Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 874 There is no fixed way of making money in the world

After saying this, Ye Zishu sighed, and said with emotion: "The road ahead is actually easy, but the road behind is more difficult, and the more it tests our wisdom.

We need great courage to find out the flaws and problems and present them in a more perfect way, so that we can go longer and go further! "

His inexplicable words made the audience in the live broadcast room confused. They didn't know what he was going to say, they seemed to understand, but they didn't seem to understand.

Facing the question marks all over the screen, Ye Zishu ignored it, but continued: "Actually, in terms of technology, we are in an unprecedented period of change.

It is much stronger than all industrial revolutions in history, and it will even subvert the existing social operation mode. It is an important watershed in human society.

It's just limited to various reasons, and it's not yet time to fully promote it. On the one hand, it will take time to verify whether it is feasible, and on the other hand, various systems are not perfect enough. "

What he is talking about is the changes brought about by artificial intelligence and general-purpose robots. Currently, these general-purpose robots are only operating under his banner, and they will certainly not be limited to this in the future.

Two consecutive paragraphs of nonsensical words further confused the audience in the live broadcast room. At this time, there was almost no text, all question marks, the meaning was very clear, and I just wanted him to explain.

"You don't need to ask any more. The specific things must not be disclosed to the outside world. The reason why I mentioned a few words is mainly to hope that everyone will be prepared in the future and find a better position in the future society." Ye Zishu said.

"Let's take a look at the next question. This is interesting. You actually want to ask me how to make money?" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

He was not surprised that this question was on the list of questions. As long as it is an individual, it is not a shame to be rich.

It’s just that some people want to make money standing up, and some people don’t care about making money while kneeling. Some people still want a little conscience, and some people have long since lost their conscience.

"To be honest, if there is a fixed way to make money, then there will be no poor people in the world. In the history of mankind, no one has ever summed up how to make money.

This shows that there is no set formula for making money. If someone tells you that you can make a lot of money after listening to his advice, such a person is most likely a liar.

There are two reasons. The first reason is that people are selfish. If they can really make money, they will definitely not teach experience everywhere, let alone tell you how to make money.

The second reason is to return to the essence of making money. Making money is actually a superficial phenomenon, and the real logic behind it is a person's contribution to the social and economic fields.

Some people may say that some people get rich because they don't know anything, and some people get rich just because they have some power and use some means. These are undeniable.

It is just certain that no matter whether it is luck, or the money obtained through other shady means, it will not last long, and it will be returned sooner or later, and even a greater price will be borne.

Because the society does not allow such people to exist in large numbers, if there are a large number of them, the society will be restarted directly, and all ashes will return to ashes and ashes will return to ashes.

If you really want to make money, and make stable money, you only need to start from two aspects. The first aspect is to improve your ability.

Everyone knows that any investment is risky. The first 99 investments may all be successful. As long as the 100th investment fails, all the wealth may be lost.

As for putting it in the bank to earn interest, it is just delaying the decline. If you want the economy to maintain sustainable development, maintaining moderate inflation is an inevitable choice.

This means that the money placed in the bank, no matter what the interest rate is, is always in a state of depreciation relative to the overall wealth of the society, which is in line with the general economic law.

If everyone wants to preserve their value through the bank, the final result is that the interest rate will drop, and they will even have to pay the bank money, so it is not a good choice to save the bank for interest.

Some people may ask, is there no way to preserve wealth? I can tell you with certainty that there is no such way, because a healthy society is to break the solidification of wealth and class.

If the rich can always make money, and the powerful can always be powerful, this is not a benign society, and sooner or later there will be problems, and the so-called wealth and power will disappear in smoke.

The only way to keep wealth for a short time is to improve your ability and let your ability have a positive effect on society, so that society can temporarily tolerate you having a lot of wealth.

Just like me, although I seem to have a lot of wealth in my hands, I have already realized this, as long as I don’t regard these wealth as my own.

I just regard myself as the manager of these wealth, so that these wealth can realize value-added, let these wealth can play a greater role, and let the society continue to develop positively.

If one day I am unable to manage such a huge amount of wealth, it means that this wealth will also be out of my control, even if it is mine in name, it has nothing to do with me.

As long as you understand this principle, your mentality will be much more peaceful. You have to remember that the improvement of your ability will always be yours, and the wealth in your hands may not be yours.

The second aspect is to improve one's own cognition. It is difficult for a person to earn money beyond one's own cognition. This cognition is not only the knowledge learned in books, but also includes the understanding of things and personal vision.

I don't know how often the people in the live broadcast room read books. It would be a pity if everyone went to society and didn't read books.

The knowledge in books is the knowledge that we can obtain at the lowest cost. If we can’t even learn book knowledge, let alone talk about the understanding of things and the improvement of personal vision at a higher cost.

So don't ask me how to make money, but ask yourself, have you read a few books, have you thought deeply about things, and have you taken the initiative to experience more things to achieve the purpose of broadening your horizons.

If you haven’t done the above, or even thought about it, it’s normal to not be able to make money, but if you do one of the two things, not to mention being rich and rich, at least you will have no worries about food and clothing.

If you do both, you will find that making money is not as difficult as you imagined, and business opportunities can be found everywhere, so you don’t need others to tell you how to make money! "

After he finished speaking, the live broadcast room suddenly fell silent, because his rhetorical questions made many people re-examine themselves, and many people found that they had never thought about it this way.

Of course, there are also those who are not convinced, and feel that there is a gap between people, not to mention the gap in status and family background, and there is even a gap in natural IQ.

For people with high IQs, some things are easy to grasp, but for others, they can't figure out how to think about them. Everyone's talents are different, which will inevitably lead to differences in abilities.

