After peeping for a while, Zhang Xiao said to Minister Wei Xing, "Have you ever mined down there?"

"It has been mined, but there are hard rocks underneath. After more than 50 meters of mining, there is nothing. In the end, I gave up and wasted 500 million US dollars." Minister Weixing shook his head and said helplessly.

Zhang Xiao is also a little uncertain, after all, he doesn't have that great ability to detect the entire mine, even if there is a rough jadeite in front of him, he still needs to touch it to judge whether the rough jadeite contains energy or not. value.

"Let's go over and have a look. After all, we still need to conduct a field trip here." Zhang Xiao frowned and said.

"Let's go there, but you can only go there on foot, and you can't drive there at all." Minister Wei Xing said something, and walked forward first, and the others followed suit.

It was Hu Ming who took Ma Zhiyong to stay on the platform, because although he had a good relationship with Minister Weixing, the relationship between Minister Weixing's family and the Hu family was not close. He didn't want to have a gap with Minister Weixing, Hu Ming has a good grasp of the proportions.

Although Minister Weixing set out first, within 3 minutes, he was overtaken by Zhang Xiao from behind.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Zhang Xiao and others finally came to the side of the deep pit dug at the beginning. Looking at the deep pit dug, Zhang Xiao felt extremely shocked, because the deep pit was really too big, with a diameter of 20 It is one kilometer in size and shows a spiral downward trend, and the more than [-] meters below the deep pit are all clear lake water. It is not known whether it seeps from the mountain or is drawn from the Wuyou River.

"This is it. I had great hopes at the beginning, but unfortunately, there was nothing. The rocks I dug out from the bottom were almost chopped into powder, but I didn't even see a single sliver of emerald." Minister Wei Xing gasped. After waiting for a while, he spoke to Zhang Xiao with helplessness in his eyes.

Zhang Xiao didn't say anything at this time, but walked towards the deep pit step by step along the dug slope.

Minister Weixing was a little surprised, because although this made the descent much faster, it was also very dangerous. After all, the slopes here are all mixed together, and landslides are prone to occur.

Guo Feng was the only one who followed Zhang Xiao down, and Guo Feng arranged for the rest to guard around.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiao was walking on the ground like walking on the ground, step by step, walking quickly towards the bottom, without any intention of stopping at all, even if Guo Feng quickly chased after him, he was left behind.

The reason why Zhang Xiao is so abnormal at this moment is not because of anything else, but the reminder from the tree of life, reminding him that there is something it needs in the deep pit, and all the roots of the tree of life point to one direction - the deep pit.

Zhang Xiao finally stopped, because he had already reached the edge of the lake, and he was about to enter the water, but the tree of life was still pointing to the deep pit, and it seemed that there was something terrible inside, otherwise the tree of life would not be like this change.

At this time, Guo Feng followed up and said to Zhang Xiao: "Boss, you left too fast, did you find anything?"

Zhang Xiao shook his head, clenched his teeth, endured the severe headache, and didn't say a word.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao knew that he had no choice, he had to go into the water, if he couldn't help the tree of life get what it wanted, the headache would not stop, of course this was his own guess.

Zhang Xiao took off his shirt and trousers, handed them to Guo Feng, and said in a trembling voice, "I'll go down and have a look, it won't be too long."

"Then be careful." Guo Feng looked at Zhang Xiao who was blushing, and instructed.

Zhang Xiao didn't reply, and walked towards the lake water. The lake water wasn't very cold, but it made Zhang Xiao feel goosebumps all over his body. Although this was an instinctive reaction of the body, it also made Zhang Xiao sober up a lot. , did not continue to move forward, because there is a cliff more than ten feet high in front of it. Although it is in the water, it will be very troublesome if it accidentally causes a landslide.

Zhang Xiao stayed in place for a while, and then plunged into the water after her body got used to the water temperature. At this time, Minister Wei Xing also walked to the side of the lake with a bodyguard.

"Mr. Guo, why is Mr. Zhang in the water now?" Minister Wei Xing asked Guo Feng.

"I don't know, maybe I found something." Guo Feng shook his head and said with a helpless smile.

Minister Wei Xing looked a little serious, but he didn't speak, but waited quietly.

