Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 15 The First Pot of Gold

Zhang Xiao's words moved Guo Boyan's heart slightly, because he saw a thick pile of letter paper in Zhang Xiao's schoolbag, there should not be only this solution, there should be more.

"Xiaoxiao, you go to my office to rest for a while, I will discuss it with Mr. Li." Guo Boyan said to Zhang Xiao.

"Okay." Zhang Xiao also knew that he was here. Guo Boyan and Li Xingzhang had something to say, so they smiled at Li Xingzhang and turned to leave.

After Zhang Xiao left the general manager's office, Guo Boyan closed the door and said to Li Xingzhang: "Lao Li, you acted too much. He is still a child after all. If you get angry and leave, you will cry." I can't even cry."

Li Xingzhang smashed his mouth, and said with some embarrassment: "He really made this plan? It's impossible!"

"It should be done by him, and the handwriting is also his own, but we don't need to pursue its source. The most important thing now is whether we agree to him." Guo Boyan has doubts about the data source of the material ratio in the plan, but This does not affect their usage scheme.

"It's not impossible to agree to him. The money spent in the past half month is almost 2 yuan, and the order is urgent, but this kid looks like he is determined to eat me, which makes me angry." Li Xingzhang is still a little bit aggrieved .

"Old Li, the point is not this. I see that he has a lot of plans in his schoolbag. They should all be related to the ratio of casting materials. Can we directly hire him and pay him a salary so that he can't run away? Such and such problems can be solved better," Guo Boyan said in a low voice.

"Is this the case? Where did he come from? This is a secret to some big factories, so it won't cause any trouble, right?" The only thing Li Xingzhang can think of is that the source of Zhang Xiao's material ratio data should come from some big factories. The factory is not what these small foundries will have.

"What can happen? A few people in a small factory like ours pay attention to it. When we grow stronger in the future, it will not be a problem. Let's say that our own research and development is not the same." Guo Boyan smiled slightly.

"That's true, but this kid is a treasure." Li Xingzhang stroked the stubble on his chin, gritted his teeth and said, "I promise him, but I can only give him half of the money first, and the rest will wait for the trial product to pass. Then give it to him, and ask him if he would like to be our factory's technical consultant, and give him six hundred a month as a salary!"

Guo Boyan looked at Li Xingzhang's face and said worriedly: "This kid is only fifteen, so he can't sign a contract. And he studies so well, it's impossible for him to come to work in the factory."

"That's not a problem. The most important thing is to tie him up in our factory. Don't let him tell the plan of selling indiscriminately. Besides, he's just a name, and he's not really asked to come to work. There's trouble. Just let him solve the trouble when the time comes, there should be someone behind him, he should just come out." With a big wave of his hand, Li Xingzhang made up countless details in his brain.

"Okay, you are the boss and you have the final say." Guo Boyan had no objection to this, turned and left.

Li Xingzhang's face was full of smiles at the moment, the previous depression was swept away, and he was gearing up for a big fight.

Zhang Xiao had no objection after learning of the conditions proposed by Li Xingzhang. First, she went to the financial office to collect 1 yuan and stuffed it into her schoolbag, and then went to the casting workshop with Guo Boyan.

At this time, the environment of the casting workshop was extremely harsh, and the temperature was extremely high. As soon as he entered, he was sweating all over, which made Zhang Xiao feel as if he had entered a furnace.

Looking at the smelting furnace with a size of only one ton, Zhang Xiaoyou took a rough look at the added scrap iron and steel. After a little calculation with a calculator, he listed the weight of the added ingredients and alloys. After passing the note to Guo Boyan, he walked out up the workshop.

Although it was only 10 minutes in the casting workshop, Zhang Xiao felt suffocated. When he came outside the workshop, he couldn't help panting.

After a while, Guo Boyan came out, looked at Zhang Xiao who was drenched all over, and said with a smile: "It's not easy to work in the foundry industry, especially in a small factory like ours, where the environment is even worse."

Zhang Xiao nodded and didn't speak, because he also worked in a foundry for two years in his previous life. Although the conditions were much better than now, the summer heat still made him fresh in his memory.

After returning to the office and drinking a cup of tea, Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "Uncle Guo, Mr. Li really wants me to be a technical consultant. You must know that I will not come to work. As for the possibility of major problems in the factory, it is not high." .”

"Li is always thinking about your material ratio plan, how can you charge him with his salary at that time, you can think about it yourself!" Guo Boyan did not hide Zhang Xiao, telling the truth.

"It's a trivial matter. Tell Mr. Li that I agreed. If there is still such a material ratio in the factory, let's talk about it. Then I will go back first. After the molten iron comes out, I will pour the trial product directly. It should be almost the same. "Zhang Xiao put down the teacup in her hand and said with a smile.

