Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 4 Playground Conflict

As soon as Zhang Xiao returned to the team in her class, she saw a conflict in the team of the first year of junior high school not far away.

Even with the teacher present, some courageous students still looked around. Guo Tong was the fastest runner, and he was the most active in watching the excitement.

Zhang Xiao shook his head, he didn't want to look, and stayed quietly in the line.

Because it's time to run morning exercises soon, and you have to run back if you can't take a look at the past, and there is a teacher present, the conflict is only temporary, and it will subside after a long time.

"Xiaoxiao, it was your brother who was beaten!" Guo Tong ran back to inform Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao was furious immediately, and his temper suddenly turned up. He ran over without saying a word, and several boys who usually had a good relationship with Zhang Xiao also followed.

Zhang Xiao pushed away the crowd of onlookers, and saw his younger brother Zhang Kai being beaten on the ground by a tall and burly boy, and kept cursing: "Don't think that your father is a teacher so I dare not beat you. What did I do today?" kill you!"

Zhang Xiao went straight up without saying a word, kicked the boy on the face and knocked him to the ground, then Zhang Xiao didn't stop, but kicked the boy continuously .

Although this boy is tall and big, he is actually still young, so how can he be compared with a veteran fighter like Zhang Xiao? In addition, Zhang Xiao's strength is inexplicably much stronger at this time, which makes him famous even more. The boy had no strength to fight back, so he could only curl up and let Zhang Xiao attack.

"Stop, stop hitting!" The teacher who was blocked outside finally squeezed in and shouted loudly.

Zhang Xiao glanced at the boy lying on the ground, without saying a word, pulled his younger brother Zhang Kai up from the ground, and stepped aside to wait for the teacher to deal with him.

"The three of you follow me to the teaching office, and the rest of you are gone, it's time to run!" The teacher scolded angrily.

All the students dispersed in a rush, watching it lively, they would do what they should do without the teacher telling them.

The teacher was Liu Hongsheng, Zhang Kai's class teacher, and he led the three of them towards the teaching office.

Entering the teaching office, Zhang Xiao didn't care, but Zhang Kai and the tall boy stood aside tremblingly.

Liu Hongsheng glanced at Zhang Xiao and ignored him, but asked Zhang Kai and the boy, "Zhang Kai, Liu Qing, why did you two fight?"

Neither Zhang Kai nor Liu Qing dared to say anything, they just stayed by the wall without saying a word.

"Liu Qing, tell me!" Liu Hongsheng began to roll the roll.

"Ms. Liu, Zhang Kai stepped on my foot, and you still haven't apologized to me!" Liu Qing started talking in a low voice, but later his voice became louder.

"Zhang Kai, why didn't you apologize for stepping on him!" Liu Hongsheng asked Zhang Kai again.

"I didn't do it on purpose, why should I apologize." Zhang Kai shrank his neck and muttered in a low voice.

"You are still reasonable. You stepped on your classmate. You can't stop apologizing. And you, Liu Qing, even if he doesn't apologize, you will hit him. Can you bully your classmate just because you are tall?" Liu Hongsheng didn't say anything at the moment. He favored no one, but scolded both of them.

"And you, Zhang Xiao, you are about to take the high school entrance examination, and you still fight, which shows that you are capable!" After cursing for a while, Liu Hongsheng shifted his position, and the artillery fire was transferred to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao didn't say a word, because he knew that as long as he didn't speak, the teacher's scolding would pass after a while, but if he dared to intervene, he wouldn't even want to eat breakfast.

Sure enough, after cursing for a while, Liu Hongsheng waved his hands and said, "Go back, fights are never allowed in the future, and if there is any violation of school discipline, new and old scores will be settled together!"

After Zhang Xiao left the teaching office, she glanced at Liu Qing, said nothing, and walked towards her classroom.

After returning to the classroom, Guo Tong ran to Zhang Xiao and said, "Xiaoxiao, that Liu Qing is not a good person, his family is a loan shark, you have to be careful."

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "How do you know? Do you know him?"

"I don't know him, but I know his sister, who is in the same grade as us, that is Liu Yuan from Class [-], you should know her too!" Guo Tong said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help shaking her head, thinking in her heart: "This world is so wonderful!"

In her previous life, Liu Yuan and he had re-educated for a year and were admitted to the same high school. The two of them had an affair for a while in high school. Not only that, they had been in a relationship for a while after Zhang Xiao graduated from university, but Liu Yuan The family objected to the two being together, but in the end it didn't matter.

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with it. It's all children's messing around. Why don't you tell your parents!" Zhang Xiao patted Guo Tong on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Although Zhang Xiao said so, he didn't know how the follow-up would develop. After all, he hadn't passed this section in his previous life, so he should be recuperating at home.

"I heard you were fighting again?" Zhang Hongjun asked angrily when he went home for breakfast.

"During morning exercises, Liu Datou's son Liu Qing beat Xiao Kai, and I beat Liu Qing!" Zhang Xiao didn't care much about this, and told the story without hesitation.