At this time, after Zhang Xiao entered the water, he seemed to have turned into a fish, and quickly moved towards the water. Every movement of his powerful limbs made Zhang Xiao's body dive down a lot.

When Zhang Xiao came to the bottom of the lake, he felt the strong water pressure on his body. In order not to let his body float up, Zhang Xiao pulled the rock below with his hands.

Until this time, the voice of the tree of life finally sounded in Zhang Xiao's mind: "I found the soil, do you want to absorb it?"

"Absorb!" Zhang Xiao quickly agreed from the bottom of his heart, because the severe headache had been tormenting him, which made him feel that life would be worse than death.

Xi Soil is the soil that only exists in the legend. It is said that it can nourish all things in the world. Originally, Zhang Xiao thought it was a legend, but now he actually got Xi Soil.

In Zhang Xiao's mind, the root of the tree of life was wrapped in a mass of black soil, and the tree of life began to grow rapidly at this moment, and soon grew from a small tree of fifty or sixty centimeters to one meter long. Up and down, Zhang Xiao was dumbfounded.

But at this time, just as Zhang Xiao was about to leave the bottom of the lake, he heard the second reminder from the Tree of Life today.

"Discover Yuan Energy, whether to absorb it."


With Zhang Xiao's promise, the energy bar in the tree of life suddenly rose from more than 500 million to more than 3000 million. This made Zhang Xiao feel like he got rich overnight, and he couldn't help but want to roar excitedly , but forgot that he was still in the lake, and did not make a roar, but drank a big mouthful of water, which made Zhang Xiao almost choke to death, and quickly swam up.

After Zhang Xiao surfaced, he took a deep breath of air to calm down his lungs that were about to explode. After recovering a little, Zhang Xiao swam towards the shore.

At this moment, not only did Zhang Xiao no longer have a headache, but he also felt that his body was full of strength, and traces of black dirt were shot out from his body.

Zhang Xiao has experienced this kind of thing several times, but this time it is different, because he can clearly feel the call of his body, whether it is the body's physique, strength, or even perception, it is stronger than before too much.

But now it is time to discharge the dirt, Zhang Xiao did not swim back to the shore in a hurry, but swam slowly towards the shore. At the same time, he wiped the dirt on his body while feeling the pain of Variety.

A few minutes later, Zhang Xiao returned to the shore and washed her body clean.

"How is it? Did you find anything?" Minister Wei Xing looked at Zhang Xiao with piercing eyes at the moment, hoping to get Zhang Xiao's affirmative answer.

But Zhang Xiao shook his head and nodded again, threw a stone from the bottom of the lake to Minister Wei Xing, and said, "This is pyroxene rock, which is a necessary condition for the formation of emeralds. There should still be emerald veins."

Minister Wei Xing caught the pyroxenite rock thrown by Zhang Xiao, and said helplessly, "I know this is pyroxenite rock, and I also know that there are a lot of pyroxenite rocks here, but this is originally an emerald vein, and there are pyroxenite rocks. It's too normal, how do you know it's not something left over from the previous vein?"

Zhang Xiao said helplessly while wearing her clothes at this time: "This is your business. If you believe me, continue to dig from the deep pit. If you don't believe me, forget it."

If it weren't for the fact that this mine has the shares of the master Mo Wenxin, Zhang Xiao would not be willing to be taken advantage of. After all, the emerald veins that he has worked so hard to find should be given to others for free at this moment. What annoys him the most is that Minister Weixing is now Still don't believe him.

Minister Wei Xing did not speak, but was thinking silently.

At this moment, after Zhang Xiao got dressed, she began to walk up the steep slope of the deep pit step by step, while Minister Wei Xing followed behind Zhang Xiao absent-mindedly, full of thoughts.

More than 20 minutes later, Zhang Xiao and the others returned to the parking platform. Zhang Xiao looked at the dense crowd of worker ants below, shook his head and sighed, and quickly got into his car.

Minister Weixing followed Zhang Xiao into the car without waiting for Zhang Xiao to close the door, and Guo Feng also opened the door and got into the passenger seat. Soup for the boss."

