thinking of the deep-seated reasons, Li Mingxuan has to admire Zhang Xiao's foresight.

Brand building has begun to rise in China. Many manufacturers have started their own actions, but there are not many companies that can fully establish their own brands. After all, the domestic market is too large, and manufacturers of various levels emerge in endlessly. Zhang Xiao’s proposal But it made Li Mingxuan see another way.

"Boss, I understand what you mean. It is to find companies with the best products, establish a brand building agreement with them, and then vigorously promote their finished products to make their products a recognized brand in the market." Li Mingxuan understood what Zhang Xiao meant. After that, he spoke very seriously.

"Yes, that's it. After all, we are going to go abroad and open supermarkets all over the world. At this time, the power of the brand will become more important. While building the brand, we must ensure the reliability of product quality." Zhang Xiao gave Li Mingxuan more straightforward advice, and also explained why he wanted to start brand building.

Li Mingxuan couldn't help being a little excited when he thought about the feasibility of branding. After all, in the cooperation of various cooperative manufacturers, Minmin Supermarket will occupy a dominant position, which has an important role in the development of Minmin Supermarket that cannot be ignored.

"I understand. I will select products and cooperate with manufacturers as soon as possible, and strive to complete part of the brand building before Minmin Supermarket goes international." Li Mingxuan said happily, and at the same time he wanted to leave and start working.

"Don't rush to work, there is one more thing to call you here today, I remember you have two children at home?" Zhang Xiao stopped Li Mingxuan who was about to get up and leave, and said with a smile.

Li Mingxuan panicked. Although his youngest daughter was just three years old, he was still somewhat sensitive to the number of children. After all, with the continuous increase in family planning, he still felt uneasy even though he had already registered for the child.

"Yes, I have two children. My son is seven years old this year, and my daughter has just turned three years old." Li Mingxuan said very frankly. He didn't know what Zhang Xiao meant, but he also knew that he couldn't hide it. Telling the truth is the only thing way out.

"Is the housing tight?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"I'm a little nervous. We still live in the Tongzilou, which is the house shared by my wife's unit. There are only two rooms, more than 30 square meters." Li Mingxuan said helplessly. Although he has a high income, each has more than 5 yuan. The income does not include the year-end rewards and dividends, but in the face of the continuous medical expenses of his parents and parents-in-law, he dare not improve the house at all, so he can only continue to live in the tube building.

"This is the key to a villa, which is located in the university town. You can go and see if you are satisfied. If you are not satisfied, you need to find a suitable housing by yourself. I will personally pay to help you buy it! "Zhang Xiao put a key on the coffee table with a smile, pushed it towards Li Mingxuan, and said.

The villa provided by Zhang Xiao was built four years ago. It is in the west of the capital, not far from Hongyuan Building. It is also the place where Zhang Xiao once wanted to live. The place he came to the least, at this moment he transferred the villa to Li Mingxuan, which was a reward for his hard work in the past three years.

The reason why Zhang Xiao pays personally is mainly to maintain the company's employee welfare system. After all, there is no such thing as housing in the employee welfare system, but after learning about Li Mingxuan's family conditions, Zhang Xiao still chose to personally reward Li Mingxuan. Set of villas.

Li Mingxuan looked at the key that was close at hand, but he didn't reach out to pick it up. After all, he knew the value of this set of villas very well. Even if the house price is cheap now, it is for ordinary houses. A villa like this located in a university town is even more expensive. It is a high-quality school district room, which he never thought about.

"Boss, this is too expensive, I dare not take it." Li Mingxuan gritted his teeth, and resisted the huge temptation to refuse, although he knew very well that Zhang Xiao had the habit of giving villas to the group's senior management. Shortly after becoming the vice president of the group, he got the villa given to him by Zhang Xiao, and Ye Shijiang got the villa before Academician Ni.

"Really don't want it? Then I'll give it to Academician Ni, I think he will like it too." Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing and teasing.

Hearing what Zhang Xiao said, Li Mingxuan blushed, took the key back into his hand without embarrassment at all, licked his face with a smile and said, "Yes, Academician Ni already has a villa, give him a more He can't live anymore, can't he!"

Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing out loud. The most important reason why he didn't give Li Mingxuan a cash reward was because Zhang Xiao knew very well that whether it was a villa or a house, their value would continue to rise, and even if the cash was given to Li Mingxuan, Li Mingxuan may not be willing to buy a villa, so he can only store it in the bank account and slowly depreciate.

"Go to the villa when you have time. If you are not satisfied, you can change it again." After Zhang Xiao stopped laughing, he instructed Li Mingxuan.

Li Mingxuan quickly said: "I'm sure I'm satisfied. I know the location of the villa. Not only is the environment good, it's also a school district. There are many universities around, and more importantly, there are extremely rich medical resources."

Li Mingxuan babbled about the advantages of the villa, Zhang Xiao's eyelids twitched, because he didn't expect Li Mingxuan to be able to talk so much, especially the research on the residence obviously took a lot of effort.

