Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 882 The complexity is higher than we imagined

Looking at the new headquarters of Huanyu Group, it is very different from other corporate headquarters. There are no tall buildings, and the tallest building does not exceed 10 floors. Most buildings only have five or six floors.

But it covers a very large area, nearly 50 square kilometers in total. It is completely designed in a garden style. The interior is shaded by trees and there are a lot of gurgling streams flowing through it, which brings a touch of coolness to the hot summer.

Walking inside, you can't feel that it is a corporate headquarters at all. Instead, it is a bit like a community, where office buildings and residential areas are mixed together, and they are not built separately.

The advantage of this is that employees go downstairs and walk a few steps to work at the unit, and there is no need to spend a long time commuting. Moreover, with this design, the relationship between neighbors is relatively harmonious.

After he saw it, he felt that the design was quite good. This is not a super-large city, and there is no need to pursue high-rise buildings. Although it does not look so modern, the living environment is much better.

There is also a huge park in the center of the headquarters. There are many old people and children playing and resting in the park. In the headquarters of a top enterprise, there is such a strong atmosphere of life, which makes him feel refreshed.

Life should have the appearance of life. The high-rise buildings in the previous life, the urban structure is clearly defined, everyone is in a hurry, and there is not much life in sight. Everyone is like a working machine.

This kind of architectural style and idea is not only reflected in the headquarters of Huanyu Group, but also the headquarters of the subsidiary group companies below, and even the production base below is built according to this idea.

If it is the first time for an outsider to come here, they will not be able to tell that this is a corporate headquarters, but a large residential area with a complete range of living facilities, such as buses, post offices, police stations, neighborhood committees, hospitals, schools, supermarkets, etc. All the same.

In the naming of buildings, Huanyu Group was not deliberately emphasized. Except for the headquarters building, the names of other buildings did not match Huanyu Group. It is said that these names were chosen with the help of artificial intelligence.

The reason is that this area is too large, and this area was not an urban area before, so there was no ready-made name to use. Wancheng Foundation did this to save trouble when designing.

Although the area is very large, there are not many people living there. There are a large number of factories and research institutes in it, and the number of people it can accommodate is about 50.

Most of these people are family members of employees. The number of employees belonging to Huanyu Group is about 10. Most of the residential buildings are large flats, and a small part are townhouses.

The residential buildings are not owned by Huanyu Group, but by Wancheng Foundation. Only the workplace inside is invested and constructed by Huanyu Group. The purpose of doing this is to save money and avoid a lot of trouble.

Because Huanyu Group was profitable at that time, but there were more places to invest, so save as much as possible, and the salaries of employees were not bad, so there was no need to provide free housing for employees.

Therefore, a cooperation was reached with Wancheng Foundation to integrate the design of the headquarters and the residential area. The property rights of the residential buildings belonged to Wancheng Foundation, while the office space belonged to Huanyu Group, and whoever used other public facilities would invest.

For Wancheng Foundation, it is also willing to do so. The salaries of the employees at the headquarters of Huanyu Group are not low. Building residential houses, shopping malls and other commercial facilities here will not worry about making money at all.

When he came here, he notified this side, and when he arrived at the headquarters building, the front desk immediately notified Wang Chuanfu, and he sat in the lobby below for a while.

Compared with the previous headquarters building, the current headquarters building looks resplendent under the illumination of various lights, and finally has the style of a large company.

Followed Wang Chuanfu to the office, took a quick glance, and found that the layout was quite cultural, with a lot of bookshelves, calligraphy and paintings, decorations, etc. Compared with his clean office, it was obviously much more comfortable.

After the two parties sat down, the secretary helped to make a pot of tea. After the secretary went out, Ye Zishu drank a cup of tea and said, "This time I came here mainly to understand the operation of the super magnetic levitation experiment project."

Hearing his words, Wang Chuanfu quickly said: "The super maglev experiment project has been in operation for nearly two months, and all of them are running well so far, and there is not a single problem!"

"Since this is the case, what do the relevant departments think about this? They can't keep the experimental project running without any follow-up actions.

You also know that the current domestic economy is severely restricted by transportation conditions. The transportation costs of many products produced in the central and western regions are too high, which limits their economic competitiveness!

It will take several years to build an advanced rail transit network. It is not a good choice to delay it all the time. This matter should be resolved as soon as possible. "Leaf Book said.

Wang Chuanfu agreed with this, saying that he is also very anxious. After all, if this business wants to make money, it must vigorously develop the rail transit network, but it is not up to them to decide.

