However, Li Mingxuan felt the pressure. After all, it took two months to complete the upgrade. This is a severe test for the scale of the Minmin Supermarket. However, he did not object to Zhang Xiao's words, but said: "Boss, I will I'm going all out, but I'm afraid I won't have enough time."

"Just try our best. For the initial transformation, we just set up as many pilot projects as possible, instead of launching them all at once. That would only cause chaos." Zhang Xiao had to remind him, he was afraid that Li Mingxuan would misunderstand his ideas.

"I understand." Li Mingxuan nodded and said.

As Minmin Supermarket began to upgrade and renovate, all subsidiaries of Hongyuan Group began to enter a new round of rapid development. m. cascoo.

And Zhang Xiao also began to take time to pay attention to the current investment of Yuandian Capital.

After Yuandian Capital was established, although Zhang Xiao returned to the capital, Yuandian Capital’s layout in the capital market has also quietly started. According to Zhang Xiao’s strategy, in the gold futures market, he began to lay out long positions. After all, gold will be in the future. It's all about rising, so Zhang Xiao certainly won't let go of such an opportunity.

Secondly, in the stock market, since the Internet bubble is about to burst, and many Internet stocks are at historical highs, Zhang Xiao did not go against the trend, but waited for the opportunity.

Time is slowly passing by, but the biggest change has ushered in the domestic computer market. With the cooperation between domestic computer brand manufacturers and microelectronics technology companies, the price of computers has ushered in a new round of price cuts. They all lowered the price of computers to the same level as Shenhua Computer, which allowed the entire computer market to recover.

However, Lianxiang Group is in a panic about this. After all, when other computer brands are cutting prices, Lianxiang Group's computers are unstoppable. After all, the price they are selling now is already lower than the cost. Then go down with the price of Shenhua computer.

With the passage of time, the shareholders of Lianxiang Group finally realized that if this continues, the advantages accumulated by Lianxiang Group over the past ten years will disappear, and they have to hold a meeting to study countermeasures.

At this time, the situation in the computer market finally spread to the stock market. The stock of Lianxiang Group listed on Hong Kong Island finally ushered in a decline after a continuous rise, which made many retail investors confused.

After all, Lianxiang Group has had the highest market share in the domestic computer market for several years in a row, and people's recognition of Lianxiang Group is still very deep.

But capital does not believe in the past, it only believes in the future that can be seen. At present, Shenhua Computer has successfully ranked first in the domestic market and surpassed Lianxiang Group by far. Naturally, the prophetic capitals were the first to notice this.

But now Liu Dong and Yang Qing are in a deep panic. After all, they are helpless in the face of the aggressive offensive of Shenhua Computer, and the cost of the computer is already higher than the selling price of the computer. With further cost reduction, losses will only continue.

"Director Liu, what should we do?" Yang Qing felt deeply powerless at this moment. After all, the cost of computers has been reduced as much as possible, but the purchase price of core components remains high, and it is impossible to talk about reducing the cost.

"How's the communication with Intel Corporation going?" Liu Dong didn't answer Yang Qing's question, but asked in reverse. After all, this was the only way he could think of.

"Intel didn't respond, but according to their internal information, the possibility of Intel's price reduction is not high." Yang Qing shook his head and said.

"What about AMD Semiconductor, what's their price?" Dong Liu continued to ask.

"Advanced Semiconductor Corporation replied that it could lower the price, but they still need to hold a meeting to study how much the price can be reduced." Yang Qing replied.

After hearing Yang Qing's answer, Director Liu shook his head helplessly. He knew very well that the current Lianxiang Group pinned its hopes on the price drop of core components of Intel Corporation and AMD Semiconductor Corporation. , It can even be said that it is resigned to fate, but there is no way to do it.

"Dong Liu, the general meeting of shareholders is about to be held. If we can't give an explanation to the shareholders at the general meeting, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to explain." Yang Qing had to remind Dong Liu, after all, for him, the group's Appointment is crucial, and he was not worried about Dong Liu's support in the past.

But now even Liu Dong himself is a little bit hard to protect himself, so how can Yang Qing not be worried.

