After hearing Zhang Xiao's words, Guo Tianfeng couldn't help but nodded. After all, Zhang Xiao was able to take the problem into consideration and make arrangements in advance, which showed that Zhang Xiao was fully mature and knew how to make some compromises. What he feared most was that Zhang Xiao would Directly rejecting those people's requests, once things get into trouble, not only the electronics industry base project will be greatly affected, but it will also have a big impact on the government's investment promotion.

"Since you have already considered it, I won't say more, but you still have to be careful, after all, some people will be greedy, and there are many people who want to eat to become fat." Afterwards, Guo Tianfeng still told Zhang Xiao .

"I have a sense of proportion, what's more, I think those who can get a share of the pie are smart people, and foolish people have been cheated to death." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Guo Tianfeng chuckled and stopped talking, but pressed the red button next to the table.

"What is this?" Zhang Xiao asked curiously. After all, there is a red button on the dining table. What is this operation?

"It's just a gadget for calling the service. After all, most of the people who come to eat are talking about business. What's the matter with the waiters coming in and out? With this call switch, it must be more convenient." Guo Tianfeng said with a smile.

"That's true." Zhang Xiao couldn't help being surprised by the owner of Tianyuan Xiaolou. After all, the owner who can have such a consciousness must have a deep understanding of private kitchens.

Not long after, the waiter brought the food and wine. The wine was Moutai, the national wine, but there were only six dishes, but it was enough for Zhang Xiao and Guo Tianfeng.

Among them, the most classic dish is Dahe carp, a fish belonging to the genus Cyprinidae of the fish class Cyprinidae. It has a plump body, thick meat, tender and delicious, and rich nutrition.

Looking at the braised carp on the plate, Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing and said, "I don't know if the Dahe carp is wild or raised."

"I don't know about the carp in other places, but the braised carp in the small rural building uses wild carp. I don't think they will smash their own signs." Guo Tianfeng said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and put a piece of fish into his mouth after Guo Tianfeng moved his chopsticks, tasting the taste of this braised carp dish.

"It's really good. It's charred on the outside and tender on the inside. It's really a rare delicacy." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but praise it.

"You can eat more if it's delicious. I usually come here more often, so I don't think it's unusual." Guo Tianfeng said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao was not too polite. After drinking two glasses of wine with Guo Tianfeng, he started to eat, which made Guo Tianfeng feel funny. After all, as Zhang Xiao, he couldn't eat any kind of food. Eat the same way as before.

"Uncle Guo, delicious food is one of my few hobbies. I'm a little embarrassed that you watch me eat like this." Zhang Xiao said with a smile after taking a sip of tea.

"I don't mean to make fun of you. I just envy your appetite. I have to pay attention to the nutrition of everything I eat now, and I have to control my own amount of alcohol." Guo Tianfeng couldn't help but sighed.

"Don't feel bad about yourself, you have to have a few hobbies in your life, otherwise it would be so boring." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Guo Tianfeng smiled, did not speak, simply ate some food, and then put down his chopsticks.

After Zhang Xiao was full, she leaned on the back of the chair very comfortably, and sighed with a smile: "It's comfortable."

"Okay, I'm leaving first, I've already paid the bill, after I leave, please stop for a while before leaving." Guo Tianfeng picked up the handbag on the table, refused Zhang Xiao's offer, and left the room.

After watching Guo Tianfeng get in the car from the window, Zhang Xiao sat on the seat again, thinking about the purpose of Guo Tianfeng looking for him today. After a long time, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but sighed, got up and left the room.

After returning to the hotel, Zhang Xiao did not feel sleepy, but silently looked at the night view of the provincial capital from upstairs. Compared with the capital city, the development of the provincial capital is not fast, and there are not many high-rise buildings, but Zhang Xiao But he is clear that he must take root here in the future, and the Hongyuan Group's center of gravity will also shift to the provincial capital.

