Waking up the next morning, Zhang Xiao finally picked up the books that had been idle for two days, and took the time to study the content that needed to be learned in the study plan.

But he also knows that it is not realistic to complete the learning tasks according to the plan, so he can only do his best and learn as much as he can.

After breakfast, Zhang Xiao rode a bicycle to the guest house, came to the door of Hu Wenjing's room familiarly, knocked on the door, and waited for a while but no one opened the door, which made Zhang Xiao a little puzzled.

Knocked on the door again and waited for a while, but there was still no answer inside, which gave Zhang Xiao a bad premonition.

Finally, Zhang Xiao went to the front desk of the guest house to ask, only to learn that Hu Wenjing had already checked out early in the morning, which made Zhang Xiao a little hard to accept.

"This is the letter left by Ms. Hu. It's for you." The waiter took out a letter and handed it to Zhang Xiao.

"It's mine, thank you very much." Zhang Xiao took the letter, glanced at it, and thanked the waiter.

Zhang Xiao picked up the letter, looked at the familiar font on it, and confirmed that it was undoubtedly Hu Wenjing's handwriting, shook his head and went to the carport.

Zhang Xiao leaned on the bicycle, opened the envelope, and looked at the contents.

"Xiaoxiao, please forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye. The reason why I dare not say goodbye to you face to face is because I don't have the courage to say goodbye to you face to face. I'm afraid that I won't want to leave when I see you."

"The things between us are a big test for both you and me. I don't deny that I like you, but you are still young after all, and I am already 28 years old. There is no result between us. .”

"So I left. I hope that both of us will calm down, not be affected by this short-term erotic impulse, and think clearly about the path we are going to take in the future."

The content of the letter was not long, and there was nothing signed, but these few sentences made Zhang Xiao a little disappointed and painful.

Zhang Xiao rode a bicycle around the town but couldn't find any trace of Hu Wenjing. He even went to the passenger station, but couldn't find him.

Zhang Xiao had no choice but to ride home by bike.

Zhang Xiao opened the book and wanted to continue studying, but found that he couldn't read it at all. Hu Wenjing's voice and smile, as well as his fiery body, made it difficult for him to calm down, which made Zhang Xiao feel a little irritable.

This is the first time Zhang Xiao has encountered such a thing since his rebirth. Although it is not a failure, it also made Zhang Xiao clearly realize that even if he is reborn, he is not omnipotent. If you change the bad habits of your previous life, you will eventually become mediocre.

Just when Zhang Xiao was thinking wildly, Zhang Hongjun came back in a tricycle.

"Xiaoxiao, help me carry it." Zhang Hongjun called to Zhang Xiao.

"Here we come." Zhang Xiao walked outside, and as soon as he left the hospital, he saw a brand new threshing machine standing on a tricycle.

The small threshing machine is not big, so Zhang Xiao moved it upstairs by himself, and then went downstairs to move the motor up, and then Zhang Hongjun and Zhang Xiao installed the motor on the threshing machine, tried it, and the threshing The machine is running normally.

But Zhang Kai and Zhang Ping looked at the new threshing machine and immediately became happy. With the threshing machine, they no longer need to peel corn, and they have a lot more time to play.

The small thresher is still very useful. It took less than two hours to clean up all the corn accumulated upstairs, and there was basically no residue on the corncobs. The neighbors who heard it were envious. Someone thought on the spot To borrow.

Regarding this, Zhang Xiao didn't care anymore, and let her mother Yang Lan handle it by herself. After all, this is a family matter, and it is better for her mother to decide.

After doing all this, although he was sweating all over, Zhang Xiao's heart was inexplicably quiet.

Regarding Hu Wenjing's departure, Zhang Xiao had already calmed down. He knew that it would be a good thing for them to calm down now, so as not to let their lust go to their heads.

But at this time, Hu Wenjing, who was returning to the provincial capital by long-distance bus, was not as calm as she was when she left. The random thoughts along the way made her physically and mentally exhausted, so she took a taxi and went home directly.

Just after returning downstairs, before going upstairs, Hu Wenjing saw Sun Tao's parents coming down the stairs.

Sun Tao's mother became emotional when she saw Hu Wenjing, pointed at Hu Wenjing and cursed, "Hu Wenjing, you shameless bastard, you killed my son."

Hu Wenjing looked at the grandma who insulted her, and said calmly: "Sun Tao and I have been divorced for almost two years. What does his death have to do with me, and now we have nothing to do with each other. Don't make trouble for no reason."

Hu Wenjing's calmness made grandma's eyes turn red, and she slapped Hu Wenjing with a slap.

Fortunately, Hu Wenjing was prepared and took a step back to avoid her grandma's slap, but her grandma fell to the ground with too much force.

Grandmother simply stopped getting up and sat on the ground crying.

At this time, Hu Wenjing's father also ran down from the upstairs, and escorted Hu Wenjing back home, leaving only her grandma to curse downstairs.

After a while, there was a large circle of people downstairs, and countless spectators pointed at Grandma, and those who were familiar with the situation inevitably talked about their love and resentment with others.

