Zhang Xiao smiled and said to Academician Ni: "Our focus on R&D and manufacturing does not mean that we have completely abandoned brand building, but that we have fine-tuned our strategic plan according to our current situation. If this time If we can obtain a production license, then our plan can continue, but if we cannot obtain a production license, change is inevitable."

Academician Ni also understands that what Zhang Xiao said is true. After all, the production license is an uncontrollable factor, and what they need to do now is to minimize the impact of uncontrollable factors, so that the company can achieve sustainable development.

"Boss, I understand your considerations, but I think it's better for us not to disclose this news at the moment. After all, it is easy to cause panic, which is not good for the development of the company, especially when the mobile phone project has just been established, it is easy to give people a surprise." It's an illusion." Academician Ni suggested to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao nodded, agreeing with Academician Ni's opinion. After all, the production license has not yet been settled. What if he passes the assessment and obtains authorization.

"Academician Ni, I'm just planning for a rainy day. After all, we have to prepare for the worst." Zhang Xiao said with a smile. Up to now, Zhang Xiao has remained indifferent about whether he can obtain a production license.

"That's true." Academician Ni couldn't help sighing. As someone who has worked in the technology industry for 30 to [-] years, he knows very well how difficult it is to obtain a production license this time.

After returning to the company, Zhang Xiao called Tang Zhenhao immediately.

"Old Tang, how is your situation?" Zhang Xiao asked. After all, Tang Zhenhao is now in charge of the integration work at Pengcheng Electronics Factory, and Zhang Xiao really doesn't know how it is progressing.

"Boss, it's very difficult. Although the small electronics factories we are interested in are very confident in the future of their companies, they are not willing to sell." Tang Zhenhao said helplessly.

"Could it be a price increase?" Zhang Xiao asked in surprise. After all, in Zhang Xiao's impression, the electronics factory should have been unsatisfactory during this period. After all, it is no longer the era when opening a factory can make money , Many electronics factories are now making products because they cannot keep up with the pace of social development, and they are in a loss-making situation.

"I haven't figured it out yet, boss. I think we might as well build new factories directly. After all, it's very difficult to negotiate with the bosses of these electronics factories, and some of them are landowners." A person who has a very accurate grasp of the minds of these electronics factory bosses, so he understands the difficulty.

Zhang Xiao had to think about the gains and losses between the two. Although the acquisition of a small electronics factory did not require land approval and other procedures, the cost involved was not small, but it saved some construction costs.

It will take a long time to establish a new factory, but at present, because the production license has not been authorized, the time is a little more generous.

"Old Tang, you should make an investment plan first, and then contact the local China Merchants Bureau. After all, I believe they should be more interested in our large investment." Zhang Xiao instructed Tang Zhenhao.

"Okay, boss, I'll make preparations now." Tang Zhenhao agreed and hung up the phone.

At this time, Zhang Xiao had to think about the company's layout in the future. The reason why Zhang Xiao chose Pengcheng to build a factory was that Pengcheng's supporting services were important. After all, there are abundant resources around the Pearl River Delta. Dissatisfied with the progress of the project.

Originally thought that he could buy a batch of electronics factories to speed up the construction of the project, but now it seems that he himself is too optimistic. After all, no one is willing to sell the company he has worked so hard to build to others for no reason. Sighed.

In the next few days, Zhang Xiao didn't get any news about the authorization of the production license. Even Academician Ni didn't get much information from Team Leader Wu, which made Zhang Xiao's heart sink.

What makes Zhang Xiao feel even more helpless is that the side effects of Huang Jinglei's chemotherapy have begun to appear these days, and her mood is extremely unstable. After all, hair loss is a bit unacceptable for Huang Jinglei. For young women, this is unbearable pain.

Zhang Xiao could only accommodate and appease Huang Jinglei as much as possible, but also felt tired. After all, he had no experience in taking care of patients. Fortunately, with the help of Aunt Zhang and the hospital nurses, Zhang Xiao could relax a little.

As time passed day by day, although Zhang Xiao was impatient, she didn't show it in the company, but she still felt a little helpless about what happened to Tang Zhenhao in Pengcheng.