"It's fine if you like it. In the future, the elderly will also be brought together. The surrounding medical and sanitary conditions are also good, and the beautiful environment is also conducive to the health of the elderly." Zhang Xiao fully considered Li Mingxuan's conditions before bringing this If the villa was given to Li Mingxuan as a gift, Zhang Xiao still has several suburban villas, but none of them are suitable for Li Mingxuan.

Li Mingxuan nodded with some emotion.

After Li Mingxuan left, Zhang Xiao saw Hou Shuyan's envious face, and said helplessly: "Don't be envious, it's not easy for Lao Li, there are old and young, and the salaries and bonuses are all for the old people to treat their illnesses." If you don’t give him a house, he won’t necessarily think of improving his living environment.”

"Boss, I also want a villa." Hou Shuyan turned into a monster and said coquettishly to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help coughing lightly, interrupted Hou Shuyan's coquettishness, and then said solemnly: "The Xingfu Community currently being developed by Hongyuan Real Estate will have 32 villas in the last row, and three villas will be presented at this year's annual meeting. It depends on your luck whether you can get it, but this is for the outstanding employees of the group, you can judge the outstanding employees first and then talk about it."

Hou Shuyan was immediately startled by Zhang Xiao's words. The selection of outstanding employees is not so easy, especially as the scale of Hongyuan Group is getting bigger and bigger, the number of outstanding employees is fixed at ten. The title of outstanding employee.

Even though Hou Shuyan looked at Zhang Xiao affectionately with her charming eyes, Zhang Xiao was still unmoved. He knew very well that once an exception was made, the troubles in the future would be more troublesome than giving Hou Shuyan a set personally, and he They are also not allowed to eat the grass beside the nest.

Hou Shuyan left Zhang Xiao's office sadly, and today she also had the idea of ​​testing Zhang Xiao, as long as Zhang Xiao showed a hint of desire, she would not hesitate to offer herself, but Zhang Xiao's indifference made him have no choice.

And when Hou Shuyan returned to her office, it was already time to get off work.

Li Mingxuan picked up the key to the villa, carefully put it in the pocket of his suit, then put on his coat, and walked downstairs quickly.

"President Li leaves work so early today, so at least he doesn't have to work overtime." A group of office staff at the headquarters of the People's Supermarket couldn't help muttering when they saw Li Mingxuan leaving.

"Let's go, or you will be caught easily when Mr. Li comes back soon."

"That's right, even if you pay overtime pay, you can't work overtime every day."

A group of office staff left the office quickly, and they did not forget to lock the door of the office area before leaving.

But Li Mingxuan was already driving his BMW car towards home, feeling a little excited. As a 39-year-old middle-aged man, why didn't he want to own a house of his own to improve his family's housing conditions.

However, the elderly in the family were sick and hospitalized one after another. Even with his monthly salary of 5 yuan, he did not dare to spend money to buy a house. After all, there are too many places to spend money. Both the elderly and children need a lot money.

Today, Zhang Xiao would give him a villa as a gift, which he never expected, which made him feel grateful to Zhang Xiao.

After returning home, Li Mingxuan looked at the small room, at the bunk beds for his son and daughter, and at the various home appliances crowded together in the house. Only then did Li Mingxuan realize how bad his living environment was. Living in a rented small house, I felt guilty all of a sudden.

"Father, look at my paintings, do they look good?" Li Miaoyu, who had just turned three years old, saw Li Mingxuan came back, and held up the finished painting for Li Mingxuan to look at.

Li Mingxuan looked at Li Miaoyu's painting. What Li Miaoyu drew was a big house. There were four people in front of the house. They were obviously his family. His heart ached. The big house was something that even his daughter could never forget.

"Yu'er, your paintings are so beautiful, do you want such a big house?" Li Mingxuan asked with a smile as he held Li Miaoyu in his arms.

"Yu'er doesn't want a big house, we have to treat grandparents and grandparents." The sensible Li Miaoyu naturally likes big houses, but she still said so.

Li Miaoyu's words immediately hit Li Mingxuan's weakness, causing him to burst into tears.

"Father don't cry, Yu'er doesn't want a big house, Yu'er is very good." Li Miaoyu helped Li Mingxuan wipe the tears off his face with her small hands, and said comfortingly, at the same time, she reluctantly dropped the painting in her small hand.

"Yu'er, Dad is happy. We are going to live in a big house soon. Look, this is the key." Li Mingxuan took out the key of the villa from his arms, wiped the tears from his face and said with a smile.

At this moment, Li Mingxuan's wife, Wang Xin, walked into the house with her son who had just finished school from kindergarten. Hearing Li Mingxuan's talk about the house, his face was a little gloomy, and at the same time he felt very guilty.

As Li Mingxuan's wife, Wang Xin knew very well the reason why Li Mingxuan didn't buy a house all this time, that is, the elderly in the family were not in good health. All the money is saved, ready for a rainy day.

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