"The high school entrance exam is coming soon, take it easy and take the exam well." Zhang Hongjun patted Zhang Xiao on the shoulder and didn't say much.

"Xiaoxiao, you decided to take the high school entrance exam before, and your father didn't object, but I heard that this year's teacher training is still allocated, what do you think?" Yang Lan asked while eating.

"Of course you still have to take the high school exam. Even if you are assigned as a teacher, it will be more difficult to advance in the future, and there will be more opportunities to choose after the high school exam." Zhang Hongjun said without waiting for Zhang Xiao to speak.

Zhang Xiao knew what her mother meant. Not only did she not need tuition and miscellaneous fees for going to the normal school, but she also had a monthly subsidy, plus the assignment of work. In the future, college students will be the mainstream, and it will be difficult for technical secondary school students to succeed.

"Mom, don't worry, I will study hard and get admitted to a good university. Even if the country does not provide distribution, I will find a good job." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Yang Lan opened her mouth, but didn't say anything else, but Zhang Xiao understood her mother's painstaking efforts. In the family, only the father made money alone, and the whole family spent it. It will make the family's already poor life even worse. In addition, the younger siblings have grown up, and they will have to take the high school entrance examination in two years. If they all go to high school, the burden on the family will only be heavier.

Zhang Xiao understood the importance of money, and had some plans in her spare time these two days, but if she wanted to make money, she had to have a certain amount of capital, and this was Zhang Xiao's biggest headache.

This was in 1996, and my father’s monthly salary was only 573 yuan, plus bonuses and other messy money throughout the year was only about 8000 yuan, and he was also responsible for the family’s expenses. If he went to high school, he would spend at least 150 yuan a month. This is a heavy burden.

After returning to school, Zhang Xiao was surrounded by classmates as soon as he entered the classroom, which made Zhang Xiao a little confused.

"Xiaoxiao, how did you take the exam? We won't talk about you before with perfect scores in mathematics, physics and chemistry. Now you have almost perfect scores in Chinese, English, politics, history and geography. Have you ever done this set of papers?" Li Jun Said with some exaggeration.

"Haven't you done it? There are original questions in the review materials! Some of them are just the numbers changed!" Zhang Xiao said while walking towards her seat, spreading her hands.

"Cut! Talk nonsense, you didn't see your grades higher than ours in the previous exams, but this time I put such a big satellite, I just don't know if you can get such a high score in the senior high school entrance exam!" Originally the No. 1 in the class. Cheng Hao, the squad leader of Class [-], sneered, "It's not like you got the answer before the exam!"

Cheng Hao's words caused the students who were surrounded by Zhang Xiao to disperse.

"It should have copied the answer!"

"Impossible, besides, Zhang Xiao is not that kind of person."

"Who knows, knowing people and faces but not knowing the heart."

The students talked a lot, but Zhang Xiao didn't care about it, but Cheng Hao's hostility towards him made Zhang Xiao a little confused.

"Xiaoxiao, you are really good. With a full score of 580, you scored 545 in the test, and your physical education score was 27, which means that you only missed 33 points in culture!" Guo Tong came to Zhang Xiao and reported the grades of the whole class After handing the watch to him, he said excitedly.


The No. 1 Cheng Hao in the original class had a total score of only 496 points, which may be the reason why he looked hostile towards Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao himself was also a little excited, after all, this was changing his life, and he also had an amazing idea, that he would definitely be able to change the fate of his family by then, and Tian Gao Ren Yuyue from now on.

That is, this time, he became the top student in the province's senior high school entrance examination!

As long as he becomes the top scorer in the senior high school entrance examination, Zhang Hongjun, who is his father and mathematics teacher, will definitely become a famous teacher, and everything will be different from then on.

But Zhang Xiao knew that all of this was possible. He vaguely remembered that the number one in the county high school entrance examination in 1996 was 537 points, and the top score in the city high school entrance examination was 543 points. He didn't remember the top score in the provincial high school entrance examination.

However, Zhang Xiao is confident that he will win the top prize in the provincial high school entrance examination. Not only will he be able to gain honors, but he will also have the opportunity to go out of this small marginal county to study in a better school in the provincial capital. At that time, he will have more opportunities to complete his life's mission. desire.

"Let's go to class!" Li Hanyu, the class teacher, stepped onto the podium and said.

"stand up!"

"Hello teacher!"

"Hello students!"

"sit down!"

After Li Hanyu scanned the students below with his gaze, everyone immediately became quiet, not daring to breathe.

"The test questions used in this test are taken from the school's question bank. Some students may have scored higher in the test. Don't be complacent." Speaking of this, Li Hanyu glanced at Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao was a little depressed, and there was something wrong with getting high.

"Students with low test scores should not be discouraged. Analyze where they made mistakes and why they made mistakes. Improvement in grades is on the way to correcting mistakes!" Li Hanyu began the motivational practice before class.

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