Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 893 The overall situation of the domestic economy has been determined

After reaching an agreement on the rail transit route, everyone needs to discuss how to invest. Wancheng Foundation and Tidal Investment also participated in this meeting.

It usually takes three to five years to build a high-standard rail line. The test line can be built in such a short period of time, mainly because the route is short, and all aspects need to be completed as soon as possible, and the work is relatively solid.

If you want to build a super maglev network covering major cities across the country in a short period of time, the annual investment scale is very large. How to get the money is the focus of discussion at this meeting.

According to preliminary calculations, to complete the first phase of the construction plan and cover major domestic cities with the super maglev network, the investment scale will be around 20 trillion yuan.

Such a huge amount of funds cannot be completed entirely by issuing additional currency. If this is done, it will definitely cause inflation.

If the money comes from bank loans, the loan cost is not low at the current domestic deposit rate, and how to ensure that large-scale losses are not a problem after construction is also a problem.

It is not a big problem if there is a small-scale loss every year. The loss is made up from other sources, as long as the economic benefits are greater than the investment. This economic account is easy to calculate.

However, if the annual loss is too large, it needs to be carefully considered, and it cannot gradually become a hole that cannot be filled, otherwise it may cause new debt problems.

Because the 20 trillion yuan is only the first phase of investment, more cities will be covered in the later stage, and eventually every important county may be covered, and the investment scale will be even larger.

It is conservatively estimated that the total investment of the super maglev transportation network is about 40 trillion yuan. Based on the annual interest rate of 5%, the annual interest is as high as 2 trillion yuan.

And whether it can earn 2 trillion yuan a year is a problem. When the speed of making money cannot cover the speed of debt expansion, it is a very dangerous thing. This is what everyone is worried about.

It is also based on this kind of thinking that Wancheng Foundation and Tidal Investment Company have the opportunity to participate. Letting these two participate in the discussion has actually explained the problem.

If it has nothing to do with the two companies, there is no need for the two companies to be invited. After a week of discussions, they finally came up with a clear plan.

After discussion, the relevant departments will be reformed to realize the separation of government and enterprises, and the original railway operation business will be packaged to form a state-owned enterprise, which will specialize in the original railway business and no longer have administrative functions.

Then Wancheng Jiye and Tidal Investment Company will jointly establish an operating company to engage in the construction and operation of the super maglev transportation network, and accept the guidance and management of relevant departments.

That is to say, the newly established super maglev transportation network operation company is not completely market-oriented, and needs to be guided in setting prices. Of course, this is based on a reasonable basis.

What surprised Ye Zishu was that the government did not intend to occupy a certain share in it, and handed it over to the two companies to operate it.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that it is not necessary. This company has a very large investment scale. If you want to maintain stable income in the later period without incurring too much debt, you must have a large amount of direct investment.

That is to say, a large amount of loans cannot be used for construction, because once this is done, there is no guarantee of profitability in the later stage. If the price is too high, the passenger flow will decrease, and the overall income will not be too high.

Such a huge direct investment, even if it occupies 10% of the shares, will cost more than 2 trillion yuan, and 10% of the shares is of little significance.

Of course, the two companies can get this business, and the price is not small. According to the requirements, this newly established joint venture company needs to complete the first phase of construction within 5 years.

According to this requirement, the annual investment scale is [-] to [-] trillion yuan. Such a huge investment is very difficult even for Tidal Investment Company.

Regardless of the amount of money he has earned this time, most of it needs to be spent overseas to stabilize the global economy, and it is impossible to bring all the funds to the country.

Moreover, the global financial market is so rotten, and it is not as frantic to operate in the financial market as before, so the money made in the financial market in the next year or two is destined not to be too much.

Such a huge investment means that Tidal Investment Company's income in the past few years has been wiped out. Only when the world has passed the financial crisis will it have the ability to continue to make a lot of money.

The only consolation is that Tidal Investment Company has its own bank, and part of the funds can be turned over through the banking system, but there is no need to put all the funds on it.

In addition to the railway infrastructure plan, the Yellow River governance plan is also being implemented. The goal is to turn the Yellow River into a water transportation hub that can realize the navigation of the whole basin, and realize the economic and trade link between the east and the west in the north.

This decision is not only the need of the development of the times, but also the necessity of judging the future situation. The development of the times needs to be well understood. Once the whole basin is open to navigation, it means that the goods in the northwest region can be transported to the coastal areas at a low cost.

If Kylin Agricultural Development Group and Kylin Environmental Industry Group really realize the environmental and soil transformation of the entire northwest region, it means that the climate in the northwest region will generally enter a humid cycle.