"In fact, I always believe that everyone has their unique advantages, and the reason why they don't show it is mainly from two reasons.

The first is the issue of education, including school education and family education, often like to judge success or failure based on a certain goal. For example, many teachers and parents only see students' achievements, but they cannot see more possibilities for students.

If we can fully discover where children's talents are at the education stage, so as to focus on guiding and cultivating them, they may become super talents in this field in the future.

It's just that the idea is very good, but it is difficult to implement. Whether it is the education system, traditional concepts, or the understanding of the nature of education by each teacher, it is the key to success or failure.

We have long realized the seriousness of this problem. In the era of traditional industrialization, it is relatively beneficial to cultivate talents with solid basic skills and uniformity.

But in the post-industrial era, we need to rethink whether the talents cultivated by the current educational model will play a more positive role in society.

Although there is no perfect education in the world, we can't just feel at ease and not improve it. Education must be based on reality, focus on the future, and think about what kind of talents we want to cultivate.

The second is to overcome the inertia in human nature. As long as it is a creature, it will naturally move closer to the comfort zone. Only by overcoming this inertia and bravely challenging difficulties and impossibilities can we truly grow.

I believe that there are many people in the live broadcast room who actually know that reading is good, but every time they pick up a book, they feel sleepy.

So I came to a conclusion that I am not a material for studying, this is the inertia of human nature at work, if I don't overcome it, I will give up the lowest cost way to acquire knowledge.

Although reading is not the only way to increase knowledge, if you give up the lowest-cost way, you have to break your head and make a summary by yourself. The cost is much higher.

The inertia mentioned above is just laziness, and it is not difficult to overcome it. The real inertia is to choose to avoid problems when encountering problems, and to show weakness when encountering difficulties.

The inertia of character is really difficult to overcome. There is a saying that character determines destiny. If you want to change your fate against the sky, you must overcome the inertia in human nature from the inside out.

There is definitely no unified answer on how to overcome it, but from the perspective of education, I suggest starting from small things, starting from things around you, and don't be too ambitious or unrealistic.

For example, many of our families now have only one child. As the only child in the family, most of them are loved by thousands of people and want to give the best to their children.

But have you ever thought about what will happen to a child raised in this way once he leaves his parents and family, and the environment that takes care of him everywhere?

If the above two aspects are not fulfilled, no matter how talented a person is, it will be difficult to grow into a real talent, and if a stupid person has achieved both aspects, his achievements may not be lower than others. "Leaf Book said.

Given a certain amount of talent, the above are important factors that determine a person's height. After Ye Zishu finished speaking, he thought about it and decided to reveal a piece of news to increase the expectations of the society.

"Everyone's IQ does have a slight gap, but most of the IQs are at the normal level, and only a very small number of people have relatively high IQs and learn things faster than ordinary people.

In fact, it is not too difficult to solve this problem. Taiji Group is developing a medicine to improve IQ, and it should have entered the clinical trial stage. If everything goes well, we will meet you soon.

The reason for researching IQ potions is mainly for future considerations. In the era of the knowledge explosion, individual human abilities are becoming smaller and smaller. No matter how smart a person is, they can only specialize in a small field in their entire lives.

This is not impossible, but it will bring about a problem, that is, it will form a situation where blind people feel the elephant, and there will be no talents who can lead the overall situation. Everyone who leaves their own field is no different from ordinary people.

How to solve this problem will be the focus of our future thinking, so improving IQ has entered the scope of our research, hoping to replace natural evolution with technological means. "Leaf Book said.

What Ye Shu said was a big deal. It was fine to introduce drugs to increase lifespan before, but now he told them that Taiji Group is still researching on improving IQ, and it seems to be successful.

The level of IQ has always been considered to be innate, and even the current scientists cannot explain why there is a gap in IQ between everyone, let alone artificially improve IQ.

"real or fake?"

"Does it cost a lot of money to buy it?"

"will there be any side-effects?"

"Will it cause the rich and powerful to become more and more intelligent, and the poor and powerless to become more and more stupid?"


After Ye Zishu finished speaking, various barrages frequently swiped the screen. This is a problem Ye Zishu saw. It can be said that all kinds of worries and joys were mixed, which made him overwhelmed.

After waiting for a while, Ye Zishu continued: "Ask whether it's true or not, because you don't trust me, I don't have to say anything, but once I say it, I won't fool you.

As for whether there will be side effects, I don’t care if I say it here, it must be based on the experimental results, but one thing is for sure, if there are flaws, it will definitely not be marketed.

As for whether it can be bought, I think it should be difficult to buy. Products like this are different from ordinary commodities. They are strategic materials, and it is impossible to openly sell them on the shelves.

But one thing is certain, that is, it will be popularized. If it cannot be popularized, we would rather never let it appear, because your concerns are also our concerns!

As for everyone's worry that it will be secretly used by rich or powerful people, I don't think there is any need to worry. Although Taiji Group is a company, it is a company with ideals and principles.

It is impossible to give up principles for the sake of irresistible forces. If it happens, there is no need for Taiji Group to exist, just close its doors and go bankrupt. "

Everyone didn't expect Ye Zishu to be so young, to publicly shout out that they can't be treated equally, and there is no need for the Taiji Group to exist. You must know that the Taiji Group is a cornucopia, and if you give up, you will give up.

Of course, some people would think that what he said was just nice words. If he really compromised secretly, they would not know. Anyway, is there anyone who supervises the whole process.

Seeing the worry expressed in the barrage, Ye Zishu shook his head and said helplessly: "The purpose of some enterprises is to bear certain responsibilities, not just a tool to make money.

If you can't bear this responsibility, you will lose your unique value, and there will be no meaning of existence. This is not pretending to be lofty, but what I really expect from them. "

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