Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 871 It's Better to Remind One

Throughout April, Ye Zishu held only one plenary meeting to plan the future development of its industries, and has been reading books at home. He feels that his knowledge of bionics has improved linearly.

However, in May, he began to pay close attention to the movements of the international financial market, and more and more evidence showed that a group of people were shorting the currencies of some Southeast Asian countries according to the history of their previous lives.

Tidal Investment Company has been desperately increasing the amount of funds in its hands. In order to increase the number of bullets, it has been frequently operating in the global financial market during this period of time, and it has also made a lot of money.

In just three months, they have profited as much as 8 trillion yuan from the financial market. This is the intelligent tidal investment system when it is fully fired. With the blessing of artificial intelligence 3.0, it can play the global financial market in the palm of your hand middle.

It's just that their funds have not been withdrawn from the global financial market, and the overall financial markets remain basically stable. Once these funds are withdrawn, major financial markets will experience severe declines.

It is now May, and Ye Zishu has asked Tidal Investment Company to withdraw funds from the financial markets of various countries in an orderly manner. In the early stage, it is necessary to avoid too much interference with the financial markets and try to be as small as possible.

The purpose of doing this is, on the one hand, to make some money later. Although 8 trillion yuan is a huge sum of money, no one dislikes having more bullets. The more cash in hand, the better, so that you can deal with problems calmly.

On the other hand, there is still enough time. The funds held by Tidal Investment Company before have been operated with international capital. With that part of the funds, it is enough to be harvested with international capital, and there is no need for too much.

The current funds are mainly used for asset harvesting after the crisis. To avoid international capital running out and robbing them of assets at that time, it is necessary to exhaust international liquidity as much as possible.

Therefore, increasing the harvesting efforts in the financial market also has this meaning in it. There is insufficient international liquidity, and there is nothing you can do to harvest these plummeting assets.

If they insist on harvesting, it means that their own financial market will be unstable, and it is very likely that a financial crisis will break out in their own territory, and no one will be able to escape by then.

In fact, there is no need to wait until that time, as long as Tidal Investment Company withdraws funds from the financial market on a large scale, the financial market must have more funds coming in to support it.

How to support it?Certainly not relying on individual stockholders, a large number of institutional investors must be supported. If the support is successful, they will need to consume a lot of funds, and the amount of available funds is extremely limited.

If the bottom line is unsuccessful, it means that the prices of financial securities will plummet, and their investment will also suffer a lot of losses, which will also lead to the fact that they will not have a lot of funds in their hands.

Although they took the lead in starting the financial crisis, it was Tidal Investment Company that finally reaped the harvest safely. This was the result he wanted to see.

Moreover, under the crazy operation of Tidal Investment Company during this period, the original large amount of international hot money has actually suffered heavy losses in the financial market, which is equivalent to weakening the strength of international hot money in disguise.

Don't look at the financial market as if it hasn't fallen, but the money in the financial market has quietly changed hands, and only they themselves know the loss best.

The advantage of doing this is that in the first stage of the financial battle, Tidal Investment Company can guarantee greater benefits for itself. After all, there are too many monks and too little food. If you want to eat more, you must reduce the strength of other capital.

Leaf Book instructed Tidal Investment Company to slowly withdraw from the main financial market before September, and then speed up the withdrawal to deal a fatal blow to the main financial market.

To be honest, from the perspective of real entrepreneurs, he does not want to see global economic turmoil, which will seriously affect external consumption power and export business will be affected to a certain extent.

But from the perspective of financial capitalists, it is the only choice to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to harvest the world. The opportunity is rare, and it will take many years to encounter it once.

When the Southeast Asian financial crisis turns into a global financial crisis, Tidal Investment Company, which holds a huge amount of money, will have the opportunity to harvest global high-quality assets, which usually has no chance at all.

Only when these companies can't survive, they are not qualified to pick and choose investors, and those who can spend money to buy them are their relatives.

He can be sure that after this financial crisis, although his real estate industry will suffer considerable losses, the asset scale of his entire industry will increase rapidly.

In addition, Tidal Investment Company now has its own bank, and the money earned from the financial capital market can be more conveniently fed back to the real industry, and will not cause a large number of its employees to lose their jobs.

This is the benefit of integrated development. His personal will can be implemented in all his industries, which is one of the reasons why he is unwilling to sell any shares.