Pengcheng is located in South China, with Daya Bay and Dapeng Bay to the east, Pearl River Estuary and Lingdingyang to the west, and Hong Kong Island to the south across the river.

As the frontier of reform and opening up, Pengcheng has created many miracles, but now, facing Hongyuan Group's investment of more than one billion yuan, it can take it lightly, and even needs to discuss whether to approve the construction land.

Zhang Xiao heard from Tang Zhenhao that he was dissatisfied with the progress of the project, and Zhang Xiao had no good solution to this. After all, although the current Hongyuan Group has a certain influence in the capital and is also a leader in the computer field, But in Pengcheng, where the economy is extremely developed, it is not a great company. In addition, what Zhang Xiao wants to build is not a high-tech company, so it is reasonable that it will not be taken seriously.

However, Zhang Xiao is still very anxious. After all, he will enter the field management center for training in two days, and the time to deal with company affairs will be greatly reduced. Even with the help of Hou Shuyan and Tian Xiaodan, it will be difficult for him to Just as much time.

But no matter how anxious Zhang Xiao was, it was useless, he could only quietly wait for the news. At the same time, Zhang Xiao began to consider whether he needed to build a factory in another place.

This afternoon, Zhang Xiao, who was in the office discussing with Ye Shijiang about the implementation plan of the employees' working hours, heard a knock on the door.

"Please come in." Zhang Xiao said without raising her head.

"Boss, a leader from your hometown has brought someone here, do you want to meet?" Hou Shuyan asked Zhang Xiao after she came in.

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect the visit from the leaders of his hometown, but he said to Ye Shijiang first: "Mr. Ye, implement the plan as soon as possible, let the HR department speed up the recruitment, and the training can be left to them." After being assigned to a subsidiary company, the trial period can be appropriately shortened to reduce the working hours of employees as soon as possible.”

"Okay, boss, I'll arrange it now." As the vice president of Hongyuan Group, Ye Shijiang is satisfied with Zhang Xiao's courage, and at the same time he is full of fighting spirit. After all, he doesn't own any shares now. With the stock incentive system, he is full of energy at this time.

After Ye Shijiang left, Zhang Xiao took a sip of tea before asking Hou Shuyan, "Where are they?"

"In the small living room downstairs, do you want to meet?" Hou Shuyan asked, after all, this was the first time he faced such a visiting local leader, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

Although Hongyuan Group has received many local leaders who came to visit, they were notified in advance. It was the first time that Hou Shuyan met such a local leader who came to visit directly.

"Let's meet, I should be an acquaintance." Zhang Xiao smiled slightly. He knew the leaders in his hometown. Since the construction of the electronics factory, Zhang Xiao had received many invitations, but Zhang Xiao refused them all. After all, he I was busy with school and company affairs before, so I couldn't get away.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiao tidied up her clothes and headed towards the small living room downstairs.

The reason why the small meeting room is arranged downstairs is also for the safety of the company's top management. After all, no one knows who those visitors are.

As soon as he entered the small meeting room, there were four people in the small meeting room, and Li Chunlai was among them.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but smiled and said to Li Chunlai: "Uncle Li, why are you here? You didn't make a phone call before you came."

Li Chunlai stood up and said to Zhang Xiao with a smile, "We are passing by your Hongyuan Group this time, so we will come up to have a look. This is Senior Official Sun from our province, who is in charge of industrial development."

Zhang Xiao took a look at the middle-aged man next to Li Chunlai, who looked only in his 40s. His white shirt and black trousers set him off extremely energetic, especially the gold-rimmed glasses he was wearing made him look a little elegant, and he laughed quickly. He opened his mouth and said: "The leader is welcome to come to inspect the work. Uncle Li should have called in advance to let me know, so I can go downstairs to meet you."

"Mr. Zhang, you're welcome. I've heard about your name a long time ago. This time we really came up on a whim and stopped by your company to take a look." Sun Guangping shook hands with Zhang Xiao and said quite politely.

Zhang Xiao nodded with a smile, and invited: "Since you have come to the company, the leader may wish to inspect our company, see if there is any room for improvement, and offer your valuable opinions."

