Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 201 Fake and Shoddy

When Zhang Xiao came to the Minmin Supermarket, he saw people coming and going in the Minmin Supermarket, which was very lively. After all, the Chinese New Year was coming soon, and there were a lot of people buying new year's goods, and everyone had smiles on their faces.

Zhang Xiao didn't go directly to the office on the second floor, but entered the supermarket just like the customers.

At the moment, there are blessing characters hanging everywhere in the People's Supermarket, and the decorations are full of joy. Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said to Guo Feng with satisfaction: "That's right, it seems that you are still very careful."

"It's very festive." Guo Feng looked at the hanging blessing and said thoughtfully.

There are a lot of customers in Minmin Supermarket. With the flow of customers, the popular products on the shelves are also rapidly decreasing. At this time, there are naturally tally staff who are constantly replenishing the products, and everything seems to be in order. Zhang Xiao saw this scene Can't help but nod with some satisfaction.

After turning around, Zhang Xiao didn't find any problems. On the contrary, there were many places that he didn't even think of, and there were people who were constantly working.

Zhang Xiao also picked out a few items herself, pretended to be a customer and walked to the cash register, ready to check out and leave.

At this time, although people kept coming to the cash register to check out, it didn't take too long to queue up. Zhang Xiao only waited for 3 minutes before checking out and leaving. There was not much difference from the checkout speed in the previous life. Zhang Xiao was very satisfied.

At this time, the cashier window is only half open, which has fully met the checkout needs. It can be predicted that even if the flow of people doubles, the cashier system can fully meet the requirements.

Zhang Xiao then took the purchased products to the office area on the second floor, which is also the headquarters of the People's Supermarket, and planned to hold a short meeting to arrange the affairs of years ago.

Just when Zhang Xiao entered the office area on the second floor, he did hear the people inside arguing.

"This is the rice cooker I bought from your supermarket. It broke after less than a month of use. Don't you give me an explanation?" A middle-aged woman said emotionally.

"Ma'am, you said you bought your rice cooker from our supermarket, what proof do you have?" a customer department staff member asked.

"This is the shopping receipt that your supermarket gave me. There is still a shopping time on it. You can see for yourself!" The middle-aged woman handed the shopping receipt to the staff.

Zhang Xiao had already arrived at the scene of the quarrel. Li Mingxuan saw Zhang Xiao coming and wanted to say hello, but was stopped by Zhang Xiao. He wanted to see how they would deal with it.

The staff compared the receipt with the broken rice cooker, but they couldn't tell whether it was a product sold in the supermarket, but the brand of the rice cooker was indeed one of the models sold in the supermarket. Can't make up my mind.

Zhang Xiao on the side also knows that such a problem exists. If you really want to figure it out, it will take a lot of time. Fortunately, this is in the office area. Generally, there are no customers coming, otherwise it will definitely attract crowds. If If it is not handled properly, it will have a great blow to the reputation of the supermarket.

As a household appliance, the price of rice cookers is still relatively high at this time, and the cheap ones cost several hundred yuan, which is not a small amount for ordinary families.

Zhang Xiao walked to Li Mingxuan's side and said, "It's time to return it, let's deal with it first."

Li Mingxuan nodded, and after saying a few words to the staff, the staff quickly led the middle-aged woman to return and exchange the goods.

After coming to the conference room, Zhang Xiao said, "Are there many cases like this?"

"Not many. After all, we mostly sell daily necessities, and there are very few people who come to return or exchange the goods." Li Mingxuan said.

Zhang Xiao picked up the rice cooker. After looking at it for a while, he couldn't see anything. From the nameplate, it was a rice cooker imported from an island country. The retail price on the receipt was 900 yuan, which was really not cheap.

Zhang Xiao said to Li Mingxuan: "Have someone go to the supermarket and get another one of the same style, and another set of disassembly tools. Let's check what the problem is."

"Okay, I'll let someone do it now." Li Mingxuan nodded, and then went out to order the staff to get things.

After a while, a staff member walked in with a brand new rice cooker and tools.

"Take it apart and have a look. If it's a quality problem, then contact the factory, the claim for the claim, the replacement for the replacement." Zhang Xiao attaches great importance to this matter. After all, it involves the quality of the product. one little thing.

As the staff opened it, Zhang Xiao saw the problem at a glance. Although the shell of this broken rice cooker was made by Panasonic, the contents inside were in a mess. Although it was burnt, it could still be seen that it was a fake. Products of.

"Turn on this rice cooker too!" Zhang Xiao said, pointing to the new rice cooker with a serious expression.

With Zhang Xiao's order, the staff didn't hesitate, and took it apart without any hesitation. It was exactly the same as the broken rice cooker before. The wiring layout inside was chaotic, and it didn't look good goods.

