Zhang Xiao didn't have the slightest sympathy for this. After all, if he lost today, the fame he had just established would disappear in an instant, and even his master Mo Wenxin's Xinglin Zhai would be affected.

"The old man has lost, and I am willing to accept the bet. The money will arrive in the account within a month." Although Gu Tianxin's tone was still calm, his hands were tightly clenched, obviously extremely unwilling, and he did not believe it was true.

The fact that the five rough jadeites were all cut up was something that Gu Tianxin never thought of, but the fact is that, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he couldn't help but regret it.

"Gu Gu, did you forget something?" Zhang Xiao laughed and said jokingly.

"Zhang Xiao, don't bully people too much!" Gu Feng was extremely angry at this time, because he heard the meaning of Zhang Xiao's words, and obviously wanted Gu Tianxin to admit that he was the new Jade King.

"Gufeng, Gufeng, don't think you are innocent. Today's incident was caused by you. Since you are willing to gamble and admit defeat, then don't procrastinate. Under the eyes of everyone, you don't want to go back on your word!" Zhang Xiao's eyes tightened Staring at Gu Tianxin, he wanted to see how Gu Tianxin would respond to this.

"Sure enough, it's a boy born from a hero. The old man admits that you are the new generation of Emerald King!" As soon as Gu Tianxin said this, he suddenly looked slumped, and his spirit suddenly stagnated.

"Gu Gu really keeps his word!" Zhang Xiao laughed loudly, he could only be worthy of the title of King of Emeralds if he was recognized by Gu Tianxin!

Gu Tianxin snorted coldly, and hurried away with the extremely unwilling Gu Feng. At this moment, he could not care about the strange eyes of the people around him.

With Gu Tianxin's departure, the bet between the old and new Jade Kings has come to an end. Zhang Xiao's victory means a big change in the Jade World. From then on, Zhang Xiao will be the new generation of Jade King. According to Shi Xingdang's rules, Zhang Xiao's status will be higher than that of Gu Tianxin in the future.

As for Xu Zhiyuan, who had a good relationship with Zhang Xiao in advance, Xu's jewelry will become the biggest beneficiary. After all, the jade industry is surging, and Xu's jewelry has suddenly become very popular.

Jewelry and jade merchants around said hello to Zhang Xiao one after another, and handed their business cards to Zhang Xiao. After all, Zhang Xiao's reputation has not yet spread, so it is good to make friends with him at this time. As for Gu Tianxin's departure, But no one pays attention.

This world is like this, winners and losers are so cruel, no one cares about the losers, but the winners naturally flock to them.

Zhang Xiao smiled and dealt with them one by one. After all, although these jewelers seem to be not well-known, their energy should not be underestimated.

And Xu Zhiyuan also knew that from now on, Zhang Xiao would not just cooperate with Xu's Jewelry, and his clients would be more and more, but as the first person to make friends with Zhang Xiao, he naturally has an inherent advantage.

While Zhang Xiao was chatting with many jewelry and jade merchants, Gu Tianxin looked at Gu Feng with a calm face, and said, "Is there someone who deceived you about the gambling today?"

"No, I was impulsive! Grandpa, I'm sorry!" Gu Feng was full of bitterness at the moment, after all, it was because of his impulsiveness that Gu Tianxin bet against Zhang Xiao, which led to the current situation.

"Don't blame yourself too much. Since Zhang Xiao has become the new generation of emerald king, we just need to watch quietly." Gu Tianxin has regained his calm at this moment, and he also knows that today's matter will spread quickly. Throughout the jadeite industry, this was a heavy blow to him.

However, Gu Tianxin is even more aware that a flower cannot be popular for a hundred days, and a person cannot be happy for a thousand days. In the past ten years of his fame, it is not that no one has had an impact on his status, but they all fell into the dust in the end. The fundamental reason is that these people's strength is not enough to support their reputation, and Gu Tianxin can only hope that Zhang Xiao's performance today is due to his luck, not his strength.

Gu Feng nodded, but he was extremely sad and indignant in his heart, because what he did today caused irreparable damage to his grandfather Gu Tianxin's reputation built over the years.

"Xiaofeng, I hope you can learn from today's incident, that is, you must remain modest and prudent at all times. Only in this way can you develop better." Gu Tianxin leaned on the car seat and said in a deep tone.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will learn from this lesson." Gu Feng nodded seriously, obviously listening to what Gu Tianxin said.

Gu Tianxin felt relieved about this. After all, he is old now and feels powerless in many things, and his hope is pinned on Gu Feng. As long as Gu Feng can grow up, he is willing to pay any price.

At noon that day, Zhang Xiao accepted the banquet from all the jewelry and jade merchants. It was difficult for him to refuse the invitation, but this was also a good thing for Zhang Xiao. With the title of King of Jade, he needed the support of these jewelry and jade merchants.

In the largest restaurant in Tengcheng, Zhang Xiao never refused the toasts offered by the jewelry and jade merchants. Reaching a cooperation can further erase Gu Tianxin's influence in the jade industry over the years.

