Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 865 Ordinary airliner and smart airliner

After the Chinese New Year, the family became deserted. People in the village went to work in the county during the day, some went to work in the industrial park, some started small businesses in the county, and most of the children went to school.

There are only some old people left in the village. If they can still do some work, they will play with the crops. If they are not healthy, they will also make some vegetable gardens and grow some vegetables for home consumption.

No matter how much he tries to get everyone to work at home, he can't restrain the decline of the countryside. The population will eventually gather in the industry and service industries. This is an unstoppable trend.

His father also runs to the county every day during the day, and only drives home for lunch and dinner. Due to the relationship between Universal Robots, his mother does not have to cook the meals at home.

So my mother is completely free. As a half-life farm work, she must not be able to sit still, so the vegetable garden at home has become an important place for my mother to pass the time.

People are so contradictory. Before working hard, I felt that I was living like a cow and a horse. When I was really idle, I felt tired. I always wanted to find something to do. Even he couldn't persuade him.

Although Ye Ziqin is studying in the county, it is very close to home, and the family has a car, but she is not willing to go home every day, and she also goes home for a day on weekends.

His mother complained a little about this, but Ye Zishu thought it was normal, as the child would not stay at home when he was older, and would like to run outside even if he had nothing to do.

Fortunately, the quietness of the village did not affect him. Apart from work, he wandered around the village every day, and occasionally went to the private laboratory to see the construction situation.

Now the general-purpose robot has been arranged for construction here, and the previous workers have been replaced. The earthwork is basically over, and preparations for the formal construction have begun. The use of general-purpose robots is more confidential.

It is not easy to design two super large airliners. If it is a brand-new technical system, it will be simpler, just like drawing on a blank sheet of paper, without so many worries.

It's just that doing so will cause serious waste, and the production cost will be high. Both market competitiveness and corporate profits will be relatively low, which is not cost-effective.

He needs to realize the design of two super-large airliners on the basis of the previous industrial chain, and make the previous technologies and parts as common as possible, so that both production and maintenance will be much better.

Previously, he provided two types of airliner engines, one for regional airliners, with relatively small thrust, but economical and fuel-efficient, which is very suitable for low-cost operations in small places.

The other is an engine with relatively high thrust. Two engines are enough for ordinary mainline airliners, and four such engines are enough for large mainline airliners.

However, this relatively high-thrust engine is a bit powerless to drive a super-large passenger aircraft. When it was originally designed, it was specially designed in consideration of economy.

Therefore, the two super-large airliners require him to provide engines with greater thrust. Considering that there are too many engines, which is not conducive to maintenance, they cannot be installed too many.

So he redesigned two engines with higher thrust within the existing technical system, so that only 800 engines are enough for 1500-seat and 4-seat super-large airliners.

In terms of internal structure design, there is actually not much room for improvement, just like the 500-seat airliner he designed before, which is not much different from the B747 on the whole, but there are differences in details.

The design of the 800-seat passenger plane this time only changed the front one-and-a-half-story layout to a complete two-story layout, and the body is wider. Only in this way can more than 800 passengers have a more comfortable ride experience.

In the design of a 1500-seat airliner, there are actually not many choices. We can only start from three aspects. The first one is to turn the aircraft into a three-story structure to increase space from the height.

The second is that the aircraft has become wider. If the height is simply increased without increasing the width, it will be uncoordinated as a whole and the aerodynamic layout will be unreasonable.

The third is that the length of the aircraft has also increased. Only by increasing the three-dimensional space can more than 1500 passengers be accommodated in a more comfortable way.

Other aspects of the design can follow the previous approach, such as the use of variable wings for the wings, which has many benefits.

One is that it can adapt to a variety of flight attitudes. Although this function is more suitable for military fighter jets, it also has a great effect when used on passenger planes.

The second is more economical. The variable wing can intelligently change the attitude of the wing according to the current high-air flow conditions to make full use of the high-air flow and save fuel.

The third is more stable. The variable wing can use the high air flow to achieve the goal as much as possible when the flight attitude is stable.

The fourth is a longer service life. Since the variable wing can be adjusted intelligently, no matter what the weather environment is, it can take advantage of the opportunity to reduce the fatigue of the fuselage by reducing confrontation, and the service life is naturally longer.