"When the super maglev project was opened to traffic, some high-level leaders came to inspect it, and even took a seat in person, expressing their approval of our project.

However, when communicating with relevant departments, I think that the current decision is still relatively hasty, and we need to operate for a longer time, so that the data is relatively more accurate.

So things are stuck like this, and we don't think we can expect to get an accurate answer this year. There may be a lot more complexity than we thought. "Wang Chuanfu said.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Everyone and units want to get more benefits based on their own interests. If they decide to build a super maglev in an all-round way, it means that Huanyu Group will monopolize most of the benefits.

Other units can only enjoy part of the benefits of infrastructure, and may not even be able to get part of the benefits. We must know that Wancheng Foundation's strength in the field of infrastructure is absolutely number one in the country.

There is also the problem of money. The cost of building a super maglev line is too high, and it feels a bit overwhelming in all aspects. The feeling of wanting to control it by yourself or not is also difficult to make a decision.

Fortunately, Ye Zishu was also mentally prepared for this. As for the compromise, he never thought about it. If he can do it, he can do it.

"Have other local governments come to inspect our super maglev experiment project?" Ye Zishu asked.

"There are quite a lot of this. When the big leaders came to inspect it, it was in the news, and now the Internet is very convenient to spread. Everyone knows the situation here.

At present, no less than 20 government investigation teams have been received, and some of them are even led by the provincial government. This is the only positive signal we have received during this period. "Wang Chuanfu said.

"What do these government inspection groups think about this?" Ye Zishu asked.

"From the perspective of advanced level, all the inspection teams gave unanimous praise, but most people think it is still too expensive, and they have more concerns about this." Wang Chuanfu said.

"Haven't they thought of introducing external investment like experimental projects?" Ye Zishu asked.

"We did mention this, but they were noncommittal about it, and we think they should have a clearer understanding of the interests involved.

It's not that they don't want to introduce investment, but that they feel that this road will not work, and that planning approval alone can get stuck. "Wang Chuanfu said.

Hearing his words, Ye Zishu sighed. At this time, he also felt very helpless, so he could only sigh: "Then let's do this first!"

"By the way, how do you set the ticket price?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Currently, we don't have so many subdivided services. We only provide one kind of seat, which is priced at 0.4 yuan per kilometer, and the fare is 60 yuan." Wang Chuanfu replied.

Ye Zishu calculated in his mind that if this route is to be profitable, it must transport more than 3000 million passengers per year, which is a little difficult for two cities that are not super big.

No wonder other local governments felt that the cost of construction was too high after they came to investigate. It is estimated that it is only possible to have such a transportation volume between a few super big cities.

Of course, as the construction mileage increases in the later stage, the cost will definitely drop, but no matter how it is reduced, it will not be lower than 2 million yuan per kilometer. It is estimated that the average construction cost will be around 3 million yuan per kilometer.

Even so, it is still very difficult to achieve profitability if only relying on passenger transport, unless everyone has money in the future and travels around when they have nothing to do, then it is possible.

"It is very difficult to make a profit at such a fare if we only rely on passenger transport. We still need to improve our comprehensive operating capabilities and strengthen our cargo capacity. Only in this way can we make a profit." Ye Zishu said.

Although this test line is invested by Tidal Investment Company and undertaken by Wancheng Foundation, the management right is in the hands of Wancheng Foundation, and Tidal Investment Company entrusts Wancheng Foundation to be responsible for its operation.

When it is really rolled out across the country, the two companies will establish a joint venture company, Wancheng Foundation will be responsible for the specific operations, and most of the investment will be made by Tidal Investment Company.

"There is no freight business yet, but Wancheng Jiye has ordered 10 freight maglev trains from us, and it is estimated that the freight test will be carried out soon.

After their freight stations along the line are built, they can start testing, but I think the initial freight price will be relatively high, mainly for high-value cargo transportation. "Wang Chuanfu said.

Ye Zishu didn't ask about the freight price, because the price is constantly adjusted. When the freight volume is large, the price will definitely be raised, otherwise the price will be lowered, according to market conditions.

High-speed maglev freight trains are different from ordinary freight trains. Because they are in an ultra-high-speed state, the goods need to be packed in the outer shell of the train, which is relatively harsh and has its own general container standards.

If all the passenger lines are stopped at night, instead of doing this, you can directly use the locomotive to pull the exposed containers, and the cargo carrying capacity will be greatly improved, but the speed will not be particularly fast.

Therefore, during the day, the goods are mainly transported by express delivery, high-value goods and goods with high timeliness requirements, and at night, bulk goods are mainly transported, and the price is much cheaper.