Although he can ensure that his industries can survive the cold winter safely, the number of employees in his industries is limited after all. Even including artificial intelligence entrepreneurs, the number of people is at most 3 million.

There are still a large number of enterprises that cannot survive this cold winter, and layoffs are good. A large number of enterprises will go bankrupt, especially export-oriented enterprises, which will be most seriously affected.

This will inevitably have a major impact on my country's economic development. If you want to avoid the impact and keep your basic market, you must continue to expand the domestic demand market so that a large number of companies can find opportunities for survival in the domestic market.

There are actually very limited ways to stimulate the domestic market in a short period of time, and that is to increase infrastructure construction. Anyway, it is impossible for the government to directly send money to individuals or companies.

Increased infrastructure construction is generally beneficial to his industries, and the super maglev train of Huanyu Group may come in handy sooner.

At that time, the test line they built was also officially completed. Whether the super maglev train technology is safe and reliable will gradually come to a conclusion, and technical issues will definitely not be questioned too much.

If the government does not want to increase the money supply in the market and realize the large infrastructure plan, Wancheng Foundation may be allowed to undertake the large infrastructure investment. It depends on how the government considers it from its own perspective.

Because at that time, it was not that there was no capital in the country, and he had a lot of funds in his hands. If he did not make use of market funds, but chose to issue additional funds, it would easily cause domestic inflation.

From his point of view, it is the best solution to let him spend as much money as possible to support domestic construction and increase market capital flow and flow efficiency.

It stands to reason that under such a prospect, he just needs to wait quietly, but he is a little flustered when he thinks that a large number of enterprises will close down and a large number of workers will lose their jobs.

If the rural population is unemployed, there is still a way out. The big deal is going back to their hometown to plant one-third of an acre of land. It is not a big problem to survive a difficult period. Once urban residents lose their jobs, there is really no way out.

If a small number of people are unemployed, the market can still make adjustments to give the unemployed new opportunities. If there is a large-scale unemployment, the market will not only be unable to adjust, but will become worse and worse, causing more people to lose their jobs.

Although he really wants to do a lot to reduce the negative impact in this area, he also needs to have a chance. If he doesn't have a chance, even if he is strong, he can't do anything.

All he can think of now is to remind the domestic market to prepare for the winter, not to blindly expand investment, and to survive first.

So he posted a message on his domestic social account, revealing to the outside world that the live broadcast will start at 5:5 a.m. on May 8, and attached a temporarily opened live broadcast account.

Not long after this news was released, it exploded on the Internet. Everyone immediately remembered the previous incident about his huge wealth, and the enthusiasm for this matter had just disappeared.

Before, everyone expected Ye Zishu to stand up and respond. Whether it is true or not, everyone wants to know some information, and everyone is very curious about it.

It's just that he has not made any response. As more Internet hotspot incidents happened, this incident gradually faded from people's vision, and everyone no longer paid attention to it.

Unexpectedly, the heat finally dissipated, but he popped up and wanted to start a live broadcast, which instantly excited many people, but everyone had different opinions on this matter.

Conspiracy theorists, most of them think that he has not shown up in public during this period, and he must be dealing with the last incident, and he has no time to respond at all, and he cannot respond.

If you respond now, maybe things have come to a clear conclusion, and it’s time for the dust to settle, but whether the result is good or bad, you don’t know.

In particular, Ye Zishu wrote on his social account that he wanted to say some important things, which made people even more imaginative, so in less than an hour, he quickly became the number one news platform hot list.

The main reason why he quickly became the number one in the hot search list is that a large number of self-media made predictions about the important things in his mouth.

It's just that there are so many self-media, no one can guess what the important thing he said is, or it revolves around the last incident.

To be honest, this kind of situation makes Ye Zishu a little disappointed. The general self-media is fine. After all, his major may not be economics and finance.

However, some economic and financial big Vs are unaware of the situation in the international financial market, which shows that they are either not strong enough, or their energy is not used in the professional field at all.

International capital began to deploy as early as the beginning of the year, and even international capital, which was at the forefront, began to deploy silently last year. Now the actions have become bigger and bigger, and it is reasonable to say that it is more obvious.

He thought that someone was already paying attention, but it turns out that so many self-media are obsessed with his wealth, but they are unaware of the international financial market trends.

Faced with this situation, he felt that his decision to start a live broadcast to talk about the international financial situation was an extremely correct decision, otherwise he would suffer a lot of losses.

