After coming out of Huang Jinglei's ward, Zhang Xiao came to Fang Huiping's office, wanting to know Huang Jinglei's real situation.

Fang Huiping was not surprised to see Zhang Xiao, after all, Zhang Xiao was the one who spent the longest time with Huang Jinglei.

"Aunt Fang, how is sister Lei's situation? I think her complexion is much better." Zhang Xiao asked with a smile.

After Fang Huiping made a cup of tea for Zhang Xiao, she sat down on the chair and said, "The situation is still not optimistic, but the time is still short, so we can't see whether the treatment plan is good or bad. But with Huang Jinglei's original situation, this period It is a good result that the condition has not deteriorated over time."

"That is to say, sister Lei's condition has not deteriorated during this period? So the condition is under control for the time being?" Zhang Xiao immediately got to the point of the matter. After all, this was a surprise for Zhang Xiao.

"It can also be said, but the specific effect will take time to study, but I have to say that Dr. Liu's medical skills are still very good, although her temper is a little bit bad, but during this period of time she has been the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. I'm totally convinced, and I've been pestering Dr. Liu to give lectures every day for the past two days." Fang Huiping said with a smile, she also admired Liu Lianzi's medical skills, but after all, she studied modern medicine, and Liu Lianzi's traditional Chinese medicine The road is not the same way, she can only infer Liu Lianzi's medical skills from Huang Jinglei's condition.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but nodded, thinking of what happened to her, she couldn't help but smiled wryly and said, "Grandma Liu may have such superb medical skills because of her character, as the saying goes, every drink and peck is destiny."

"Yes, the most important thing in studying medicine is to concentrate. If you have too many thoughts, you can't learn medicine well." Fang Huiping couldn't help nodding. She had seen too many young doctors with qualifications and talents who died in the crowd because of their distracted thoughts. Some doctors who are not very qualified and talented have come to the forefront of the industry because they are so focused on medical skills.

Zhang Xiao and Fang Huiping only chatted for a while, and some family members of patients came to see Fang Huiping for consultation, and Zhang Xiao said goodbye and left. cascoo.

Zhang Xiao who left the hospital didn't know. Just as he left the hospital, Lin Junxian, who was far away in Hunan Province, saw an unexpected visitor.

"Liu Dong, why are you here?" Lin Junxian, who was wearing a black veil on his arm, said in surprise, he was a little surprised by the arrival of Lianxiang Group Liu Dong.

Looking at the scene around him, Dong Liu couldn't help sighing, and said helplessly, "Boss Lin, my condolences, I didn't expect to encounter such a situation."

"It doesn't matter, brother-in-law passed away unfortunately, this has already happened, and Dong Liu's arrival must be something important, please make it clear." Although Lin Junxian knows Dong Liu, although the Lin family is powerful, he has just accepted the family affairs after all. , is not familiar with Liu Dong, but he knows that since Liu Dong is here, there must be something important, otherwise Liu Dong will not come in person.

"Let's take a step to talk. After all, there are too many people here." Looking at the noisy environment around him, Dong Liu couldn't help but said.

"I was negligent, sorry, please forgive me." After Lin Junxian finished speaking, he led Liu Dong to a private courtyard, but Liu Dong's entourage was naturally entertained by the Lin family.

This lonely courtyard is remote and quiet, with only the occasional sound of suona, which fills the air with a sad atmosphere. As the direct son of the Lin family, Lin Junjie died young and left no definite descendants, but he is still regarded as respected in the Lin family. It was evident at his funeral.

"Mr. Lin, since something like this happened at home, I'll cut to the chase and say it briefly." Dong Liu didn't despise Lin Junxian because he was young. On the contrary, he gave him enough respect, which is also Dong Liu's consistent behavior. way.

"Chairman Liu, please tell. As long as I can decide, I will give you an answer as soon as possible." Lin Junxian pushed a cup of tea to Director Liu, and nodded.

Dong Liu took a sip of his tea before he said, "I came here this time to cooperate with the Lin family and deal with Zhang Xiao. As far as I know, the Lewang Supermarket you are introducing now competes with Zhang Xiao's People's Supermarket. Besides, Baiyue Computer of your Lin family is also competing with Zhang Xiao Shenhua Computer."

As the chairman of Lianxiang Group, since Dong Liu came to look for Lin Junxian, he is 80.00% sure to persuade Lin Junxian, and what he said is where the Lin family and Zhang Xiao are in conflict and competition, and it is also the Lin family that is currently losing more money. project.

