Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 307 One Person's Graduation Ceremony

Zhang Xiao is very grateful for Li Yanyu's arrangement. Originally, after the graduation defense, it would be considered as the end when he got the graduation certificate and degree certificate. Unexpectedly, Li Yanyu specially prepared the graduation ceremony for him alone. This was something he never expected of.

"Ms. Li, thank you, I will definitely go there then." Zhang Xiao thanked Li Yanyu politely.

Li Yanyu nodded, and then said hello to several professors in the department before turning around and leaving.

And Zhang Xiao continued to follow several professors towards Fu Minglun's office.

After arriving at Fu Minglun's office, everyone sat down on the sofa, and Fu Minglun's teaching assistant quickly made tea for them all.

"Zhang Xiao, you will graduate in a few days, are you going to graduate school?" Fu Minglun asked Zhang Xiao with a smile.

"I have too many things to do now, so I can't take care of graduate students for the time being, and I think doing research in the company will be more rewarding." Zhang Xiao naturally heard what Fu Minglun meant, but he still said it.

"The time for graduate students is very free, and for you, you may have a good grasp of knowledge, but going to graduate school can systematically summarize your knowledge system, I think it is still necessary for you to go to graduate school." Fu Minglun Smiling and persuading Zhang Xiao, after all, if students like Zhang Xiao can continue their studies, it will be an opportunity for themselves.

"Professor Fu, I might think about it in the future, but I really don't have time now." Zhang Xiao still refused. As he himself said, he really doesn't have time to go to graduate school now. There is no need.

"Alright then, if you plan to study for a PhD in the future, you can contact me." Professor Fu Minglun said to Zhang Xiao very kindly.

"Okay, Professor Fu." Zhang Xiao has nothing he can't agree to, and he has no plans to study for a PhD in the future.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao chatted with these professors about microelectronics research before leaving.

On the way back to Fenglin Villa, Zhang Xiao finally breathed a sigh of relief. After attending the graduation ceremony specially prepared for him by Li Yanyu in two days, Zhang Xiao will leave school, but Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling a little melancholy .

In the past two years of college life, Zhang Xiao didn't really feel very happy. After all, he spent more time on the development of the company, but in college life, he spent a lot of time with the three people in the dormitory except for classes. Other students are only limited to acquaintance.

After returning to Fenglin Villa, Huang Jinglei had just finished recovery training, and beads of sweat kept dripping from her chin.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling distressed. While wiping the sweat off her body with a towel, she said, "Recovery training should be done in moderation. After all, you are just fine now. Sometimes too much training is not good for your body's recovery."

"I'm fine, and these are all approved by the nurse." Huang Jinglei said with a smile.

"That's good, but you still have to be careful, after all, it's too late." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao is very happy that Huang Jinglei can recover her fighting spirit and actively accept the treatment plan. After all, emotions largely determine the treatment effect.

"Don't worry, I will." Huang Jinglei said obediently.

After having lunch with Huang Jinglei at the villa at noon, Zhang Xiao went to the company to deal with the affairs accumulated during this period.

There are many things and they are very complicated, but what Zhang Xiao cares most about is the investment analysis report of the investment department.

Since May No.19, in just over a month, the funds in the stock account invested in a stock account have more than doubled. If the previous increase is added, the 9 million funds that Zhang Xiao originally invested have already made a profit More than [-] million, Zhang Xiao called Long Zhiyun after looking at the situation of each stock and asked him to come to his office.

"Boss, what do you want from me?" Long Zhiyun quickly came to Zhang Xiao's office and asked.

"Director Long, I read your report, and combined with the current stock market situation, I think it's time to start shipping." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Okay, boss, I'll do it right away." Long Zhiyun replied and was about to leave. After all, this was something he had wanted to do for a long time.

"Wait a minute, I have something to talk to you." Zhang Xiao asked Long Zhiyun to stay.

Although Long Zhiyun was a little surprised, he still stayed.

