Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 899 The Momentum of Development Still Unabated

Kirin Basic Industry Group is the core sub-group of Kirin Industrial Group, and its performance last year was quite impressive, with revenue reaching 13 trillion yuan and a growth rate of 30%.

Although it has not grown as fast as before, it is already very remarkable to achieve such a high growth on the basis of such a high volume.

The growth momentum mainly comes from several aspects. The first is the general robot business, which brought them 5000 billion yuan in revenue last year and is their business with the greatest growth potential.

At present, this business is in a state of loss as a whole. In order to produce 500 million general-purpose robots, it needs to invest 2.5 trillion yuan. It will take about three years to recover the cost.

The second is the chemical business. Before that, many chemical businesses were in the process of layout and construction. The chemicals needed in my country relied heavily on imports, especially basic chemicals, which had a high degree of external dependence.

The reason is not that the technology is advanced or not, but that the construction cycle of basic chemicals is relatively long, the construction scale is relatively large, the profitability is not as good as that of high-end chemicals, and the overall layout is late.

After two years of basic chemical industry construction, Kirin Basic Industry Group has become the largest chemical research and development and production enterprise in the country, and even in the world.

The high-end chemicals constructed through basic chemicals not only occupy the domestic market, but also occupy a share in the international market that cannot be underestimated.

This is because many special chemicals are only supplied internally and not externally, otherwise the international market share of this area will be higher.

The third is the high-end equipment business. Needless to say, the needs of Kirin Industrial Group, especially the Kirin Agricultural Development Group, the development of aquatic seafood business has contributed a lot of revenue to them.

Coupled with the continuous development of the military industry, automobile industry and electronics industry, the demand for high-end equipment continues to rise, and has not slowed down due to the international financial crisis.

Especially the industries created by artificial intelligence, as well as the acquired companies, these companies need to upgrade their equipment, and some high-end equipment is purchased from them.

Of course, most of the basic equipment is purchased from Xuanwu Technology Company. Only the top precision equipment needs to be purchased from them, and the price is very expensive.

Other complicated businesses are showing a natural growth trend as the domestic economy continues to grow, allowing them to maintain a high growth space is not their limit at present.

Although the revenue has increased, the net profit margin has dropped sharply, from the original 40% to 30%, and the net profit is 1000 billion yuan less than the previous year.

There are two reasons for this situation. The first is that the investment scale of general robots is relatively large, and the second is that the profits of basic businesses are not high, which lowers the overall profit margin.

Such as basic chemicals, basic material smelting business, and daily chemical products, etc., although the revenue scale has increased, the net profit margin of these businesses will not be particularly high.

Fortunately, most of the business of Kirin Basic Industry Group has been completed. In the future, at most, it only needs to increase production capacity according to market demand, and the investment scale is not as large as before.

The only place that needs to continue to invest heavily should be the general robot business. In their New Year's plan, Ye Zishu increased the production capacity of general robots from 500 million units to 1000 million units.

These general-purpose robots play an important role in various industries under his umbrella. They are not only a good labor force, but also a good source of innovation, and they are also the best choice for entrepreneurship.

Even though our country has a very large population, there are not many laborers who really have superb skills and innovative capabilities. If he hadn't opened up and developed artificial intelligence in advance, otherwise he would not be able to sustain it at all.

Regardless of the rapid development of the domestic economy, the structural problems of the labor force have not been fundamentally alleviated, and the demand for high-level talents is still very high.

If it weren't for the heavy investment pressure, the annual output of general-purpose robots would be expanded to 2000 million, and the market would still be able to digest it, but the investment was too high and completely unnecessary.

Moreover, universal robots are now both workers and consumers. Although they do not need to digest food in large quantities like humans, they can consume housing, transportation, clothing, energy, and even some entertainment facilities.

These general-purpose robots do not enter the dormant stage directly after work, and are active most of the time except for the necessary repair time.

