After lunch, most people dispersed, but Li Chunlai stayed. As the director of the education bureau, he had to speak with Zhang Hongjun and Zhang Xiao about the propaganda and how to promote it, so as to achieve the best effect of the propaganda.

"Reporters from TV stations and newspapers should come in the afternoon. When the time comes, you have to be gracious. I've made a list for you of what to say and what not to say. When the time comes, you can look at it yourself and consider your language. Calm down, don't let those reporters take advantage of the loopholes." Li Chunlai also did his best to Zhang Xiao, not only giving advice, but also asking the office director to write the manuscript for Zhang Xiao.

"Uncle Li, don't worry, I know how to say it." Zhang Xiao was also very polite to Li Chunlai, after all, he was not only an elder, but also an elder who treated him very well.

"Be famous as soon as possible, take advantage of the current wave of publicity, you should ride the wind, only in this way can you go further." Li Chunlai's dedicated guidance to Zhang Xiao also made Zhang Xiao understand some truths.

"Uncle Li is right, I will pay attention." Zhang Xiao also knows the timeliness of publicity, that is, in this half a month, once the results of the college entrance examination come out, he, the number one in the high school entrance examination, will naturally fall into a disadvantage when facing the number one in the college entrance examination .

Li Chunlai then took Deng Fa into the car and left, but he left a phone number, so he can be contacted if there is anything to do.

Sure enough, as Li Chunlai expected, in the afternoon, not only the TV stations in the city, but also the TV stations in the province also came, and several newspaper offices came, all wanting to seize this opportunity and publicize it well. Wave.

Zhang Xiao didn't refuse either, and accepted the interview generously, not only describing her own growth experience, but also announced some of her learning methods, and also showed her notebook and error correction book, which is also for the next step. Additional operations performed according to the plan.

As for whether the reporter will report, Zhang Xiao can't guarantee that. He can only take advantage of the current publicity to show his good side as much as possible to prepare for his next plan.

It wasn't until the evening that they ate a big pot of rice at Zhang Xiao's house and got what they wanted, and all the reporters left together.

And Zhang Xiao also understands that his value has basically been used up, and he himself can take the opportunity to promote his study notes with the title of the top student in the high school entrance examination. All the study notes of the subject are published, and they are sold out by taking advantage of the publicity of the champion in the senior high school entrance examination. The purpose is only one, to accumulate original capital as much as possible.

That night, Zhang Hongjun counted the gift money he received today. He was a little dumbfounded. The total was 1, which was almost three times his salary. The five thousand from the village, the two thousand from the school, the one thousand from the village, and the remaining two thousand and three thousand are gift money from the guests who came today, and these money will be returned later.

Zhang Xiao just didn't pay attention to it after knowing the total number. Instead, he sorted out the study notes of the three years of junior high school. The credibility of the matter makes parents and students believe that this is the original version.

Early the next morning, Zhang Xiao opened the courtyard door and was just about to go out for a run.

Just in the alley, I met a middle-aged man with a briefcase and water stains on his forehead. He was wearing a short-sleeved white shirt, a pair of trousers, and dusty leather shoes. He obviously came from a long distance, but he was full of energy. When he saw Zhang Xiao, he asked excitedly, "You are Zhang Xiao's classmate, right?"

"I am, may I ask who you are?" Zhang Xiao didn't know this middle-aged man, and he spoke Mandarin, so he was obviously not a local.

"I'm Luo Hai, the editor of Haohai Publishing House. You are the top student in the provincial high school entrance examination this time. I wonder if you have the willingness to publish tutoring materials?" Luo Hai handed a business card to Zhang Xiao, and said enthusiastically .

Of course Zhang Xiao has heard of Haohai Publishing House, because many auxiliary textbooks for primary and secondary schools are published by Haohai Publishing House.

"It turned out to be Teacher Luo, please come in, I'll pour you a glass of water." Zhang Xiao quickly led him to the house, and helped him pour a glass of water.

"Ms. Luo, I don't know why your publishing house is looking for me?" Zhang Xiao asked in feigned surprise.

"Mr. Zhang, it's like this. The top scorer in the senior high school entrance examination is the pinnacle for junior high school students. If you sign an extracurricular tutoring book, it will be more convincing." The trickling rotation under the mirror.

Zhang Xiao nodded, agreed with Luo Hai's statement, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Luo, it's like this. There are more types of supplementary books now. I think books with special features are better sold. For example, I have been in junior high school for three years. Is it better to publish the study notes, as well as some summaries and error corrections, and it will appear more real.”

Luo Hai's eyes lit up immediately, and he said with some admiration: "Student Zhang is really smart, he can see through a little bit, and he can draw inferences from one instance, no wonder his grades in the senior high school entrance examination are so good."