After learning about the maglev train, Ye Zishu asked about the situation of their electric vehicle after the battery was replaced. After all, this is a major technological breakthrough, which has brought huge changes to the field of power batteries.

Hearing Ye Zishu's question, Wang Chuanfu said with a smile: "Since we began to use sodium-ion batteries to replace the original lithium-ion batteries, the global price of lithium mines has dropped.

At present, it has fallen to less than 50% of that at the beginning of last year, and the capital losses involved in raising the price of lithium mines have been heavy. I heard that Tidal Investment Company has made a lot of money.

Since the performance of our sodium-ion power battery is not worse than that of lithium-ion power battery, at least there is no slight difference in user experience, consumers do not have much opinion.

However, the global economy was in a mess in the second half of the year, and our overseas auto market was affected to a certain extent. Although we have stepped up efforts to develop the domestic market, the overall revenue is still expected to drop a lot. "

The domestic auto market continues to explode, but the cars purchased are still mainly entry-level, and the purchase of high-end cars is still very limited, which cannot completely replace their overseas markets.

Most of the money earned by Tidal Investment Company this time was from capitalists. These wealthy people were originally the main buyers of mid-to-high-end cars in the Huanyu Group, and the impact was inevitable.

Fortunately, the current overseas market will not have a great impact on the overall operation of the Huanyu Group. It does not matter much to make less money, and the temporary adjustment of production capacity to the domestic market can barely be absorbed.

"What countermeasures do you have?" Ye Zishu asked.

"We predict that this financial crisis may last for a year or two. In order not to affect our overall production capacity, we have made some adjustments to our production capacity.

The production quantity of passenger vehicles has been reduced, and the production capacity of freight vehicles, passenger vehicles and special vehicles has been increased. This is a judgment based on the current economic development situation in our country.

Although the domestic economy will be affected to a certain extent, it will remain stable on the whole. The demand for these cars will continue to rise, and there is still great potential for development.

Moreover, the prices of these operating vehicles are relatively high. Increasing the production capacity of these vehicles will also help make up for our overseas operating losses. "Wang Chuanfu said.

He agrees with Huanyu Group's judgment. Although a large number of domestic enterprises have encountered operating difficulties, there are also many enterprises that have begun to rise, and they will not fall into economic crisis just because these enterprises go bankrupt.

In particular, his Smart Entrepreneurship Plan has been implemented very smoothly so far. Some projects have already started to make profits, and most of them are estimated to have very good results by the end of the year or early next year.

The first batch of entrepreneurial projects were selected from domestic weak industries or industries with lagging development. As long as the product quality is good enough and the marketing and marketing operations do not fail, they can basically make money.

For example, their musical instrument project has been purchased by New Oriental Education Group on a large scale due to the relatively reasonable price and the world-class quality of musical instruments, which are used for music teaching in schools.

There is also the domestic watch industry, which has been at the low end of the industrial chain before. AI believes that the domestic watch industry still has great potential for development, and it will be built as one of their core industries.

However, unlike the traditional watch industry, they combine traditional watch technology and existing technology to create a unique high-end watch industry to replace the existing international high-end brands.

The reason is simple. Tai Chi Group's personal wearable devices have severely squeezed the traditional watch industry. Not only the low-end watch industry has been greatly affected, but even the high-end watch industry has not been spared.

Compared with high-end watches that look very luxurious, high-end people think that health is more important. They can't wear smart wearable devices and luxury watches at the same time, which seems a bit nondescript.

So they use advanced technology to combine the two, which not only meets the needs of high-end people to show their quality of life, but also satisfies their insistence on health concepts.

Moreover, Taiji Group is not at a disadvantage. The patented technology paid is equivalent to selling a smart wearable device, and there is no disadvantage there. The starting price of such a watch is tens of thousands of yuan, and the high one needs millions of yuan.

This kind of combination can only be achieved by his own industry. Ordinary enterprises cannot obtain the authorization of Taiji Group, and they cannot be cracked. Although the hardware is also important, the medical algorithm inside is the core secret.

The economic industry will continue to change according to the needs of the times, and related companies will continue to rise and fall with the development of the times. A large number of companies have closed down, and a large number of companies have risen.

As long as the overall domestic economy maintains stable development, the domestic auto market will continue to grow at a high speed, especially when the original stock is not large, the potential is even greater.

It is a very wise choice for Huanyu Group to transfer its production capacity to China, and it can further increase its domestic market share and squeeze international auto companies out of the market.

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