Zhang Xiao's face became very ugly. After all, once such fake and shoddy products flow into the market on a large scale, then if something happens, it will be a big deal!

"Who purchased this product?" Zhang Xiao asked Li Mingxuan.

"It's Sun Changgui from the Purchasing Department." Before Li Mingxuan could speak, the director of the Purchasing Department said.

"He's in the company, tell him to come over." Zhang Xiao said.

After a while, Sun Changgui came to the meeting room. Looking at the two rice cookers on the table, his expression changed suddenly, and he became unnatural.

"Sun Changgui, tell me, what's going on?" Li Mingxuan asked.

"Mr. Li, this is an ordinary rice cooker, there is nothing to say." Sun Changgui said in a condescending manner.

"Sun Changgui, think about it carefully, where did you buy these rice cookers, how much did you buy, and how much did you buy? Let the public security organs deal with it, you should think about it carefully!" Li Mingxuan said with an ugly face.

When Sun Changgui heard that he was going to be handed over to the public security organ, he couldn't bear it all of a sudden, and said everything in detail.

It turned out that Sun Changgui, as a staff member of the procurement department of the supermarket, was in charge of the procurement of electrical appliances. By chance, he discovered this counterfeit product on the market, so every time he purchased, he would mix a few counterfeit products with the genuine ones. There has been no accident all the time, but I didn't expect it to happen this time.

"How many pieces in total?" Li Mingxuan asked.

"Only fifty pieces!" Sun Changgui said hastily.

Zhang Xiao laughed angrily at the side, because Sun Changgui used only to describe it, which showed that he didn't know what it meant to have fifty counterfeit and shoddy products appearing on the supermarket shelves, or he didn't think about the consequences at all.

Li Mingxuan's face was very ugly. After all, Sun Changgui was the one he recruited. He didn't expect to make such a big mess for him now. If this plan continues, it will hurt not only Sun Changgui, but also himself.

Li Mingxuan asked Zhang Xiao cautiously, "Boss, how should we deal with this matter?"

"Sun Changgui, you can deal with it yourself. I just want to emphasize one point, that is, after all the counterfeit products have been dealt with, you must contact those who bought the rice cooker to return them." Zhang Xiao said with a serious expression, "In addition Check all the products in the supermarket to see if there is a similar situation, I don't want this to happen again."

"Boss, please don't worry, I will definitely take care of it." Li Mingxuan promised quickly.

After Zhang Xiao took a deep look at Li Mingxuan, he said, "You are very clear about the meaning of such a thing in the supermarket. I hope you can take care of yourself."

After Zhang Xiao finished speaking, he didn't look at Li Mingxuan's reaction, but directly took Guo Feng out of the headquarters of Minmin Supermarket, and headed for the next branch of Minmin Supermarket in Beijing.

Li Mingxuan was already in a cold sweat, and Sun Changgui, who caused all this, looked at him expectantly, obviously hoping that he would let him go.

But the leaders of other supermarkets acted like they had nothing to do with themselves, which made Li Mingxuan feel a deep crisis.

With the continuous expansion of the supermarket business and the opening of more and more branches across the country, Li Mingxuan's position as the general manager has become more and more important, and naturally more and more people covet it. The stable position is increasingly shaky.

"Sun Changgui, come with me." Li Mingxuan said to Sun Changgui.

After Li Mingxuan called Sun Changgui to his office, he scolded his head and face: "Isn't there enough kickbacks? How could you do such a thing?"

"Brother Xuan, everyone is doing this. I was just caught by the boss. I will never dare again." Sun Changgui begged bitterly.

"It's late, there's no future, it might be the best ending for you to surrender now." Li Mingxuan said helplessly.

"Surrender yourself, brother Xuan, there's no need to make such a big deal, isn't it just changing a few rice cookers, is it that serious?" Sun Changgui said in disbelief.

"Do you think I'm willing to do this? If you don't turn yourself in, someone will still send you in when you go out, and everyone outside must be waiting for you to leave!" Li Mingxuan shook his head helplessly and said.

Sun Changgui finally made a phone call to surrender under Li Mingxuan's persuasion, because he knew very well that there were countless pairs of eyes on him in the company, and if he surrendered, he might be able to get a lighter punishment.

Li Mingxuan, who watched Sun Changgui being taken away, felt a deep sense of powerlessness, but he also knew that as long as he could gain Zhang Xiao's trust, then his position as general manager would be secure, so he had to stand on the company's side Go to work and let Zhang Xiao see his determination and ability.

And Zhang Xiao, who was inspecting the supermarket branch, didn't care about the development of the matter. He was thinking about the next step of the expansion of the common people's supermarket. After all, the supermarket, as a cash cow, is the most important part of his plan, and rapid expansion is his current priority. what need to do.

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