Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 28 New Product Orders

When Zhang Xiao woke up the next morning, Guo Tong ran over just as Zhang Xiao finished washing.

"Zhang Xiao, you've grown taller after not seeing you for half a month." Guo Tong looked at Zhang Xiao who was taller than him and said in surprise.

"Isn't this normal? The puberty period grows fast!" Zhang Xiao put the towel on the clothesline and said with a smile, "When will you start school?"

"Arrive at school on the night of August 8th. After arriving at school, there will be exams. There is no time to play." Guo Tong said reluctantly.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "There are only three years in high school, don't just think about having fun, I have to leave on August 8th, when the time comes, we will be separated, and I don't have time to care about you."

Guo Tong scratched his head and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I've been reading at home all this time, and I haven't gone out to play at all."

Zhang Xiao glanced at him, apparently not believing Guo Tong's words, but she still told him earnestly: "The country is developing very fast now, and education is more important in the future, so getting into a good university is the best thing for us rural people. way out."

Guo Tong smiled awkwardly, and changed the subject: "Got it, my dad is still waiting in the factory, why don't we go there first?"

"Okay, is Uncle Guo busy recently?" Zhang Xiao picked up the solutions from the house and put them in his schoolbag, and said as he walked.

"Busy, their factory seems to be installing new equipment recently, and I haven't seen him for several days." Guo Tong stepped on the bicycle and said.

The two chatted as they walked, and they arrived at Changxing Foundry in a short while.

As soon as he entered Guo Boyan's office, Guo Boyan said with a smile: "Zhang Xiao, you kid went to school in the provincial capital, and you didn't say anything, which made me go to your house several times."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "Uncle Guo, are you taking orders for new products?"

"That's right, Mr. Li is too high-spirited. Once he connected three new product orders, I was in a state of distress. Moreover, he also needed to install new equipment, and I needed to take care of them. I was so busy that I didn't even have time to go home. "Although Guo Boyan complained, he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

Zhang Xiao knows that the business in the factory is good, everyone is happy, and the production of new products not only has high profits, but also has fewer competitors. It is indeed a profitable business, but this requires a strong ability to trial new products.

At this time, Guo Boyan handed the requirements and specifications of the new product to Zhang Xiao. Zhang Xiao opened it and looked at it for a while, picked up the calculator on the table, and started to calculate. After a long time, Zhang Xiao stopped.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao took out three solutions from his schoolbag, and wrote the specific material ratio and alloy addition amount on the back of the solution.

Zhang Xiao asked with a smile: "Uncle Guo, you should know how much Mr. Li plans to pay this time."

"The price is the same as before, but this time you can't pay in one lump sum, I can only give you half first, and the rest will have to wait for a while." Guo Boyan said with a smile, "You also understand our difficulties. Although we are making money now , but the production capacity can’t keep up, and you need to install new equipment, and you’re not in a hurry to spend money, so you see…”

"Yes, but it must be paid before the year, otherwise I will not be able to explain." Zhang Xiao handed the solution to Guo Boyan and said with a smile.

"That's good, I'll thank you for Lao Li." Guo Boyan took out 3 yuan from the locked desk drawer and handed it to Zhang Xiao, then said with a smile.

"Uncle Guo, why are we being polite between us, but Uncle Guo, you intend to work with President Li all the time, and you don't want to do it yourself?" Zhang Xiao asked in a low voice.

"Xiaoxiao, not everyone can do this, besides, your Uncle Guo is not so courageous, and I am earning a lot now, so I don't need to worry about that." Guo Boyan's expression changed, but then he smiled wryly and shook his head. shook his head.

Zhang Xiao also knows that there are not many people who can set up the factory now, but now is also an opportunity. After all, it is the best time for both the land and the policy, and it will be more difficult in the future.

After Zhang Xiao and Guo Tong left, Guo Boyan pondered for a long time, but still shook his head, not thinking of going out alone.

After Zhang Xiao returned home, she first pulled Zhang Kai and Zhang Ping up from the bed and asked them to study with her.

Although Zhang Kai and Zhang Ping were reluctant, they had no choice but to start studying under Zhang Xiao's persecution.

In the morning, Zhang Xiao gave 3 yuan to his father Zhang Hongjun 1, and then went to the bank to deposit [-] yuan into his bank card. Man, Zhang Xiao didn't know how much money it would cost, so he kept some extra money, so he could be prepared anyway.

In the next few days, Zhang Xiao stayed at home and did not go out. She not only studied by herself, but also took Zhang Kai and Zhang Ping to study, which greatly improved Zhang Kai and Zhang Ping's study habits and learning methods. Great progress.

Guo Tong sometimes came to study with Zhang Xiao, and Zhang Xiao also guided Guo Tong to familiarize himself with the routines of high school courses, and gave him several learning methods for him to choose, which made Guo Tong a little embarrassed for not working hard. Also worked harder than before.

