After all, Li Ya-ning is still on parole in China. Once he continues to commit crimes, Li Ya-ning will face severe and severe punishments, but it is different here on Hong Kong Island. In many cases, the role of defense lawyers plays a decisive role. And once the evidence is collected on Hong Kong Island, Deng Jie's behavior is likely to be deemed as excessive defense.

While Zhang Xiao was waiting, he suddenly saw a sneer in the corner of Li Yaning's mouth, as if he didn't care about his future. Besides taking revenge on Deng Jie, what other plans do you have?"

Li Yaning opened his eyes, which were bloodshot, but he laughed loudly and said, "Zhang Xiao, don't think you're sure of winning, do you think I'm just here to find your girlfriend to take revenge on you? I'm now I can tell you clearly that your parents, relatives, friends, brothers and sisters are all within the scope of my revenge, and depending on the time, they should have succeeded."

Zhang Xiao looked at Guo Feng who was on the side, and Guo Feng quickly called the security personnel who had been escorting Zhang Xiao's home. After all, they were the closest ones, and they were the most likely to get the news first.

The call was connected quickly, and Guo Feng asked anxiously, "Is there anything going on there?"

"No, what's the matter?" Li Wei, as the team leader of the security personnel, was asked inexplicably.

"Someone is going to hurt the boss's family soon, so you must protect them." Li Wei's words made Guo Feng heave a sigh of relief, but he still asked, "Remember, it's everyone, especially the boss. Immediate family members!"

"Okay, boss, I'll make arrangements now." Li Wei walked outside while talking.

"See if there are enough people. If not, transfer people directly from the security personnel of Xinglin Electronics Factory. I will greet Sun Xianlin, who is in charge there." Guo Feng is still really anxious now. After all, Zhang Xiao and his family's security personnel are not He was directly responsible for it. If some accidents happened, he would really have to bear the blame.

After all, Zhang Xiao was assassinated just now. Although he didn't suffer any serious injuries, even if Zhang Xiao didn't care, Guo Feng had to do a serious self-criticism. I'm really ashamed to see people.

"I will transfer people immediately, and I will let them arrive at the designated location as soon as possible, and protect the safety of the boss's family at all costs." Li Wei said immediately, and he heard what Guo Feng meant. With a salary of several thousand yuan, which is several times what people earn now, the main task is to protect Zhang Xiaojia's safety. Now is the time for them to prove their worth.

After Guo Feng hung up the phone, he shook his head at Zhang Xiao and said, "It's okay, Li Wei and the others are protecting him, and I have already asked him to transfer people from the security personnel of the electronics factory, most of them are our Hongyuan security personnel. "

Only then did Zhang Xiao feel relieved. He lowered his head, looked at the sly Li Yaning, and said after a moment of silence: "Li Yaning, I have always wanted to be a purely good person. After all, there are still good things in this world. More, I often say to myself, I must abide by my bottom line, otherwise I will only become a puppet dominated by power."

"But now I feel that I seem to be wrong. Some people can give him a chance to correct their mistakes even if they make a big mistake, but some people will make mistakes again and again once they make a mistake. They are just like you. should continue to exist in this world."

Speaking of the latter part, Zhang Xiao couldn't help being a little excited. As soon as she stretched out her hand, she pinched Li Ya-ning's neck and lifted Li Ya-ning up from the ground. She put Li Ya-ning's eyes on the same level as her own. Regardless of Li Ya-ning's painful struggle, Zhang Xiao said calmly: " Whether or not you send someone to take revenge, you better hope my parents are okay, or I will turn into a demon and tear you apart bit by bit."

Li Yaning's face turned from white to red to black due to suffocation, not only the physical pain tormented him, but also the spiritual pain that brought him to the brink of collapse, because Li Yaning found somewhat sadly that Zhang Xiao's powerful and super To his surprise, it was not only because of Zhang Xiao's power, but also because of Zhang Xiao's physical strength.

Although Li Ya-ning is not fat, he is definitely not thin, let alone weak, but now Li Ya-ning feels like a weak chicken in front of Zhang Xiao, and Zhang Xiao can send him away with a little effort.

