Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 896 Internal and External Pressures from IQ Drugs

While Ye Zishu was reading the annual reports of its subsidiaries at home, Taiji Group officially announced the approval of the IQ drug on its official website and social accounts.

This should be good news. Ever since Ye Zishu announced the availability of this drug, it has been highly anticipated. Many people want to wait until it is on the market and use it immediately, so as to make themselves smarter.

But then there was a news that many people couldn't help complaining. It turned out that it was not completely free. You must be a member of Tai Chi Medical Group, and it is not completely free.

And it's not that the members themselves can use it for free, but the underage children of the members can get it for free. As for adults and non-members, they need to pay for it separately.

Rational people actually understand very well, not to mention the anti-natural effects of this drug, but only from the cost of pharmaceuticals. If it is really free, it will cost a huge amount according to the population of our country.

Enterprises are open for business, and it is impossible to operate at a loss. Although no one knows the exact cost, the cost of a drug like this is a few hundred yuan per bottle.

So facing this announcement from Taiji Group, they didn't show much emotion, they just hoped that it could be listed as soon as possible so that they could use it as soon as possible.

However, some people felt that Ye Zishu's original promise had not been fulfilled, so they complained wantonly in the comments, and of course they didn't dare to scold too harshly, after all, they have the right to do so.

In response to complaints on the Internet, Tai Chi Group also responded separately, saying that Ye Zishu basically does not manage the company, and does not know how much the operating costs are, and the previous decision was made entirely with enthusiasm.

If the previous completely free strategy of Yezishu is followed, Taiji Group will lose trillions of yuan, which is an unbearable burden for any enterprise.

However, due to the particularity of this drug, it is still decided to implement a free use strategy for the children of Qiangua members of Taiji Medical Group, which is beyond the responsibility of a company.

Finally, the payment standard was announced, which was somewhat different from what Ye Zishu had thought before. Originally, he planned to sell it at a price of 1 yuan in China, but it would be used in Taiji Medical Group and would not be sold through middlemen.

The decision of Taiji Group is that the external sales price has been raised to 2 yuan, and Qiangua members of Taiji Medical Group can get a [-]% discount, and at the same time increase the right of first refusal for members.

This is to further improve the membership benefits of Tai Chi Medical Group, so that more people are willing to buy members of Tai Chi Medical Group and increase the overall income.

Then it also announced the rules for the use of new members. New members have a lower priority. They need to wait until the original members use it and have extra production capacity before it is their turn to use it.

Moreover, members who have paid membership fees for a longer period of time and have paid continuously have higher priority. This is to encourage everyone to buy their members for a long time, and it is also a punishment for stopping paying membership fees midway.

According to such rules, it may take one or two years before new members can use it. The reason is that Taiji Group will not expand production indefinitely. After all, after the first round of use, it will not be able to use such a high production capacity later.

If it makes money like before, it’s okay to expand. After all, this loss is nothing compared to the benefits gained, and the overall profit of this drug is not very high.

The pricing itself is not very high, and the income of a single product is not particularly large. It has become the consideration direction of Taiji Group to reduce costs and increase profits, so it is relatively restrained in terms of production capacity.

There is another very important thing, that is, this free is time-limited, and the free period is only 2 years. After two years, everyone needs to pay separately, which is not included in the list of membership benefits.

The reason is actually very simple. The first reason is to encourage people who have not become members to join as soon as possible, so as to benefit the children at home and save a lot of money.

The second reason is that if there is an unlimited discount, after this round of use is over, the Taiji Group will need to provide it for free for a long time, and it will not be able to make any profit from this medicine.

Now due to the large stock, the cost of free use can be made up from other people. There is no stock in the future, only incremental, and they are all children. If it is free, it will not be sustainable.

This means that it may be provided free of charge for dozens or hundreds of years in the future. This is unrealistic, and even if the price is lowered, it cannot be completely free.

Moreover, based on the domestic economic development, after a few years, basically every family can afford it, and the fee will not cause too much trouble. If they are able but unwilling to pay the money, gods will not be able to save them.

