"Where is Zhang Xiao at the moment?" Lin Junxian rubbed his face to make it look less scary, but he didn't know it himself. His movements of rubbing his face were a little big, which frightened the old housekeeper.

"I just left the hotel. I should be visiting someone. Our people are following him." The old butler said, his voice was a little trembling, but after all, he had seen too much and quickly regained his composure.

"Start to act according to our previous plan, I want him to die! Let him pay for Junjie's life!" Lin Junxian's calm words were full of blood, making the already gloomy mortuary even colder.

"Master, should we wait for the results of the investigation? We must know that once we make a move, no matter if we succeed or fail, it will be an unbearable burden for the family, and Zhang Xiao may not be the messenger." The old housekeeper said worriedly. He said, after all, although the Lin family is powerful, there are many enemies. Once the Lin family is caught, they are likely to attack them in groups.

"This is Hong Kong Island, and besides, there are so many car accidents every day, what does Zhang Xiao's death in a car accident have to do with us!" Lin Junxian comforted himself with words that he didn't believe, and used them to strengthen his will.

The old butler wanted to say more, but Lin Junxian waved his hand to stop the old butler's words, and continued to say: "Since we are destined to fight to the death, there is no need to waste time, and once Zhang Xiao dies, we can take advantage of the situation Losing his property is also very useful for relieving the pressure on the family."

The old butler heard Lin Junxian talk about the interests of the family, so he stopped persuading him, sighed, turned around and left the mortuary, and went to arrange the specific matters of the operation.

And Lin Junxian continued to stay in the mortuary, wiped the tears on his face with his hands, looked at the closed cabinet door, and said to himself: "Xiaojie, don't blame brother for being cruel, the Lin family doesn't need someone who is good at For those who hide their ambitions, I can only be the head of the Lin family in the future, and no one can oppose it, and anyone who opposes me will die!"

The information revealed by Lin Junxian at this moment is too astonishing, but this is a mortuary, so it is unexpected to be discovered.

At this time, Zhang Xiao didn't know anything about it. When he came to Ho Hong's mansion on Hong Kong Island, it was almost 09:30.

When Zhang Xiao got out of the car, he saw He Xiaoxian who was helping him to open the car door, and couldn't help but nodded with a smile and said, "Sister He, hello, uncle is at home."

"Well, my father is waiting for you at home. Come in with me." He Xiaoxian smiled and nodded to Zhang Xiao. At the moment, she seemed serious at home, and she did not tease Zhang Xiao's domineering outside at all.

Walking into the living room led by He Xiaoxian, Zhang Xiao saw He Hong sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper, walked quickly a few steps, and shouted to He Hong with a smile: "Uncle, I'm sorry to trouble you for waiting for a long time. Traffic jam, delayed some time."

"Don't be polite to me. When you come home, it's as if you are at your own home, and you are not late, so sit down as you like." He Hong casually pointed to the sofa and said to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao was not polite any more. After sitting down on the sofa beside him, Zhang Xiao said, "Uncle, you asked me to come here this time not just for investment, right?" m.cascoo.

"Of course not. I came here this time mainly to discuss with you where the development of the island of Australia will go in the future. After all, the island of Australia is about to return to the embrace of the motherland. I run a casino, and gambling is now banned in China. I don't know what will happen." Will it have any effect?" He Hong put the newspaper on the table and asked Zhang Xiao.

"It shouldn't have any impact. After all, there should be no problem with the island of Hong Kong, after all, there should be no problem with the island of Ao." Although Zhang Xiao is very sure that the island of Ao will basically not change, and the island of Ao is more expensive than Hong Kong after all. It is much smaller, and many policies are better implemented, but Zhang Xiao still said in a speculative tone.

"I don't think there will be much change. However, although the business of the casino is not bad now, I feel that the business of the casino will not continue to be prosperous when the sun blooms and the moon waxes and wanes. What I care about is the issue of investing in those industries." He Hong slowly tapped the leather cushion of the sofa with his left hand, and said in deliberation.

However, Zhang Xiao was deeply speechless about what He Hong said. Now the casino business is not only good, it is making money every day. Gamblers and tourists from all over the world will come to O Island for tourism and sightseeing, and they will enter the casino to play two games. Having fun is the expectation of many people, but Ho Hung's worries are not unreasonable. After all, gambling is banned in China, and casinos will be severely cracked down on many occasions. Although the island of Australia may be fine for decades, few Ten years later, who can say clearly.

