As soon as school was over in the morning, Liu Lu dragged Zhang Xiao towards the cafeteria, completely ignoring Guo Yaxin's eyes that wanted to kill him.

"Brother Xiao, you have to help me. I found that the physics teacher taught the class too fast, and I couldn't understand it!" Liu Lu said as he walked.

"The physics teacher spoke very well, why can't you understand?" Zhang Xiao was a little puzzled, not sure what Liu Lu's situation was.

"The teacher's teaching is good, but the progress is too fast. I have two lessons in one class, and I can't keep up!" Liu Lu said with some distress.

"Liu Heitan, you must have previewed!" Zhang Xiao suddenly thought of a possibility.

"There is no preview, and I didn't take the previous exam." Liu Lu suddenly said in surprise, "You don't know how to preview before class!"

"Of course, if you don't preview the high school courses, aren't you listening to the heavenly scriptures?" Zhang Xiao was suddenly surprised, "You don't even know this, do you?"

Liu Lu suddenly looked confused, and said in a daze: "Do you need to preview all subjects in advance when you go to high school?"

"Of course, otherwise you think you can do everything after listening to the last lesson, don't be so naive, okay?" Zhang Xiao was completely defeated by Liu Lu.

Zhang Xiao and Liu Lu had just finished eating and sat down when Guo Yaxin and Shen Biyu sat opposite them with their lunch boxes.

"Zhang Xiao, what are you doing so fast to eat? There are so many windows in the cafeteria, so you can't miss the meal." Guo Yaxin said with a smile.

"I'm used to it. I used to run too slowly when I was eating at school, and I had to queue for a long time." Zhang Xiao said unnaturally.

"Oh, I forgot that you are from the countryside." Guo Yaxin's face darkened slightly, and she was a little absent-minded while eating.

Shen Biyu didn't think too much, and said with a smile: "Zhang Xiao, do you do your homework so fast? It seems that there is no question you can't understand."

"Actually, I have done all the homework questions, so of course it will be faster." Zhang Xiao said indifferently.

Shen Biyu was taken aback for a moment, then lowered her head and started eating, but Zhang Xiao didn't notice anything unusual.

But when the four of them were eating together, they didn't notice that Li Yaning looked at them with an ugly face not far away.

Zhang Xiao ate very quickly. When he finished eating, Liu Lu and the three of them only ate half of it.

"I'm leaving first, you guys eat slowly." After Zhang Xiao finished speaking, she got up and left with her lunch box.

Liu Lu glanced at Shen Biyu, and said in a low voice, "You two don't both like this poor boy from the countryside, do you?"

"What are you talking about, shameless." Shen Biyu and Guo Yaxin said in unison, and then they looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Liu Lu chuckled nonchalantly and said, "Let me tell you a secret, Zhang Xiao is now a little rich man!"

Guo Yaxin was a little excited immediately, and asked with bright eyes: "Really? How do you know?"

"The day before yesterday my younger brother went to buy study materials. Do you know what he bought? It was the printed study notes of Zhang Xiao's junior high school. I took a look and it was the same font as Zhang Xiao's. That is to say, Zhang Xiao has published a book and he will definitely make money. A lot of money." Liu Lu said excitedly.

Shen Biyu glanced at Liu Lu, and reprimanded with some displeasure: "Some things are rotten to my stomach, don't have nothing to say, when did you become a gossip!"

Apparently Shen Biyu also knew about this, but unlike Liu Lu, he knew something and wanted to say it all.

Liu Lu immediately shut up, his face was a little embarrassed, but he was young after all, and he returned to normal before finishing the meal.

On the other hand, Guo Yaxin's expression was a little weird, she was happy for a while and sad for a while, which made people feel a little abnormal.

But she was eating with her head down, but no one noticed anything.

Naturally, Zhang Xiao didn't know that Liu Lu had told about his book publishing, but after returning to the dormitory, he didn't read any more books, but started taking a nap directly.

Classes continued in the afternoon. The first class taught by Li Tianfu, a political teacher, was funny and humorous, and passed on the knowledge without knowing it. Zhang Xiao was very moved. With such a teacher, coupled with his own hard work , You can definitely get into Yanda and Huaqing.

The second class is history class. It is a male teacher in his 30s with an interesting name. His name is Du Shi, which fits his identity as a history teacher.

The third class was originally a Chinese class. Since the Chinese teacher asked for leave, it was replaced by an English class. Hu Wenjing still taught the whole process in English, which made it difficult for Zhang Xiao to listen. have to come up.

In the fourth self-study class, Zhang Xiao began to think about how to improve his spoken English and pronunciation while doing his homework. Otherwise, as the course deepened, English would pull him back. He didn't want this kind of thing to happen again.

But he wasn't very worried. After all, he had a pretty good memory now. He might be able to correct his pronunciation by listening to the teacher's lectures a few more times.