Zhang Xiao did not stop Guo Feng. After all, although he is physically strong now, he will not get sick easily, but life is like this. Although people with strong physical fitness are not easy to get sick, every time they get sick is bound to be a big problem.

On the way, Minister Wei Xing held his breath, he didn't say a word, he was still thinking about the feasibility of what Zhang Xiao said.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help admiring this. It's not easy for a person to reach the ministerial level. Even if it's a Burmese minister, the person who can sit there is definitely not mediocre.

Going back to the three-story building where I lived yesterday, Zhang Xiao first soaked in a hot spring, purely soaking in the hot spring, without doing anything messy, and after being watched by Guo Feng, he poured down a large bowl of ginger soup, and then went to the three Go to the room upstairs.

Not long after Zhang Xiao returned to the room, Minister Wei Xing knocked on the door and walked in, and said to Zhang Xiao who was lying on the sofa with his eyes closed and rested, "Brother Zhang, are you sure about it? There is no turning back, and the money spent will be astronomical."

Zhang Xiao sat up from the sofa, squinted her eyes and said, "Minister Weixing, we are old friends, and besides, my master's shares are in the mine, so I won't talk nonsense."

Minister Wei Xing sighed. Although he has made a lot of money from the mine in the past two years, he is very clear about the situation of the mine. There is no need to continue to mine the field. You must know that he is still actively seeking a new emerald vein, and this requires a lot of money.

"Brother Zhang, it's not that I don't believe you, it's that this matter has too much to do with it. Once I can't dig out the rough emerald stone, all my previous efforts will be in vain. This is something I cannot accept." Wei Xing The minister picked up the cigarette from the tea table, lit it, and said with a headache.

"Brother, there are risks in everything you do. If you can't do it anymore, come to me, and I can buy your shares." Zhang Xiao smiled, and said with a half-hearted smile.

Minister Wei Xing was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect Zhang Xiao to want to buy shares now. You must know that the mine veins of the download mine will be developed soon, and Zhang Xiao obviously wants to take a gamble by buying shares now.

"Investment is of course possible, and we can transfer shares internally without going through the Myanmar government, so that we can save a lot of wasted money, but...just, Brother Zhang, this is not a trivial matter. If it is really a waste mine, then All the money will be wasted..."

It’s not that Minister Weixing didn’t think about attracting people to inject capital, but in Myanmar, all mining companies know the situation of this mine, and no one is willing to take over or invest money in it. After all, mining will soon be over.

In the eyes of those emerald companies, this mine is just a pit, which has already dragged Minister Weixing into the quagmire, and they don't want to repeat the same mistakes.

The introduction of foreign capital is very troublesome, because the government also needs to participate. Otherwise, with Myanmar's natural resources, how could the total investment be only a few hundred million U.S. dollars in decades.

The most important thing is that Minister Weixing is not very optimistic about this emerald mine now. He has already dug nearly 50 meters, and he has not found any veins. This is unimaginable for a mine.

However, although Minister Wei Xing talked to persuade Zhang Xiao, he still hoped that someone would invest a sum of money, and someone would share the risk, so his pressure would be much less, but if this person was Zhang Xiao, he would be a little hesitant.

In short, Zhang Xiao's mood is very contradictory now. He wants to introduce funds, but he doesn't want this person to be Zhang Xiao. After all, Zhang Xiao is the new generation of emerald king, and there is still a long way to go. offend.

"I don't have any money now. To tell you the truth, my brother, all my wealth has been thrown into this Burmese public offering." Zhang Xiao said helplessly.

Zhang Xiao's words made Minister Weixing heave a sigh of relief, but he couldn't help showing a look of disappointment on his face. It seems that this mine, which is about to be dug, is destined to be rotten in his own hands because no one will take over.

"However, I can carry out a borrowing, and I think it's not a big problem." Zhang Xiao then smiled slightly. "Brother, how much does this mine cost, can it last for another year?"

"At least 4000 million US dollars. I only sold more than 2000 million US dollars of rough stones in the public offering this time. Including the fees charged by the government, the rest can only last for half a year at most..." Minister Weixing said helplessly.

For Minister Weixing, these matters are the most confidential matters of the company, but he has no defense against Zhang Xiao, after all, Zhang Xiao has no reason to harm him.

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