Sun Guangping couldn't help being moved. After all, being famous is not as good as meeting him. When he came to Hongyuan Group, he could only understand the situation of Hongyuan Group better by seeing it.

"Then it's up to you, as long as Mr. Zhang doesn't dislike us for bothering you." Sun Guangping said with a smile, after all, he is still very polite to Zhang Xiao, a star, a young genius.

Although Zhang Xiao didn't know Sun Guangping's purpose at the moment, he still took Sun Guangping to visit the company.

Hongyuan Building is now the main office of Hongyuan Group. It not only includes all R&D departments, but also has the headquarters of each subsidiary. The reason why Zhang Xiao did this is to facilitate management and strengthen the supervision of subsidiaries. control.

While walking towards Zhang Xiao, he introduced to Sun Guangping: "Currently, our Hongyuan Group has established an electronic technology industry dominated by microelectronic technology companies, a chip design and manufacturing industry dominated by Hongyuan Chips, and a real estate development industry led by Hongyuan Real Estate. , architectural design and construction and other real estate companies, as well as industries such as glass manufacturing led by Xingsheng Glass Factory, but this is the headquarters of the group, mainly focusing on design and research and development."

Listening to Zhang Xiao's introduction, Sun Guangping couldn't help feeling emotional. As far as he knew, Zhang Xiao was only 19 years old this year and had already established so many industries. He deserved to be called a rare business genius.

"How many R&D personnel are there in your company now?" Sun Guangping couldn't help asking after looking at the R&D department on several floors.

"There are more than 6000 R&D personnel in the electronic technology industry, and more than 1000 in chip design and other industries. As for other industries, there are much fewer R&D personnel, only a few hundred." Zhang Xiao asked with a smile.

Sun Guangping couldn't help being shocked. So many R&D personnel made him feel unbelievable, and he couldn't help sighing: "With so many R&D personnel, the R&D costs must be very high."

Zhang Xiao nodded, and said with a heavy tone: "The research and development expenses are very high. According to incomplete statistics, the research and development expenses in the first half of this year have invested more than 9 million yuan, which does not include the replacement of some equipment. For enterprises that are mainly based on technology, the investment in research and development expenses is inevitable, otherwise how to keep up with the pace of the world."

Sun Guangping couldn't help being surprised by Hongyuan Group's investment in research and development. After all, the investment of more than 9 million yuan in research and development is unique among all enterprises. What's more, it is only half a year's investment, so the annual investment must be More, but thinking of Hongyuan Group's development in the chip industry and the computer field, he felt that it should be taken for granted.

"Mr. Zhang is very courageous." Sun Guangping said with a smile, this is not a false praise, but the truth.

After all, being able to have the courage to invest so much R&D costs in itself requires a strong courage, and how many companies are willing to invest on such a large scale.

Hongyuan Building is very big. Even if some unnecessary places were excluded, it took a group of people two hours to walk through most of the areas.

After returning to the living room, Sun Guangping smiled and said to Zhang Xiao: "Mr. Zhang, I heard that you invested in building an electronics factory in Xinglin County?"

"Yes, the basic construction of the electronics factory is almost completed, and the equipment has begun to enter the site. I think it should be ready for production by the end of the year." Zhang Xiao nodded and said.

"I heard that you are going to build a large-scale electronics industry base, so what do you think of the provincial capital? Is it in line with your investment wishes?" Sun Guangping said with a smile, and he no longer concealed his purpose at this moment, after all, to bring Hongyuan Group back to Hongyuan. Investment in the provincial capital is one of his established goals for coming to Beijing this time.

Zhang Xiao was slightly taken aback. Unexpectedly, Sun Guangping not only knew Hongyuan Group's idea of ​​building a large-scale electronics industry base, but also wanted to bring this project back to the provincial capital.

Originally, Zhang Xiao didn't consider the provincial capital, but now that Sun Guangping's arrival made Zhang Xiao think differently. After all, Tang Zhenhao had made almost no progress in Pengcheng, and the project proposal submitted was like a sinkhole, without any response.

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