However, just when Li Yaning felt that he was about to fall into eternal darkness, Zhang Xiao let go of his hand and let Li Yaning fall to the ground. Looking at the roof, it seems that his inner will has been completely destroyed.

But Zhang Xiao is very clear that a person like Li Yaning will never admit defeat until the last moment of death, but Zhang Xiao doesn't care about these at the moment, and he doesn't intend to let Li Yaning disappear just like this. Such a ruthless person staring at him in the dark all the time is not an encouragement.

The room fell into silence again. Although Deng Jie wanted to say a lot to Zhang Xiao, she hesitated to speak. After all, Zhang Xiao and her had already broken up. Zhang Xiao's answer to her question was love, but if she didn't answer it was love. It's her duty, and she doesn't want herself to be someone Zhang Xiao hates, even though Zhang Xiao doesn't necessarily like her all that much now.

Soon, a group of three people, all wearing casual clothes, obviously did not want to reveal their identities, and after asking Deng Jie for a few words, they took Li Yaning away. Judging from the documents they showed to Deng Jie, they should belong to the mainland , Wearing casual clothes here on Hong Kong Island is also to avoid unnecessary trouble.

After Li Yaning was taken away, Zhang Xiao and Deng Jie were relatively silent. After all, the relationship between the two was a little awkward. Without Li Yaning as a tool, the atmosphere became a little delicate.

"I'm leaving first, it's getting late." Zhang Xiao took a look at his watch and said goodbye. After all, it's meaningless to stay, and it's not good for Deng Jie. After all, this is a hotel, and it's easy to be misunderstood.

"Then we will see you again." Deng Jie nodded and said with a slight smile.

Zhang Xiao turned and left without any hesitation.

Deng Jie watched Zhang Xiao's back disappear into the corridor, and suddenly felt a sense of loss. This emotion let her know that the so-called letting go was just an excuse to lie to herself.

And although Zhang Xiao left resolutely and resolutely, it was only a matter on the surface, but some complicated emotions spread in his heart.

On the way back to the villa, Zhang Xiao didn't say a word after getting in the car, and Guo Feng didn't want to open his mouth at first, but thinking of Zhang Xiao's actions today, Guo Feng had to ask: "Boss, why don't you let Li Yaning just disappear , this is not difficult for us, is it appropriate to keep such an enemy?"

"Madman, don't test me. I'm not the kind of person who has no bottom line, and the law is the bottom line of my life. I will not violate the law, let alone put myself in danger. You must know that people at home and abroad are staring at me. I have a lot of power to make mistakes, and I will not leave any excuses for them to take advantage of." Zhang Xiao seemed to be telling Guo Feng, but why didn't he tell himself these words.

Guo Feng nodded with some relief. After all, for him, if Zhang Xiao couldn't control his inner excitement to kill someone, even if it was justifiable, Guo Feng would leave Zhang Xiao's side as soon as possible. After all, murderers always kill In short, no matter how deep your background is, once you kill someone, the final result will be tragic, and Zhang Xiao can control his emotions, which makes Guo Feng feel admirable.

In fact, Zhang Xiao also knows that a person like Guo Feng, who has survived countless times of life and death, if he is greedy for material comforts, he can live a good life without following Zhang Xiao. Behind him, he has been observing Zhang Xiao.

After all, since ancient times, the king chooses his ministers, and the ministers also choose the king, and Guo Feng is undoubtedly a talented person, but Guo Feng never reveals it, but many of Zhang Xiao's private affairs are handled by Guo Feng, which also means It broke Zhang Xiao's trust in him.

"Boss, in fact, your approach is right. Killing is simple. It is not too easy to kill with your force, but you can abide by your bottom line and keep calm at all times. I am not as good as you." Guo Feng sighed He said, after all, it was because he was too impulsive that he made a big mistake and was forced to leave the army. Although some outsiders forced him to do so, in the final analysis, Guo Feng failed to control his emotions and was taken advantage of by others. I hope Zhang Xiao is like him.