After this news was announced, everyone in the country reacted differently. Some people were still complaining online, while others took immediate action and immediately purchased the Kun Gua membership of Tai Chi Medical Group.

Even the purchaser still has medical insurance before, but the process of getting out of medical insurance is very complicated and takes a long time, so it is better to spend a little more money to buy Kun Gua membership first.

These people understand very well that with so many people in the country, it is impossible to use them all at the first time. If they want to be in the front row, they must act as soon as possible, otherwise they don't know when it will be their turn later.

Purchasing a membership is not easy. Before buying, you need to do a medical examination, establish a health file, investigate family conditions and income, and so on.

Fortunately, the application of big data is very mature now, and many survey items do not require on-the-spot investigation, but the physical examination before purchase must be present in person, and if there are children at home, they also need to bring them there.

This step is not random. One is to check whether there are hidden diseases to prevent speculation, and the other is to back up genetic data to predict their future health.

For a while, the hospitals under the Tai Chi Medical Group were overcrowded, and those who thought it was unnecessary to buy members of the Tai Chi Medical Group had to buy their memberships.

Seeing such a scene, many people who still had some ideas had to join in. In the face of the general trend, there is very limited room for individual cleverness to play, and they can only follow the trend.

It's just that this kind of practice makes the original medical insurance even more unsavory. Many people here have just purchased a membership, and then they have started to go through the medical insurance withdrawal procedures, and no one is willing to pay an extra amount.

The membership fee of Tai Chi Medical Group is actually quite high, which has risen to 700 yuan per month. In addition to the increase in labor costs, the biggest reason is that disability treatment is included in the list.

This has virtually increased the cost of Tai Chi Medical Group. If it does not increase its membership, it will face huge losses. This is an unavoidable approach.

Moreover, based on the current domestic income level, although the money is painful, it is still affordable, and it is basically maintained at about 8% of the per capita monthly income.

In fact, this method is not scientific. It is not very stressful for high-income groups, but it is very stressful for low-income groups, but there is no good way.

Tai Chi Medical Group also implemented the measure of paying membership fees in proportion to income before, but found it difficult to collect them. The reason is that they do not have administrative power in their hands, and supervision is difficult.

The result was that the income was even less than before, so this measure was simply abolished. As for whether the punishment was painless or not, people didn't care at all, at least a considerable part of them didn't care.

Before the relevant system is perfected, the practice of paying membership fees in proportion to income will not work, but it will only hurt low-income people in this way.

Sure enough, in the case of taking care of most people, there are still quite a few people who have difficulty enjoying such technological progress, and there are great complaints about this.

Knowing that something was wrong, Pei Qing immediately reported to Ye Zishu, because there are quite a few people in this group, no matter how the domestic economy develops, there will always be some people who do not benefit much.

But it cannot be said that it is their fault. Personal fortune and environment are important factors in a person's development. It is not a responsible approach to simply blame the difficulties on the individual.

For other things, they will not fight desperately, and even the diseases they have suffered can only consider themselves unlucky, who told them that they could not make money.

But IQ medicine is different. There is a huge gap between using it and not using it. If their children can’t use it, it means that they will fall behind in all aspects of social competition in the future.

They themselves are already poor enough. If their children continue to be poor because of this, what hope do they have in life?Not to mention them, even Ye Zishu could feel this sense of despair.

In the past, the membership fee was charged in proportion to income in consideration of this situation, so that the rich paid more and the poor paid less, but it couldn't be implemented.

"What shall we do next?" Pei Qing asked.

In fact, this matter has nothing to do with them. It cannot be said that they should not develop products, and as a company, making their own profits is the top priority, and there is nothing to blame for their follow-up actions.

If there is a big trouble, they will also feel great pressure. Before it gets worse, they need to make arrangements in advance to prevent problems before they happen.

Hearing Pei Qing's words, Ye Zishu thought for a while and said, "Don't bother with this matter, it has nothing to do with you, just wait and see what happens."