These general-purpose robots are one of the main sources of artificial intelligence innovation capabilities. Through what the general-purpose robots see, hear and think, they provide a large amount of social information for the background artificial intelligence.

Innovation is not about building a car behind closed doors. It needs to understand the needs of the society. These need to be carefully observed. Universal robots can do this job very well, which is much more efficient than sending human investigators.

Kirin Electric Industry Group's revenue last year was 3 trillion yuan, a 50% increase. The reason is very simple, the market demand for their products is relatively strong.

The main income still comes from the power grid equipment business. Not only Kirin Energy Industry Group has a large investment scale, but State Grid has also begun to build a smart grid in an all-round way, using their superconducting DC intelligent power transmission technology.

The second largest income comes from building electrification equipment. They have almost become Wancheng Jiye's exclusive supplier of building electrical equipment. This business is very stable.

The third largest income is ordinary enterprises and consumer businesses. The consumer brands they create are very well-known in China and have played a very good role in expanding the market.

Of course, there is a lot of credit for Phoenix Technology, and their Internet platform promotion is indispensable, so that domestic and even international consumers know that there is such a powerful electrical equipment company.

The revenue of Kirin Environmental Industry Group last year was 4.5 trillion yuan, with a growth rate of only 25%. The main growth came from water supply, garbage disposal, corporate environmental protection, and environmental protection materials. The growth of the automotive environmental protection business was relatively weak.

The main reason is the impact of the financial crisis, which has caused many existing car owners to postpone the installation of environmental protection equipment. Unless it is mandatory, this business will inevitably be affected when income decreases or the future is uncertain.

Fortunately, they will get orders for aerial water transfer equipment this year, and the international water supply and waste water treatment businesses are also gradually entering the harvest period, which can make up for the shrinking revenue brought by the automotive environmental protection business.

Although the growth of total revenue has declined, the net profit margin has rapidly increased from the previous 10% to 60%. The environmental protection industry itself is very profitable, and the net profit margin is very high.

Previously, the low net profit margin was mainly caused by the large investment scale. A large number of water supply facilities, sewage treatment facilities and garbage treatment facilities consumed a large amount of investment.

However, the domestic business will gradually narrow. If they want to continue to achieve high growth in the future, they must continue to work hard to develop the international market. This is also emphasized in their plan.

In the future, it will be difficult to achieve the high-speed growth as before, and the growth will only get lower and lower. This is an objective law. Yeshu has already expected the decrease in their revenue growth, and did not criticize it.

The revenue of Kirin Paper Industry Group last year was 1.6 trillion yuan, an increase of 60% from the previous year, and the production capacity doubled from the previous year. The revenue per ton of paper products showed an overall decline.

The reason is very simple, that is, it is the most stupid and most effective way to develop the international market at a low price, and it is also through this method that such a high production capacity can be digested.

It is not easy to digest the production capacity of 2 million tons. At present, it cannot be fully digested in China. It can only be digested through the international market. Compared with being unable to sell, it is the most sensible way to cut prices to grab the market.

After the market comes back and all competitors are eliminated, the market will accept the price slowly returning to the original price. After all, this state is not normal.

Naturally, the net profit margin has also dropped a lot, from the original 50% to 40%. There are two reasons. The first is that the investment is too large, which affects the net profit margin. slide.

Such a net profit margin is relatively low for Kirin Paper Industry Group, but compared with its peers, such a net profit margin is very high, and it is already a windfall profit.

In fact, the 50% net profit margin is not particularly high for them. If the business stabilizes, the net profit margin will further increase, but it may also be eaten up by labor costs.

However, the production capacity of 2 million tons is already very exaggerated. If it were not for the fact that most of the production capacity was not fully utilized last year, it might be difficult to fully digest it.

The focus of their work this year is not to continue to expand production capacity, but how to digest existing production capacity, stabilize the market that has already been acquired, and increase profit margins without affecting market share.

Kylin Resources Development Group's revenue mainly comes from investment dividends. In the past two years, my country's demand for mineral resources has been very high, resulting in a sharp rise in global mineral resource prices.