"People always have their own bottom line. Even if a person without a bottom line can achieve brilliant achievements, one day he will still taste the bitter fruit of it." Zhang Xiao shook his head and said, after all, Zhang Xiao had heard of it in his previous life. Most of the reasons why many people fail in the end are due to breaking through their so-called bottom line, which leads to their final defeat.

Guo Feng nodded and stopped talking, but Zhang Xiao's heart was still in suspense at the moment. Maybe Guo Feng felt that the safety of his family should be guaranteed, but Zhang Xiao knew very well that Li Yaning was not stupid at all, and he was extremely intelligent. If you dare to speak out, you must be prepared.

Just when Zhang Xiao's car entered the villa, the mobile phone rang quickly. Zhang Xiao picked up the phone and checked it, and immediately connected it. He smiled and said, "Brother, how are you?"

But at the moment, Mo Boqi was not in the mood to joke with Zhang Xiao, he shouted loudly in the mobile phone: "Little brother, my dad was injured, and he is still in the emergency room, can you come here?"

"Eldest brother, don't worry, master, how could the old man be injured?" Zhang Xiao's heart was ringing at this moment, and he felt that he might have caused the master to suffer.

"I don't know either. I heard from my dad's bodyguard that when my dad was chatting with players in the main antique store, someone rushed in, took out a dagger and stabbed my dad." Moboqi spoke quickly, Clearly very emotional.

"Where are you? Which hospital?" Although Zhang Xiao's mood was chaotic at the moment, she still grasped the point at once.

"In the Affiliated Courtyard of Beijing University, how about you?" Mo Boqi asked anxiously.

"I'm in Hong Kong Island, so how about it, I'll take the plane back immediately, and we'll talk in detail after we meet." Zhang Xiao was in a particularly bad mood at the moment. She originally thought that Li Yafan's target was her relatives, but unexpectedly, it was his master Mo Wen who had the accident first. Xin, this made Zhang Xiao feel very guilty.

After all, under the circumstances at that time, he felt that the master brought bodyguards and security teams, and there was no problem in terms of safety. Besides, in the capital, how courageous would a person who dared to commit an attack have to be to commit an attack with a knife in broad daylight.

"Okay, then come back quickly. I think my dad has lost too much blood this time, and it might be in great danger." Moboqi still didn't dare to tell his mother about the matter at the moment, so he had to talk to his brothers, sisters and others first. Brothers like Zhang Xiao get in touch.

Although what Mo Boqi said was cryptic, Zhang Xiao understood the meaning and said quickly, "Okay, I'll go back as soon as possible."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao immediately said to Guo Feng: "Go directly to the airport, we need to return to the capital immediately, my master is injured."

Guo Feng immediately agreed: "Okay, I'll turn around now."

Following Zhang Xiao's order, everyone took action immediately. After all, Zhang Xiao's trip was no longer a matter of a single person, but a team, so if he wanted to return to the capital immediately, it required the cooperation of many people.

Soon, Guo Feng received the news, and said to Zhang Xiao: "Boss, I don't have a ticket tonight, what should I do?"

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then picked up the phone and called He Xiaoxian.

"Yo, rare, it's the first time you take the initiative to call me." He Xiaoxian said very ambiguously on the phone, people who didn't know thought they had something.

"Sister He, don't make trouble. I have something urgent to go back to the capital. Where is your private jet?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"What's the matter? What are you doing back in the capital now? I even told you to introduce some investors to you." He Xiaoxian immediately stopped chatting, revealing a lot of information in her words.

"Sister He, I'm on my way to the airport. If your private jet is inconvenient, I'll find someone else." Zhang Xiao didn't want to say anything more. After all, if Mo Wenxin can recover, people who know about it Naturally, the less the better, if Mo Wenxin leaves here, then sooner or later He Xiaoxian will know.

"Okay, come here directly. I'll let the crew prepare, and we should be able to leave in an hour." He Xiaoxian also heard Zhang Xiao's anxiety, and agreed without hesitation.

In fact, He Xiaoxian is on the plane right now. She originally wanted to fly to Singapore, but now it seems that she needs to send Zhang Xiao to the capital first.

When Zhang Xiao arrived at the airport, not only the security team arrived, but even He Xiaoxian and Hou Shuyan stood chatting together.

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