Fifth, safe take-off and landing can be achieved under severe weather conditions, especially landing, which is the most frequent stage of aircraft accidents. As long as this problem can be solved, the aircraft accident rate will be greatly reduced.

The variable wing can be adjusted in time in the case of sudden airflow at low altitudes to avoid major accidents, and at least it can be lifted into the air again.

Moreover, the variable wing is also one of the necessary conditions for intelligent landing. If timely adjustments cannot be made according to the current airflow, the intelligent landing method will make people very uneasy.

Of course, the variable wing has many advantages, but it is also very difficult. This technology is only used first on fighter jets, and in his opinion, it is not very mature.

What's more, super-large passenger aircraft is unprecedented. It is difficult to manufacture, difficult to control, and the cost is much higher. It is not the optimal solution for aviation manufacturing enterprises.

Huanyu Group provides two grades of choice. If it is a normal model, there is no need for variable wings, because the degree of intelligence is not high, and the effect of variable wings is not great. It is better to use fixed wings, at least the cost is relatively high. Low.

If it is a smart model, it must be equipped with variable wings, otherwise the so-called high intelligence will lose important selling points, and I believe airlines will not agree.

According to his calculations, Huanyu Group's ordinary passenger aircraft can save about 20% of fuel compared with the same type of passenger aircraft of the other two aviation manufacturers.

The reason is that the aero-engine he gave to Huanyu Group is more advanced, which not only improves fuel efficiency, but also realizes the intelligent dynamic output mechanism of the engine, and the power output is always just right.

If it is a smart technology, it is more excellent in terms of energy saving, saving more than 30% compared with the existing passenger aircraft of the same type. If the high air flow is very suitable, it is possible to save energy by up to 40%.

Not to mention the application of other advanced technologies, the energy saving alone has attracted the attention of airlines. The consumption of aviation fuel is the biggest cost in the process of air transportation.

Such an advanced technology will naturally continue to be used. It can be said that for a long period of time, the advanced variable wing will be the unique secret of the Huanyu Group's airliner.

In addition, there are many advanced technologies to ensure the comfortable experience of passengers, such as intelligent cabin pressure-changing technology, which can avoid temporary hearing loss and eardrum pain caused to some passengers during take-off and landing of passenger aircraft.

There is also a cabin balance gyro system, which can ensure that passengers in the cabin cannot perceive when the aircraft rolls slightly, further improving ride comfort.

Of course, this is based on the double-layer structure design adopted by Huanyu Group's passenger aircraft as a whole. The cabin and the outer layer of the fuselage are not integrated, but divided into inner and outer layers.

The purpose of this design at the beginning was to prevent problems at high altitudes. If a safe landing cannot be achieved, the inner layer can be directly separated, and then a super-large parachute can be used to allow the inner cabin to land safely.

The parachute is also made of special materials, not only has a long service life, but also is as thin as a cicada's wing, full of toughness, can withstand huge pulling force, and does not require much space.

Of course, this is a last resort. In general, there is no need to do this. If there is a problem with the shell, as long as it is not large, it will not spread to the cabin, and it can still be dragged to a nearby airport for an emergency landing.

As long as the passenger plane does not explode instantly, the lives of the passengers on the passenger plane can be guaranteed. It can be said that it is the safest passenger plane. Of course, the cost is also higher.

Therefore, in order to increase market competitiveness and avoid the price factor becoming an obstacle to market promotion, Huanyu Group will not force customers to accept smart passenger planes, which is against itself.

This is the biggest difference between the ordinary model and the smart model. The ordinary model adopts the world-wide practice. Huanyu Group can achieve a much lower cost than the other two companies of the same type of passenger aircraft, and the market competitiveness is very high.

The smart model is used to develop the high-end market, and I don’t know if other airlines will buy it. Anyway, Wancheng Jiye’s airlines will definitely choose this model.

The price of the smart model is about 50% higher than that of the ordinary model, but in terms of fuel economy and insurance premiums, it can save airlines greater costs, and at the same time attract passengers who are afraid of flying.

Airlines can choose according to their own business positioning. If it is a low-cost airline, it is still very cost-effective to buy ordinary airlines. At least it can save a lot of money in terms of fuel economy.