Zhang Xiao also decided to focus on English during the morning reading, the main purpose is to practice speaking and pronunciation.

Since Zhang Xiao decided to study science, he focused on Chinese, mathematics, English, physics and chemistry. Biology did not start until the second year of high school. The courses in the first year of senior high school are not divided into arts and sciences. For the sake of scholarship, he still will not give up the three courses of politics, history and geography.

During the evening self-study, Zhang Xiao simply formulated his own study plan and confirmed the study plan, which will help him to be targeted, not to study indiscriminately, and can improve the learning efficiency.

Early the next morning, Zhang Xiao started to study according to his own study plan. He found that his study efficiency was improved and his study became smoother.

The first class in the morning was originally English, but the Chinese teacher came and changed it to a Chinese class.

Chinese teacher Hou Aiqing is an old teacher in his early fifties. It is undeniable that he has a profound culture, but he speaks with some local accents and speaks fast, which makes Zhang Xiao a little troublesome in class, but it is not insurmountable, after all After a long time, some local dialects will be understood, let alone Mandarin with an accent.

The second class is mathematics, which is a bit easier for Zhang Xiao. After all, the previous content has been learned, and he only needs to listen to the key points of the teacher's explanation and connect the knowledge points in series.

After the second period, there was exercise between classes. Zhang Xiao, who was just about to go to the playground, was called to the office by Hu Wenjing.

Hu Wenjing handed Zhang Xiao a walkman and two English tapes and said: "This is an English tape and a walkman, please take the time to correct your English pronunciation, so that you will not be so strenuous in English class." .And English is a language, you have to learn it according to the method of learning a language, the pronunciation is not accurate, and there will be problems with listening, so you have to hurry up."

Zhang Xiao was a little moved. After all, the Walkman is a valuable item to anyone nowadays. Hu Wenjing handed it to him, and couldn't help but bowed and said gratefully: "Thank you, thank you, Mr. Hu. Don't worry, I will catch up as soon as possible."

"Okay, you can go back, the inter-class exercises will start soon." Hu Wenjing waved to Zhang Xiao and said.

Zhang Xiao quickly ran back to the classroom, put the Walkman and tapes in her schoolbag, and then went to do exercises between classes.

Time flies by, and half a month has passed in a blink of an eye. Although the school has a day off, it is too short for Zhang Xiao. There is not enough time to go home, so he just stays at school to practice his spoken English.

After half a month of hard work, Zhang Xiao's oral English level has not only caught up, but she can already have a normal conversation with Teacher Hu in English. This shocked Hu Wenjing. You must know that correcting pronunciation is different from beginners' pronunciation. Pronunciation needs to change past wrong pronunciations into correct ones, which is much more difficult than beginners' pronunciation.

After practicing pronunciation in the morning, Zhang Xiao found that the Walkman was of no use to him, so he planned to return the Walkman and the tape to Hu Wenjing.

In the afternoon, Zhang Xiao walked out of the school. Instead of taking the bus, she walked along the surrounding area to see what business could be done in the provincial capital, and also checked whether her share had been credited to the account.

Luo Jing, who was wandering on the street, suddenly received a reminder from the chain of life and found free energy. Luo Jing was a little surprised. After all, there is no jewelry store here, so how could there be free energy.

After a long time, Zhang Xiao felt that she had fallen into a misunderstanding, that is, she thought that only jade could have Yuan energy. The first time she absorbed free energy was not in a jewelry store, but in a Confucian temple.

And now that free energy has been discovered, where did it come from?

Zhang Xiao began to observe the surrounding environment, and found that there were no monasteries or temples nearby, but there was an antique shop, which moved Zhang Xiao's heart.

"Could it be that this free energy emanates from the antique shop?" Zhang Xiao thought in his heart.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but walked into the antique shop on the side of the road. Sure enough, he had already entered the antique shop. There was more free energy, and the energy absorbed by the life chain was much more. This made Zhang Xiao feel that he seemed to have discovered some secrets.

The owner of the antique shop was an old man in a long gown and coat. He was drinking tea leisurely on a wicker chair. When Zhang Xiao came in, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, feeling a little interesting.

The main reason is that Zhang Xiao is really too young, she doesn't look like someone who likes antiques at all, but like someone who came in casually.

"Young man, are you still a student?" The old man put the teacup on the round table, stood up, and said with a smile.

"Yes, I'm going to high school in the provincial experiment. I'll take a day off today and go out for a walk." Zhang Xiao didn't hide his identity, after all, he felt that he would have to deal with this old man in the future.

"Do you like antiques or are you here to learn more?" The old man didn't expect that he would guess Zhang Xiao's age too much. He thought Zhang Xiao was already eighteen or nineteen.

"It's mainly because of gaining insight. After all, I've been in school all the time, so I don't have time to go shopping." Zhang Xiao said with a slightly embarrassed smile.

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