In fact, Yang Qing also has a solution in his heart, that is to ignore Dong Liu and directly find a microelectronics technology company for cooperation. As the general manager of the group, he has the right to do so, but if this happens, the relationship between him and Dong Liu will inevitably break down. , At that time, without the support of Liu Dong, whether he can secure the position of general manager is still open to question.

Not only that, but Yang Qing was also afraid that he would be rejected when he went to cooperate with a microelectronics technology company. Then he would have two sides, and he could imagine what would happen to him.

"I know, I'm thinking about it. In addition, whether it is Intel Corporation or AMD Semiconductor Corporation, the communication between the two companies must continue. After all, we are still the largest computer sales company in China on the surface, and the market share is also high. Not bad, this is the capital of our negotiations." Liu Dong replied, but his confidence was somewhat lacking.

After all, at this moment, with the rapid rise of Shenhua Computer, the company with the highest market share in the computer market has already become a microelectronics technology company. Lianxiang Group is just using the previous data as an example, although there is no problem in theory , but in the end there is still no confidence.

"Okay, I'll let the people in the company continue to contact, hoping to get a reply as soon as possible." Yang Qing also understands that now, he can only follow Liu Dong one way to the dark. As for whether the front is bright or dark, he doesn't know. Must go on.

After Yang Qing left Liu Dong's office, Liu Dong stared at the black-and-white photo he put on the table, and couldn't help sighing at the appearance of a group of high-spirited people.

Since Academician Ni left the group, it was the first time for Liu Dong to miss this partner whose only pursuit was technology, but the past is gone, and many things can no longer go back to the past.

At the same time, for the first time, Dong Liu doubted his own decision to trade the market for technology. This was the main reason why Dong Liu gave up research and development at the beginning, but now it seems that this road has come to an end after all.

Technically controlled by others, the computer cost of Lianxiang Group remains high. After all, the pricing power of core components is in the hands of giants such as Intel and AMD. They do not bargain, and the cost of Lianxiang Group's computers will not drop at all down.

If it were not for the sudden rise of microelectronics technology companies, there would be no problem with the cost level. After all, as long as the computer cost of Lianxiang Group is lower than that of other computer brand manufacturers, it can maintain the leading position in the market. With the rapid rise under the management of academicians, Lianxiang Group, which did not have its own core technology, was knocked to the ground like this, and there is a long way to go to stand up again.

But when Director Liu was thinking about how to reduce the cost of computers, the domestic wind direction changed with the successful independent innovation of microelectronics technology companies.

In the past, people advocated that it is better to buy than to make, and they believed that it is better to buy something practical and fast than to work hard on research and development.

But now microelectronics technology companies rely on their own technology in the computer market to let people clearly realize that sometimes you can't buy it, and only by taking the road of independent research and development can you go faster and farther.

Marie Curie once said: "The road will only get wider and wider if you walk by yourself."

This sentence embodies a spirit of independence and self-improvement, and also reveals that the real strength is the strength of the self.

In the current field of technology and manufacturing, the idea that it is better to buy is still affecting people's thinking, and now the great success of microelectronics technology companies has made many people realize that it is time to change , otherwise things like getting stuck in the neck will continue to happen in the future.

Another week passed, and Intel and AMD finally responded, keeping the original price unchanged and not giving special treatment to Lianxiang Group.

Such a reply completely broke Yang Qing's psychological defense, and he rushed to Liu Dong's office as soon as he got the news, wanting to discuss countermeasures with Liu Dong. After all, things always have to be resolved, no matter what method is adopted.

But outside Dong Liu's office, he was blocked by Dong Liu's secretary.

"Mr. Yang, Mr. Liu is meeting guests, please wait a moment." Mr. Liu's secretary Xiao Wang said in a low voice.

"Secretary Wang, I really need to see Dong Liu for something urgent, so I would like to pass it on." Yang Qing said anxiously, after all, the only person he can rely on now is Dong Liu.

"Then wait for a while, I'll report to you." The secretary Xiao Wang still couldn't stand Yang Qing's pressure, and said hastily.