"Okay, the money is collected, don't let outsiders know." After Guo Boyan told Zhang Xiao, he sent Zhang Xiao and Guo Tong away.

on the way back.

"Zhang Xiao, you are really good, 1 yuan! Is that how you got it?" Guo Tong didn't know how much Zhang Xiao got, but only knew that Zhang Xiao received 1 yuan.

"Guo Tong, don't tell anyone when you go back." Zhang Xiao took out one and handed it to Guo Tong, and urged.

"Aren't you going to tell your parents?" Guo Tong happily put 100 yuan into his pocket and said with a smile.

"How can you not say it, they will know, but just don't say it outside!" Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Don't worry, my mouth is tight." Guo Tong gestured on his own mouth and said with a smile.

After returning home, Zhang Xiao took advantage of Zhang Hongjun's presence at home and told what had happened.

"Xiaoxiao, can your plan work out? If it doesn't work out, don't you have to return the money? And where did you get the plan from?" Zhang Hongjun couldn't help but asked continuously after being shocked by Zhang Xiao.

"No problem, this has been scientifically tested, don't worry. I don't need to keep the money, you keep it. This summer vacation happens to be on the second floor, otherwise the house will be hot in summer and cold in winter." Zhang Xiao With a smile, he changed the topic to building a house, so as to save Zhang Hongjun from getting to the bottom of it. After all, he couldn't explain it.

"That's fine. Build the house as soon as you have time during the summer vacation." Zhang Hongjun has no objection to building the house. The money saved by the family and the money given by Zhang Xiao are enough to build the house, and there is still a lot left .

Zhang Xiao, who had dug the first pot of gold in his life, finally let go of his heart and began to think about his next plan. After asking his parents about the small chicken and duck incubator that was originally a candidate, Zhang Xiao gave up.

Because there are very few farms around at this time, and most of them are hatched by earth methods, there is nothing to say about small incubators, and they may fall into the hands at that time.

However, Zhang Xiao, who had already made his first pot of gold, was no longer in a hurry, but began to enjoy this short leisure time.

Running in the morning, starting to study high school courses in the morning, and sometimes going to the mountains to play with classmates when they come, living a leisurely and leisurely life. This is the life he longed for most in his previous life. He did not expect that it would be so easy to achieve after rebirth.

But Zhang Xiao knew that such a life would only be short-lived.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhang Xiao woke up the next day, Guo Tong called him out and asked him to go to Changxing Foundry.

Zhang Xiao came to Li Xingzhang's office in Changxing Foundry without even bothering to eat.

"For you." At this moment, Li Xingzhang's face was full of red, and after handing over the envelope containing 1 yuan to Zhang Xiao, he said with a big smile, "Yes, I have yours, and all the trial products are qualified. The first factory to complete the trial product after receiving the order, if nothing happens, the order will continue to flow."

Zhang Xiao was a little shocked when she stopped, should she be so exaggerated, could it be that she really changed history?

Guo Boyan also smiled happily. For small foundries like them, as long as there are orders, they can make money, expand production capacity, and complete more orders. This is a virtuous circle.

Zhang Xiao put the envelope into her schoolbag, and said with a smile: "Then I will congratulate Mr. Li in advance, you will have a lot of money!"

"Same joy, same joy, this is the reward of 200 yuan for this month, and you have a share too!" Li Xingzhang happily gave Zhang Xiao two more cards of unity, and said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao was not polite either, and took it and put it in his pocket. Don't waste this kind of money. As for the price of the plan in the future, Zhang Xiao didn't plan to sell much. He was afraid that if he caught the attention of someone who cared, his identity would be exposed.

"Xiaoxiao, I'm going to continue taking orders for new products, and I'm afraid that the trial products will not pass the test." Li Xingzhang said pretending to be deep.

"Mr. Li, I think you should consider expanding production capacity first. Making money is the kingly way. Orders for new products are certainly more profitable, but efficiency is the kingly way. And now that there is no competition for these orders, isn't this a good opportunity to expand production capacity? ?” Zhang Xiao still couldn’t help admonishing her.

"That's what you said, but the order for new products can't be let go, at worst, it will be in the next melting furnace!" Li Xingzhang looked energetic at this time, as if everything was under his control.

Zhang Xiao frowned slightly and stopped persuading them. Zhang Xiao thought she was far inferior to this kind of talented people who dared to open factories in the early days of reform and opening up, and she couldn't give them any advice at all. There is no need to say anything about eggs.

After all, everything in the country is developing rapidly now, and one step faster will surpass countless companies and reach the forefront of the industry.

As for the trial products of new products, it is not difficult for Zhang Xiao, because the material ratio in his hand is basically the highest level when he was reborn. Not only that, but also a set of formulas that affect the performance of castings is also in his mind. He can even Using formulas to deduce the proportion of materials, of course, requires a huge amount of calculations, which is not something he can handle now.

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