"Of course it's the best way, but I don't know if you keep these notes? It would be a waste of time to re-do it now." Luo Hai said with some worry.

"I keep them all. I sorted them out yesterday." Zhang Xiao directly took out his study notes of various subjects from the room, and Luo Hai was a little surprised by the two thick stacks.

Luo Hai opened it from the top and looked at it. After a while, he said excitedly: "Student Zhang is really caring. I didn't expect you to keep all your study notes, and your handwriting is very good. In this way, you It can be printed directly."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said nothing, but waited for Luo Hai to make a condition.

Luo Hai roughly flipped through the study notes and said, "Student Zhang, we can help you publish these study notes. There should be a market, but the specific sales volume is still uncertain."

"As for your remuneration, our publishing house has two methods, one is direct buyout, and the other is agreement sharing. Which method do you choose, Mr. Zhang?"

After Zhang Xiao pondered for a while, he asked, "What price can you expect to buy out your publishing house?"

"Because these are your study notes, you can't buy them out according to the amount of a thousand words. We count each subject as a book, so you have six subjects in total except Chinese and English. , I can decide to give you a total reward of [-]." Luo Hai said with a smile.

"What about the agreement?"

"The maximum share will be 10 points according to the author of the best-selling book. This is the highest share in the market at present." Luo Hai's words are true, but teaching supplementary materials are different from other books, and have a fixed customer base , coupled with Zhang Xiao's current fame, it can almost sell a lot.

But Zhang Xiao also knows that Luo Hai, as an editor, has given him generous conditions, but this is still a little short of his own expectations, but now time is money, Zhang Xiao chose to share the agreement, and the ratio has reached [-]%. two points.

After signing the contract, Luo Hai took Zhang Xiao's study notes and left excitedly, but Zhang Xiao didn't help even if he wanted to.

After completing all the plans for this step, Zhang Xiao finally calmed down and began to study high school courses in retreat. Except for eating, drinking and sleeping, she spent all the time studying.

This also made Zhang Kai and Zhang Ping, who were at home on vacation, had to follow suit and did not go out to play.

Different from the tranquility of Zhang Xiao’s family, Zhang Xiao, the champion of the provincial high school entrance examination, has been promoted on TV and newspapers. In addition, some small newspapers make a living by reprinting. boast.

Zhang Xiao, an ordinary name, was also known by people in the whole Henan Province on this day, but his background board was the number one in the city's high school entrance examination.

Zhang Hongjun was also busy these two days without touching the ground, not because of anything else, but because he was treated, and he went to pass on his parenting experience, coupled with the flattery of others, it made him feel ecstatic.

"It's time to eat, and I haven't come back." Yang Lan would complain like this every time before eating, but she didn't care about it, after all, she was also a beneficiary, and everyone knew that her son was the number one in the high school entrance examination.

The victims in the family became Zhang Kai and Zhang Ping, two children who were still in junior high school. They had to wake up with Zhang Xiao every day, read early, continue studying after breakfast, and take a nap for an hour at noon. Continue studying.

Zhang Kai and Zhang Ping finished their summer homework in less than a week, and they were forced by Zhang Xiao to start learning the new content of the second year of junior high school. Zhang Kai was even worse than Zhang Ping. At night he It is also necessary to tutor the content that the elementary school and the first grade of junior high school do not know.

Zhang Xiao ignored the complaints of the two, treated them equally, and strictly demanded them. He didn't let them go their own way just because they were younger brothers and sisters, on the contrary, he was even stricter.

That night, Zhang Xiao who had just had dinner was called out by Guo Tong.

"What's the matter, can't you talk about it at home? There are too many mosquitoes outside." Zhang Xiao slapped a mosquito on his arm to death, and said a little annoyed.

"Will you go to the class reunion tomorrow?" Guo Tong said with a smile.

"What kind of class reunion are you having now? You just graduated, so what is there to get together with?" Zhang Xiao couldn't figure out what his classmates were thinking, but anyway, he had to go and have a look.

"We will gather at Shimen Reservoir tomorrow afternoon. There should be quite a few people going there." Guo Tong said with a smile, "You should go too. Aren't you tired from studying at home every day? Just relax and relax."

Zhang Xiao thought about it, and without hesitation, agreed.

"Where do you want to go fishing or swimming?" Zhang Xiao asked Guo Tong.

"Fishing and swimming are the same." Guo Tong showed a different figure in his eyes, and said with a smile on his mouth, "At that time, we can see the figures of those little girls again."

"Guo Tong, be careful if you do this before you get beaten by a female classmate." Zhang Xiao was a little speechless to Guo Tong, since he was so young, his thoughts started to be so dirty.

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