The biggest advantage of a smart airliner is actually the integration of man and machine. Through the intelligent system, you can know all kinds of conditions of the entire airliner and control it freely, so the requirements for the driver are not so high.

The variable wing material he gave in the past is not a big problem when used on previous models, but for this kind of super large passenger aircraft, the use of previous materials is insufficient.

In fact, it is not only the wing material, but there are many other materials that need to be replaced with better ones. Fortunately, the material changes are relatively large, and many internal structures and parts can still use the previous plan.

It took Yeshu a week to design the two super-large airliners, and then conducted a 10-hour test through the simulation system. Faced with various environments, they all worked well, so he was relieved to hand them over to Huanyu Group.

The 10 hours mentioned here is simulated by the system, not the real test of 10 hours. In that case, it will take more than ten years to complete the test.

Huanyu Group is also very interesting. After getting the design drawing from Ye Zishu, they made a rendering based on the design drawing and announced it directly on their social accounts.

If it was changed to before, they would never do this. They didn't even disclose any effective information about the first three passenger aircraft, and everyone still doesn't know what they look like.

The reason for doing this is mainly to show their strength. Only when they can build passenger planes that others cannot, can they show that their technology is at the top of the industry and unique.

In order to reflect the size of the two ultra-large airliners, they also added reference objects. Standing in front of these two airliners, people appear very small, and the giants in the sky are properly reflected.

The appearance of the renderings made the netizens who were eating melons change from ridicule to anticipation. Everyone is looking forward to the airworthiness of these two airliners as soon as possible, so that they can experience it.

The airline company looked at it and wondered whether it should wait. It seems that Huanyu Group does have strength, and it is not just bragging. It can wait for non-emergency needs, and the worst is to lease the aircraft for operation.

There are also some airlines who seem to be watching the excitement, and publicly stand up and shout that if Huanyu Group really builds these two passenger planes, they will place at least 100 orders.

And this airline is Emirates, the largest buyer of the a380 in the previous life. Although everyone is a little surprised by their public announcement, they will not be particularly surprised.

In the past two years, international energy prices have continued to rise. As an oil-producing country, it is natural to make a lot of money. They have the money to buy such a luxurious airliner.

And this is also related to their industrial development positioning. What they want is full of local tyrants, so that everyone who goes to them can feel full of money.

Since they cooperated so well, Huanyu Group naturally responded positively, and directly shouted on their social accounts: "Then prepare the money as soon as possible, and I will be able to meet you in a short time!"

The research and development cycle of a super-large passenger aircraft like this is very long. Although the renderings are very shocking, the two major airlines are not very worried, but are worried about the current model of Huanyu Group.

Huanyu Group's public response revealed the important news, that is, they seem to have been secretly developing it for a long time, and it will take a first flight soon.

This is different from what they think. If these two airliners really appear on the market in the past two years, it will be tantamount to dropping two super bombs on the global aviation field.

It is not to say how much market share these two airliners can occupy, but behind this represents more advanced airliner manufacturing technology, so many airlines will choose to cooperate with Oneworld Group.

This will promote the sales of other models. Regardless of the future, it is necessary for airlines to establish contact with the most advanced aviation manufacturing companies.

Although the airline is the buyer, it also depends on the actual situation. When there is only one seller, the dependency relationship sometimes reverses.

Faced with this sudden change, the two major aviation giants are left with two choices. The first choice is to keep silent and ignore the news.

The second option is to announce to the outside world that it will also develop similar models, so that it can stabilize its old customers, prevent them from defecting in advance, or reduce the purchase of passenger aircraft.

It's just that neither of these two methods is perfect. The first one is the worst. Some people think they dismiss it, and some people think they have no choice but to acquiesce.

The second type is slightly better, but no one knows whether they can manufacture it and whether it can achieve the same performance. If it fails to meet expectations, let alone making money, huge losses may affect the normal operation of the company. .

The research and development costs of these two airliners are destined to be very high, and the total is estimated to be as high as hundreds of billions of dollars. Whether they will follow or not is a very tangled issue.

In the end, they decided to procrastinate. In fact, they don't really believe that Huanyu Group can really do it. If they are fooled, they can avoid being fooled.

Therefore, the two companies released information tacitly, believing that it is necessary to evaluate the research and development projects of larger passenger aircraft, and they use evaluation rather than certain research and development.

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