Hu Wenjing also felt the masculine aura emanating from Zhang Xiao's body, which made her feel extremely comfortable, and made her have a desire to perish all over her body, but she knew in her heart that this would only make herself fall into the abyss, and he desperately I wanted to suppress my inner feelings, but my frantic heart was a bit difficult to suppress at this time.

At this moment, Hu Wenjing can only rely on the matter of eating dumplings one after another to divert her thinking, so that she can try not to think about those tempting things as much as possible.

Zhang Xiao also felt something was wrong at this time. He closed his eyes slightly, not to look at Hu Wenjing's alluring body, but when he closed his eyes, he realized that as soon as he closed his eyes, Hu Wenjing would imagine Hu Wenjing in his mind. Wen Jing's charming face and curvaceous figure, and her own desires began to rise further.

Hu Wenjing also wanted to cry at this time, but as time went by, the numb feeling all over her body came again. What is going on? How could she be so emotional today? She was a little puzzled , but more of it was panic, she was afraid that Zhang Xiao would find out about her abnormality.

At this moment, the temperature in the room seemed to be rising. Hu Wenjing lowered her head, eating dumplings, not daring to look up at Zhang Xiao's majestic figure full of youthful spirit. She was afraid that she could not help but do something stupid. Completely lost in desire.

Zhang Xiao was also a little confused at this time. He wanted to leave quickly and escape from this abyss of desire, but at this moment, his body was a little disobedient. He wanted to stand up, but his body was a little powerless. Not only that, but there was a voice in his heart that continued to lure Looking at him, he couldn't help looking at Hu Wenjing.

Hu Wenjing swallowed the last dumpling at this moment, just raised her head, looked at Zhang Xiao's eyes full of desire, couldn't help trembling in her heart, her suppressed heart suddenly blazed, and her face suddenly turned red , as attractive as a ripe peach, people can't help but take a bite.

Zhang Xiao's hand touched Hu Wenjing's face involuntarily at this time, and the delicate touch made him a little lost.

Hu Wenjing's voice was like sparks, completely igniting Zhang Xiao's desire, making him lost in his own desire, stood up, and hugged Hu Wenjing who was weak all over at this moment.


Zhang Xiao woke up completely at this time, lying on the big bed, his eyes were a little dull, and he didn't dare to look at Hu Wenjing's reaction. He didn't expect the matter to develop to this point, which made him a little confused.

"I'm sorry, I..." Zhang Xiao didn't know what to say, and couldn't help being silent.

"Don't say anything, I'm very happy." Hu Wenjing easily accepted the reality, twisted her charming body, squeezed into Zhang Xiao's arms, wrapped her arms around his neck with one hand, and stroked his neck with the other. The small man's face and alluring red lips opened and closed words that made her even unbelievable.

Zhang Xiao made up her mind at this moment. Since the matter had already happened, she hugged Hu Wenjing into her arms, stroked her smooth back, and said firmly and seriously: "I will be responsible for you, I will give you happiness."

When Hu Wenjing heard Zhang Xiao's words, she immediately felt a burst of satisfaction. She didn't care how much the little man's words were true, nor did she care about how far she would go in the future. She only cherished the happiness in front of her and enjoyed the tenderness afterwards.

After a while, Hu Wenjing recovered a bit, kissed Zhang Xiao, and said to Zhang Xiao in a low voice: "Xiaoxiao, you have to go back, or your family will be suspicious."

Zhang Xiao looked at his watch, it was past ten o'clock, he hesitated, and stroked the hand holding Hu Wenjing restlessly.

Hu Wenjing shook her head and said with a smile: "Hurry up and go back, the future will be long."

Zhang Xiao also knew that it was a bit late at this time, so she kissed her with some reluctance, sat up and whispered, "I'll come back to accompany you tomorrow."

Hu Wenjing nodded, her eyes were full of tenderness, but her heart was a little bit bitter.

Zhang Xiao got up and took a shower, put on her clothes, packed the incubator again, kissed Hu Wenjing long, and then reluctantly left the room, and rode her bicycle towards home.

After returning home, Zhang Kai had already fallen asleep, while Zhang Xiao lay on the bed but couldn't fall asleep for a long time. Today's fact is a bit absurd, but it happened for real, which made him wonder whether his behavior today was right or wrong, but Now that it had happened, he could only face it.

At this moment, Hu Wenjing was also having difficulty falling asleep, as the impulse was so intense before, but now it was so empty.

From divorce to now, she has not been so emotional for a long time, especially for her students. Hu Wenjing doesn't know what to do next, and this is an unethical love. If anyone finds out, people will only She will think that she is seducing her students, and she will become what people call a slut and a waste.

On the other hand, she felt very satisfied. The thought of Zhang Xiao's majestic body made her whole body flush, and she couldn't help but imagine the beauty in the future, but she was also a little disappointed. She didn't know how long this situation could last.

The next morning, Zhang Xiao, who fell asleep for some reason, woke up and looked at the alarm clock on the desk. It was already 06:30 in the morning.

Zhang Xiao got up from the bed, put away her messy thoughts, washed up, and then called Zhang Kai and Zhang Ping to read.