As the king of gambling in the world, He Hong naturally knows that national policies have an unimaginable impact on casinos. At this time, it is an excellent opportunity to choose some other industries to invest in while the casinos are booming, so as to spread the risks. Opportunity.

"Uncle, the domestic economy is developing rapidly. No matter what industry you invest in, you can get unimaginable returns. Moreover, the government is vigorously attracting investment. Isn't it an opportunity?" Zhang Xiao pondered for a while, then smiled He opened his mouth and said that he intends to lead He Hong to industry, after all, the rejuvenation of the country through industry is not a joke.

"Although you say this, you know that we people don't really care about the future development, but to ensure the stability of the device industry is the best. Do you have any suggestions for the industry?" He Hong laughed and said. In fact, even if Zhang Xiao doesn't persuade him, he still has the heart to invest in the mainland. After all, although Ao Island is still his base camp, it is not his cage. Countless people are watching him all the time.

"Uncle, I think you can invest by referring to the industries I invested in. I think these industries will have a lot of room for development in the future. Of course, if you have other better ideas, you can also do it together. I just want to mention Just a few suggestions." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

He Hong looked at Zhang Xiao in surprise. He didn't expect that Principal Zhang was willing to let him enter those industries. You must know that every industry has a limit. If there are more people entering the industry, the competition will naturally become more intense. He couldn't help smiling and said, "Aren't you afraid that I will compete with you after entering these industries? You also said that you are confident that your company can surpass other companies, and you are not afraid of competition at all?"

"Although I am not confident enough to think that I can do my best in every industry, I know one thing, that is, the current domestic and international markets are big enough for us to run freely, and I think competition is not a bad thing, only competition Even if a company without competition develops, it will soon fall into the trap of foreign companies." Zhang Xiao said indifferently.

After all, for Zhang Xiao himself, no matter what industry it is, it is a good thing for two or three more people to conduct healthy competition. When the market is large enough, the more people enter, the competition will be fierce, but Zhang Xiao's competition has always been The opponents are not limited to these domestic companies, but the leading companies in the world that have formed monopolies.

"Okay, as expected of a person who is already worth tens of billions at a young age, he has a broad mind and a long-term vision. But I have to think about it again, and I will contact you as soon as possible after I think about it. Don't make me troublesome." He Hong said with a smile, for him, it is very meaningful for him to invest in the mainland and have someone to match him, and Zhang Xiao is undoubtedly the most suitable one, because he is not afraid of Zhang Xiao's pitfalls. He, because Zhang Xiao had no reason to trick him, just increased his enemies for nothing.

But although Zhang Xiao has no reason to cheat him, it's because Zhang Xiao doesn't have the need, but other people he knows in the mainland are different. When they see a fat sheep coming, they always want to kill a few knives, which can be regarded as the cost of matchmaking .

Although Ho Hung has great influence and strength in the two islands of Hong Kong and Macau, it is still difficult for him to enter the mainland market, and the political atmosphere in the country is too strong, and he may lose everything if he is not careful.

As soon as Zhang Xiao and He Hong talked about the development of the enterprise and the company, they couldn't help but start talking about their respective business philosophy and success, feeling quite heroic.

And He Xiaoxian, who was serving tea and water at the side, couldn't help but feel a little emotional when she saw Zhang Xiao talking and laughing happily with her father He Hong. At first, she thought that Zhang Xiao was just a nouveau riche who rose to the top by luck, but now it seems that Zhang Xiao His talent is definitely not bad, otherwise it would be impossible for his father to tell Zhang Xiao many secret things in order to express himself, in order to gain Zhang Xiao's respect.

As a child of a big family, He Xiaoxian has too much affection for this father whom she doesn't see often, including respect and fear, curiosity, and of course resentment, but at this moment the image of her father is more concrete Thinking about it, this made He Xiaoxian happy from the bottom of her heart. After all, being able to accompany her father to meet important guests was already recognized by her father.

"Xiaoxian, you know me, my daughter, isn't she beautiful?" He Hong raised his chin and showed off to Zhang Xiao with a smile.

"Beautiful, Sister He is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen." Zhang Xiao nodded and replied seriously.