It has to be said that Lianxiang Group's intelligence collection capabilities are pretty good. Not only did it collect the conflicts between Lin Junxian and Zhang Xiao, but it also collected detailed data on the places where the Lin family industry and Hongyuan Group compete. This is also Liu Dong's confidence in persuading Lin Junxian where.

But Liu Dong still ignored the dilemma of the Lin family itself, or Lin Junxian's status in the Lin family is still the heir, not the patriarch, neither his status nor prestige is enough to lead the Lin family.

However, Lin Junxian was also very smart not to mention his own situation in the Lin family, after all, few people would do this kind of self-exposing.

"Zhang Xiao did have conflicts with me, and Hongyuan Group and my Lin family do have competing industries, but when it comes to dealing with Zhang Xiao, I think it is difficult for us alone to gain the upper hand." Lin Junxian tested Liu Dong He asked, after all, he wanted to know whether it was the actions of Liu Dong Lianxiang Group's family or the combination of other people to deal with Zhang Xiao.

"Of course not only the two of us, but also many others. If Mr. Lin wants to join the alliance, I can introduce him." Liu Dong said with a smile. He is also proud of the alliance he formed.

However, Lin Junxian is clear that the alliance is a double-edged sword. Once joined, it will be invincible when the wind is going smoothly. Once it encounters headwinds, it will only fall apart in an instant. He has his own alliance, and he is not interested in the small circle alliance formed by Dong Liu.

After pondering for a while, Lin Junxian said, "I can participate in dealing with Zhang Xiao. The matter of the alliance still needs to be considered in the long term. After all, I believe Director Liu is also clear about the current situation of the Lin family."

Director Liu is of course aware of the situation of the Lin family. If it wasn't for the Lin family's problems, he would not dare to cooperate with the Lin family. After all, the Lin family was known for being domineering in its heyday. Although it has declined now, in some fields, the Lin family is still strong and domineering. as ever.

"That's good. Since Boss Lin has decided to deal with Zhang Xiao, we will see you in a week. Then we will make a detailed plan and try to hit Zhang Xiao's Hongyuan Group in one blow." Liu Dong said with a smile .

Lin Junxian smiled and nodded, looking forward to it in his heart, because dealing with Zhang Xiao is not only Lin Junxian's personal matter, but also an excellent opportunity for the Lin family to transfer internal conflicts to external conflicts. This is of great significance for Lin Junxian to take the opportunity to expand his prestige. He also made preliminary preparations for himself to take over the Lin family in the future.

After Liu Dong and Lin Junxian made an agreement, they didn't stay for long. After all, the Lin family was having a big funeral and there were many people.

After sending Liu Dong away, Lin Junxian met his mother Sun Ning in the lobby of the Lin family's ancestral house. He did not hide anything about Liu Dong's arrival, and reported to his mother in detail the reason for Liu Dong's arrival and the results of the current discussion.

"I don't object to cooperating with Liu Dong and the others to deal with Zhang Xiao, but you have to know that Liu Dong is not a good person. He introduced Academician Ni into the bureau back then, and then kicked Academician Ni out of the association through the hands of the board of directors. The group can see it, so be vigilant when cooperating with him, and be careful not to be the last victim." Sun Ning said in a deep tone.

"Mother, don't worry, I will take care of it. Besides, our Lin family is not easy for Liu Dong to handle. In the end, whoever has the advantage and who suffers may suffer." Lin Junxian said confidently. In his opinion, the Lin family is a giant , has been involved in all aspects of life, and not everyone can come to stroke the tiger's beard.

And now that there are so many people working together to deal with Zhang Xiao, it will be difficult for Zhang Xiao to get away easily. At that time, Zhang Xiao's huge property, with the status of the Lin family, swallowing any piece of fat in it will be enough for him to be in the family. The prestige has been greatly improved.

Lin Junxian thinks very far into the future, but unlike Lin Junxian, Sun Ning sees the risks involved. After all, it is very difficult to completely win a company with concentrated equity like Hongyuan Group. Once Hongyuan Group Overcoming the predicament in the early stage will inevitably carry out retaliatory attacks on these companies that participated in the attack, and it will be difficult for the Lin family to survive alone.

