When his mother distributed the candies he bought in the county to the children in the village, it immediately made the house more lively, and Ye Ziqin, the youngest, seemed to be the head of the children, accompanied by a group of children.

Amid the praises and compliments, Ye Zishu finally got away, because it was already dinner time, and everyone was embarrassed to continue sitting at his house.

The family didn't know that he was coming today, so they didn't make special preparations. The meat for the family was temporarily bought by the butcher in the next village. As for the vegetables, they were all grown by the family.

Ye Zishu doesn’t pay much attention to what he eats, otherwise he would eat steamed buns to save time after earning a fortune in school, and since he was a child, he always ate the dishes made by his mother, which tastes better than those in big restaurants eat.

Seeing Ye Zishu eating so deliciously, the smile on the mother’s face never disappeared. Ye Ziqi and Ye Ziqin chatted to Ye Zishu about the interesting things that happened around them in the past year.

"Okay, you two hurry up and eat, don't disturb your eldest brother's meal!" Father patted the table and said.

Hearing what their father said, the two sisters quickly stopped talking and began to eat quietly. Ye Zishu looked at his father and asked while eating, "Is the house at home going to be renovated?"

"Don't worry about it, it won't be too late to fix it when you and Zihua get married, it's good to live like this now!" said the father.

"Your father built this house himself, so it's precious!" My mother joked.

This house was rebuilt by his father in order to marry his mother. The old house passed down from his ancestors was rebuilt. It is a living room in the middle and wing rooms on both sides.

The side room on one side was divided into two rooms, and the other side was also divided into two rooms, one for housing and the other for the kitchen. This is the pattern in most rural areas.

Hearing what my mother said, my father smiled and said nothing. It took a lot of effort to build this apartment. In order to save money, he personally saved a lot of materials.

Seeing that neither of his parents wanted to repair the house, Ye Zishu didn't continue to talk about this issue, but thought for a while and asked, "I bought a house in the capital. It's very big. Do you and your mother want to go there?" live?"

To be honest, he will be very busy in the future, and he doesn't have much time to go back to his hometown. If he takes his parents there, he can take care of him and provide better learning conditions for his younger brothers and sisters.

"Your mother doesn't know a single word, and she doesn't even know the way to go to a big city, and the neighbors are unfamiliar. Isn't going to the city the same as going to jail?" Father said angrily.

"It's okay, let's find someone to take care of you, the head office will do it!" Ye Shu said jokingly.

"That can't be a big landlord's house, don't go!" The mother responded even more simply.

And the father on the side also echoed: "That's the reason. We haven't reached that age yet, so you shouldn't mess around and just do your own thing well. We don't need you for the time being."

Hearing what his parents said, his idea was completely aborted. It was true, they were still young, and indeed they hadn't reached that point, as long as he was safe and sound.

After the family finished dinner, neighbors came to watch TV one after another. At present, only his house has a TV in the village, and it has naturally become an important entertainment place for the whole village.

This time I saw Ye Zishu come back, and I was embarrassed to stay here during dinner. Usually, when everyone is eating, they all gather here to watch TV, and at the same time they can chat.

Especially in summer, in order to enjoy the shade outside, the TV had to be moved outside to the playground. The whole village came to watch TV while enjoying the shade, until the TV signal was gone, and they slept outside one after another until dawn.

Rural people spend the whole night outside in the summer, and face the risk of being picked up by wild wolves. This happened in the next village. As a result, the whole village went out to search for it. Fortunately, they were only injured, and their lives were not in danger.

But there is no way. In this day and age, if you don’t stay outside in summer, you can’t sleep at all. Not only is it hot, but there are more mosquitoes than outside.

Mother took out all the stools in the house and gave them to those who came to watch TV, while my father lit a few stoves and put them under everyone's feet.

This is quite a luxury in the countryside. In the past, it was absolutely impossible to burn charcoal fires. This is the improvement of life brought about by Ye Zishu sending money to his family, and it also makes people in the village more willing to watch TV at his home.

"Zi Shu, your Brother Hua Ming is about to reach the age of marrying a wife. You are very capable, can you find him something to do outside so that he can earn some money so he can marry a wife?" an uncle asked.

If it was in the past, he really couldn't agree to this. After all, he was involved in the cultural and software technology industries before, and he needed a certain amount of knowledge to be competent.

But now the Xuanwu Technology Company he established is a company whose main business is equipment manufacturing, and a large number of manufacturing jobs will be created in the future.

"Kerber, I don't think it will work this year. In the middle of tomorrow, around July, I will ask my friends to come here to recruit workers in person, okay?

At that time, if anyone is willing to go to work, they can sign up to participate, but they can't cheat, or they won't be able to explain it! "Leaf Book said.

"That's right, rural people will be looked down upon for cheating and cheating. Don't worry about that, but where will they go to work then?" Kerber asked.

"It's an electronics company in Sz City, GD Province next door." Ye Zishu replied.

When he said this, many people took this matter to heart, and when they went back, they had to figure out whether they could also let their sons or daughters go out to work.

If people who are not familiar with them say so, they still have to worry about being cheated, but Ye Zishu has appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and he sent a lot of money to his family, so he must have made a lot of money, and it is impossible to deceive them.

If they really lied to them, it is estimated that Ye Zishu's family would not be able to hold their heads up in the village, so they were assured of the authenticity and safety of the matter.

The atmosphere that followed was even more enthusiastic. Everyone seemed to have endless topics to talk about. Ye Zishu was also very cooperative, so everyone didn't disperse until after 10 o'clock in the evening.

After everyone dispersed, the mother asked, "Do you really have a way to take them out to work?"

"Can you say this casually? It must be true!" Ye Zishu said.

"Zi Shu knows what he does, so don't worry about it!" the father said to his mother.

"I don't read Zishu. My current job has nothing to do with working in a factory. Just ask me." The mother retorted.

"My company in the capital is really not suitable for them. This company in Shenzhen is a new one I opened, mainly manufacturing electronic products and equipment." Ye Zishu explained.

He is not afraid that people in the village will know that this company is his own, just like their performance, like Kerber, his son is going to get married, but he did not borrow money directly from him, but asked him to find a job for his son.

Here, self-reliance is respected, and if you can support yourself, try to support yourself as much as possible. Borrowing money is a desperate way, and most people will borrow money under such circumstances.

"That's good, but can we arrange so many people?" Mother asked happily and worriedly.

"There are only a few people in our village, not to mention our village, there may not be enough people from the surrounding villages to go there," Ye Zishu said.

What he said was the truth. Although Xuanwu Technology Company is mainly engaged in the manufacturing of electronic equipment, it will establish its own electronic manufacturing enterprise after it has produced all the equipment needed for the electronic manufacturing industry.

The electronics manufacturing industry itself is a labor-intensive industry, and he does not want to use equipment with a high degree of automation, because at present it is mainly to solve labor employment, rather than simply pursuing benefits.

According to the historical development trajectory, in a few years, a large number of employees of state-owned enterprises will face layoffs. I don’t want to say more about how miserable the laid-off workers of state-owned enterprises are.

Just for these reasons, he can't let the equipment be too automated. This is also an important reason why he insists on entering the manufacturing industry, instead of letting the country passively wait to accept international industrial transfers, which is too slow.

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