"Don't you think I'm not the most beautiful woman?" He Xiaoxian, who has always been very confident in her appearance, can naturally hear Zhang Xiao's meaning, that is, although she is beautiful, she is not the most beautiful. Just to take care of her emotions.

"Of course, in my mind, my mother is the most beautiful woman in the world. She is hard-working, down-to-earth, and a model for all mothers in the country." Naturally, Zhang Xiao will not be stingy in praising his mother, and said sincerely.

He Xiaoxian was immediately rendered speechless by Zhang Xiao, and it took her a long time to snort helplessly: "Even if your mother is the most beautiful one, where do I rank?"

"How do I know that there are many beautiful women in this world, some are beautiful in appearance, some are beautiful in heart, and some are beautiful in intelligence..." Zhang Xiao wanted to continue the list, but was interrupted by a loud laugh.

In the meantime, He Hong was leaning forward and backward with a smile, and at the same time, he was happy that his daughter was deflated. He Xiaoxian was the most similar to him among all the daughters, and she was also deeply loved by He Hong. He Xiaoxian took it with him, but this was the first time he saw He Xiaoxian being shrunken by his peers.

The whole morning quickly passed between Zhang Xiao and He Hong's conversation. Although He Xiaoxian got frustrated once, she still obediently waited on her and played her role very hard.

As noon approached, Zhang Xiao naturally wanted to stay for dinner. Seeing the chefs and waiters in the villa serving all kinds of meals on the table, he couldn't help but sigh, because the meal was so rich, many dishes even Zhang Xiao I can't even name them.

However, as time went by, Zhang Xiao's food was very boring, because although the food was very rich, it did not suit Zhang Xiao's taste. The big meals all have a bold and unrestrained style, Zhang Xiao is not very used to eating, but the rice wine provided by He Hong is good, Zhang Xiao can't help but drink two more glasses, which makes He Xiaoxian look sideways frequently.

You must know that although it is rice wine, the alcohol content is not low. Zhang Xiao drank two jars of two catties of rice wine between meals, which is still enough to scare people.

After lunch, Zhang Xiao did not stay at He Hong's house. After all, Zhang Xiao also had a lot of things to deal with. Whether it was Yuandian Capital's future investment arrangements, or Yuandian Capital's staffing and arrangements, it still needed to be done. Zhang Xiao went to make a decision.

Moreover, Zhang Xiao can't stay in Hong Kong Island for a long time. Zhang Xiao also needs to go to the company as soon as possible to have a look, arrange various affairs after the establishment of Yuandian Capital, and leave with peace of mind after Yuandian Capital is on the right track. After all After going back this time, whether it is the electronic industry base project in the provincial capital or a lot of things in the capital group, Zhang Xiao needs to take charge of the work, and this is also a necessary step for Zhang Xiao to gradually take back some of the key powers.

On the way back, Zhang Xiao leaned on the back of the chair and closed her eyes to rest, when she suddenly heard Guo Feng say: "Boss, we have been followed, and we have found three cars so far."

Zhang Xiao's drunkenness suddenly woke up, and she asked nervously, "Are you sure? Have you contacted the security team?"

"It's confirmed. I've already contacted the security team's vehicle, but their car was deliberately turned away at the traffic light just now. They should still be waiting for the green light." Although Guo Feng was nervous, his words remained steady as usual.

"Is our car bulletproof?" Zhang Xiao asked suddenly.

"Bulletproof, but at most it can prevent the shooting of pistols. After all, it is not your exclusive car." Guo Feng said in a heavy tone. He knew very well that he was followed for so long before he was discovered, which shows that the follower is also good at it. The hands of the family are not ordinary people. As for who sent them, it is not that important, after all, they must have no good intentions.

"Understood, pay attention to safety." Zhang Xiao suppressed the tension in his heart, and began to secretly pay attention to the three cars following him.

At this moment, a large oil tank truck running at high speed rushed towards it like a bull out of control, and the originally wide road suddenly became narrow. Interference from other vehicles around has made it more difficult for Guo Feng, because Guo Feng knows exactly how powerful a large fuel tanker is. devour.

However, the speed of the large oil tanker was too fast, coupled with the traffic jams around, although Guo Feng tried his best to control the vehicle to dodge, the rear of the car was wiped and sparks shot out.

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