After finishing all this, Zhang Xiao looked at the second floor that had already been painted, and walked up, and saw that the upper floor had been cleaned up, and the corn harvested in autumn was piled up in the empty room without threshing. This is also a big project , but you can buy a thresher, which can also save a lot of manpower.

After breakfast, Zhang Xiao said to his father, "Dad, I'm going to take Mr. Hu to climb a mountain today, and I won't be back for lunch at noon."

"Pay attention to safety when going up the mountain, and bring some moon cakes and fruits. Don't be hungry if you don't have something to eat." Zhang Hongjun didn't find anything unusual about Zhang Xiao, and he still asked as usual.

Zhang Xiao agreed, and took some mooncakes and fruits from the house and put them in his schoolbag. As for water, he was going to buy a few bottles of mineral water in the town.

Then Zhang Xiao rode his bicycle towards the guest house in the town, bought a few bottles of mineral water and stuffed them into his schoolbag when he passed by a store on the way.

Knocking on the door, Hu Wenjing was already fully dressed. Seeing Zhang Xiao, she felt shy and said to Zhang Xiao with a blushing face, "Let's go, where are we going today?"

Zhang Xiao stepped into the room, closed the door, hugged Hu Wenjing and said, "I want to climb your Yufeng."

Hu Wenjing felt ashamed and annoyed, patted Zhang Xiao's climbing hand, and said, "Xiaoxiao, don't make trouble, our relationship is not accepted by the world, and the future will be long, it will be bad if people see it."

Zhang Xiao hugged Hu Wenjing for a long kiss before letting her go, and said with a smile: "Today we are going to Wulong Cave, where the scenery is good, and the mountains are full of red leaves, so this is the best time to go."

Hu Wenjing tidied Zhang Xiao's messy clothes, and then said with a coquettish smile, "It's all up to you."

Zhang Xiao and Hu Wenjing went downstairs and led Hu Wenjing towards Wulong Cave on bicycles.

When Hu Wenjing was in the town, she sat quietly on the back seat. As soon as she got out of the town and walked on the rugged path, she couldn't help but put her arms around Zhang Xiao's waist, put her head on Zhang Xiao's broad back, and felt Looking at the hormones emanating from Zhang Xiao's body, he was a little confused.

Wulong Cave is located in the southeast of Qishui Town, more than ten kilometers away from Qishui Town. It is located at the eastern end of Qi Mountain in Taihang Mountain. It is 7 kilometers long from east to west and 6 kilometers wide from north to south, with a total area of ​​2525 hectares. There are four major scenic spots, Jiguan Mountain and Luduogou.

The mountains in the scenic spot are grand, thick and vigorous, with dangerous rocks standing on the walls and jagged rocks; the hillsides are densely covered with vegetation, lush trees, and vast forests; karst caves and caves are scattered all over the place, and mountain springs and streams flow all over the mountain streams.

When we reached the foot of Mount Qi, the bicycle could no longer go up. Zhang Xiao left the bicycle at a fellow villager's house and gave him a pack of cigarettes as a reward.

Zhang Xiao and Hu Wenjing held hands and climbed up the mountain along the path. On the way, Zhang Xiao picked some wild fruits from time to time for Hu Wenjing to taste.

Hu Wenjing ate the mountain grapes, and the sweet and sour taste made her a little intoxicated. At this moment, she completely let go of the burden in her heart, enjoying this rare time like a little girl in first love.

Although the scenery in the mountains is beautiful, climbing the mountains is extremely tiring. After a while, Hu Wenjing was so tired that Zhang Xiao had to hold him in his arms, and went up the mountain with some difficulty. Introduce the situation of Wulong Cave to Hu Wenjing.

The full name of Wulongdong is Wulongdong Forest Park, which was officially approved as a national forest park by the Ministry of Forestry last year. It was a sensation at the time, and Zhang Xiao was honored to participate in the ceremony as a student representative.

At that time, Professor Wang from the National Forest Resources Evaluation Committee and the Scientific Research Institute of the National Tourism Academy excitedly summarized the scenery here as "beautiful mountains, ancient caves, strange stones, and secluded forests".

Professor Wang still wrote the message with confidence: "Five dragons have been hidden for thousands of years, and they take off in the present."

Wulongdong National Forest Park is not only unique and spectacular in natural scenery, but also rich in cultural landscape. Since the Tang Dynasty, it has been the main place for people in neighboring counties to pray for rain. Many monks and nuns in the past have also become monks here, making it a well-known scenic spot. Religious shrine.

At the same time, this is also the ancient station where King Zhou of Shang and King Wu of Zhou fought decisively, and there is still Huanggu'an, where King Zhou took refuge after the defeat.

However, in Zhang Xiao's memory, because Wulong Cave is located halfway up the mountain, the traffic is very inconvenient. Even before his rebirth, Wulong Cave did not develop very well after all.

Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, people pass them up the mountain from time to time on the road, obviously they are all going to Wulong Cave, after all, this place is also a well-known religious holy place, and people always go there to offer incense during festivals.

No matter how slow you walk, the road will have an end. It was almost noon when Zhang Xiao and Hu Wenjing arrived at the gate of Wulong Cave.

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