Although it may not be possible to avoid it, at least some companies will be prepared, it depends on how much everyone believes in his words.

Ye Zishu, who always got up at [-] o'clock the next day, woke up early, had a breakfast after washing up, and then tidied up a little, and it was almost eight o'clock.

Although the things he said in this live broadcast were more serious, he didn't want to present them in a serious atmosphere, so he didn't choose to say them in the study.

It just so happened that the weather outside today was not bad. After several days of continuous drizzle, the sun finally appeared. Ye Zishu also wanted to go outside to bask in the sun, so he temporarily decided to broadcast live outside.

Arrange the security personnel to help hold the small bench and bring the fishing rod to go fishing by the lake. The fishing rod is sold by Ye Zihua, and Ye Zihua is better at fishing, so he can actually pretend.

It was already eight o'clock before he went to the fishing place, and the number of people entering the live broadcast room was also increasing rapidly. When he chose a suitable place to fish, the number of people in the live broadcast room had reached 500 million.

Set up the equipment so that the security personnel do not appear in front of the camera, and then click the live broadcast button, and his picture appears in front of the phone screen, half of the green hills and half of the lake, the background is quite beautiful.

Seeing him appear, a large number of barrages appeared in the live broadcast room. Most of these barrages were for greetings, and some were for teasing. For them, teasing on the Internet does not distinguish between people.

He doesn't care about this. He has never seen any Internet environment in his previous life. It is very common to "kill the whole family" by playing a game. Without a heart with great endurance, it is simply not suitable for socializing on the Internet.

"I didn't expect so many people to come to watch!" Ye Zishu said with a smile to the camera.

Then directly bait the fishhook, put the fishhook into the water, and then make a fish nest. After finishing these tasks, I only glanced at the live broadcast screen, and the barrage inside was very anxious.

"It seems that everyone is in a hurry. What I said this time is more serious and important. It was originally planned to be broadcast live in the study, so that everyone can pay attention to it.

But after thinking about it, it’s not necessary. Sensitive people naturally don’t use scenes to imply it. For insensitive people, it’s really useless to talk too much. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

I was going to continue talking, but I didn't expect the float to move. It can be seen that there are more fish in the water, so I stopped talking, picked up the fishing rod, and started to move cautiously.

At this stage, smart fish will try to touch it first, and will not bite the hook directly. Ye Zishu needs to hold the fishing rod and move it, so that the fish can take the bait faster.

He moved, then put down the fishing rod, and calmed down for a while. There was no bait to continue to move the hook, and he was not in a hurry. He took the fishing rod in his hand and continued to broadcast live.

He didn't look at the camera either, but stared at the float while saying: "The economic development of our country has been very good in recent years, and everyone can feel it personally.

Although there are many driving forces for development, the contribution of export business to the economy cannot be ignored, and the proportion is very large. There are a large number of domestic export-oriented enterprises in coastal areas.

What I want to talk about this time has a direct stake in these companies. The external environment will undergo drastic changes this year, and the export business will be hit hard.

And as expected, this situation will continue until the end of next year. If it is serious, it may last longer. Export companies must be prepared to deal with it. "

Just as he was about to continue talking, he saw the float move a few times. Ye Zishu did not continue talking, but observed the state of the float. When the float had just dropped by more than half, he immediately pulled up the fishing line.

According to his judgment, the fish has already bit the hook, but he found something wrong and was about to spit out the hook. At this time, if he wanted to catch the fish, he had to quickly pull up the fishing line and give the hook more force to get the hook up. .

Sure enough, when the fishing line was straightened, he could feel something pulling from below. At this time, Ye Zishu did not pull up directly, but tightened the fishing line and pulled it slightly diagonally.

Feeling that the force was stronger than before, it meant that the hook was hooked more firmly. At this time, Ye Zishu began to pull forcefully to the surface of the water, only to find that the fish was getting stronger and stronger, and it was obviously a big fish.

It is definitely not possible to pull the fish directly out of the water. The only way is to use a tow bar to slowly pull the fish towards the shore. This process does not need to be described. Anyway, it took a lot of effort to finally pull the fish ashore.

This is a herring, about six or seven catties. This is the biggest fish Ye Zishu has caught since he was a child. Most of the fishing in the past was crucian carp, and the biggest one was no more than one catty.

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