The profits of these mineral resources companies are very good, and the dividends paid to investors are relatively generous. The dividends distributed by Kirin Resources Development Group are as high as 1000 billion yuan.

Although it is only about 10% of the total investment, the stocks invested in have risen a lot as the profits of these mining companies have skyrocketed, and this part of the income alone is very good.

When Tidal Investment Company planned to take action in the global financial market, it also notified Kirin Resources Development Group and sold their stocks when the price was good.

After deducting the previous investment principal of 1 trillion yuan, the income obtained from the financial market is as high as 3000 billion yuan, an increase of 30% in less than two years, and the income is still very good.

Due to the impact of the financial crisis, the stock prices of many mineral resources companies have fallen sharply, but their operating conditions are not that bad.

The reason is that my country's demand does not have much impact, and my country is the main buyer of mineral resources in the world. As long as they survive the financial crisis, the stock prices of these mineral resource companies can easily recover.

At present, Kirin Resources Development Group holds a huge amount of funds, but does not continue to invest in the financial market for bottom-hunting. The reason is that the stock prices of these mineral resource companies have fallen relatively little during the financial crisis.

The real fatal blow to these mineral resources companies is still to have alternative sources. If there is no big customer in my country, their good performance will be brought back to their original shape in an instant.

In addition, the resource development group will soon need to spend a huge amount of money to invest in the mining of seabed mineral resources, and the price of seabed mining equipment is not cheap.

If you want to form a seabed mineral mining capacity as soon as possible, you must invest a lot of money. Maybe you have to invest all the funds in your hand, and you don’t dare to buy the bottom for a little profit.

The performance of Kirin Agricultural Development Group last year was still very good. The meat and seafood business accounted for the majority of revenue, and the self-operated vegetable and fruit business performed very well.

As of the end of last year, it has formed a production capacity of 6000 million tons of meat, 5000 million tons of aquatic seafood, and an area of ​​high-standard temperature-controlled greenhouses of up to 1100 million mu.

The meat business achieved revenue of 1.2 trillion yuan, the aquatic seafood business achieved revenue of 1.5 trillion yuan, and the self-operated planting business revenue was 0.5 trillion yuan. The revenue of these businesses alone reached 3.2 trillion yuan.

This year is a carnival for many foodies in our country. Seafood products, which were rare in the past, have been opened to supply this year. Not only are the quality better, but the price is also cheaper.

In order to be able to recover the input cost as much as possible, the production ratio of high-end aquatic seafood is very high, resulting in an avalanche of prices for aquatic seafood products that were originally expensive.

Fortunately, our country itself does not have much business in this area. The reason is very simple. The industrial development cannot keep up with the speed of economic development, and the country has not yet had time to deploy high-end aquatic seafood farming industry.

In order to meet the increasing domestic demand and to balance international trade, domestic high-end aquatic seafood products are basically imported.

Big lobsters that used to cost hundreds of yuan per catty can now be bought for only 40 yuan per catty. There are countless other more expensive seafood products, such as bluefin tuna, which is no longer a rare commodity.

The price of ordinary aquatic seafood has not fallen sharply. After all, the price is already low. Even if the production cost is low, there must be enough profit margins, and the room for price reduction is relatively small.

But these aquatic seafood products with high prices do not have so many concerns, because the production cost is not much different from the cost of low-end aquatic seafood products.

Therefore, there is enough room for price reduction. Even if the price is reduced, it is also a profiteering, and the profit is much higher than that of ordinary aquatic seafood products, but the demand may not be as high as that of ordinary aquatic seafood products.

However, after the price reduction of these high-end products, it is indeed conducive to promoting the consumption enthusiasm of the domestic people for high-end products, and the market size is still showing a rapid increase.

There are also some high-end products that have almost become everyday products. For example, caviar, which is popular in the West, has been measured by the catty instead of the gram, and it is less than one hundred yuan per catty.