The Yellow River is the only outlet for the large amounts of rainfall in the Northwest. None of the other rivers can run through the entire north from east to west and serve as the outlet for rainwater in the Northwest.

This means that the water volume of the Yellow River will increase greatly in the future. With the current water carrying capacity of the Yellow River, it is simply unable to cope with it. If it is not done well, it will cause floods in the middle and lower reaches.

Therefore, the Yellow River treatment project is also a must. Otherwise, the climate change in the Northwest will be greatly affected. In order to realize the addition of millions of square kilometers of usable land, it is worthwhile to spend huge sums of money on Yellow River treatment.

The Yellow River Treatment Project is not just a waterway treatment of the Yellow River, but a large number of northern water system management work, so that the entire northern water system can increase the carrying capacity of a large amount of rainwater.

It is said that the total investment scale of this plan is as high as 3 trillion yuan. After the project is implemented, it will vigorously promote the development of engineering-related industries, provide a large number of jobs, and play a huge role in stabilizing the domestic economy.

In order to boost the domestic people's confidence in the future economic development and make everyone dare to spend money during the global financial crisis, the government is also working hard.

The western climate and soil improvement plan, which was originally planned to be carried out in a low-key manner, was also announced following these infrastructure projects. The initial investment of the western climate and soil improvement plan was 5 trillion yuan.

It involves more than 100 million square kilometers of land and indirectly affects more than half of the northern region. In the future, the economy of the northwest region will rely mainly on clean energy, climate and soil improvement, and agricultural and animal husbandry production.

If the Yellow River treatment project bears initial results and realizes the navigation of the whole basin, the development of industry in Northwest China will also have a transportation foundation. At present, only some livelihood materials can be produced, mainly for local supply.

In addition, there are many small infrastructure projects, such as the plan to realize roads for every village. Although the scale of a single project is not large, the total project volume is not small, and the total investment scale is very large.

However, this part of the plan will achieve three-level coordination. The higher-level government, the government at the same level, and the villages and towns along the way will all contribute a part of the money. The minimum requirement is two-way two-lane.

This standard is higher than that of village-level roads in the previous life. The reason is that domestic car sales have exploded. In the foreseeable future, every household will be able to buy a car, even in rural areas.

Infrastructure needs to be advanced to a certain extent, especially for village-level roads like this, which are generally seldom maintained after construction, and the quality must be checked at the initial stage of construction.

Therefore, there are also detailed requirements for the construction standards and materials used for village-level roads. The standards are much better than the ordinary village-level roads that Ye Zishu saw in his previous life.

In addition, Ye Zishu disclosed to relevant parties through Kylin Environmental Industry Group that there will be very heavy rainfall in the south next year, and there may be floods, so precautions need to be taken in advance.

Although there is not much basis for this, many people have to take it seriously when he said it out of his mouth. With his status, he would never say something without reason.

It will be 98 soon, and it is not known whether the air water vapor control system built by Kirin Environmental Industry Group will be fully completed by then. Even if the construction is completed, the initial water transfer capacity will be very limited.

In addition, the domestic focus was on developing the economy before, and there may be a lack of investment in water conservancy projects. Once the rainfall in the previous life is encountered, no one knows whether the disaster can be avoided.

Even if it does not happen, it is a matter of benefiting the country and the people to investigate and strengthen water conservancy projects in advance. No matter how advanced the water transfer network is in the future, these basic livelihood projects will still be irreversible.

Therefore, the government has also incorporated the construction of water conservancy into the scope of infrastructure construction. In order to find out the situation in the whole country, it also temporarily hired a large number of general-purpose robots from Kirin Basic Industry Group to act as temporary inspectors.

Compared with other government personnel, general-purpose robots have too many advantages. They have sufficient professional knowledge, will not engage in favoritism and fraud, and do not have to worry about being black-handed. They are the best choice for this kind of work.

Including the previous road construction plan and airport construction plan, as well as the investment scale controlled by the artificial intelligence of Ye Zishu, the total investment scale is very large.

Not to mention other investments, because the investment plan will be changed according to market conditions. In infrastructure investment alone, the total investment scale is as high as more than 30 trillion yuan, reaching an unprecedented level.

Moreover, according to the plan, such a huge infrastructure project will basically be completed within five years, with an annual investment of up to 5 trillion yuan, which can provide 7 million new jobs every year.