However, it is not an easy task to transfer the business focus of Hongyuan Group. After all, the main business of Hongyuan Group is still concentrated in the capital, but to achieve a strategic transfer without affecting the company's business, This means that the investment in the provincial capital is bound to be further strengthened, which is obviously difficult to achieve in the short term.

But Zhang Xiao is not in a hurry. After all, whether it is the electronic industry base project or the e-government system in the provincial capital, it is just the beginning, and the future development is still unknown.

Zhang Xiao didn't go to bed until two o'clock in the morning.

At six o'clock the next morning, Zhang Xiao woke up and turned around. After practicing boxing in the living room for a while, Zhang Xiao sent someone to bring breakfast over.

While eating breakfast, Zhang Xiao said to Hou Shuyan who was having breakfast with him: "Book a plane ticket to Hong Kong Island in the afternoon. The investment company in Hong Kong Island has already been established, and we need to go there for the opening ceremony."

"Okay, boss." After Hou Shuyan drank the pumpkin and millet porridge in the bowl in one go, she agreed with a smile. For her, being able to eat with Zhang Xiao is already a happy thing.

Although Zhang Xiao was a little surprised by Hou Shuyan's inexplicable excitement, she still didn't care. After all, going to Hong Kong Island was a good shopping opportunity for a young woman like Hou Shuyan.

As the current shopping paradise, Hong Kong Island is favored by young women. Many people even go to Hong Kong Island for shopping. After all, Hong Kong Island can buy many luxury goods that have not yet been listed in China.

After breakfast, Zhang Xiao called Academician Ni and Su Yanmin, the person in charge of the e-commerce system, to his room.

Hou Shuyan naturally made tea for the three of them before sitting quietly aside, ready to serve the three of them at any time. m. cascoo.

After Zhang Xiao took a sip of tea, he said with a serious expression: "The e-government system has been approved in principle to conduct a trial in Greentown. This is our best opportunity in China. As long as the e-government system can be implemented in Greentown, Then the entire province’s e-government system will be in our possession, and even if other companies want to enter, it depends on whether the staff who are accustomed to our Shenhua computer operating system agree.”

After hearing Zhang Xiao's words, Su Yanmin couldn't help but excitedly said: "My e-government system has a deeper impact. Once the government decides to use the company's e-government system, the corresponding enterprise terminals and personal computer terminals will definitely be affected. At that time, we can use the first-mover advantage to occupy as many markets as possible, so as to achieve the double breakthrough of Shenhua computer and operating system, which is of great significance to our microelectronics technology company's attack on the national computer market."

"Manager Su is right. This time, Greentown's e-government system project came very timely. As long as we can implement Greentown's e-government system, we will be the enterprise with the most e-commerce system pilots in the future. The construction of the e-government system, then our company will have a greater chance to win the market." Academician Ni is also gearing up at the moment, after all, although the e-government system was developed and created under Zhang Xiao's proposal, Academician Ni spent a lot of money on it. The hard work is the most. At this moment, I can see the e-government system being implemented in one city after another, which makes Academician Ni very excited.

"The first thing we need to do now is to combine the feasibility report of the e-government system in the provincial capital with the actual situation of various government departments in the provincial capital to select which research, so as to come up with a feasibility report suitable for Greentown, and then I will let people first Transfer the time to Boss Ma, and try to get Boss Ma's approval." Zhang Xiao said with a solemn expression, after all, it is too important for the microelectronics technology company now, and the opportunity cannot be missed.

"I understand that I have already arranged staff to go to various departments to conduct research, and strive to obtain detailed data within three days, and then revise and improve the feasibility report." Su Yanmin immediately promised.

Zhang Xiao is very satisfied with Su Yanmin's attitude, and has no doubts about her ability to act. After all, Su Yanmin is responsible for the implementation of Qindao's e-government system, but Zhang Xiao still asked: "During this period, we must pay attention Keep it secret, and strive to implement the e-government system before other companies react, otherwise once other companies get involved, we will encounter countless troubles if we want to implement the e-government system smoothly."