Hu Wenjing, who returned home, knew that she had to leave here. This family could no longer live in it, and living here would only make Sun Tao's parents, who had lost their minds, do more wrong things.

Because Hu Wenjing knew that Sun Tao's parents, who had lost their only son, were completely insane, and they might do something wrong.

"Dad, I want to move to the teacher's apartment in the school, so that Sun Tao's parents won't block the door and abuse him every day." Hu Wenjing said to her father who works in the machinery factory.

"Alright, you go out and live outside and avoid them, lest they do anything to hurt you." Hu Xuemin didn't object to this, and he was a little worried about the madness of Sun Tao's parents.

Hu Wenjing silently packed her clothes and put them in the suitcase, and then took a look at the passbooks from these years. Looking at the pitiful numbers on it, she couldn't help feeling sad.

After packing everything, Hu Wenjing didn't hesitate too much. After saying goodbye to her father, she dragged her suitcase and the small bag containing her belongings without even eating, and left the house she had lived in since she was a child.

Hu Wenjing, who left home, came to the teacher’s apartment near the school. She said it was a teacher’s apartment, but it was actually a tube building. Every teacher had such a room. Except for some unmarried young teachers who liked to live here all the year round, all other teachers came back to the school. live at home.

Hu Wenjing only used this place as a temporary resting place at noon before, and may live here for a long time in the future.

Hu Wenjing tidied up the clothes in the suitcase, hung them in the wardrobe of the room, and tidied up the bed. Hu Wenjing lay on the bed blankly, upset, thinking of her father who was over 50 years old, and thinking of herself from time to time. The dead mother, and Zhang Xiao who didn't know if she was anxious because of her departure.

In her wild thoughts, Hu Wenjing fell asleep, and the tears in the corners of her eyes made people feel distressed.

The next morning, Hu Wenjing, who had just woken up, was taking a shower when she heard a knock on the door.

When the door was opened, her father Hu Xuemin and two policemen stood outside the door. Hu Wenjing couldn't help asking, "Dad, what happened?"

Hu Xuemin looked a little haggard, and said to Hu Wenjing, "Go in and talk."

After entering the house, Hu Wenjing learned about the tragedy that happened last night from the police.

Last night, Sun Tao's parents broke into Hu Wenjing's house frantically, poured gasoline on the whole house, and then set it on fire. Hu Xuemin escaped because he was not at home because of the night shift, but Sun Tao's parents were caught in an instant Surrounded by the ignited fire, he failed to escape and died in the room.

The police asked Hu Wenjing about the affairs between her and the Sun family, got up and left after finishing the record, leaving only Hu Xuemin and Hu Wenjing, father and daughter, relatively silent.

"Dad, is the family a big loss?" Hu Wenjing finally asked.

"The house has burned down, but all the losses will be compensated by the Sun family, but the money will have to go through the court, and it may take a while. The main reason is that our house is gone. I will live in the factory in the future. You Be careful living outside alone." Hu Xuemin couldn't help but feel a little scared when he thought of what happened yesterday, but luckily his daughter moved out yesterday without any accident, otherwise he would have no choice but to live.

Hu Wenjing nodded, and said with a forced smile: "If it's gone, it's gone. If there are houses for sale around my school, I'll buy another house."

Hu Xuemin nodded. He has also saved some in the past few years. If the compensation from the Sun family is included, it should be enough to buy a house.

After Hu Xuemin left, Hu Wenjing couldn't help crying. It seemed that all the grievances of these years came to her heart at once, and she was completely broken. She couldn't help but miss Zhang Xiao in her heart.

After Zhang Xiao at home left Hu Wenjing, she started to study step by step according to the study plan. Only in the dead of night would she think of Hu Wenjing, a woman who was ten years older than herself.

Time flies, and soon it will be October 10st, the National Day.

Since today was a class reunion, Zhang Xiao and Guo Tong came to Xiyuan building at ten o'clock in the morning.

The reason why the party is here is mainly because the place here is big enough, and the food is not too expensive, which is suitable for students like them who have a lot of people and little money.

After Zhang Xiao and Guo Tong arrived, no classmates came over, but after a while, the students came one after another. More than 30 people sat in the lobby on the second floor of Xiyuan Building, and the hall was full of people. .

This is just the classmates who can be contacted. Among them, there are students who have been admitted to high school and technical secondary school, and some have gone to vocational high school, but they have one thing in common, that is, they are still in school. As for those who graduated from junior high school and went to work outside, They didn't deliberately contact each other. After all, in the next three years at least, we will rarely meet each other.

The students were all talking about it, and the most talked about was still studying. After all, they were still students. Even if they were going to a vocational high school, they wanted to continue to go to university.

Zhang Xiao didn't take the initiative to say something about the provincial experimental middle school, but leaned on the back of the chair, listening to the students talking about all kinds of interesting things about the school, listening to the students bragging about all kinds of cowhide.

Afterwards, the food and drinks were served, and the atmosphere became even more lively. The boys who knew how to guess the boxing game played games like tiger stick chicken.

While the students listened to the boys' high-spirited talk, they provoked the boys to fight from time to time, having a great time.

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