After a while, Secretary Xiao Wang came out of Dong Liu's office and said to Yang Qing: "Dong Liu is meeting with the shareholders of the group now, Mr. Yang please come back, I will call you when Dong Liu is done."

Yang Qing's heart sank suddenly, and now he had some idea of ​​Liu Dong's plan.

Husbands and wives are birds of the same forest, and when disaster strikes, they fly separately.

What's more, Yang Qing is aware of the gap between himself and Liu Dong. The relationship between the two is still a superior-subordinate relationship. At this time, someone must be responsible for the current situation of the Lianxiang Group, and he must be the most suitable candidate.

Yang Qing returned to his office in a daze, thinking about where he would go. After all, the platform of Lianxiang Group was of great importance to him, and he didn't want to leave this platform, let alone leave in such a disgruntled manner.

After a long time, Yang Qing finally made up his mind, he decided to fight hard, as long as he can keep his position, everything is worth it.

After thinking about this clearly, Yang Qing drafted a document, printed it out, put it in his handbag, and drove away from Lianxiang Group, heading towards Hongyuan Building.

"Mr. Ni, Mr. Yang from Lianxiang Group asked to see him, saying that he has something to discuss." Xiao Hongbo, Academician Ni's secretary, said to Academician Ni, who was discussing the next R&D plan with the R&D department and R&D team.

"Who are you talking about?" Academician Ni doubted his ears. After all, he hadn't heard the word Lianxiang Group mentioned in front of him for a long time.

"Yang Qing, the general manager of Lianxiang Group, I'm asking to see you in the small meeting room. Do you want to see me?" Xiao Hongbo was a little flustered when Academician Ni saw him, but he still asked.

"Is he the only one?" Academician Ni asked. Of course, Academician Ni is very familiar with Yang Qing, and he also knows why Yang Qing can be the general manager of Lianxiang Group.

"Yes, he is the only one without a secretary." Xiao Hongbo said hastily.

"You go to entertain for a while, and I'll go over later." Although Academician Ni intends to go over now, he still pressed his heart to tell the people in the R&D department about the next R&D plan.

However, Academician Ni simply told the team leader of the R&D department about the R&D direction, and then walked towards the small meeting room.

When he came to the living room of the small meeting room, Academician Ni looked at Yang Qing who was being entertained by Xiao Hongbo, and couldn't help but smiled slightly: "Ah Qing, why do you have time to come and find me today?"

"Mr. Ni, I..." Yang Qing looked at Academician Ni's still handsome face, and couldn't help being a little dazed, as if seeing Academician Ni who was the chief engineer of Lianxiang Group a few years ago.

"Sit down and talk, we are old acquaintances." Academician Ni thought about Yang Qing's words with a smile before Yang Qing finished speaking, and said with a smile. Academician Ni did not dislike Yang Qing, a young man, and The intersection of the two before is not too much.

After Yang Qing tried his best to calm down his mood, he took out the draft draft from his briefcase, handed it to Academician Ni, and said, "Mr. Ni, I am here this time mainly for Lianxiang Group and Regarding the cooperation of microelectronics technology companies, please take a look at the cooperation draft I have drawn up this time."

Academician Ni took the document handed over by Yang Qing, glanced at it briefly, then shook his head and said, "Leaving aside the content of the cooperation draft, have you obtained Lao Liu's approval for this?"

"Mr. Ni, I am the general manager of Lianxiang Group. I have the right and obligation to help Lianxiang Group get out of the current predicament, and the cooperation with your company is the result of my careful consideration." Yang Qing did not answer Academician Ni's question, but It was the reason why he came to Microelectronics Technology Company.

"It seems that Lao Liu is not clear about your coming here, so all you are doing now is useless, and I will not promise you anything. After all, although you are the general manager of Lianxiang Group, you cannot represent Lianxiang Group. Xiang Group." At this moment, Academician Ni said without hesitation after knowing that Yang Qing came here without Dong Liu's consent.

"Mr. Ni, it's up to me whether I can make the decision. I am negotiating on behalf of Lianxiang Group. I believe that as long as we reach a cooperation agreement, I will be able to implement it." Yang Qing He said without hesitation that for his own future, he had to give it a go.

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