However, Sun Ning did not prevent Lin Junxian from joining forces with Lianxiang Group Liu Dong and others to deal with Zhang Xiao. After all, this is an opportunity for Lin Junxian to grow. Even setbacks are experiences, and for Lin Junxian, they are all growth.

After Zhang Xiao stayed in the capital for three days, he found that everything in the group was calm. It seemed that the previous worries were groundless, so Zhang Xiao flew back to Hong Kong Island and began to participate in the formulation of investment plans.

After all, after the establishment of Yuandian Capital, the investment plan must be formulated. Although Ye Shijiang is in charge here, Zhang Xiao still feels relieved to see it with his own eyes.

In the past few years, the financial market has been turbulent. The reason why Zhang Xiao did not participate in it at the beginning is that although he knew that the financial crisis would happen, Zhang Xiao had no idea of ​​how it would happen and how far it would develop. Moreover, Zhang Xiao had no idea about the financial market. Fear is far greater than greed.

Compared with the previous two years, the financial market this year is relatively stable, and has entered the repair stage. At this time, although the income may be reduced, the victory is stable, and as time goes by, the global financial market will usher in up to seven years. During the eight-year stable period, during this period, Zhang Xiao only needs to invest step by step to obtain considerable returns, which is much safer than speculating in the financial crisis.

For Yuandian Capital’s investment, Zhang Xiao decided on three aspects. The first aspect is the investment in US stocks. After all, some fast-growing companies in later generations have just gone public. Zhang Xiao can rely on the advantage of foresight to get the biggest income.

The second aspect is the international spot gold market, commonly known as London Gold, which is a huge market. As far as Zhang Xiao knows, the current price of gold is around US$260 per ounce. Compared with the thousands of US dollars a few years later, now It's just a trough period, and slowly building long positions at this time can make shocking returns in the next decade or so.

The third aspect is the foreign exchange market. This is a market where sovereign funds are the main gamers. The daily trading volume is astonishingly high, which can allow Zhang Xiao's funds to flow calmly to the maximum extent.

However, Ye Shijiang did not express any objection after learning about Zhang Xiao's investment direction, but began to actively formulate investment plans in these three aspects. Relatively conservative in investment direction.

Time passed day by day, just when Zhang Xiao had formulated the investment plan of Yuandian Capital and was about to return to Greentown, a phone call from Li Mingxuan made Zhang Xiao suddenly understand that the other party still made a move, and hit Zhang Xiao's vital point from the very beginning.

It is well known that Minmin Supermarket is the cash cow of Hongyuan Group, but Minmin Supermarket now has more than 800 stores all over the country, and it is still expanding. Such crazy expansion speed not only did not suppress Minmin Supermarket In the past two years, it has provided Hongyuan Group with a lot of profits.

But a phone call from Li Mingxuan today made Zhang Xiao realize that the good times of Minmin Supermarket are coming to an end, and they will enter into a fierce struggle. Apart from international giants such as Wal-Mart, other international giants such as Wal-Mart will be competing with Zhang Xiao. There are also countless local supermarkets.

Li Mingxuan called and just said one thing, which made Zhang Xiao realize the seriousness of the matter. People's Supermarket in Shu Province was reported to sell products beyond the expiration date, and the local competent authority has now filed a case for investigation.

"Who reported it, did you find out?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"We're still investigating, but I think it's useless even if we find out, after all, we have too many competitors!" Li Mingxuan said helplessly.

"Since this is the case, then issue a document requiring supermarkets in various places to conduct internal inspections of expired products, and check all food and products as quickly as possible. If there is not enough manpower, you can ask the manufacturers to send people." Zhang Xiao looked serious. He said, after all, Minmin Supermarket is fundamentally food retail and daily necessities sales. Once there is a problem with food, the blow to Minmin Supermarket will be devastating.

However, Zhang Xiao, the whistleblower this time, still needs to investigate clearly. He doesn't really believe that this is the work of his peers. After all, it involves food safety. Once a case occurs, the entire industry will inevitably conduct a large-scale investigation. They can't do a hundred things.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now." Li Mingxuan said seriously, even through the phone, Zhang Xiao could feel his respect.

It also made Zhang Xiao feel emotional. Although Li Mingxuan is the person in charge of Minmin Supermarket, he is the most humble of all the branches. After all, he used to belong to Li Kun. Zhang Xiao has not changed people because Li Mingxuan has done enough. it is good.

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