Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 341 Long time no see

You must know that the land in the high-tech industrial zone is not very sufficient, and in order to meet the construction land of Hongyuan Group, they have tried everything possible to get [-] acres of land, and now they need another [-] acres of land for research and development. The location of the center made Li Pingyang very speechless.

Sitting next to Li Pingyang, Sun Guangping knocked on the table, and Li Pingyang immediately gave Sun Guangping the draft of the hair care center.

Sun Guangping looked at it quickly, then nodded to Li Pingyang.

After receiving Sun Guangping's hint, Li Pingyang said with a smile: "Your group's R&D center is very grand, which I didn't expect before. If this is the case, our government can't delay the pace of enterprise development, so in principle we Agreed, but since [-] mu of land is not a small amount, we still need to conduct research to determine the specific location, and the location may not be connected with the land used for the electronics industry base project."

"We can determine the address of the R&D center later, and it doesn't matter if it is not adjacent. After all, the R&D center is not only serving the electronics industry base project." Tang Zhenhao said with a frank spirit when he saw Li Pingyang's agreement.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao also felt that the government attached great importance to this project. After all, the [-] mu of land would be provided as soon as he said it was provided.

The negotiation went smoothly. With Sun Guangping and Zhang Xiao present, the two of them could agree on a lot of things that originally needed to be consulted, which greatly improved the progress of the negotiation.

In less than five o'clock, all the negotiations came to an end. Except for the land of the R&D center to be filed for renegotiation, other matters were settled.

After the negotiation, Zhang Xiao and Sun Guangping came to the presidential suite, drank the freshly brewed tea, and talked in a soothing manner.

"Xiaoxiao, I heard Mr. Tang that your elders are all undergoing examinations in the hospital. How is the situation?" Sun Guangping asked casually.

"I'm sorry to trouble you. It's nothing serious. After all, I'm getting old and I have some problems." Zhang Xiao said helplessly.

"Yes, time is not forgiving." Sun Guangping couldn't help sighing.

"Leader, how old are you now? You are in your prime, when you are officially striving to be the first." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Sun Guangping glanced at Zhang Xiao deeply, and said with a smile: "I really want to, but the current investment promotion task gives me a real headache, and I suffer from insomnia every night. Fortunately, now that the electronics industry base project has landed, I am missing A heart disease, you can sleep well."

"Actually, the leader, you don't have to worry too much now. With the continuous investment promotion in the provincial capital and various places, the development will become better and better." Zhang Xiao said comfortingly, and Zhang Xiao didn't have much opinion on government work, after all He doesn't know much about these.

"I hope so." Sun Guangping didn't think that Zhang Xiao could give any good advice, he was just expressing emotion.

After taking a sip of tea, Zhang Xiao suddenly realized that the promotion of the company's e-government system is extremely difficult, so she couldn't help asking Sun Guangping, "Leader, I want to ask if the e-government system of our government department is online now?"

"Our province's e-government system has not yet been launched. I heard that some cities are testing the e-government system, but I don't know how it is going." Sun Guangping shook his head and said.

Zhang Xiao's heart is very moved at this moment, because Zhang Xiao attaches great importance to the e-government system. He involves a large amount of government procurement every year in the future. This is a big market of hundreds of billions, and the e-government system of Microelectronics Technology Company It is very mature, and it is currently only being tested in Qindao. It is very difficult to promote it, and the competition is also fierce.

Zhang Xiao decided to talk to Sun Guangping straight to the point, so he said: "Our group's e-government system has been in trial operation in Qindao for nearly a year. In fact, we can start to use the e-government system to improve our government’s office efficiency.”

After taking a deep look at Zhang Xiao, Sun Guangping said with a wry smile: "The promotion of the e-government system is not so easy, it involves a lot of work, and even a trial operation in a city requires the coordination of all parties to achieve it." conduct."