It is an excellent opportunity for Zhang Xiao not to miss the opportunity.

Zhang Xiao knows that his biggest shortcoming at present is his age, but by virtue of his shareholder status recognized by Gu Tianxin, he can take advantage of the situation and replace Gu Tianxin as the new generation king of jadeite standing proudly at the top of the jadeite industry.

Zhang Xiao gained a lot from this banquet, and initially established his position in the jadeite industry. As long as he doesn't make big mistakes in the future, his position will become more stable as time goes by.

In the afternoon, Zhang Xiao continued his plan, sweeping up the rough jadeite trading ground in Tengcheng.

Because of Zhang Xiao's reputation, it saved a lot of trouble. Many dealers' bosses showed their hoarded jade rough in front of Zhang Xiao, and the jewelry and jade merchants who followed Zhang Xiao also bought them one after another. It was the climax of the jadeite rough trade.

In this way, not only the bosses of the trading field reaped a lot of money, but also the jewelry and jade merchants had an example of cutting out high-quality jadeite. Everyone looked at Zhang Xiao even more fervently.

And after an afternoon of fermentation, the news that Zhang Xiao became the new generation of Jade King spread across the country, making countless jewelry and jade merchants feel incredible and at the same time moved. After all, Gu Tianxin has occupied the throne of Jade King for ten years. After a few years, we have our own fixed interest groups.

The rise of Zhang Xiao undoubtedly gave these jewelry and jade merchants an excellent opportunity. As long as they can make friends with Zhang Xiao, their jewelry and jade business will definitely be able to reach a higher level.

At this time, Zhang Xiao had already returned to Spring City by car, and he would take the plane back to the capital in the early morning of the next day.

"Junior Brother, that's amazing. You were able to force that old fellow Gu Tianxin to admit defeat, but you made my father happy and drank several more glasses of wine." Mo Boqi said excitedly on the phone.

"Eldest brother, I was also forced to go to Liangshan. Fortunately, I succeeded, and I didn't embarrass the master and the old man." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said with a smile.

"When will you come back? Come to my dad when you come back." Mo Boqi was noncommittal to Zhang Xiao's modesty, after all, it was already the case, not to mention that it was a great thing.

"I'm on the way from Tengcheng to Chuncheng right now, and I should be able to return to Beijing at noon on the plane tomorrow morning." Zhang Xiao replied with a smile.

"Then you came back fast enough, and you come directly to the capital." Moboqi instructed.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but smile slightly. In just three days, he had harvested a lot. Not only did he harvest a large amount of rough jadeite, but he also snatched away Gu Tianxin's title of King of Jadeite, and reported it to the original jadeite company. The hatred of humiliation in the world made him feel good.

The rough jadeite will be escorted back to the capital by Yuan Mei and others. After all, there are so many rough jadeite, Zhang Xiao is not at ease handing them over to other people, and Yuan Mei and the others are undoubtedly the best way.

There was no trouble along the way, and Zhang Xiao returned to the capital smoothly.

After getting off the plane, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The trip to the south was successfully concluded, and it will be a brand new beginning after returning to the capital.

Although the title of King of Emeralds is very dazzling, for Zhang Xiao who is not interested in the jewelry and jade industry, it is just a way to earn money. After all, if he wants to make achievements in the chip business, he must need a lot of money. Ishigami's earning money is just a means for him.

Zhang Xiao came to the courtyard of master Mo Wenxin, just at noon, not only master Mo Wenxin and senior brother Mo Boqi were there, but Du Debiao, whom he had not seen for a long time, was also there, which surprised Zhang Xiao.

"Master, master, senior brother, senior brother Du." Zhang Xiao put aside the special product of Yun Province in his hand, and hurried forward to salute.

"Sit down, we are all our own people, you are welcome." Mo Wenxin waved his hand and said with a smile.

After Zhang Xiao sat down beside Du Debiao, Du Debiao poured him a glass of wine.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Du." Zhang Xiao said politely.

"I'm still very surprised that you were able to take the title of King of Emeralds from Gu Tianxin this time, because this title is Gu Tianxin's amulet." Mo Wenxin said happily.

"It's just a moment of luck." Zhang Xiao said modestly, after all, he just needs to know the specific things in his heart.

"Anyway, you did a good job this time. Come, have a drink with me, master." Mo Wenxin said cheerfully, picking up the wine glass.

"It's all taught by you, master, otherwise I wouldn't have such skills." Zhang Xiao picked up the wine glass, clinked with Mo Wenxin and drank it down.

"Eat vegetables, eat vegetables, I specially fried these dishes for you, to see if they suit your taste." Xing Yulan snatched the wine glass from Mo Wenxin's hand, and said to Zhang Xiao with a smile.

Looking at the dazzling array of delicacies, Zhang Xiao couldn't help being moved, because these dishes were all his favorites.

"Thank you, Mrs., it's delicious." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but admire after tasting a few dishes.

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