These are aquatic seafood products that exist in nature, and there are also many improved products appearing in the market, which are much more expensive and of better quality.

However, the output of this type of product is not high. The main reason is that the market acceptance is uncertain. For the sake of stability, the business model is mainly based on conventional high-end aquatic seafood and supplemented by mid-to-low-end aquatic seafood.

The domestic output of high-end products is not high, and the expansion of production will not impact the existing industrial supply chain, and will not have a major impact, while low-end products, especially low-end products, have a huge domestic industrial chain.

In order to stabilize the domestic industry, we are very restrained in the middle and low-end products, especially low-end products, and cannot be washed away all at once. Even if we want to make this money, we must take our time and give others a chance to adapt.

In addition to enjoying the feast of aquatic products and seafood, domestic people also have a lot of new varieties of fruits and vegetables on the market this year, which far exceed many existing fruits in terms of appearance, taste and nutritional value.

Of course, the price of such fruit is higher than that of ordinary fruit, but it is still within the acceptable range of the public, and there is no sky-high price, and it is relatively civilian.

However, these fruit and vegetable products are launched relatively late, and they will be launched in succession after a few months in the second half of the year. The total revenue is not particularly high, and the performance this year should be very good.

In addition to the self-operated business, there is also the business of cooperation with farmers. This part of the revenue is much lower, mainly to earn money from the supply chain link. Although the revenue is as high as 5 trillion yuan, the net profit margin is only 5%.

In this regard, they do not intend to make too much money, and leave the profits to the production farmers and employees in the supply chain. Compared with making more money, maintaining the survival of these people is more important.

However, the natural disadvantages of traditional agricultural production are obvious. With the continuous increase of per capita income, the per capita income of agricultural production will continue to shrink, which is difficult to compare with the industrial population.

Therefore, the continuous reduction of the agricultural population is inevitable. People go to high places, and water flows to low places. When a balance point is reached, there will be no further reduction.

Kylin Agricultural Development Group has done a lot in the past few years, but it still cannot change the fact that the current agricultural production income is much lower than the industrial production income, but it is much better than before.

These are the cooperative farmers that Kylin Agricultural Development Group can take care of. There are still many farmers that cannot be taken care of, and their income will be lower. Coupled with the squeeze effect of the supply chain, the situation may be even worse.

Fortunately, the implementation of the artificial intelligence entrepreneurship plan has begun to drive the development of the county economy, giving many agricultural populations the opportunity to get rid of agricultural labor and enter the industrial field or service industry to obtain more income.

Last year, the total revenue was 3.45 trillion yuan, and the net profit was only 2000 billion yuan, with a net profit margin of 5.8%. The reason is that the investment scale is very large. If the investment is not counted, the net profit margin is actually very high.

Kirin Food Industry Group achieved a revenue of 8 trillion yuan last year, and its net profit margin increased slightly to 12%, with a net profit of 9600 billion yuan.

The ratio of investment to revenue in the food industry is generally about 1:5. It stands to reason that the revenue generated by the previous investment should be 7 trillion yuan. In fact, there is no problem. The extra operating income mainly comes from export business.

For example, caviar, which is currently cheap in China, has a much higher export price. Although it is still lower than the original price abroad, compared with domestic prices, it can be regarded as a high price.

The caviar raw materials of Qilin Agricultural Development Group are only supplied to Qilin Food Industry Group, and are not directly sold to other companies, allowing the food industry group to control the industry.

There are still many such things. For products that are relatively expensive abroad, the export price will not be particularly cheap, as long as they remain sufficiently competitive locally.

After reading the annual report of Kirin Industrial Group, they have made great progress last year, with a total revenue of 57.31 trillion yuan, a net profit of 17 trillion yuan, and a net profit margin of 29.7%.

Although the revenue has not achieved 100% growth, the net profit has doubled, and the previous investment has gradually paid off.

This operating situation also reflects the resilience of Kirin Industry Group's industry under the financial crisis, and its development momentum remains unabated.

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