Zhang Xiao adjusted his sitting posture, and said to Sun Guangping with a serious expression: "Leader, anything is difficult to do, but if we don't do it, we will definitely fall back. Our province and Lu province live next to each other, and Lu province The geographical location of the province is better than ours. If we can't catch up as soon as possible, it will not be good for the future development of our province. The e-government system is officially listed as a key project by the country for promotion because it is difficult to promote. If we can get the country's approval, then the country's policies will definitely favor us."

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiao kept silent, because he knew that Sun Guangping could understand what he meant, and if he couldn't even understand this, then he was not worthy of sitting in his current position.

Sun Guangping couldn't help but fell into deep thought, because as a senior provincial official, he knew very well that the e-government system is the future development direction and a sharp tool to improve government work efficiency, but there are certain risks in it. After all, as a new thing, it is easy to be targeted by others.

After a long time, Sun Guangping said to Zhang Xiao: "You can make a report on the e-government system first, and then I will report to the leader. After all, I have no control over this matter."

"Okay, I will make the report as soon as possible. Not only that, I will also organize a copy of the operation of Qindao's e-government system for you. I hope you will support me more." Zhang Xiao said with a smile on his face , because he knows that once this matter starts to advance, although the progress will not be fast, it will never stop. Zhang Xiao has absolute confidence in this.

And once Yu Province starts to try out the e-government system, the e-government system of Microelectronics Technology Company will become the first system in China to occupy a province. Not only that, but if the e-government system is to be developed, it will naturally need equipment. Both servers and terminal computers will be purchased by government departments on a large scale. This is a new growth point for microelectronics technology companies, and this is why Zhang Xiao actively promotes the e-government system.

Not only that, with the implementation of the e-government system, more enterprises and individuals will also need computer systems and application software that match the e-government system. This is a bigger market. Zhang Xiao will use the e-government system to expand The Shenhua computer operating system has been widely promoted, and finally reached the point of competing with Microsoft's operating system.

Sun Guangping saw Zhang Xiao dancing excitedly, shook his head helplessly and said, "You boy, let me tell you what's good about you. Anyway, you are also the chairman of a group, so you should be more prudent."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "Leader, I'm only 20 years old now. I don't want to be old-fashioned every day. Then I won't even be able to find a wife."

"Just nonsense, if you can't find a wife, there are not many men in the world who can find a wife." Sun Guangping said a little speechlessly, and he had a new understanding of Zhang Xiao's nonsense.

In order to celebrate the successful negotiation of the electronics industry base project, the ball dinner was also held in the hotel. The staff of both sides of the negotiation ate a sumptuous buffet and drank various drinks, and couples of young people also began to enter the dance floor dance to tune.

However, Zhang Xiao sat on the side seat without moving, occasionally sipping a good red wine, looking very leisurely.

Not far from Zhang Xiao, several beautiful young women were discussing Zhang Xiao's situation in low voices.

"I inquired about Zhang Xiao, chairman of Hongyuan Group, who wants to know?" A young woman with a round face twisted her slender waist and whispered.

"Sister Gao, tell me quickly, tell me quickly." Several women around her urged with their eyes glowing.

"Zhang Xiao is 20 years old this year. He was the top student in the senior high school entrance examination three years ago. He was admitted to Huaqing University after only one year of study in the Provincial Experimental Middle School. After only two years of study at Huaqing University, he obtained a bachelor's degree. degree, becoming the fastest graduating student in the history of Huaqing University." The young woman known as Sister Gao said with a smile, "Besides, Zhang Xiao is also the winner of four gold medals in this year's World Athletics Championships, and four The game set a new world record."

Following Sister Gao's introduction, there were more and more young women around her, but after listening to Sister Gao's introduction to Zhang Xiao, she couldn't help but look at Zhang Xiao.

"Oh, so handsome."

"Handsome and rich, ideal husband."

"Don't make trouble, that's my husband, you can't make up his mind."

"Shameless, will people take a fancy to you?"

A group of young women are family members of high-ranking government officials. They are still very familiar with each other, otherwise they would not make such jokes.