When such good news came out, the confidence of the domestic people was immediately stabilized. In addition, the country's foreign exchange reserves are very sufficient, and the domestic finance is not particularly developed, so the financial sector has not been greatly affected.

In addition to the industries under Ye Zishu, even if the overseas market is affected to a certain extent, it will not lay off employees because of this. Maintaining employment has become the main task at present, and how much money is made is not important.

In fact, his industries have not been greatly affected. For example, the pharmaceutical and medical business of Taiji Group is a business that is just needed by human beings, and has been least affected.

It is reasonable to say that Qinglong Technology Company has a relatively large influence, but many of their products have reached a monopoly position, and they are not purely high-end, covering almost all low-, medium- and high-end products.

Although the impact is unavoidable, as long as everyone wants to buy these products, they will have to buy Qinglong Technology's products, so the ability to resist risks is much stronger.

The most affected company should be Phoenix Technology. The bad global economic environment will lead to a sharp drop in advertising revenue, and the demand for traditional software will also shrink.

Fortunately, the domestic economy has also picked up, and the income from the domestic market is enough to maintain the normal operation of Phoenix Technology, so there is no need to worry about layoffs and other issues.

Huanyu Group was also greatly affected, but they transferred their production capacity to China in a timely manner. Although losses are inevitable, the basic market can still remain stable.

Coupled with the imminent large-scale construction of a super maglev transportation network, it will bring them a lot of business income, enough to make up for their losses in the automotive field.

And if there is no accident, by the end of next year, their main civil aviation airliner will be able to complete all the tests, obtain the domestic airworthiness certificate, and officially enter the market, which will also bring good profits.

Especially in November and December, two consecutive super-large passenger aircraft successfully made their maiden flights, making the domestic and international community more confident in Huanyu Group's passenger aircraft manufacturing capabilities.

You must know that the Airbus A380 has been going around for so long without even a shadow, which is enough to show how difficult it is to manufacture such a huge passenger aircraft.

However, it took less than a year for Huanyu Group to announce its plan and achieve its first flight, and these two passenger planes are much larger than the planned A380.

Especially the 1500-seat ultra-large airliner can be described as a giant. Standing in front of people, there is an intuitive feeling of smallness and a strong sense of oppression.

As long as an airliner of this level can be built and achieve its first flight, it is a symbol of strength. It is not just built for the market, but a symbol of strength.

Just like the An-225 ultra-large transport aircraft, no matter how practical it is, and no matter how many can be built, as long as it can be built, it can fully demonstrate its strength.

However, the Huanyu Group can use so little time to build it without any bottleneck or difficulty, which is enough to show how strong the Huanyu Group's airliner research and development and manufacturing capabilities are.

In fact, after the first flight of these two airliners, airlines placed orders immediately. Apart from Wancheng Jiye Airlines, which has a very close relationship, local tyrants in the Middle East are also relentless.

Only in this way can the super giants in the sky show their financial strength, attract local tyrants from all over the world to travel to them, and drive the development of other industries.

Therefore, after the first flight was successful, 100 intentional orders were immediately obtained, of which Wancheng Jiye only had 20, but Emirates Airlines planned to buy 80 of these super jumbo.

As for other companies under its umbrella, the degree of internationalization is not very high. Only some of Xuanwu Technology's businesses have a high degree of internationalization, and most of its businesses are not.

Kirin Industrial Group's relatively high degree of internationalization is the textile, paper and wood processing business, while other businesses are relatively low in internationalization, mainly to meet domestic demand.

Moreover, for his industries, such a crisis is not a danger, but an opportunity. Taking advantage of everyone's hard life, he can also acquire a large number of overseas businesses, which is very beneficial for expanding overseas markets.

The most affected enterprises in China are low-end industries mainly exporting. They have neither their own brands nor their own channels. They can only carry out simple processing without any autonomy.

To be honest, it’s not a pity that such a company goes bankrupt, it’s just that these employees suffer. In order to prevent these employees from losing their jobs in large numbers, Ye Zishu has increased recruitment efforts in industries controlled by artificial intelligence.

Because the artificial intelligence entrepreneurship plan has been implemented very successfully, most of the business has achieved profitability by the end of the year, and has the momentum for sustainable development. Expanding production capacity and business scope can absorb this part of the unemployed.

Although Ye Shu did not go to the front line to deal with these matters in person, he is also paying close attention to the domestic economic situation and arrangements, and at the same time thinking about how to do better.

After seeing these measures come out, he knew that the overall situation has been settled. As long as these projects can be gradually implemented, the domestic economy will not only be stable, but also develop at a faster speed.

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