Zhang Xiao came out from behind the desk, pointed to the sofa to Long Zhiyun, and said, "Old Dragon, sit down wherever you want, I want to chat with you."

Long Zhiyun felt a little uneasy, he didn't know why Zhang Xiao called him to stop him, but he sat down opposite Zhang Xiao.

"Lao Long, the group will be established soon, and the company's investment department will be split off. Do you have any ideas about investing in the first part?" Zhang Xiao asked directly.

Long Zhiyun breathed a sigh of relief. He originally thought that Zhang Xiao was going to reprimand him, but now it seems that he was overwhelmed. After thinking for a while, he said, "Boss, I think our eyes can no longer be limited to the domestic Yes, after all, we have a lot of funds now, and we will be targeted by people if we make any moves, so I suggest that we move part of our investment to the spun-off company to Hong Kong Island. On the one hand, we can participate in the domestic stock and futures markets. On the other hand, we can do futures and foreign exchange in the international market, whether it is the gold market or crude oil futures, we can operate.”

"This is more diversified for our investment, and it can also continue to operate. After all, the particularity of the domestic market makes it difficult for us to flex our muscles."

Zhang Xiao naturally has a deep understanding of what Long Zhiyun said. How many people and institutions in the previous life were interviewed by the government after making money in the stock market, and how many people were imprisoned because of this. This is why Zhang Xiao is leaving now. The main reason is, after all, it is still in the early stage of the bull market, and many retail funds are running into the market. Although going out at this time will make a lot of less profit, it is more secure.

"Okay, just follow your wishes and make a plan as soon as possible, but the stocks in the stock market must be sold as soon as possible, and try not to be noticed by others." Zhang Xiao nodded and said with a smile.

"Okay, boss, I'll make arrangements now." After Long Zhiyun finished speaking, he turned and left in a hurry.

Looking at Long Zhiyun's leaving back, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but smiled and said to Hou Shuyan: "It seems that Director Long has already considered it, but it was hard to say before."

"Boss, you underestimate Director Long too much. He is not only a high-achieving student of Beijing University, but also the director of a foreign investment bank before. How could he be as useless as you said before." Hou Shuyan smiled and defended Long Zhiyun.

"That's what you said. It seems that I don't know enough about the people in the company, but it's okay. After I graduate in two days, I will have a lot of time to get to know everyone in the company. I just hope that I won't be disappointed by then." " Zhang Xiao couldn't help but nodded and said.

"Don't worry, boss, I will never let you down." Hou Shuyan said confidently. After all, she has worked as Zhang Xiao's secretary since she came to the company and has dealt with many people in the company. She knows everyone in the company. Each employee has their own strengths, but Zhang Xiao doesn't know it.

Zhang Xiao didn't say anything more, but continued to process the documents accumulated by the company.

Two days later in the afternoon, Zhang Xiao arrived at Huaqing University by car. Looking at the students walking in a hurry on the campus, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little emotional. opponent.

When Zhang Xiao came to the classroom, many students had already come in the classroom. Seeing Zhang Xiao coming in, they all smiled and said congratulations, and Zhang Xiao also responded to the greetings of the students one by one.

Not only that, but Zhang Xiao also brought a beautiful guestbook for students to leave a message on it, and those who have contact information can also leave their contact information.

The students were very familiar with these plots. After all, they had done it when they graduated from high school, and they all signed and left messages in Zhang Xiao's guestbook.

As time went by, more and more people came to the classroom. When Li Yanyu came to the classroom, looking at the chaotic classroom, not only did she not feel noisy, but felt very warm.

At exactly three o'clock, as Professor Fu Minglun brought a few teachers into the classroom, the students became quiet.

Li Yanyu stood on the podium, looked at the students in the classroom, and said with a smile: "Hello, teachers and students. I am very happy that everyone can come to Zhang Xiao's graduation ceremony, because This means that Zhang Xiao is very popular with teachers and classmates, so let’s ask Zhang Xiao, who is about to leave school, to say a few words to everyone, okay?"