Naturally, Zhang Xiao didn't know what these young women were talking about, but even if he knew, Zhang Xiao wouldn't have any reaction. After all, to Zhang Xiao, these young women were just a glimpse of life.

Zhang Xiao saw a familiar figure at this moment, but Zhang Xiao didn't intend to go forward to say hello, after all, for him, everything was over.

"Why don't you go dancing?" Sun Guangping asked while sitting on the sofa beside Zhang Xiao while holding a glass of red wine.

"I won't, and my identity is not suitable to participate in such activities." Zhang Xiao said with her lips pursed.

"You don't know how to dance, are you kidding me? Haven't you been to a dance during your four years in college?" Sun Guangping couldn't help laughing and said.

"Leader, I graduated from college after only two years. Besides studying, I also need to deal with company affairs. How much time do I have to go to the dance!" Zhang Xiao said helplessly.

Sun Guangping opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything, but his heart was extremely depressed. He remembered that when he was in college, he had to study hard for four years before he could graduate. Compared with Zhang Xiao, he couldn't say anything no.

But Zhang Xiao didn't have such an awareness. In his opinion, dancing is not difficult, he just simply doesn't like it. If he has time to learn dancing, he might as well punch twice.

"Zhang Xiao, long time no see."

Just when Zhang Xiao was about to leave, a voice sounded behind him.

Zhang Xiao turned around, looked at Guo Yaxin's still beautiful face, and said with a slight smile, "Long time no see, how are you?"

"Fortunately, I was admitted to Capital University this year." Guo Yaxin looked at Zhang Xiao and said calmly.

"Congratulations." Although Zhang Xiao was a little surprised, she still congratulated with a smile. Normally, with Guo Yaxin's grades, it would be very difficult to get into Beijing University, but after all, I haven't seen her for more than two years, and everything is possible.

"Are you still studying at Huaqing University?" Guo Yaxin asked with a smile.

"No, I have already graduated this year." Zhang Xiao shook her head and said truthfully.

Now Zhang Xiao is extremely calm towards Guo Yaxin, he has neither the joy of reunion nor the emotion of reunion after a long absence, everything seems to be flat, so he just treats Guo Yaxin calmly like a classmate.

Guo Yaxin can also see that Zhang Xiao's calmness is not pretending, but he has completely let go of the past. He couldn't help feeling uncomfortable, and looked at Zhang Xiao full of sorrow, as if he had been abandoned by Zhang Xiao. Same.

"Zhang Xiao, haven't you thought of me once in the past two years? I don't believe you would be so heartless." Guo Yaxin said with a trembling voice.

But Zhang Xiao was not moved by it, and shook his head with a smile and said: "The past is like smoke, it doesn't matter if you don't talk about it, the past is the past after all."

Guo Yaxin's expression changed slightly, and she wanted to say something else, but seeing Zhang Xiao's handsome face, she became so unfamiliar at this moment, she bit her lip, turned and left.

After Guo Yaxin left, Sun Guangping teased Zhang Xiao with a smile: "Yo, I didn't expect you to be so familiar with the old Guo's daughter, but I think she is angry, don't you want to coax her?"

"We've only been classmates for half a year." Zhang Xiao laughed at himself, as an answer to Sun Guangping.

Sun Guangping obviously didn't believe Zhang Xiao's words, he chuckled, but didn't say anything else.

But Zhang Xiao looked at the men and women dancing on the dance floor with a calm expression, but his mind drifted to the past.

But soon, Zhang Xiao came to her senses, drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp, and said to Sun Guangping with a smile: "Leader, I'm leaving first, I have to go to the hospital."

"Do you still want to go now? It's almost ten o'clock, why don't you go tomorrow?" Sun Guangping glanced at his watch and said.

Zhang Xiao was also taken aback, and couldn't help shaking her head. It's a bit late to go to the hospital now, and the elders have already rested, so there's no point in going there. It's better to go there earlier in the morning.

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