"I will." Su Yanmin is also very clear that there are not only microelectronics technology companies in China that have e-government systems. Among them, companies such as Inspur Software have also developed e-government systems for some departments. Although there is no microelectronics Technology companies have developed comprehensively, but in some professional fields, microelectronics technology companies do not have an advantage.

Academician Ni also said with a serious expression at the moment: "Lianxiang Group is the main supplier of computers and server hardware purchased by the government. At present, we are still somewhat weak in this area, so we still have to guard against Lianxiang Group's intrusion."

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but nodded. Zhang Xiao didn't dare to take Lianxiang Group lightly. After all, the few people headed by Liu Dong and others are currently relying on computers and peripheral products for food. The development of electronic technology companies is not paid attention to.

After all, the Shenhua computer and Shenhua computer operating system of Microelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. are having a huge impact on the core business of Lianxiang Group, and they will definitely try to prevent the implementation of the e-government system.

"Anyway, we are currently in the upper hand, so we have to make a block, so that they can settle the project before they have time to react." Zhang Xiao smiled and encouraged the two of them. At the same time, Zhang Xiao also said his plan out.

In fact, it is a plan, rather than a small strategy, that is, to reduce the price of Shenhua Computer again, and take the opportunity to attract the attention of Lianxiang Group and related companies. Once they focus on Shenzhou Computer, Zhang Xiao's plan was more than half successful, and it would make Shenhua Computer the focus of discussion again.

At that time, not only the sales of Shenhua Computer will further increase, but also the operating system of Shenhua Computer will be mentioned again. It can be said that in this way, it will completely attract too much attention, thereby hiding the news that the e-government system has landed in Greentown.

Both Su Yanmin and Academician Ni couldn't help but nodded, agreeing with Zhang Xiao's opinion. After all, after half a year of development, Shenhua Computer has room for further price reduction.

After finalizing the e-government system, Su Yanmin left Zhang Xiao's room and went to the temporary office address of the e-government system.

However, Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni are still sitting on the sofa. After all, they still have a lot to discuss. Whether it is the room for Shenhua computer price reduction or other group matters, Zhang Xiao needs to discuss with Academician Ni.

"Boss, how much will the price of our computer be reduced?" Academician Ni asked.

"How much room is there for price reduction?" Zhang Xiao asked. After all, Zhang Xiao didn't know how much the current price of Shenhua Computer was, and how much room for price reduction there was.

"The maximum is 500 yuan, but I think we should use two to three hundred yuan as the standard. If it is too much, it will affect the company's profit." Academician Ni said.

"Then lower 200 yuan to test the water first, and see how Lianxiang Group and the market respond before making further plans. If they follow up, it means that they are focusing on the computer. In this way, we will There can be more time for the landing and implementation of the e-government system." Zhang Xiao said with a slight smile.

"Okay, I'll let the company make an announcement tomorrow morning." Academician Ni gritted his teeth slightly and said.

After Zhang Xiao nodded, he said to Academician Ni: "You must have doubts about the establishment of the R&D center in Greentown, right?"

"Yeah, I'm a little confused. It is said that there are not many colleges and research institutes in Greentown, so it is not a suitable place to establish a research and development center." Academician Ni asked with some doubts.

"Academician Ni, in fact, when I set up a R&D center here, I still want to establish a R&D project that provides technical support for the electronics industry base project. Maybe their R&D level here is not as good as that in Beijing, but they support the electronics industry base. The development of the project is still not a problem." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, "More importantly, the establishment of the R&D center here is not in a hurry, we can proceed slowly during the construction of the electronics industry base project, and there is no need for a step. In place, this is not too much pressure on the company.”

As soon as Academician Ni heard Zhang Xiao's explanation, he immediately understood that putting all the R&D departments together has its disadvantages. It causes troubles in comparison, and after separating the different levels of high, middle and low, the progress of R&D projects can be better promoted.

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