There were no surprises in the trial products of the new products of Changxing Foundry. All of them passed the manufacturer's test at one time. There are some presents from home.

Compared with Zhang Xiao's quietness, Zhang Hongjun has been much busy these days. Not only the school is about to start, but also the first-year junior high school students need to go to the school to help when they register, and the application for this year's famous teachers has also started, and many materials need to be prepared by Zhang Hongjun , Of course, this is only for qualifications. As for whether you can be selected, it depends on the selection of the education department.

Although the house on the second floor of the family has been built, it has not been decorated yet, but the house has not been dried yet, and it needs to wait until the house is completely dry before it can be decorated.

At around 8:24 a.m. on August [-], Zhang Xiao, who had eaten, was led by Zhang Hongjun towards the station.

"It's time to get to school, don't go out casually, to prevent that classmate from coming up with any crooked ideas." Zhang Hongjun was still worried about Zhang Xiao's safety, but he didn't have any good solution, he could only ask Zhang Xiao to pay more attention.

"Don't worry, Dad, I know how to do it." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

After arriving at the station and getting on the bus after buying a ticket, Zhang Hongjun did not return by bicycle until the bus started.

Zhang Xiao put her schoolbag on her lap, took out a study material and started studying.

After another four hours of turbulence, the bus finally arrived at the long-distance passenger station in the provincial capital. After Zhang Xiao got off the bus, he walked directly to the opposite jewelry store and came to the jade counter. He was still greeted by the round-faced waiter. .

Zhang Xiao's purpose this time is very clear, the energy progress bar is still short of 719 points, so it needs four or five pieces of jade to fill it up.

Zhang Xiao first bought the piece of jade he saw a few days ago, which cost him 290 yuan, and then he began to look for jade stones with energy one by one.

It took a full hour for Zhang Xiao to find five pieces of energy-containing jade from among the many jade accessories. After spending a total of 540 yuan, he bought these five pieces.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao put all the jade he bought into his schoolbag, and immediately left the jewelry store, because he felt that someone had noticed him.

Just after Zhang Xiao left the jewelry store, an old man in Tang suit walked from the manager's room to the round-faced waiter and asked in a low voice, "Xiaoyu, is this the kid who came to buy jade last time?"

"Yes, general manager, last time he bought a jade amulet, and this time he bought another six pieces, all of which were marked by you. Could it be that he was sent by several other jewelry stores?" Ji Xiaoyu said respectfully.

"It doesn't look like it, and he is carrying a schoolbag. He is not very old. He should be a student. However, a student should not have so much money to buy jade. This is also a question. The most important thing is how can he get so much jade accessories? I found those few ancient jades." The old man stroked the beard of his chin, and there was a trace of light in his eyes.

"Then what should we do, should someone check his identity?" Ji Xiaoyu carefully suggested.

"No need, next time he comes, I will meet him personally to see how divine he is." The old man was obviously very interested in Zhang Xiao's method of selecting jade.

Zhang Xiao didn't know that his actions had indeed attracted the attention of the jewelry store. After he got on the bus, he found that no one was paying attention to him, so he was a little relieved.

It wasn't until Zhang Xiao returned to school that Zhang Xiao's heart was completely at ease.

Zhang Xiao first went back to the dormitory, washed the sweat off her body, changed her clothes, and put her things in the cabinet before walking towards the cafeteria.

Perhaps because there were few students in school today, only a few windows in the cafeteria were open. After Zhang Xiao spent two yuan for a meal ticket, he had a casual meal and returned to the dormitory.

At this time, there was no one in the dormitory. Liu Lu and Sun Peng were all locals, and they should have rushed to the school before evening self-study.

But Zhang Xiao still locked the door of the dormitory from the inside, then took out the schoolbag from the cabinet, and took out two of the few jade stones and held them in his hands.

"Find energy, whether to absorb it." The mechanical voice sounded immediately.

At the same time, the progress bar of the metachain energy also appeared in front of my eyes:

Meta chain energy: 2811000.

"Absorb!" Without any hesitation, Zhang Xiao immediately agreed from the bottom of her heart.

With Zhang Xiao's promise, the progress bar began to increase rapidly, faster than ever before.

At the same time, Zhang Xiao could feel that an inexplicable change seemed to be taking place in the jade in his hand. The unique warm feeling was gradually disappearing, but no change could be seen from the outside.

This made Zhang Xiao have a strange feeling, where does this energy exist in the jade, why does it exist, and what is the use of this energy?

Questions popped up one after another, but Zhang Xiao couldn't figure out what was going on, but thinking that Yuanlian could regenerate himself, all doubts seemed nothing.

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