Pei Qing was shocked when she heard it. He, who always likes stability, was able to say this. Uncharacteristically, there must be deep meaning. Pei Qing didn't refute immediately, but thought about it for a while.

Pei Qing is not stupid. After being the CEO for so many years, she has experienced a lot of intrigues, and she figured out his purpose in a short while.

Some things are very difficult to progress normally. No one is willing to give up the benefits they have obtained. Only when encountering unsolvable problems will they be willing to give up benefits and hand over the hot potato.

It's just that Ye Zishu used to go straight and straight before, and never used such a method. Because it was unnecessary, Pei Qing didn't think about it, and still thought about the problem according to the original way of thinking.

"I know how to do it!" Pei Qing said with a smile.

Ye Zishu nodded and didn't say much, Pei Qing continued: "During this period, not only the domestic scene is full of excitement, but there are also discussions abroad.

Representatives of the health departments of many countries have visited in person, wanting to obtain the right to purchase this drug, and said that the price is negotiable! "

"There's no need to talk about this. This kind of strategic material can't be bought with money. If I recognize money, it has value. If I don't recognize it, it's just a piece of paper!" Ye Zishudan Tan said.

"If you just do this, it is likely to affect other industries under your umbrella. After all, they still have to do business all over the world. If the conflict is relatively large, it is not ruled out that some countries will use unconventional means." Pei Qing said.

Tai Chi Group need not worry, the products they sell are basically necessities, but other industries may not be better off, some are highly substitutable.

"If they really do this, we are not a persimmon, so you don't have to worry too much!" Ye Zishu said.

Seeing Pei Qing's still worried face, Ye Zishu continued: "Among the products we need to import, necessities are actually very limited, namely energy and mineral resources.

There are substitutes for other imported products, and even a considerable number of products are better than imported products. In addition, the artificial intelligence business plan is very good, and a large number of small industrial clusters have been born.

We didn't get involved before, mainly because we didn't have enough energy, so we had to give up these industries. With the establishment of these small industrial clusters, there are no major problems in technology and employment.

In addition, land transformation and climate transformation in the western desert will create a large amount of usable land in our country. In addition, the demand for grain land is decreasing, and non-grain land is rapidly increasing, and the dependence on agricultural product imports will also be reduced.

As the power of solar power continues to increase, my country's dependence on international fossil energy trade will not be so obvious, and there is no problem in achieving self-sufficiency.

As for mineral resources, I have asked Kirin Resources Development Group to develop seabed mining technology. It is estimated that products will be produced this year. By then, the vast ocean will be our mine.

As long as the problem of the distribution system is solved and more people can have enough consumption power, the domestic market will be enough for us to achieve economic take-off. "

Ye Zishu's words made Pei Qing understand what he meant, that is, the need for imports has been greatly reduced. Without the products we need, our enthusiasm for selling our products to them will be much lower.

I can't sell real products by myself, and what I get back is a lot of paper. This kind of trade fools are not willing to do it.

Of course, this does not mean that foreign trade is not important, but that it is not as important as before. It can only be used as a supplement to domestic economic development and will not become an important pillar of economic development.

The reason why they want to make waves in the international financial market is actually not money, but global influence. There are many ways to influence the world, three of which are more common.

The first is military strength, the second is trade, the third is investment, and the influence of Tidal Investment Corporation is the third.

Although he is not very willing to invest the money earned at home in foreign countries, he is still more willing to invest the money earned from abroad, since the wool comes from the sheep anyway.

Therefore, his mentality is actually very stable. He does not pay as much attention to foreign trade as before. They really lacked funds before. Without the support of foreign trade income, it would be difficult for him to earn so much money in a short period of time.

Now his industries are basically formed, he has enough funds to achieve self-development and expansion, and his dependence on the outside world is getting lower and lower. This is where his confidence lies.

"I'm just afraid of the pressure from other parties!" Pei Qing said.

"We can't decide our affairs anymore?" Ye Zishu smiled angrily.

Seeing his confident smile, Pei Qing immediately felt relieved, and she felt more at ease with him around!

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