"Okay! Listen to the teachings of the Great God." Sun Xiaodong took the lead in booing and shouting.

"Zhang Xiao, Zhang Xiao." Several girls also shouted to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao stood up helplessly. He didn't know beforehand that he was going to talk, but now he couldn't refuse, so he had to salute everyone with his fists in his hands: "Since everyone is willing to listen to me talking nonsense, then I will say something." Some of what I have seen and heard, and my views on the future."

At this time, Li Yanyu shouted at Zhang Xiao before Zhang Xiao started to speak: "Zhang Xiao, come to the podium to speak, today I specially arranged a video recording, just to record your words and actions. After you become famous, these can become the textbooks for your juniors and younger sisters to learn."

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, only to realize that in the last row of the classroom, Deng Yi and two male classmates were setting up a video recorder, capturing the entire classroom in the camera.

However, Zhang Xiao is not a boy who has never seen the world. Without hesitation, Zhang Xiao walked up to the podium and looked at the students in the classroom from left to right. Only then did he realize that some of them were not like them at all. The class, presumably came in advance after getting the news.

"Hi students, welcome to my graduation ceremony. I would like to express my thanks here, and I hope you will study hard and graduate successfully in the next two years." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Ms. Li said let me say a few words, then I will talk about my views on knowledge."

"In my opinion, the development of science and technology in the future will be faster and faster, and various new technologies and new technologies will emerge one after another. These new technologies and new technologies will definitely change our lives, so we have to use our limited time. acquire more knowledge."

"People often say that knowledge can change destiny, and reading can change life. This sentence has been proved to be correct. But I believe that only the depth and height of knowledge can change our future. If we want to change our destiny, we can only use our knowledge The system develops towards specialization, only in this way can we surpass the average person, become a leader in this field of knowledge, and change our destiny.”

"As for how to make ourselves a leader in this field of knowledge, we first need to know which field we are suitable for, and after determining the direction of our future efforts, we can learn and research better. Only in this way can it be targeted and get twice the result with half the effort.”

Following Zhang Xiao's speech, more and more students fell into contemplation, because this was something they had never thought of or thought about before. At this moment, Zhang Xiao suddenly awakened them. What should they learn in the future? Going to learn pointed out the direction.

"I know that many students are now learning all kinds of knowledge. In addition to our professional knowledge, some are learning humanistic thinking, some are learning foreign languages, and some are learning social etiquette, but more students want to learn everything. , want everything, and spend your energy on many aspects, which will only result in one result, that is, you understand all aspects, but relatively speaking, it is too popular, which makes you look mediocre in all aspects .”

"And if you want to make yourself outstanding, you must first learn to do subtraction, to learn the knowledge in the field we are good at, and to make your strengths longer. Only in this way can you stand out. And the second step is the second step, after you stand out , don’t change your direction, use your own knowledge system for research and innovation, as long as we work hard, I believe that one day, you will become a leader in this industry or field.”

Zhang Xiao's speech was not long and ended soon, but it also made many people realize their problems, and they all applauded to express their agreement with Zhang Xiao's statement.

Seeing that Zhang Xiao was about to go down, Li Yanyu grabbed him and said with a smile, "The following is Zhang Xiao's graduation ceremony. Let's see Zhang Xiao's appearance in a bachelor's uniform."

Zhang Xiao originally wanted to go to the empty classroom next door to change her academic uniform, but was pulled by Li Yanyu, so she could only change on the podium.

Zhang Xiao, who was wearing a shirt and trousers, quickly put on a bachelor's suit. The yellow-edged bachelor's suit means that electronic science and technology is an engineering major, and Zhang Xiao will be awarded a bachelor's degree in engineering.

Put on the academic gown, the academic cap, and the drape over the academic gown, the cover is draped over the back, flattened over the shoulders, the button is fastened to the top button of the academic gown, and the triangular pocket hangs naturally on the back.

At this time, Zhang Xiao looked very elegant, coupled with his tall and straight figure and handsome appearance, all the girls couldn't help screaming.

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